Operation Disclosure | By Grant Ouellette, Contributing Writer December 20, 2020 Image from zetatalk.com This is a follow up to my article ...

Operation Disclosure | By Grant Ouellette, Contributing Writer
December 20, 2020
Image from zetatalk.com
This is a follow up to my article ‘Zeta Talk 708, New Madrid and the Humming Phenomenon’ at
My article mentions loud booms around the globe which had no verified source(s).
The links to two Dec 2020 articles below report more unexplained booming around the world.
Zeta Talk 741
The Zeta Talk Newsletter Issue 741, Sunday Dec 13, 2020 suggests that the reason that monoliths have been appearing around the world is to delay the New Madrid fault adjustment that was predicted for Dec 2020. Info is also given on mysterious seismic blips, power plants and dams.
The New Madrid adjustment is now predicted for 2021, maybe April.
Federation of Light and the Monoliths
This channel by Blossom Goodchild goes deeper into the recent monolith phenomena.
Zeta Talk 742
This Dec 20, 2020 issue has pictures of Niburu which is said to become visible to the world in January 2021, so can no longer be hidden by governments. The monoliths are discussed again, as well as the Arecibo Observatory collapse in Puerto Rico and problems with the Panama Canal both from tectonic plates shifting and the predicted sinking of Panama.
So it looks like the New Madrid adjustment will happen soon after we are ridded of the cabal.
Similar events will happen worldwide.
There have been lots of theories and predictions about Niburu for decades. The apparent genius at the site below believes Niburu will hit Earth.
In any case, from a light being or eternal soul perspective I understand that by Spring 2020 many Earthlings will have finished their consciousness lessons at The Universe City called The Earth Project and will be moving on, so the world population will go down. Further, rounded to the closest percentage, 2% of the population will not achieve ascension, 2% are lost to the darkness and will choose a light being permanent death, and 96% will ascend in 3 or 5 waves (info from various channels including %’s from Prime Creator).
Compassion is the key for ascension so opportunities to choose to act compassionately must arise.
Given that most humans have that innate characteristic to help someone in need, the predicted global disaster will stir thoughts, feelings and actions in just the direction needed to finish our project thus achieving the ultimate goal of returning to God from the lower dimensions behind the veil.
_ _ . _
On a much lighter note, this is the poem I wrote for my Mother this Christmas. She likes Johnny Cash.
The word ‘shone’ can be pronounced in two ways: like shown which makes sense for the Sun has shown us what we have seen, and like the name Shawn, as I learned in childhood and use for rhyming herein.
‘Mantic’ means relating to divination or prophecy.
My last name is French so the ‘ou’ is pronounced like a ‘w’ as in ‘oui’ (Ouellette = Well let).
Shimmer the Snowflake Angel
Every Christmas Five Feather’s floating light
Brings all snowflake families together
Shimmering in the cold weather
They form into circles
Wavering Pinks and Purples
Blinking Indigoes
Strobing Emerald-Fringed Gold
Telling tales and legends of old
This one under the moonlight
Once upon time
There was, is and always shall be
Shimmer the Snowflake Angel
As I looked out across lamp lit Luna Lake Lane
A sprinkling of snowflakes shifted across the window pane
Shifting and shaking as they passed
Skimming the window glass
Shimmering shenanigans!
I couldn’t believe my eyes
For one snowflake gave me a surprise
Her ice crystal body of snow
Was here for three nights in a row
I slipped on my coat and stepped outside
‘There you are’ I cried
Now Snowflake Angels don’t have a word for hi
Nor do they have a word for goodbye
So Shimmer would glimmer
Brighter then dimmer
As she turned from pure white to pink
Shimmer gave me a magical wink
Somehow my eyes went out of focus
My head felt all hocus pocus
I heard her Koo Kumara Ra
I couldn’t believe what I saw
Suddenly I was a blue snowflake
Catching myself in a double take
Holy Angel! God Almighty!
I was flashing in and out of sighty
My DNA had gained a cool gene
So I danced a snowflake routine
Then some distance cousins from down the line
Showed up sharing in the snowflake shine
The Snowflake Family, last name Shake
And a quality snowflake, first name Quake
Wearing shiny golden pants
They did the famous snowflake dance
‘Shimmer and Two Shakes’
Shimmer on my nose
Two Shakes on my toes
That was last year
That I hold dear
When Shimmer came here
Now it’s the first snowfall
Winter’s wizardly white call
I don my snow gear
Stepping outside I hear
Angels singing O so clear
A water sphere
A glad tear
A lovelight spear
Makes my heart cheer
‘Well bless the reindeer
Shimmer is here
For Christmas this year’
Shimmer is a soft slightly wavering sight
She shines with a soft tremulous light
She is made out of trust
And white halo star dust
I stepped out on Christmas night
Wondering about the snowflakes’ light
When above the white pine tree
Shimmer had a gift for me
The snowflakes flashed like a neon sign
‘Merry Christmas Sunshine’
Mimzy in mind I wrote in snow gel
I love you Shimmer
Beautiful Snowflake Angel
Shimmer took me by the hand
And we joined with the snowflake band
We sang our way into the sky
Where Shimmer taught me how to fly
Snowflake Angels up on high
Trees dusted with soft snowflakes
Painting a perfect polar take
Gleam, glitter, glint and glisten
Hear them whisper, listen
Shine, shine Shimmer
Shine, shine Shimmer
Hear those Christmas bells
O those Christmas bells
O so happy, mantic and kind
Ringing through the fabric of time
Then Snowflake Angel Johnny crashed right in
“Grant he shone beige, Shimmer shone amber
Me and Little Mama would join right in there
Shining seems to keep a family whole
One of these days and it will belong
I’ll conjoin them in a song
I’m gonna join the family circle at the dawn
O no, the circle won’t be broken
Shine and shine Shimmer shine and shine
Grant he shone beige, Shimmer shone amber
Joyful Little Johnny would join right in there
In the sky Shimmering the sky”
Then Quake sang a song
Here’s how it goes
Shimmer landed upon Santa’s nose
Then she danced down his clothes
His vest, his sleeve, his red elbows
She slid down to black boot toes
Where Shimmer froze in a smiley pose
The Shakes sang out a chorus of O’s
Off we soared above the world that night
Sailing in the Creator’s light
Flimmering free
Shimmer and me
I slipped through the pink portal
Becoming eternal and immortal
No illusion, no hologram
A Snowflake Angel I am
Pirouette Ouellette
Now Shimmer and me duet
Singing songs from Nat King Cole
Every year at the North Pole
Finally one day she flies far away
And she shines happily ever after
Now yesterday and today
I’m with my beloved belle
Shimmer the Snowflake Angel
Merry Christmas
Love Grant 2020
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