(Images from Bing and / or Wordpress.com) Operation Disclosure | By Grant Ouellette, Contributor May 16, 2020 Many web sources show...

(Images from Bing and / or Wordpress.com)
Operation Disclosure | By Grant Ouellette, Contributor
May 16, 2020
Many web sources show the New Madrid, Missouri fault and a line to the St. Lawrence Seaway. The Zeta Talk newsletter 708 predicts the opening up of a ‘rip zone’ along the seaway all the way to Chicago with the eastern part of the US moving northeast.
ZetaTalk Analysis 4/30/2020: We have detailed the degree to which the St. Lawrence Seaway and the states running along south of the Seaway will participate during the New Madrid adjustment. The Seaway is already ripping open all the way to the Black Hills, and will do so again, though not to the degree anticipated for the Pole Shift adjustment. The New Madrid Fault Line turns toward the East when it reaches the Chicago area, and runs along under the Seaway all the way to the New England region. Thus Detroit and Cleveland will both be affected when the big New Madrid adjustment occurs. The Detroit UFO display shows an expanding line, moving at both ends of the display. Detroit already has a persistent hum, as it is ripping apart along the course of the river between the Great Lakes on either side – Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Cleveland is directly on the Seaway, and will find sloshing water from the widening Seaway to be a rapidly diminishing problem. Thus the UFO display in Cleveland seems to disappear. Do these displays, coming at this time, mean the New Madrid rip is close at hand? Yes.
The New Madrid Adjustment
For over 10 years evidence has amassed of strange humming sounds along or near the path described by Zeta Talk, and unknown loud booms as well. Below are many links to evidence that seems to support the prediction, knowing The Hum Phenomenon is worldwide. I present this west to east from near the Black Hills through the Chicago vicinity and continuing eastward through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway, then go down through the other states sort of north to south.
I tried to find something for most states in or to be affecting by the New Madrid adjustment. Most of the links below are individual recordings of The Hum, with some news hits thrown in.
At thehum.info website there is a world map showing North America hum reports.
Montana 2012
North Dakota 2017
South Dakota 2012
Saskatchewan 2018
Winnipeg, Manitoba 2012
Des Moines, Iowa 2016
Clintonville, Wisconsin had reports of trumpet like sounds in 2012. This could be the ground ripping below them, and this is 220 miles north up the side of Lake Michigan from Chicago – the western end of where the new seaway will rip open according to the newsletter.
Wisconsin 2015
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOngbi8UQ9s
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6uKsQO2I5Y
Chicago, Illinois
This website’s map shows earthquakes both east and west of Chicago dated 5 and 10 years ago.
Michigan 2019
Escanaba, Michigan had a strange power plant explosion in 2015 with analysis showing a visible beam of energy going up into the sky from the burning station.
Windsor, Ontario is just south of Detroit and according to this 2018 news report there is a group of 2,000 people who came together because of the sounds. A sophisticated system has been set up recording the sounds.
The UnXplained (2019) TV series narrated by William Shatner Episode 4 with original air date 09-08-2019 has a section about ‘The Hum’ in Windsor ON. Special guest George Noory, Radio Host of Coast to Coast AM and with appearances on Ancient Aliens tells us: I was born in Detroit and I would go to Windsor during my days as a reporter. People are hearing a strange hum that affects them. It literally drives them crazy – and nobody’s been able to pinpoint exactly what is happening.
Colin Novak, Assoc. Prof. of Acoustics, Univ. of Windsor, PH. D. narrates: Most people would describe it as a frequency, modulating sound, or they’d characterize it as a large diesel truck or even a train locomotive parked outside their window chugging away.
Residents give statements:
Mike Provost: Sometimes I get a rumble, like almost thunder. It changes … sometimes 4 hours, 4 days, 4 weeks … sometimes its non-stop – pulsing and pounding.
Drew Truax: It has a little grind to it, as well.
Tonya Mackie: Like a voom, voom – feeling and hearing it.
Another description is given as ‘a low-level humming sound – keeping people awake, affecting health.
The show mentions that there has been an increase in seismic activity in Detroit – windows rattling in Detroit and Windsor.
Shatner ends: I had my own starship … until I was Hum out to dry – The UnXplained.
Across the Pond, The Sun, A News UK Company picked up the Windsor Hum story.
Windsor’s main street is Ouellette Avenue.
This website shows earthquakes happening at the west end of Lake Erie near Detroit and Windsor 2011 to ~now. This is an increase in activity. Holy Toledo!
Ohio 2016
This compilation from across the world has a hum recording in April 2020 in Ohio USA – fast forward to 3:30.
Pennsylvania 2017
Kitchener Ontario 2012
Cambridge Ontario 2014
Mississauga Ontario 2012
Vaughan = part of Greater Toronto Area March 2020
Parry Sound Ontario on Georgian Bay, Lake Huron Oct 2018
January 2019 Scranton, Pennsylvania had strange sounds waking people.
Buffalo, NY in 2102 gave us this 10 second clip with the pet dog freaking out.
This website’s map shows a cluster of small earthquakes at the west end of Lake Ontario and near Buffalo.
Pickering Ontario 2019 trumpet sounds – east of Toronto on Lake Ontario
Quebec and Vermont
Montreal, Quebec is on the St. Lawrence River and there are youtube recordings of hum sounds there (1 link below). Montreal is directly north of Lake Champlain and the Vermont –New York state border.
This website’s map shows a cluster of small earthquakes on the both the west and east sides of Lake Champlain with very recent ones on the east side. (Zoom out one time to see Montreal)
Montreal, Quebec
2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDBV6uveQ-w
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_jxXUSgwAc
Quebec 2016
Vermont 2014
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGqNd8J_Ezg (weak recording but some hum)
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia 2012 Here’s a good recording in the middle of farm country, 38 meters above sea level.
Newfoundland 2016
The humming phenomenon is large on the web. Not all reports are on the Zeta Talk ‘rip zone’ though.
Here’s the Saint John, New Brunswick map that shows a cluster of small quakes over the last 2 years.
Portland Maine has a sort of ring of minor quakes about 40 or 50 miles away from the city in the last 2 years.
Queens New York City 2018 had similar sounds. New York will move north-east per Zeta Talk prediction.
New Jersey 2018
Rhode Island 2019
Connecticut 2015
Baltimore, Maryland 2014
Massachusetts 2015
South Philly unknown boom 2019
Virginia 2017
The Kokomo Hum started in 1999 making people sick. A large unknown boom occurred in 2008. There are UFO sightings here as well. The 2010 Indiana 3.8 earthquake was near Kokomo and Greentown.
Kentucky February 2020
2018 strange noises passed off as ‘Frost Quakes’ on the news – would not be unusual as explained.
Indiana is close to Chicago and conveniently located for the split south to New Madrid, Missouri.
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxL5ZlBGGUo
2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5gdG06iXbE
Indiana and Kentucky 2013 unknown loud booms on the TV news
Arkansas has some hum videos on youtube for 2012 and 2014, but the two I watched had weak sound.
2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dIG3sWhyuc
2013 El Paso https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhfQaK5EVis
Unknown boom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BEVI7YCNlE
2018 Dallas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1sMLqPIyAo
2019 Houston https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gyrH7zINek
March 2020 San Antonio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEQuJDllsBY
Taos, New Mexico 2006 where 2 continental plates meet. This video reports the hum worldwide that year.
Albuquerque, New Mexico 2017
Nashville Tennessee March 2020
North Carolina
2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhcqywS34Hg
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbjsQWe76Tk
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DWJm2rWabU
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raWCAmPfivE
2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvnHyU8e1c8
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OttxeGY7__Y
2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9uO4N1poYA
Here’s a map of quakes around Oklahoma City with 10 quakes in the last 9 days (as of May 12 2020).
Wikipedia lists major US quakes back to 1700
Omitting areas not in the Zeta Talk rip zone shortens the list to:
1811 Missouri
1843 Arkansas
1867 Kansas
1884 New York
1895 Missouri
1909 Indiana
1940 New Hampshire (Dec 20)
1940 New Hampshire (Dec 24)
1968 Illinois
1998 Pennsylvania
2008 Illinois
2011 Oklahoma
2016 Oklahoma
For Canada as follows:
1663 Charlevoix, Quebec (on St. Lawrence 80 km east of Quebec City)
1732 Montreal
1791 Charlevoix
1860 Charlevoix
1870 Charlevoix
1925 Charlevoix
1944 Cornwall, ON / Massena, NY
1997 Quebec City
Channels tell us the Pleiadians have been using their technology helping Mother Earth hold from shaking too much for many years, but not indefinitely – pressure has to be released at some point.
Given that the leader of every nation on Earth has been contacted by friendlies from the sky, are we in a test run for New Madrid and other surface changes to our dear Mother Terra?
Atlantis – pyramids at the bottom of the oceans near Bimini and also near Japan – the great flood – it happened before.
Will the governments warn the populations or is this it?
Those ghost cities in China may be filled soon enough.
Pole Shift
A later Zeta Talk’s newsletter points at Nibiru’s gravitational effect as a cause for the expected Earth changes. This is what the Egyptian’s called The Destroyer and orbits around to Earth every 3,600 years – the volcano Thera blew up on Santorini 3,600 years ago with ‘effet terrible’.
‘The World Before Time’ is the title to Ancient Aliens episode 5240 original air date 06-03-2020 starring Robert Clotworthy (some last name) – Shocking new evidence reveals that advanced civilizations might have existed on Earth.
The show refers to The Golden Era when gods mingled with men. The cave drawings of the Birdman of Lascaux in France are compared to those of the birdman with men in Indonesia and to the Anunnaki with wings.
Next comes a Dr. Carlotto 2020 update suggesting that many ancient structures are far older than archaeologists say.
He notes that many ancient structures are built with walls aligned to the North Pole and cardinal directions.
One scene goes into 1950’s scientist Charles Hapgood’s (Harvard) proposed Crustal Displacement Theory whereby instead of slow steady movement of the Earth’s thin crust, at certain moments in history there is quick movement – the crusts suddenly and rapidly shift positions and in the process / as a result, the positions of the poles shift. The crust can slip causing cataclysmic changes.
Hapgood is introduced and has found that there were 3 locations of the poles in the last 100,000 years based on:
The Western Wall Jerusalem, Parthenon Greece, Temple of Jupiter Lebanon, Ollantaytambo Peru and the Valley of the Sun Mexico are / have structures aligned with north poles at either the eastern side of Hudson’s Bay 50,000 years ago or with a spot in the Bering Strait 100,000 years ago; and structures in Baalbek align with a pole location in Northern Greenland.
The 5 ages of the Aztecs could correspond to pole shifts.
The episode continues giving evidence found underwater.
Canadian explorer Paulina Zelitsky and team found a pyramid and city of 2 square kilometers 2,000 feet below the surface of the Caribbean Sea at Pinar Del Rio off the west side of Cuba which have to be 50,000 years old for the sea levels to be that low.
Other sunken ruin sites include Lake Titicaca, Peru, off Yonaguni, Japan, the finding of the City of Dwarka, home of Krishna, off of India, and the over 200 cities underneath the Mediterranean Sea.
The seas and continents were different than today and few or no good maps remain.
Other tidbits given:
Dr. Schoch says that subsurface weathering on the Sphinx is from water indicating it is at least 10,000 years old.
Around 9,700 BCE global temperatures went up causing sea levels to rise and greater precipitation.
About 13,000 years ago a thick layer of ash was deposited in the soil worldwide – a solar outburst might have happened.
The Dead Sea Scrolls say that Noah’s Ark was a pyramid.
The Book of Enoch and the Hitat have the Great Pyramid existing before the great flood.
There are pyramid structures in moon craters and on Mars.
Other Pieces to the Puzzle

The Photon Belt (image from Bing)
I understand that we had a full-bump when we left the Photon Belt and its high energy circa the fall of Atlantis, and that we are to get a half-bump going up in energy as we enter the belt now.
According to the Pleiadians (through Barbara Marciniak) there is a center to all things. I add the idea of an ellipse with 2 focal points – New Madrid and Windsor / Detroit – or more likely, more focal points in a more elaborate geometry, with the center well below. They also say our planet did not cool ‘right’ and is still cooling (An island cooling in the sea) – volcanoes / the Ring of Fire as evidence.
Kryon puts a positive spin on that warmth given the predicted early arrival of the next ice age, saying all we need to do is drill down something like 5 kilometers and we’ll access all the heat we need; convertible to other energy forms.
There is only One Energy, and It is quantum in nature. Using electricity as a model, the potential builds until the voltage is cranked up and the stream jumps the gap and the event, be it lights or a machine coming on or lightning in the sky, occurs. Kryon through Lee Carroll teaches quantum is not linear, so expecting or waiting for a linear buildup of energies seem ludicrous to me. The whole rip zone is described as a bow in tension, about to release (an arrow), quickly like in Hapgood’s theory mentioned above.
The rip zone shape is curved like part of a circle. Kryon says a circle is a legitimate shape – just look at the Flower of Life based on intersecting circles and from which all shapes can be derived. I see The Hum data as a model to use in recording and understanding this quantum quality of those phenomenon on an assumed linear timeline – looking for a pattern(s) or system(s) in the data, a mirror of it, perhaps similar to the way a voice or video recording is accomplished.
From David Wilcock, one of the main archetypes on Earth is the hero. 7 main archetypes across 7 billion people boils down to opportunities for a billion heroes on An Unexpected Journey.
Bible quote: 1 Corinthians 15:52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet – for the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
From Zeta Talk: The Seaway will rip open again … though not to a degree necessary for the Pole Shift adjustment.
It sounds like at least 2 adjustments are coming, the New Madrid, and then at least one of a higher degree.
Quantum love and light
I moved to over 600 feet above sea level 6 years ago.
New Madrid’s a Humdinger
Early Bell Ringer
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