Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer December 13, 2020 Sky News Australia breaks the story of nearly TWO MILLION Chin...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
December 13, 2020
Sky News Australia breaks the story of nearly TWO MILLION Chinese spies embedded in companies in Australia, UK and USA. This little video is essential viewing.
The Chinese spy story might be the catalyst that takes down social media. Cue incoming [D]eep [S]tate PANIC.Major leak containing a register of nearly 2 MILLION CCP operatives has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world (Australia, UK, USA) in key positions in business & government. Believed to be the 1st leak of its kind in the world.https://t.co/V6veCLWO0a pic.twitter.com/tWb40oOHJk
— TheSharpEdge (@TheSharpEdge1) December 13, 2020
Photographic evidence of twenty US Governors with ties to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).You know it.
— We The Inevitable (@WeTheInevitable) December 13, 2020
Don’t worry , we the people will spread this info- happily. https://t.co/w1EN1tCFQH
Chilling news for the traitorous [D]eep [S]tate - new forms of execution to be implemented from Christmas Eve.Infiltration instead of invasion. https://t.co/3f5vqICF0J
— anonymous patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@anonpatriotq) December 13, 2020
Christmas Eve is a significant Alliance marker. It is General Flynn's birthday. Merry Christmas, World Patriots.@stormypatriot21 🏼 https://t.co/8uLuZLCIZy
— Pepes Army Of Frogs (@RedWaveWWG1) December 13, 2020
Ron/Code Monkey is right. The election situation could change overnight if/when POTUS triggers the 2018 EO.3 things to know / check
— stormypatriotjoe ⚡️🇺🇸 (@stormypatriot21) December 13, 2020
1. @GenFlynn Bday is 12/24
2. We have winter “Storm Flynn”
3. Check the Xmas / Christmas Q drops. I’ve rolled thru them here
But go to Q https://t.co/Ddun8VSTce
And search Xmas & Christmas
And you’ll see what’s coming
God Bless & Merry Christmas pic.twitter.com/LmgcNGc1D0
Lin Wood is blunt about the perpetrators of the election fraud - he listed them in this explosive tweet.Things will simply change overnight if the 2018EO comes back with proof of foreign collusion and is acted upon. https://t.co/u1dDxLO17i
— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 13, 2020
This brilliant 18 minute video is an excellent summary of the election fraud. Please pass it on.CCP & 1000’s of US citizens worked together to try to steal 2020 election at top of ticket & selected down ballot races. Serbia, Canada, Venezuela, Cuba, CIA, George Soros, Bill Gates, Biden, Clinton Foundation & many national state & local officials from both parties involved.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 13, 2020
Great news from the Netherlands - 87,000 nurses refuse to take the COVI-D vaccine. Healthcare workers refusing to take the vaccine is a huge wake-up call for the general population.
Here is PROOF of the Scamdemic - LESS deaths in USA this year than previous years.In The Netherlands 87,000 nurses are refusing to take the Hoax Vaccine..
— Veritas News Feed (@veritasnewsfeed) December 13, 2020
I hope it’s the same elsewhere around the World.. pic.twitter.com/GT44GXzjxc
Finally, this meme says everything the WORLD needs to know about the COVI_D vaccine.#scamDEMic https://t.co/Q675WISUpo
— #ReleaseTheKRAKEN BrunoBarking (@Bruno062418) December 13, 2020
I believe the military vaccine roll-out is cover for the mass arrest operation. No one will be suspicious when they see military swarming all over the country. They will assume it's the vaccine operation. Checkmate.I thought That immediately pic.twitter.com/G6cgN6shO3
— PJ Hoover (@hoover_pj) December 13, 2020
We have entered the crucial window between 12:12 and the Solstice at 21:12. The energies are very intense. It is not your imagination. I am experiencing bizarre situations that cause me to shake my head. Anything is possible - people are struggling to assimilate the massive inflow of Light.
Stay calm. All is well.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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