Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer December 18, 2020 THE GERMAN ENIGMA MACHINE Compliments of the Lifschultz O...

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer
December 18, 2020
Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899
Dear George:
Henry Stimson said: "Gentlemen do not read each other's mail." He was old school.
Delilah was another spy though some interpreters say Rahab was not a whore but an inn keeper.
The allies won at Normandy because they were able to break the German Enigma Machine codes based on the decoding information sent to them by General Fellgiebel. The Brits covered this up by saying a homosexual at Bleachley Park broke the code but this was not true. My father's OSS friends told me that General Fellgiebel also wired the German war plans to the Red Three in Geneva who wired them to the Centre (Stalin) as the British could not pick up the wireless signals from that distance.
This was considered by western Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower to have been "decisive" to Allied victory.
My father's OSS friends also said that Roosevelt sat on the Japanese decrypts as he wanted an excuse to enter the war, and this was why he cut off over 90% of Japanese oil imports forcing them to attack. This was Roosevelt's way of going around the overwhelming opinion in the US that we should not enter World War Two. Roosevelt saw that at Port Arthur where they launched a surprise attack so he expected the attack on Pearl Harbor.
I was sitting with some current CIA folks at a luncheon at the Harvard Club where Admiral William J. Fallon spoke and we were talking about how Roosevelt had sat on the decrypts which they said was widely known at the company even then. I asked Fallon a question about the US restarting the heroin operations under the CIA and he turned white as a ghost. He did not know what hit him. Of course, he denied it in a rambling answer that was totally false that seemed never to end.
This William Casey work "The Secret War Against Hitler" is quite interesting though you can reduce most of it to one sentence. The German traitor General Fellgiebel gave the "Enigma" secrets to the British which cost the Germans the war losing ten thousand men per day at the height of the war as they were able to listen in on every wireless message of the German High Command during the war and was the chief source of the Allied victory. Colonel General Jodl said at Nuremberg that the allies had the plans before he did.
Alfred Josef Ferdinand Jodl was a German Generaloberst who served as the Chief of the Operations Staff of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the German Armed Forces High Command, throughout World War II.
All the major victories of Napoleon, or Hannibal, etc. could not have been achieved under such circumstances, and Napoleon learned that hard lesson at Waterloo when James Rothschild bribed Marshall Grouchy not to show up at the battle. General Compte de Gerard argued in Grouchy's tent that the rule of war was to follow the cannon but Grouchy said he would follow Napoleon's written instruction to pursue Marshall Blucher. Napoleon at St. Helena called Grouchy's action treason or stupidity.
In Napoleon's day military intelligence consisted of three sources. One was the use of the cavalry for reconnaissance and the other was to follow the sound of the cannon as the signal to concentrate forces. Of course, there was the use of spies.
Casey does not identify Fellgiebel as the source but a decrypter at Bletchley Park so as to avoid the fact that Germany was again stabbed in the back as in World War One. Since the eastern front was beyond the intercept capacity of the British, Fellgiebel wired the high command decisions to the Red Three-Lucy in Geneva who relayed it to Stalin within 24 hours so he had the plans on the coming battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, etc. way in advance.
Hitler only achieved surprise at the Battle of the Bulge because he did not allow wireless transmission and Casey acknowledged the truth of that. Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg planted the bomb next to Hitler at headquarters helped by Fellgiebel though Stauffenberg did not know about Fellgiebel's treason that cost Germany the Stalingrad battle that Stauffenberg blamed Hitler over. This is the same Staufenberg who danced at Hitler becoming Chancellor as he thought as a devout Catholic that this would end the mass sodomy and abortion murder in Germany through this national revolution. This should be a lesson for those who have in a similar manner have morally destroyed the US. Hitler could have brought back von Kleist's panzer armies driving toward the Russian oil that were close by to Stalingrad for a massive counterattack on one side with von Manstein on the other which would have created a victory but he had no way of knowing then of Fellgiebel's treason. Field Marshall Fritz Erich von Manstein's rescue plans were routed to Stalin via the Red Three-Lucy and therefore had no chance. Stalin lost his source when Fellgiebel was implicated in the assassination plot when he interrupted communications with Berlin during the assassination attempt and was hanged.
As to spy craft, Ian Fleming was quite accurate about certain spies. One of my father's friends was an OSS member who danced at the Krupp palace with great Germanic beauties with blond hair and blue eyes gathering valuable intelligence hobnobbing with the Field Marshals and Generals, and then later visiting his wireless operator to give him the report to send to the OSS in London. I used to place the number one of the deep state, who was formerly OSS-CIA who had married a woman of great wealth, and who was a large customer of our transportation services, next to my father at the fifty yard line of the New York Giant games and they had quite a good time together. My father at that time did not know that he was over the President, Congress and Supreme Court who obeyed his orders through the leadership whom he groomed. Both parties are controlled by the same unified leadership and the American people have nothing to say as we see now that votes mean nothing. Nor did they ever mean anything even in history. It is just one big lie. The general operating principle is that you do not promote someone to high posts unless you have the dope on him that can bring him down so that he will always be the docile puppet.
With best wishes.
The First and Second Oldest Professions
Thoughts in and around geopolitics.
December 17, 2020
By: George Friedman
It’s been reported that Russian operatives penetrated the files of several U.S. companies and government agencies, potentially compromising vital American secrets. I use the word "operatives" because what used to be called spies are now called operatives, and an operative working as a spy in the digital world is increasingly referred to as a hacker. In honor of John le Carre, who recently passed on to the safe house of eternity, we should think a bit about espionage, a trade that creates far fewer suave martini drinkers than it creates, in the words of Len Deighton, seedy civil servants hanging on for their pensions.
Spying has an ancient and even holy origin. In the book of Joshua, the eponymous protagonist is planning to assault Jericho. He needs more information on Jericho’s military capabilities and preparedness. He orders two men – I will assume they were well trained and suited for the mission – to infiltrate the city, collect information and provide information on its order of battle. Their first task is to get into Jericho, then find people who can pass unobserved inside the city. On the city wall they find a woman named Rahab, a prostitute who presumably lives in the low-rent district of Jericho. Her profession suits her perfectly for espionage. She could move around the city at all hours without raising suspicion, and her customers likely had useful intelligence they could unwittingly be parted with. Because she was a prostitute, no one thought her capable of understanding or using the intelligence her customers gave her.
The two spies propose a deal to Rahab. She would provide intelligence in exchange for being spared when Joshua et al. took the city. She apparently took the deal. But afterward she confronted one of the most fundamental dilemmas of spycraft: Would her co-conspirators hold up their end of the bargain, or was she now a liability to be liquidated? Could she be trusted? The mission at Jericho was an incredible success and brilliantly executed. We never hear that Rahab lived happily ever after, but the Bible frequently leaves out the epilogues of such stories.
The reason the Bible addressed this question directly is because war was such a common feature in the Old Testament. Espionage may be a craft of courage, deceit, uncertainty and betrayal, but it is also an indispensable part of war. We are political animals, and cities or nations live constantly in fear of other cities and nations. Envy and fear of others is at the heart of being human. Much of the Bible is about this, and the laws it contains are designed to limited envy and replace fear with love. The Bible also knows that this is not likely to happen. It is a realistic book, and the book of Joshua is ultra-realistic. The Hebrews and the Jerichoites feared each other for good reason and so needed to know each other’s intentions and capabilities. To do that, they needed to spy on each other.
Contemporary geopolitics is no different. The U.S. defeated the Japanese at Midway because it broke the Japanese code. It landed at Normandy because Washington baffled German intelligence. It lost the fleet at Pearl Harbor because it lacked spies and codebreakers. Buried in the many noble and virtuous lessons in the Bible is that war depends on good intelligence, now as always.
Most Americans are enraged by Russia’s recent exploit. But nations must spy on other nations. The United States has a massive intelligence service, with the lavishly funded National Security Agency at the center. And I’m confident the U.S. gives as good as it gets. Either way, it touches on another fundamental dilemma of espionage – that is, how to determine what is actually true. Maybe the Russians succeeded. Maybe the story is designed to confuse the Russians, who had not authorized this operation, and force them to search their system for rogue operatives working not for the Federal Security Service but for military intelligence. Or maybe the U.S. baited the Russians into attacking, only to carefully feed them disinformation. For all we know, this is an extraordinary success for the United States. Perhaps the best way to avoid the dilemma is not to get caught – a nice but ultimately unrealistic sentiment. We still don’t know the truth about Rahab. Was Rahab really a spy for Israel, or did she dazzle the two spooks and send them home loaded with disinformation? In the end, the Hebrews won so we must assume she was the real thing.
Prostitution is said to be the world’s oldest profession. If so, espionage is the second. Patriotism and corruption go hand in hand, and the brew they create is uncertainty. Is there a word of truth in the stories about the Russian operation? I suspect no one on either side is quite sure. Intelligence simultaneously clarifies and confuses. But if you can get reimbursed, it’s quite a living for seedy civil servants.
David Lifschultz
Tel: (212) 688-8868
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