Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer December 3, 2020 DALIO: US CLOSE TO REVOLUTION Compliments of the Lifschult...

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer
December 3, 2020
Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899
As Dominion voting machines are having the evidence of voting fraud wiped clean, Lt. General McInerney demands the declaration of a state of emergency in the US, and mass arrests for treason. He says the court system (including the Supreme Court) is corrupt (which it is) and says the US court system should be replaced by military tribunals. Ray Dalio says we are close to revolution or civil war in first link below. We live in interesting times to paraphrase an old saying attributed to China (寧為太平犬,不做亂世人).
The Sting Stings, McInerney Says Treason, Punishable by Death || Santa Surfing (Beach Broadcast)
The Alex Jones Show -- Steve Pieczenik Doubles Down: Trump's Sting Operation Against [D]eep State Election Fraud Going Well
Lt. General Thomas McInerney Accuses [B]iden of Treason || David Lifschultz
Scorecard Voting Card || David Lifschultz
Who Holds the Balance of the World || David Lifschultz
David Lifschultz
Tel: (212) 688-8868
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