Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer November 29, 2020 LT. GEN. McINERNEY ACCUSES [B]IDEN OF TREASON COMPLIMENT...

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer
November 29, 2020
We introduce this report with an interview with Lt. General Thomas McInerney in which he accuses [B]iden of treason in manipulating this election and lists many names who are also guilty. Hundreds if not thousands could find themselves arrested including the major Wall Street Houses (such as hedge funds that are part of the cartel) who control the media who are also guilty of treason. He accuses Rupert Murdoch of Fox who flipped sides with insider information of the manipulation and is also guilty of treason. His interview starts in the first link below after about thirty minutes. General McInerney was the third ranking general in the US Airforce. We also show a link after the interview where President Trump has brought back the use of fire squads which is the usual method of execution for traitors.
On September 15, 2020, McInerney was 1 of 235 retired generals and admirals who endorsed President Trump's re-election for president.
WVW-TV Exclusive: Lt. General Michael Flynn's First Interview Since President Trump's Pardon | Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network
Trump loosens US execution rules, allowing poison gas, firing squads | DW | 28.11.2020
General Michael Flynn, former general of the Defence Intelligence Agency, sees a clear path to victory for Trump in the most corrupt election in American history.
General Flynn: Clear Path to Victory || Sierra (NZ)
What we have here is the pitting of the Defence Intelligence Agency against the CIA, FBI and National Intelligence.
Or in other words, we have the US military against these agencies. As was the case in Germany in 1933, and Russia in 1918, and France in 1789, the power of the state rests in the end with the military.
The reasons that the CIA, FBI, and National Intelligence moved against Trump was because of his efforts to save the industrial power of the United States which is a military issue. If the industrial base of the United States is destroyed by the currency rigging directed by the Wall Street oligarchs by their treasonous activities, the US military power will be over. The US no longer has a completely US domiciled defence industry as parts are made overseas that could be interrupted ending weapons production almost immediately based on just in time inventory control. This is discussed in my letter to the then Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin next.
Robert Rubin Correspondence – David Lifschultz
The industrial base of the US was offshored ostensibly to save money on US labor using lower wage countries. If the currencies were freely floating, then the purchases from low wage countries would cause an increase of the supply of dollar credits forcing the US dollar down if it was free floating negating the wage advantage of the low wage country. The same principle applies to the undervalued euro, or yen, and the won, etc. for even high salaried countries. The foreign central banks bought the dollar to hold up its value so that the rigging country could sell their products to the US. Even in higher wage countries the rigging takes place such as in the euro which should be about 50% more expensive. These rigged currencies destroyed our domestic industries. It also had a massive effect on the US wage structure making the small number of supper rich richer who played on Wall Street the offshoring and the poor poorer who lost their industrial high paying jobs. It is a classic French Revolutionary scenario. These poor disenfranchised masses were the Trump voters that Hilary famously called the basket of deplorables. Our aristos are the Wall Street oligarchs where cartels including the major hedge funds rig the market through cash settlement. Their treason emanates from their control of the media who are treasonous against Trump and their manipulations.
The CIA, FBI, and National Intelligence found their natural ally among the Trotskyite financiers on Wall Street who saw in this a method of enriching themselves even more through the offshoring not to speak of the massively rigged stock markets through cash settlement where half the trades on the New York Stock Exchange are subject to systemic trading linked to cash settlement. US bank credit instead of being used to build factories is being used to finance parasitic rigged speculation. Mitt Romney at Bain Capital was one of those who made a fortune offshoring. Therefore, we found an alliance between these agencies and the Wall Street financiers. Members of the deep state such as myself fought this to no avail against this powerful combination. In fact, my above letter to Rubin, who knew I was the one that forced the reverse rig to end the 1987 stock market crash on behalf of the deep state when he was at Goldman Sachs, led him to call number one of the deep state to stop this correspondence and I received a call asking me to relent. Rubin was deeply afraid. The Wall St. Houses in 1987 and 2008 rigged the market crashes through cash settlement.
South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, NATO or EU were considered by our CIA, FBI, and National Intelligence Agency as part of our alliance system so they regarded Trump's efforts against currency rigging as striking a mortal blow to our entire world alliance system against Russia to which has been recently added China which would undermine these relationships. This is regarded as treason by the CIA, National Intelligence and the FBI. The truth, however, is in the contrary as if the US industrial power is destroyed it would end up as the island of England a fallen power. The power of a nation is in its power of production. The traitors are on the other side which DIA General Flynn is addressing.
An unholy alliance was formed with the Trotskyite financiers on Wall Street and these agencies against Trump. Since Wall Street controls the six media companies that control the news, then their dictatorship of the press which of course is not free would be turned against Trump.
The Department of Justice is allied with the CIA in this. As an example, the Durham investigation of the corrupt impeachment of the Trump did not even ask one question from John Brennan or John Clapper so that they would not have to perjure themselves. Under Barr we have the Epstein liquidation, the FBI coverup of the Hunter [B]iden tapes, and the coverup of the impeachment investigation. This was to lay the ground work for the [B]iden presidency who would do what he was told, and even Epstein who could have interfered with that was terminated with extreme prejudice.
Let me give you a example on how this control system works. I could use 9-11 false flag operation but I have already dealt with it elsewhere below in the balance of power essay. I attended a meeting on the fake massacre at Kosovo of the deep state as a member. A Manchester Guardian reporter had walked the site, and found no blood or cartridges beside the shot up bodies. Since dead bodies do not bleed, this meant these bodies probably came from some morgue but were certainly not massacred on the site. The truth was the BND had set up the fake massacre using Albanians who forgot to pour blood on the ground or spread cartridges. I was pleased at the Manchester Guardian article in the hopes that this would stop the planned bombing of Belgrade but number one said what this commie newspaper meant nothing in the world and that we would order the six media companies that controlled the US press, and in fact the world press, to bury the story on page 26 saying there would be an investigation of the charges. But we would proceed with the bombing while the six month investigation proceeded. In other words, the media is absolutely controlled.
In those days the deep state was run by former OSS folks, and number one had graduated Princeton, and his first assignment was to be an aide of General Charles Willoughby, Chief of Intelligence, for General MacArthur in the Philippines. He sat behind Willoughby at MacArthur staff meetings. Later he was transferred to London where he worked under Wild Bill Donovan, and was a colleague of Bill Casey as I was later. He later went into the CIA, married an extremely wealthy lady, and went into business. He escorted at Princeton Paul Volcker to the podium when Paul delivered the commencement address.
I objected at the meeting to this course of action. I maintained that our efforts to defeat Russia had been a great success and we had liberated that nation from communism. However, instead of welcoming the Prodigal Son as in Luke back with open arms in 1991 we had used our Trotskyite oligarch agents in Russia to destroy it. In ten years the poverty level in Eastern Europe and Western Russia rose from 14 million in 1989 to 168 million in 1999. I had opposed the application of the Jeffrey Sacks shock treatment whose purpose was to ruin Russia as I wanted to welcome Russia back into the community of Christian nations but number one said we had fought them since 1945 and we were not going to forgive them now. We intend to break them up into a large number or republics and loot all their natural resources as in the case of the Ukraine.
I said at the secret meeting that if we bombed Belgrade into submission the bombing would have to be almost endless and would be watched on Russian television. This would wake them up that we were really their mortal enemy and they would rearm as they did under Putin as I predicted. Number one said you are usually right but we do not think you are here, and we must take this opportunity to destroy Serbia (Yugoslavia) who is a natural ally of Russia and can threaten NATO at its underbelly. We can't lose this opportunity. If you are right, we will cope with it then.
The key to this story is that the six media giants that control most of the news are controlled by the CIA and that is why Trump has been vilified for five years.
The rigged election in the US is nothing new as Mayor Daley stole the election for Kennedy in Cook County or the effort to oust President Trump. Boss Flynn stole the New York State election in the Bronx for Roosevelt as Governor who Baron Eduard de Rothschild was grooming for President handled through his New York bankers.
All US elections have been historically corrupt but the current corrupt election is beyond all limits of what went before..
We saw the deep state in operation in the case of Richard Nixon who was extolled to the skies by the media for his February, 1979 visit to China for a rapprochement to China to build up against Russia forcing Russia to station 400,000 troops on the China border, but when Nixon wanted a rapprochement to Russia in his May, 1979 visit to Moscow the deep state was enraged deciding to destroy him by setting him up at Watergate where the police were purposely tipped off on June 17, 1972. They wasted no time. The latter parallels the Trump siege which was a setup.
Jack Kennedy met his end for stabbing the CIA in the back in the Bay of Pigs operation by chickening out at the last minute from delivering the promised air cover. It was not so much that Kennedy showed cowardice but the fact that the Russians banked on this cowardice to place nuclear missiles in Cuba. Kennedy's cowardice at the Bay of Pigs caused the Cuban Missile Crisis that risked the lives of over 90 million Americans according to General Eisenhower's calculations. This was unforgivable. That was the end of the line for him. The four Praetorian Guards turned against him. He lost the CIA, and the US military turned against him for his CIA killing of President Diem in Vietnam which essentially destroyed the US position there which lost the war. The FBI turned against Kennedy as he was planning to oust J. Edgar Hoover, and deep throat was an FBI man. That left the Secret Service who the CIA presented evidence to on Kennedy treason. The CIA Presidential briefing was ending up in the Kremlin and all the copies were given slight errors that would identify which copy reached the Kremlin. The Kremlin spy saw the error and it turned out to be the Kennedy copy. The two Secret Service men at the back of the Kennedy limousine dropped off just before the Corsican sharpshooters shot Kennedy for that reason.
In the Trump crisis we know that those in error are the FBI, CIA, National Intelligence, Wall Street and the Media but they do not control the army. The Wall Street Trotskyites are defenceless against the military and they will be shown no mercy.
Before we go to footnote one, we cite an earlier interview of Lt. General McInerney, and an interview of Steve Pieczenik on the stolen election and 9-11:
Scorecard Voting Card || David Lifschultz
June 22, 1941 and Who Holds the Balance of the World || David Lifschultz
Here is an additional history of Jacob Schiff, Parvus, and Baron Eduard de Rothschild:
The Pandemic Myth || David Lifschultz
David Lifschultz
Tel: (212) 688-8868
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