Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributing Writer December 8, 2020 I'm looking for someone to explain this evidence / research to...
Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributing Writer
December 8, 2020
I'm looking for someone to explain this evidence / research to the public (Video Documentary).
Do you know why Police ask for ID? (I do, it's for the money. Your ID is worth money.)
I will blow your mind with my info. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
If you do not like my use of Fascism, please know we have Corporations for Government and Mussolini (Italian Dictator WW2) was asked; "What is Fascism?" He replied; "Corporatism!"
If you do not like my use of Psychopath, please watch these two Documentaries:
I am Fishead (2011) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eLQjn2ytaU and The Corporation (2003) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpQYsk-8dWg
You will then know the real meaning of psychopath and anyone can be converted.
Do you know the difference between Long Beach and City of Long Beach?
One is Lawful the other is Legal. Do you know the difference between Lawful and Legal?
Long Beach Preamble:
A Corporation is only an idea in your head... An imaginary thing, like Dorthy's unconscious dream of Oz (Oz is a unit of measure for Gold and Silver). Fallow the Money (Gold / Yellow Brick Road). - L. Frank Boum"We the people of the City of Long Beach of the State of California..." - Munchkin Land (Oz)
Satanists and Luciferians have their own Religion (Antichrist Religion). The symbols of which are found all over our government, but they do not worship the Prince of Peace, they worship the Prince of Darkness (Antichrist; Apollo / Lucifer). Apollo / Lucifer is Antichrist because it is a psychopath a Hypocrite (Do as I say, not as I do).
Police are wearing symbols of the Antichrist. A Wreath is a symbol for the Antichrist (Apollo / Lucifer)."Their Symbols will be their downfall." - Q-Anon
Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo resulted in the Rothschilds owning England (Panic of 1815):

The House of Rothschild (1934) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibkF3gXAEes

Wreath = Apollo (Roman Emporers wore wreaths on their heads to symbolize God.)
5 pointed star (point up) = Apollo / Ra / Nimrod / Helios
5 pointed star (point down) = Lucifer / Set / Dagon / Hades
6 pointed star = Satan
7 Pointed star = Satan (Cabala)
Sunrise = Lucifer (Light Bringer / God of Dawn)
Eagle / Phoenix = Lucifer
Police = Policy = Not Law = Legal Fiction = Mercenary
The Religion of the Antichrists (Sun Worship / Psychopathy):
Latin: Apollo / Lucifer
Greek: Helios / Hades
Egyptian: Ra / Set or Horus / Seth (Get it; Sun Set?) - Latin spellings of Egyption words.
Babylon: Nimrod / Dagon (Get it; Day Gone?)
Mace of the United States House of Representatives (Wikipedia):
The Eagle symbolizes Lucifer (Night) carrying the Sun / Apollo (Day) the pole is a Fasci symbol of Fascism.

Nancy Pelosi wears a Gold miniature on her lapel.

A Hypocrite practices a Double-Standard (Do as I say, not as I do.) two personalities Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde (Psychopath). Apollo / Lucifer is a psychopath Day & Night, White & Black, Good & Bad, but is it Lucifer who controls Apollo. Jesus called the Pharisees "Hypocrite", but was he really calling them psychopaths?

If WW2 was a war of European Fascism verses American Fascism; who won WW2? (The Fascist Bankers won WW2 by controlling both sides. A strategy mentioned by John Dee Rockefeller. He does not gamble.)
Federal Reserve Eagle (Lucifer):

Does it look like a man with wings to you?
To be the Light Bringer there must be DARKNESS (Night). Lucifer is the "God of Dawn".
A Sun Rise is a symbol for the God of Dawn. (I would link you to Wikipedia, but the web has been scrubbed and replaced with the Greek name for God of Dawn (Eos). Lucifer is the Latin / Roman name.

Your Police department uses the same symbols; if you have eyes to see them.
The Police are an 1839 Mercenary force of the Rothschilds to protect their Assets acquired in the 1815 Panic.
One of the problems of POLICE is they are not Public Servants. Police serve at the pleasure of the CEO of the Corporation (Mayor / Governor). Police are a Mercenary Army enforcing Company Policy we call Civil Law. There is no prevision in the Constitution I know of for Civil Law or Code, both of which are Color of Law (Inferior to the Founding Documents). BAR = BRITISH Accredited Registry (not an American institution). This represent a Foreign Occupation by a Foreign Government (Fascist City State of London) not to be confused with United Kingdom, but they own that too...

Do you see the symbol for Man/Boy Love Association (MBLA) in blue (lower left)?
Peace, love, blessings,
Thinker2 - https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/search/label/Thinker2
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