Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributing Writer December 13, 2020 SCOTUS was not established to invalidate Complaints, it was estab...

Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributing Writer
December 13, 2020
SCOTUS was not established to invalidate Complaints, it was established to KEEP THE PEACE (Resolve Conflict). Voter Fraud and Rigged Elections needs to be resolved regardless of STANDING. Regardless of Standing a fraud has been committed against ALL Americans (Conservative or Liberal) and the SCOTUS has turned it's back in the hopes of creating a HOT Civil War. What possible reason does the SCOTUS have for wanting War? All it's member are committed to the BRITISH Accreditation Registry (BAR Association) City of London (BANKING Capital of the West). The function of the BAR is protect the Cabal Bankers.
The Cabal and World Bank need to RESET their failing Fiat Banking / Counterfeiting System, but without a War the Reset will fail. A War is the perfect distraction to keep the public from witnessing the Reset. Like a Magician's trick the Cabal Bankers need a detraction to perpetrate their fraud.
Only the Bankers has Lawful Money (Gold & Silver), the people have NOTES. A NOTE is a promise to pay (IOU). Everything you think you own was paid for with loans from the people who print NOTES (FEDERAL RESERVE / WORLD BANK). How can anyone have wealth or possession when it is all DEBT? "You are a slave Neo." Morpheus (The Matrix)
This FRAUD is upheld by the Courts which are run by the BAR Mafia. The BAR is an Antitrust Monopoly of Foreign Agents imposing a fraudulent LEGAL System. Law (Lawful) is defined by the Creator. LEGAL is defined by Attorneys (Members of the BAR). You can not have an Honorable Court when it is run by Satanists (BAR Mafia).
They don't where BLACK robes because it is stylish, they wear black because it is the color of their God Satan.

Not God, Not Judge, Psychopath (Satanist):

Federal Reserve, Washington DC:

Does it look like a depiction of a Fallen Angle (Lucifer) to you?
Peace, love, blessings,
Thinker2 - https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/search/label/Thinker2
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