Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer December 19, 2020 I took the extraordinary measure of asking Patrick to delete a...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
December 19, 2020
I took the extraordinary measure of asking Patrick to delete a post before it was published. It was about vaccines.
I took the post down because the vaccine video didn't feel right to me on a gut level. There are so many different scenarios around the vaccine issue that to highlight, or even discuss just ONE of those doesn't make sense at present. There is so much we don't know about the Alliance purpose for the vaccine. I am choosing to step back and let them get on with it.
The Ascension journey is fluid, changing all the time. It is okay to think something one minute, then change your mind the next. It's how we make sense of the journey. We need to question, question, question everything. Is this MY truth?
We are sovereign beings. We need to listen to our heart from moment to moment. There is only YOUR truth. What feels right for YOU? The only way you can know what feels right for you is to allow plenty of time to listen to your heart.
One person cannot possibly know or understand the complex Ascension journey. That's why it's helpful to talk with a trusted Light Warrior friend - to have an open, loving, non-judgemental discussion. Those discussions help us which therefore helps the WHOLE of humanity.
This post was co-written by Sierra and Alison. Ascension is a team effort!
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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