THE LATEST FROM ECETI ECETI.ORG December 21st Global Meditation and Insights to major planetary alignments. Guest speakers to be announced. ...

December 21st Global Meditation and Insights to major planetary alignments. Guest speakers to be announced.
We are approaching critical mass, what we do as a collective with greatly impact our future.
We are entering auspicious times, as if the world we live in has not been crazy enough. There has been an influx of higher consciousness and energies coming through in waves increasing exponentially. There is a tipping point, critical mass or what some call quantum shifts in the awakening and healing process. We believe December 21st 2020 is that point. Many are saying we are entering into the age of Aquarius. The Central Sun inter-phasing with all the other Suns has set this into motion. Our Sun has become very active with large coronal holes, coronal mass ejections, CMEs, flares etc. which is affecting the Earth. This creates social economic and physical Earth Changes. Severe weather, and increase in volcanic and earthquake activity is part of this process. Recently 5 volcanoes erupted one sending a plume of ash 50,000 feet. The Shumman resonance has been spiking it has been off the scale. People have been on edge exhibiting behavior from lethargy to emotional outbursts, what some call end time madness. This is a byproduct of the vibrational lifting or awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. The end of tyranny.
We all have a little tyranny in us fueled by wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience. This is coming to the surface to be released and healed. It will be expressed in many ways, there will be chaos as some project and blame trespassing on others and others set boundaries reclaiming their power during this process. The upcoming planetary alignment and the days leading up to it will be a pivotal point in this process. The Great conjunction December 21st 2020 of Jupiter and Saturn is upon us the last conjunction was 397 years ago. These are very large planets and will definitely have an impact on Humanity and Earth. ECETI will join with others in a personal and world healing meditation at 10:22 pst am on December 21st which is the time the winter solstice begins. We will have an hour of previous explanation, messages on high and advice on getting through these times. Come join us. Let’s all set our intention to take a quantum leap in consciousness and live according to Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.
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