Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing December 17, 2020 Bombs dropping! Trump's Big Decision! Trump Cards President Trump Officia...

Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing
December 17, 2020
Bombs dropping! Trump's Big Decision!
Trump Cards
President Trump Official Donation Website
I will begin with...YOU DECIDE on what is shared today! To me, all of this makes sense. BUT IT IS UP TO YOU!


Well you know what that means...Kue 26 info explains:

This is the part where the Justice system is failing. Deductive reasoning is...if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court intentionally wants to make sure President Trump is not re-elected, then the justice system is severely failing and the Mililtary can arrest and try traitors! We need these dirty low life swamp rats to go to Tribunals!
Let's not forget, when Justice Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in, it was Justice Clarence Thomas. Why...bc the President Trump and the White Hats did not want to ACB to get sworn in by a crook!

So what does this mean....please read EO 13848 and decide.

Many people sent DM's asking if I am hearing the same. Some Patriots are given the green light to share things, some are not. Ann must have been given the green light. I have my information in writing. I even dropped hints in 8kun and got torched...let's just say that I am posting Ann Vandersteel's post for a reason, plus it got RT by CodeMonkey, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell. My message came to me at 5:03PM and Ann posted hers at 6:22PM (Hawaii Time). I guess we'll have to wait until after Christmas....quite possibly the day after! What will happen in between this time?

Remember, something big happened at the Oval Office on 12/15/2020!

We should all be dancing or moon walking right now!!!

Merry Christmas! The Best is Yet to Come!

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