Reader Post | By NN2BK Dear Mainstream Media, Bend us. Shape us. Mold us. Make us think what IS, ain't true. Distract us. Mislead us. M...

Reader Post | By NN2BK
Dear Mainstream Media,
Bend us. Shape us. Mold us.
Make us think what IS, ain't true.
Distract us. Mislead us. Manipulate our minds as we unwittingly expose them to you.
Desensitize us with violent imagery.
Withhold stories that uplift and inspire.
Elevate your selfish, greedy, black-hearted celebrities for the masses to admire.
Transform our world to fantasy.
Make us believe that dreams are real.
Feed us everything we think and everything we feel.
Show us what we should believe - conform, obey, consume.
Plot which way to herd the “cattle”
from some Hollywood back room.
Tell us for whom we should vote.
Convince us the system works.
Inculcate that we can transcend our meager wages to golden parachutes and perks.
Divide us by our differences.
Dim our intellect.
Disseminate your propaganda. Dazzle us with sex.
Pander to our prejudices.
Gin us up with fear.
Send us out to kill our enemies while those in shadow profiteer.
Silence voices of descent.
Censor champions of truth.
Label anyone who opposes your narrative conspiracy theorists, wackos and kooks.
Enslave our every waking thought,
So we can’t choose to be free.
Promote all possible perversions to destroy our families.
Cover for the human traffic|kers.
Hide the pedo|philes.
Enrich your soulless masters, the corrupt, the predatory and the vile.
Go ahead and weave us a world that does not exist as the puppeteers pull your strings.
And like the multitude of opium dealers on our streets,
anesthetize us in dreams.
But, you should realize:
You too have slumbered in a dream you think has made you rich and full.
You believe those in power will protect you,
that you won’t be held accountable.
Many are awakening. We call out your deception and your lies.
We smell the stench of fear upon you.
We see worry in your eyes.
Now as we amass in number, torches lit and pitchforks out to play.
Let us plant this image in YOUR minds.
(Insert country of origin) Bastille Day!
American Bastille Day!
UK Bastille Day!
Australian Bastille Day!
Written by: NN2BK
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