Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer November 13, 2020 WILL THE US DISSOLVE? Compliments of the Lifschultz Organ...

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer
November 13, 2020
Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899
The article below is from the Voltaire network. It has been converted as we understand it into a mouthpiece for British Intelligence, that is MI6. They are predicting the dissolution of the US. What they are saying is that there is no longer any unifying principle to the United States. What is left is a Constitution that has been destroyed by the Supreme Court and the newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Mrs. Amy Coney Barrett used the concept of stare decisis as an answer to what she would do regarding the Roe v. Wade decision. Thus, this stare decisis that allowed abor|tion-mur|der of 60 million babies' souls would continue as interpreted by the 87 year old Senator Dianne Feinstein. This contradicts the great jurist William Blackstone who wrote that an immoral decision such as legalizing sodomy or abortion is null and void by its very godless nature regardless of what the courts say and any decision legalizing these crimes has no binding legal basis regardless of stare decisis. Only a moral imbecile could think that.
Super stare decisis" is a term used for important precedent that is resistant or immune from being overturned, without regard to whether correctly decided in the first place. It may be viewed as one extreme in a range of precedential power, or alternatively, to express a belief, or a critique of that belief, that some decisions should not be overturned. In 1976, Richard Posner and William Landes coined the term "super-precedent" in an article they wrote about testing theories of precedent by counting citations. Posner and Landes used this term to describe the influential effect of a cited decision. The term "super-precedent" later became associated with different issue: the difficulty of overturning a decision. In 1992, Rutgers professor Earl Maltz criticized the Supreme Court's decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey for endorsing the idea that if one side can take control of the Court on an issue of major national importance (as in Roe v. Wade), that side can protect its position from being reversed "by a kind of super-stare decisis". The controversial idea that some decisions are virtually immune from being overturned, regardless of whether they were decided correctly in the first place, is the idea to which the term "super-stare decisis" now usually refers.
The Supreme Court has overturned just about all the moral laws of the west, and supplanted them with the promotion of sodomy, abortion, and onanism amongst other perversions which are taught in the public schools under the Common Core Curriculum. This curriculum just about guarantees that all children in the US will graduate from school morally destroyed. This is why Weimar Germany was destroyed. This is why the US is being destroyed as outlined in the Voltaire Network article below heading towards the fate of Deutschland!
MI6 characterizes this as a battle between the Puritans and the Jacksonians but these are really metaphors void of any meaning today. What made the US great was the Henry Fords, Thomas Edisons, Harry Firestones and the moral teaching as a source for health and beauty which Dr. J. H. Kellogg incorporated into his medicine. Kellogg said the holy concept of marriage of Saint Augustine was the source of the preservation of beauty and health, and this doctrine became wildly popular in the 1900-1913 period resulting in the American girls being the most beautiful in the world. They wanted to be naturally beautiful. In fact, these were the same medical teachings of the ancient Greek physician Galen. Saint Augustine wrote in his "On The Good of Marriage" that the procreative act is only licit if it has a procreative end in marriage. This means that during pregnancy, nursing, menstruation and after menopause it is forbidden.
I met in New York City with Cardinal Egan recommending that the teaching of morality to the girls and boys in the Archdiocese School approach the ideal of morality on two bases. One that the boy or girl that violates these principles will go to Hell. And second, she has a selfish reason to do follow the good Saint in that it will preserve her beauty and her health. So that if any boy tries to seduce her she will tell him to Go To Hell in that he is not gong to destroy her appearance much less lead her unto Hell. She will not need cosmetics to cover her sins (red blotches) or plastic surgery which leaves the face as though wearing a facial mask as the very rich Nancy Pelosi. In this discussion scientific proof can be offered from the comments of Bridget Bardot who when asked on French television whether at 75 she was so hideously ugly from sunbathing with no clothes on replied: "On no! Oh no! I gave my beauty and youth to men". She had a 100 paramours. It also adversely affected her health and her hips measure for measure for what happened on them. The doctors say she needs a hip replacement. The Cardinal accepted my recommendation, and the book "Plain Facts For Old and Young" by Dr. Kellogg was incorporated in the teaching of the boys and girls with great effect as the lady who ran the Archdiocese Schools wrote m. This doctor Kellogg invented the corn flakes for a healthy diet though his flakes had no white sugar on them.
This was the source of the US becoming the greatest power in the world as Great Britain and Europe fell into abject depravity. Here is a review of the British private school Eton where sodomy at these private schools was ubiquitous. Most of the British leadership in the 1930s were sodomites as Churchill.
Next is a report from the 1930s by Arnold Deutsch who was Stalin's NKVD Resident Spy in London in his communication to the center read by Stalin on their British spy Anthony Burgess which demonstrates the moral collapse of the leadership of Great Britain that preceded their collapse as a world power as they are directly connected.
"Many features of his character can be explained by the fact that he is a homosexual. He became one at Eton, where he grew up in an atmosphere of cynicism, opulence, hypocrisy and superficiality. As he is very clever and well educated, the (Communist) Party was for him a saviour. It gave him above all an opportunity to satisfy his intellectual needs. Therefore, he took to party work with great enthusiasm. Part of his private life is led in a circle of homosexual friends whom he recruited among a wide variety of people, ranging from the famous liberal economist Keynes and extending to the very trash of society down to male prostitutes. His personal degradation, drunkenness, irregular way of life and the feeling of being outside society was connected with this kind of life, but on the other hand his abhorrence of bourgeois morality came from this. This kind of life did not satisfy him. His homosexuality he describes as not inborn because he can also live with women. He learned it at Eton because everyone is engaged in homosexuality there, so he simply joined in. The pupils there lived several to a room and the class masters use their superior position to seduce young boys."
In 1936 Stalin followed Henry Ford adopting these moral ideas for his Russia outlawing abortion, sodomy and birth control, as we did in the Comstock Act in the US, and Russia became one of the greatest world powers. All boys and girls were taught after Saint Augustine that the procreative act must be restricted only to where children can be born from the act in marriage, and all forms of onanism were outlawed. Russia joined the US as one the two dominant world powers though both today do not represent these principles which is why they are in a state of decline.
When Napoleon Bonaparte was asked by Madame De Stael who was the greatest woman of France, he said the woman who has the most children. I met such a great woman in Monsey, New York who at 85 looked 50 and had 800 descendants. Napoleon said moral is to the material as three is to one in military battles. The same applies to nations. The US has morally collapsed and it is highly likely as this writer suggests below that the country will be torn apart as Russia after the traitor Yeltsin took over.
US presidential election: open your eyes!
by Thierry Meyssan
The result of the US presidential election marks the triumph, not of the Democrats and a senile senator, but of the Puritan current against the Jacksonians. It in no way reflects the political opinions of US citizens and masks the crisis of civilization in which their country is sinking.

Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States of America
The 2020 US presidential election confirms the general trend since the dissolution of the Soviet Union: the American population is going through a crisis of civilization and is heading inexorably towards a new civil war which should logically lead to a partition of the country. This instability should result in the end of the West as a hyperpower.
To understand what is happening, it is necessary to overcome the fear of the European elites at the imminent disappearance of the power which has protected them for three-quarters of a century; and honestly look at the world history of the past thirty years. We must go back to US history and reread its Constitution.
The hypothesis of the dissolution of NATO and the United States of America
When, after three-quarter of a century of unchallenged dictatorship, the Soviet Union collapsed, anyone who wanted its demise was surprised. For years, the CIA had organized a systematic sabotage of its economy and denigrated all its achievements, but it never expected that it was the Soviet peoples who would overthrow this regime in the name of its ideals.
It all started with a catastrophe to which the State could not respond. (Chernobyl, 1986). A population of a quarter of a million people had to flee their land for good. This incompetence marked the end of the legitimacy of the dictatorship. In the five years that followed, the Warsaw Pact allies regained their independence and the USSR fell apart. This process was led from start to finish by the Communist Youth, but it was at the last moment taken over by the mayor of Moscow, Boris Elstin, and his team formed in Washington. The plundering of public goods that followed and the economic collapse it brought about set the new Russia back a century behind.
This is how the United States should in turn disappear. They will lose their centripetal strength and be abandoned by their vassals, before collapsing. Those who have left the boat before it sinks will have a better chance of getting out. NATO should die before the US as the Warsaw Pact died before the USSR.
The centrifugal force of the United States
The United States is a very young country, it has only two hundred years of history that belongs to it. Their population continues to form with successive arrivals of immigrants from the most diverse regions of the world. According to the British model, each retains its own culture and does not mix with the others. The concept of "melting pot" ( melting pot ) existed with the return of the black soldiers of the Second World War and the abolition of racial segregation that raised under Eisenhower and Kennedy, to go after.
The American population moves a lot from one state to another. From the First World War until the end of the Vietnam War, she tried to live together in certain neighborhoods. For twenty years, she froze. And since the breakup of the USSR until today, it has ghettoized again, no longer along "racial" lines, but cultural ones. In fact, the country is already divided.
The United States is no longer a nation, but already eleven distinct.

The 11 rival cultural communities that divide the United States today.
Source: Colin Woodard
The internal conflict of Anglo-Saxon culture
American mythology links the existence of the country to 67 “Pilgrim Fathers”, the immigrants of the Mayflower . This is a group of fanatic English Christians who lived in "community" in the Netherlands. They obtained from the Crown the mission to settle in the "New World" to fight the Spanish Empire there. One of their groups landed in Massachusetts and established a sectarian society there, the Colony of Plymouth (1620). They veiled their wives and punished with harsh corporal punishment those who had sinned and strayed from the "Pure Path", hence their name "Puritans".
The Americans ignore both the political mission of the Father Pilgrims and their sectarianism. They do, however, celebrate them on Thanksgiving Day . These 67 fanatics have had a considerable influence on a country of today 328 million inhabitants. 8 out of 46 presidents are their direct descendants, including President Franklin Roosevelt or Presidents George Bush.
The Puritans organized a revolution in England around Lord Oliver Cromwell. They beheaded the king, founded an intolerant republic, the Commonwealth, and slaughtered the Irish "heretics" (papists). These events are referred to by British historians as the “First Civil War” (1642-51).
Over a century later, New World settlers revolted against the crushing weight of taxes from the British monarchy (1775-83). These events are known to US historians as the “War of Independence”, but British historians see it as the “Second Civil War”. Indeed, if the colonists who fought this war were poor people who worked hard, those who organized them were descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers who wanted to assert their sectarian ideal in the face of the restored British monarchy.
Eighty years later, the United States was torn apart with the Civil War (1861-65) which some American historians refer to as the Anglo-Saxon “Third Civil War”. It pitted the States which, faithful to the original Constitution, intended to maintain customs duties between themselves, against other States which wanted on the contrary to pass customs duties to the federal level and thus create a large internal market. However, it also opposed the Puritan elites of the North to the Catholic elites of the South, so that the cleavages of the two previous wars were to be found.
The Anglo-Saxon “Fourth Civil War”, which is emerging today, is still plotted by the Puritan elites. What masks this continuity is the transformation of these elites who no longer believe in God, but retain the same fanaticism. They are the ones who are now dedicated to rewriting the history of their country. According to them, the USA is a racist project of the Europeans that the “Pilgrim Fathers” failed to correct. They are convinced that it is necessary to re-establish the "Pure Way" by destroying all the symbols of Evil such as the statues of Monarchs, the English and the Confederates. They speak "political correctness", assure that there are several human "races", write "black" with a capital letter and "white" in lowercase, and rush to the abstruse supplements of the New York Times.

Entrance to the headquarters of the “Pilgrim's Society” (association of Pilgrim Fathers). England and the United States together hold the torch that lights the world.
The recent history of the United States
Every country has its demons. President Richard Nixon was convinced that the first danger that the United States should prevent itself from was not a nuclear war with the USSR, but this possible Anglo-Saxon “Fourth Civil War”. He had surrounded himself with the specialist in the field, the historian Kevin Phillips, who was his electoral advisor and allowed him to access the US presidency twice. However, the heirs of the Pilgrim Fathers did not accept his fight and made him sink into the Watergate scandal (1972), hatched by the deputy and successor of J. Edgar Hoover the day after his re-election.
When US power began to run out of steam, the Puritan-dominated imperialist lobby placed in power one of the direct descendants of the 67 Pilgrim Fathers, the Republican George Bush Sons. He organized an emotional shock (the attacks of September 11, 2001) and adapted the armies to the new financial capitalism, under the paralyzed gaze of his fellow citizens. His successor, Democrat Barack Obama, continued his work by adapting the economy. For this, he chooses most of the team of his first term from among the members of the Pilgrim's Society (the association of Pilgrims).
A disruptive event occurred in 2016. A television presenter who challenged the transformation of capitalism and the 9/11 attacks, Donald Trump, ran for president. He first conquered the Republican Party, then the White House. All those who had brought down Richard Nixon attacked him before he even took office. They managed to prevent his re-election by clumsily stuffing the ballot boxes. What matters is that, during his tenure, centuries of unspoken things have resurfaced. The US population has again fractured around the Puritans.
Therefore, while it is evident that a majority of Americans did not enthusiastically vote for a senile senator, it seems wrong to me to say that this 2020 election was a referendum for or against Trump. It was actually a referendum for or against the Puritans.
A result in line with the Pilgrim Fathers' project
When the War of Independence or the Second Anglo-Saxon Civil War was over, the successors of the Pilgrim Fathers drafted the Constitution. They made no secret of their desire to create an aristocratic system on the English model, nor of their contempt for the people. This is why the Constitution of the United States does not recognize popular sovereignty, but that of governors.
The people, who had fought and won the war, accepted this state of affairs, but imposed ten amendments, the Bill of Rights , according to which the ruling class could not in any way violate the rights of citizens in the name of 'an alleged "reason of state". The amended Constitution still applies.
If we are to observe that, constitutionally, the United States is not and never has been a democracy, we have no reason to be outraged by the results of the elections. Although it is not provided for by the Constitution, the popular ballot for the presidential election has gradually imposed itself in two centuries in each federated state. Governors must follow the guidelines in appointing their 538 delegates to the Presidential Electoral College. Some governors therefore stuffed the ballot boxes without much know-how: in more than one in ten counties, the number of voters is higher than that of adult residents. With all due respect to commentators, it is therefore perfectly impossible to say how many voters actually voted and who they would have liked as president.
A dark future
Under these conditions, the elected president, Joe Biden, will not be able to override the justified fury of the supporters of his challenger. He will not be able to unite his people. I wrote four years ago that Trump would be the Gorbachev of the United States. I was wrong, he was able to breathe new life into his country. Ultimately, it will be Joe Biden who will be responsible for failing to maintain the territorial unity of his country.
Allies who do not see disaster coming will pay heavy consequences.
Thierry meyssan
David Lifschultz
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