Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer November 2, 2020 Dear Mr. Rudy Giuliani, I have the following request, reque...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer
November 2, 2020
Dear Mr. Rudy Giuliani,
I have the following request,
request for an international indictment against the government of the Netherlands
Just a short turn, Germany conscripted the Netherlands during the Second World War and this has never been undone until now.
From May 13, 1940 both the Kingdom and the constitution of the former Netherlands have lapsed.
Since Germany, as the war booty of the Allies, is subject to the Yalta Conference until 2099 we no longer have our own sovereignty and are governed by the [D]eep [S]tate of the US.
The Government that entered into international contracts and laws on behalf of the Netherlands was under German administration from 18 May 1940, this has never changed and is not legally valid due to the lack of a valid legal system.
So the Netherlands no longer exists as a sovereign state see Maxima's statement that the Dutchman does not exist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt0pHmZuDz0.
So we are as heirs of the former Netherlands hostage to the Nazi who want to push the NWO through.
A vigilant resident of the former Netherlands has asked the tax authorities if he as a human being has a contract with the Bilderberg State which claims that the Netherlands still exists.
He received the answer that we do not have a contract with the state or the tax authorities.

The answer is as follows: I can inform you that you do not have a contract with the state or the tax authorities.
Through the letter to maxima you can read the whole story, https://lettertomaxima.blogspot.com/.
There are also several crimes that the post-war Nazi regime committed against the population.
From the information about the letter of maximums you can conclude that the Netherlands really doesn't exist anymore since May 13, 1940.
However, since the Nazi NWO entered into international contracts with a state that no longer exists, all contracts after May 13, 1940 are not legally valid precisely because of the lack of laws and or constitutional court to review the laws.
My letter to the politicians of occupied former Netherlands.
Dear politicians of occupied not existing Netherlands from 13 May 1940.
According to the letter below I believe that the population has been systematically swindled.
Since the population does not have a contract with the state which no longer exists since May 13th 1940, this means that all those years I have been cheated and extorted to have to pay taxes to a crime organization which acts as if the population of the former Netherlands as serfs were liable to pay taxes as protection money.
All the imposed regulations and extortion of many years, with also the theft of our pensions, makes us call all living post-war politicians to account and claim compensation for the damage you have caused us.
For this reason, I demand and claim all taxes paid by me under duress back immediately, with statutory interest at the rate of 8% set by you.
I also reclaim all contributions for poor health insurance over all the years that I have had to pay under duress.
We reclaim all unjustly imposed fines by the CJIB, which have been imposed on us in the name of the Fake King.
He is jointly and severally liable, which is why we have all of his assets as well as the assets of politicians seized as collateral, should there be any opposition from the administrative side we will file this claim through the AIIB to freeze your accounts until there is a court order.
All laws and regulations from May 5, 1945 to the present day are deceptive and not legal, so we will no longer accept any of your fabricated deceptive laws.
We are invoking director's liability for which you are responsible, and cannot expect immunity from us.
Therefore, we demand immediate cessation of all your activities pending a court hearing with possible trial by a war tribunal, as we are still under U.S. law as an occupied territory of Germany as a spoils of war until 2099.
Emergency Law, and Lock Down and its consequences will be charged to you personally, as this was a long overdue action to force us into Vaccination.
Any day you ignore this claim will only make the case against you personally harder.
A population that feels betrayed and deceived is out of your control.
As a population, we don't need a crime cartel to live in peace, because you as the Bilderberg Mafia are our biggest problem that we are now going to remove.
Now that the constitution of the US is being restored, and occupied Holland has no laws, the trial falls under the US war laws as we are still occupied territory of the Allies.
So we need a prosecutor outside the occupied Netherlands who will prosecute the criminals under the laws of the victors of the second world war.
Since it concerns war crimes, the involvement of the MH370 and MH17 scam genocide will also have to be covered by the martial laws.
Since you have a short line to the best POTUS ever, I hope you will share this information with him, and intervene to sue traitors like Joe Binden style and have them arrested awaiting trial.
What I ask of you, how can we best handle this and can you from the US with a valid constitution accuse the criminals from politics.
There will be no discussion about payment if the corrupt system has been changed in favor of the world's hostage population.
Because the key to liberation lies in the occupied Netherlands where we are ruled by Sa[t]anists on the basis of deceit.
Awaiting your answer.
Yours Sincerely,
Rinus Verhagen
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