Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing November 2, 2020 Trump is the hottest ticket! BLM leader arrested! YouTube YouTube Other Trump C...
Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing
November 2, 2020
Trump is the hottest ticket! BLM leader arrested!
YouTube Other
Trump Cards
PRESIDENT TRUMP RALLIES - Full list of President Trump's Rallies
24 hours to go!!! President Trump has rallies scheduled for today and tomorrow! He was rallying til 3:00 am ET last night!!! He's a BEAST!!!

Patriots all over the world are fighting so hard! But with that, the bitter, constantly losing party has to start their thug acts again! The White House is taking extra precaution by locking down the White House and POTUS IS SAFE!

Brainless Bye-dun news
LUDE Reporting Lady Gaga, Cold Play and many others on the Hunter Laptops!
Kamala Harris is named in Joint Venture with China Energy Company! Brainless and Harris' alliance is with CHINA!!!

I sure hope these body doubles get arrested in Public! After the Election, they may vanish into the wind!
Social Media is now CALLING the Election? Since when the heck does Twitter have that right or Power?

Enjoy 10 years in Rat prison!
@ASimplePatriot posted this beautiful post!

Who we will be fighting with in the next day!

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