The Stolen Election

Operation Disclosure | By MR X, Guest Writer November 8, 2020 THE STOLEN ELECTION WRITTEN BY X Dr. Steven Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant S...

Operation Disclosure | By MR X, Guest Writer

November 8, 2020



Dr. Steven Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.

He is actually CIA deep cover. He is unhappy over 9-11 but will never answer a question as to who is running the heroin in Afghanistan since it is the CIA. He is authentic and handled the Aldo Moro kidnapping for Jimmy Carter who got rid of the fusion movement of Moro, which was to work with the communists as the Christian Democrats and Communist Parties working in unison, by merely telling the CIA special forces that had infiltrated the Red Brigades that they had killed Moro even though he was not killed as of then by them. It was an obvious method of ordering them to kill Moro which they did immediately. It was a brilliant clandestine operation led by Dr. Pieczenik

In video one Pieczenik discusses proven corruption in the theft of the Presidential election.

Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!

In video two he discusses 9-11 as a Mossad operation using George Bush the second and Dick Cheney. Pieczenik did not know that no member of Islam was involved. The airplane boarding tapes were doctored. He thought they were Mossad cutouts. He did not know the whole story as he is somewhat below the d|eep state level. The CIA is run by the d|eep state as the FBI and the sixteen intelligence agencies as well as the President (excluding Trump), Congress, Supreme Court with its judicial system. The US system is totally corrupt. For example, most cases are decided by law clerks while the Federal and State Judges are playing golf but if the case has d|eep state interest it is fixed.

9/11/2018 Dr. Steve Pieczenik joins Owen Shroyer on War Room

The real reason that we went into Afghanistan was to restart the heroin trade as the price of the CIA support of the coverup of 9-11 as Cheney-Mossad botched up Building Number Seven. Osama was blamed as he was a failed CIA asset that had betrayed us but had nothing to do with 9-11 but since he was in Afghanistan it gave us a pretext for the invasion. The CIA doctored the boarding videos to show Arabs going on the planes.

In July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, collaborating with the UN to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns. The Taliban enforced a ban on poppy farming via threats, forced eradication, and public punishment of transgressors. The result was a 99% reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in Taliban-controlled areas, roughly three quarters of the world's supply of heroin at the time.[18] The ban was effective only briefly due to the deposition of the Taliban in 2002.

It is not well remembered that Israel was a pariah state until 9-11 condemned at the Durban Conference for racism just before 9-11. It was a brilliant Mossad operation that turned the whole world against Islam and for Zion.

In the next two videos Wesley Clark gives us some insights on 9-11 and the invasion of Iraq. Actually, 9-11 was a pretext for the invasion of Iraq which was redirected first to Afghanistan to enable the restarting of the heroin plantations.

Gen Wesley Clark Reveals US Plan To Invade Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, And Iran

Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy "Coup"

The next article discusses the heroin operation if Afghanistan and its distribution system using Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo.

Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline

General Clark says the invasion of Iraq was to finish the job of Bush One to get rid of Saddam Hussein which is true as Israel wanted Iraq and Iran and the other Islamic countries totally destroyed. The control of oil was used as a pretext.

[Congressional Record: January 26, 2011 (House)] [Page H503] HOW THE 20-YEAR WAR STARTED The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Paul) is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, how did the 20-year war get started? It had been long assumed that the United States Government, shortly before Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, gave Saddam Hussein a green light to attack. A State Department cable recently published by WikiLeaks confirmed that U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie did indeed have a conversation with Saddam Hussein one week prior to Iraq's August 1, 1990, invasion of Kuwait. Amazingly, the released cable was entitled, ``Saddam's Message of Friendship to President Bush.'' In it, Ambassador Glaspie affirmed to Saddam that ``the President had instructed her to broaden and deepen our relations with Iraq.'' As Saddam Hussein outlined Iraq's ongoing border dispute with Kuwait, Ambassador Glaspie was quite clear that, ``we took no position on these Arab affairs.'' There would have been no reason for Saddam Hussein not to take this assurance at face value. The U.S. was quite supportive of his invasion and war of aggression against Iran in the 1980s. With this approval from the U.S. Government, it wasn't surprising that the invasion occurred. The shock and surprise was how quickly the tables were turned and our friend, Saddam Hussein, all of a sudden became Hitler personified. The document was classified, supposedly to protect national security, yet this information in no way jeopardized our security. Instead, it served to keep the truth from the American people about an event leading up to our initial military involvement in Iraq and the region that continues to today. {time} 1440 The secrecy of the memo was designed to hide the truth from the American people and keep our government from being embarrassed. This was the initial event that had led to so much death and destruction--not to mention the financial costs--these past 20 years. Our response and persistent militarism toward Iraq was directly related to 9/11, as our presence on the Arabian Peninsula--and in particular Saudi Arabia--was listed by al Qaeda as a major grievance that outraged the radicals who carried out the heinous attacks against New York and Washington on that fateful day. Today, the conflict has spread through the Middle East and Central Asia with no end in sight. The reason this information is so important is that if Congress and the American people had known about this green light incident 20 years ago, they would have been a lot more reluctant to give a green light to our government to pursue the current war--a war that is ongoing and expanding to this very day. The tough question that remains is was this done deliberately to create the justification to redesign the Middle East, as many neo- conservatives desired, and to secure oil supplies for the West; or was it just a diplomatic blunder followed up by many more strategic military blunders? Regardless, we have blundered into a war that no one seems willing to end. Julian Assange, the publisher of the WikiLeaks memo, is now considered an enemy of the state. Politicians are calling for drastic punishment and even assassination; and, sadly, the majority of the American people seem to support such moves. But why should we so fear the truth? Why should our government's lies and mistakes be hidden from the American people in the name of patriotism? Once it becomes acceptable to equate truth with treason, we can no longer call ourselves a free society.

Notes as a postscript from a member of the d|eep state to a colleague:

Steve Pieczenik went on the Alex Jones show to reveal that the Mossad was behind 9-11 which is true, and he is authentic. As you know, I was at the 9-11 d|eep state meeting where Cheney had asked it to cover up the Bush-Cheney-Mossad false flag operation which they did provided they were allowed to blame it falsely on Osama bin Laden so that they could invade Afghanistan to restart the heroin trade which you partially covered. The Mossad engineered 9-11 to reverse western support for Islam that had supported the Taliban against the Russians. The CIA doctored the boarding tapes of the airlines to show members of Islam boarding which were fictitious and this charge can be easily checked if the CIA has not already destroyed the tapes. Russian and Iranian intelligence have the Pieczenik tape below but refuse to cover the story. The Iranians through the CIA used the the threat of the televising the Steve Pieczenik 9-11 tape to obtain the release of Marcieh Hashemi by ordering the FBI to release her and send her back to Iran. She was taken from jail and put on the next plane out of the US.

Donald Trump is quite aware that Brennan and Clapper who are against him with the intelligence community were part of the 9-11 conspiracy to destroy Islam, and that the planes that hit the Towers could not have brought them down as he asked his architects that were the same as designed the World Trade Center whether the Trump Tower could be similarly destroyed, and they told him it would be absolutely impossible. The controlled demolition was engineered by placing the charges in the corners of the buildings so that it imploded in its own footprint

Every once in a while the Saudis are blamed for 9-11 to keep them in line. Donald can bring the whole rotten system down over the stolen election and 9-11 should he so choose. That is why Republicans describe his charges against the voting fraud as insane and a destabilizing threat against the American democracy as though the democracy really existed. That is why the media cut off his comments on the election in his last press conference with the press who are controlled by the d|eep state.

In the d|eep state meeting on the Belgrade 78 day bombing which was justified by the fake massacre of he BND in Kosovo, number one of the d|eep state said the fact the commie periodical called the Manchester Guardian whose reporter walked the so-called massacre site seeing no blood on the ground or cartridges would be placed on page 26 of the New York Times and Washington Post as well as the whole media that they had absolute control over and they would report that these charges of the Manchester Guardian would be investigated by a six month commission while they bombed the Hell out of Serbia into submission. The Republicans that were behind 9-11 will denounce Trump in favour of the B|iden crime family to cover up this stolen election and 9-11.

Jared Kushner, the agent of Zion, now is said to have recommended that Trump concede which ties into the fact that the Mossad and Israel hate Trump. It is now convenient for them to dump him as they have made their deal with the B|iden Crime Family. 

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Operation Disclosure: The Stolen Election
The Stolen Election
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