Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer November 10, 2020 ATTORNEY GENERAL ON STOLEN ELECTION Compliments of the Li...

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer
November 10, 2020
Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899
See Attorney General's letter here:
Quote from Attorney General Barr: "Given this and given that voting in our current election has now been concluded, I authorize you to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote count irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases, as I already have done in specific instances, etc.
"Arrests Confirmed" by Grace With Glory - 11.9.20
"WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE" Rudy Giuliani Says Dead People Voted Big Time In Election 2020
The following should be checked out for sourcing:
This ties into statements made by the intelligence source Steve Pieczenik.
Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!
Here we introduce Steven Pieczenik's credentials on the stolen US elections by giving some of his background.
Dr. Steven Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.
He is actually an intelligence operative. He is unhappy over 9-11 but will never answer a question as to who is running the heroin in Afghanistan as it is the CIA and the DIA. He is not authorized. He is authentic and handled the Aldo Moro kidnapping for Carter.
Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline
In 1978 Pieczenik was a special envoy for President Jimmy Carter to Italy to assist in the search for Italy's Prime Minister Aldo Moro. Pieczenik, as an international crisis manager and hostage negotiator in the State Department, was sent to Italy on March 16, 1978, the day that Moro was kidnapped, and was involved in the negotiations for the release of Moro. He was part of a "crisis committee" headed by Francesco Cossiga, the interior minister. Moro was held for 54 days, Pieczenik said the committee was jolted into action by the fear that Moro would reveal state secrets in an attempt to free himself. Moro's widow, Eleonora, later said Henry Kissinger had warned her husband against his strategy of Historic Compromise (Italian: Compromesso storico). This was an alliance between the DC or Christina Democracy and the Italian Communist Party (PCI) into a new party group entitled Democratic Alternative. "You will pay dearly for it," Kissinger is alleged to have said. A false statement, attributed to the Red Brigades, was leaked saying that Moro was dead. (This was a CIA notice to their special forces, who had infiltrated the Red Brigades, to kill Moro.)
Pieczenick claimed that this had a dual purpose; to prepare the Italian public for the worst, and to let the Red Brigades know that the state would not negotiate for Moro, and considered him already dead. Moro was shot and placed in the back of a car in central Rome, midway between the headquarters of the Communist Party and the Christian Democrats. In a documentary Cossiga admitted the committee had taken the decision to release the false statement. Pieczenik said that Moro had been "sacrificed" for the "stability" of Italy.
(See the later Prime Minister Cossiga of Italy's comments on 9-11 below that tie in with those of Steve Pieczenik. President Trump is completely familiar with this 9-11 situation as he checked with his architects who built the Trump Tower as to whether his Tower could be destroyed by one plane and they said never. Seven planes could not have taken out one building in the WTC they told him. Trump could bring down the whole US Governmental System if this were revealed. Here he has the Trump card. The US Governmental System has destroyed its raison d'etre as Weimar Germany in 1933 by killing 60 million living souls through abortion whose blood cries out to Heaven for justice and whose Common Core Curriculum for all public schools sponsors sodomy which sin cries out to Heaven for vengeance as at Sodom and Gomorrah. In today's parlance it would be nuclear destruction and this portends a nuclear war. In other words, Donald Trump holds all the cards and we expect he will play them if necessary. As his son Donald Trump, Jr. said this is a fight to the death and so it is for all of us.)
The CIA had been alarmed by this fusion proposal as that is how the Soviets managed to take over the Eastern European Governments occupied by their troops. It was a brilliant idea to infiltrate the Red Brigades with CIA sponsored special forces so the Red Brigades would shoulder the blame for what was essentially a CIA Moro assassination. This was a false flag operation as 9-11 which will be discussed in this review. I am not endorsing this immorality but only pointing out how capable and clever they were in those days. This was run by my former colleagues in the intelligence community that were trained in the OSS. They have all departed this world. Today our CIA and in total sixteen intelligence agencies are nearly worthless. This CIA infiltration of the Red Brigades is covered in the next video:
Operation Gladio - Full 1992 documentary BBC
In 2007, Francesco Cossiga wrote (referring to the 2001 September 11 attacks): "all democratic circles in America and of Europe, especially those of the Italian centre-left, now know that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA to place the blame on Arab countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan". (DKL: This is not completely correct. The CIA was brought in by Cheney and Bush Two to cover up their bungled Building Number Seven. The CIA was not involved in the beginning. The boarding tapes were doctored by the CIA to show members of Islam boarding the planes to justify the invasion of Afghanistan to restart the heroin trade of the CIA and DIA which is the only reason we are still there. See Prime Minister's Cossiga of Italy's Wikipedia entry for more details.)
The CIA doctored the boarding tapes of the airlines to show members of Islam boarding which were fictitious and this charge can be easily checked if the CIA has not already destroyed the tapes. Russian and Iranian intelligence have the Pieczenik tape below but refuse so far to cover the story. The Iranians through the CIA used the the threat of the televising the Steve Pieczenik 9-11 tape in their country to obtain the release of Marcieh Hashemi by ordering the FBI to release her and send her back to Iran. She was taken from jail and put on the next plane out of the US. In other words, the Russians, Iranians and Chinese have this Pieczenik tape and can bring down the US Government whenever they so choose as the US could not withstand the 9-11 false flag operation being exposed as both the Republicans and Democratic parties are complicit and would be destroyed as parties. This would pave the way for new parties as in Germany between 1929-1933 and our pseudo-coronavirus myth has had the effect of destroying the US economy as the German reparations. The way is potentially clear for a revolution in the United States as in Deutschland.
9/11/2018 Dr. Steve Pieczenik joins Owen Shroyer on War Room
David Lifschultz
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