Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer October 31, 2020 The first Cue drop talked about the National Guard being activa...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
October 31, 2020
The first Cue drop talked about the National Guard being activated on 30th October. Exactly three years later...
The National Guard is getting ready for action..."Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities." - Cue
— Jhomes55 (@Jhomes551) October 30, 2020
12 states and counting...
BUCKLE UP, Anons...... pic.twitter.com/2Co07WAtIw
Tonight is Halloween, the s[a]tanic holiday. It is also a rare blue Full Moon, known as the Hunters moon. Hmmm.Ready to protect, defend and serve. #nationalguard #Philadelphia https://t.co/xzAA48iO7L
— Kevin Corke (@kevincorke) October 30, 2020
Cue has always said, 'Watch the water...' Maybe it wasn't Earth water...?First Full Moon on Halloween since 1944 WWII. And yes it is called a Hunter’s Moon. https://t.co/l7C6XOn5GV
— 🇺🇸 3Days3Nights 🇺🇸 (@3days3nights) October 31, 2020
[B]iden has given up pretending...Watch the Water@LibbyFreeman17 https://t.co/dpI18zKQxa
— stormypatriotjoe⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@stormypatriot21) October 30, 2020
— Vincent Kennedy (@VincentCrypt46) October 30, 2020This guy selling [B]iden merchandise has got the right idea - bless him.
— Midnight Rider🇺🇸 Chump for Trump! (@m1dn7ghtrider) October 31, 2020Indefatigable POTUS is holding SEVENTEEN rallies between now and Monday evening (the magic Cue number). He knows that every minute counts leading up to the election. We are with you, Mr President!
Finally, she is 101 years old, a MAGA hat-wearing proud Trump supporter, and she will ride in a motorbike sidecar when she goes to vote. Love it!Seventeeeeeeeen! https://t.co/xIGduCrlOQ
— DigitalSoldier⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@kfr0329) October 30, 2020
Where We Go One We Go All.Mary Jane Jacoby is everyone’s Mom. God Bless You Dear Lady and thank you for your amazing example of patriotism and strength. @lofly727 @BarbaraRedgate @GoJackFlynn @flynn_neill @JosephJFlynn1 https://t.co/u6rx4LhtuR
— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) October 30, 2020
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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