Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer October 22, 2020 Dear readers, If you are a Q fan you want to know for sure ...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer
October 22, 2020
Dear readers,
If you are a Q fan you want to know for sure what's going on now, during the liberation of Europe.
The betrayal of politics against the population now comes back where it belongs, end of WW II is now imminent.
A funeral procession like the MH17, Pim Fortuyn, Andre Hazes, it will not be when the filthy Pedo S[a]tanists and political parties are cleaned up.

— M3thods (@M2Madness) October 22, 2020
Panic in DC. pic.twitter.com/ZDPKRC3IHc
BQQM 13 days from now

British fleet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMEHZURO6Bg
HMS Queen Elizabeth Arrivals 14 F-35 Units From RAF Dambusters and US Marines Declared Ready For War

When the Germans arrived in 1940 politics and king's house were informed, now WE know more.

The Army, https://www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws/2020/10/21/landmacht-volop-in-straatbeeld-vanwege-oefening
How about now, pay attention from minute 41, the virus will be gone by 15 November.


I reach out in this manner because much of our world media is currently facing Justice under Rico Laws of the United States of America.
Recent Illustrations of Crimes Committed against the American People, Foreign Peoples and Children of the World, has left the entire planet gripped with disillusionment and disbelief.
As The President of the United States of America I would like to apologize for the crimes committed in the name of our Country.
America’s Message to the World is this: “It is time to heal and build a new tomorrow. It’s time to build a World filled with Truth and Justice, honour and character . . . for ourselves and our children.
To those people that are found on our “F B I Special Project Most Wanted List” I say the following: The World Doesn’t Care how important you were: Politicians, Crown Prince, Business Leaders and others: If you are on the list this message applies to you.
Your efforts to engage in Criminal Acts have been discovered by intelligence agents and police, who have searched the data-base of the internet to uncover crimes against humanity. For This, you will pay the following price:
I thereby request that all the men and women on that list to surrender to your nearest law enforcement agency (wherever you are) at which time extradition documents will be forwarded to that police agency and you will be transported to the United States of America: where will receive a fair trial.
Any delays in this procedure caused by the need to correct defects in our Justice System are not our concern. You will be tried in time.
Failure to report for arrest within the next twenty-four (24) hours, will result in your name being added to an Executive Order; under which I will instruct Police to track you down and execute you where you sleep. There will be no exceptions.
My next Executive Order will be to Execute all P[e]dophiles. There will be no exceptions.
How good is the vaccine?
Hugo and Rutte, together with the other 148 eaters in the second room may become test rabbits, a small step for them, and a big step for mankind.
Meanwhile in the US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IGFJuOvVeE
Who else is involved with these practices?
Laptop connected to Hunter Biden linked to FBI money laundering probe: Sources

How bureaucrats take the population hostage.

Even I don't know the rules: policeman responsible for enforcing British coronavirus laws makes shocking confessions to MPs
- Owen Weatherill told MPs that the new tripartite system was too confusing
- He didn't make it clear that households shouldn't mix in level 2 areas indoors
- Lancashire Chief Constable Andy Rhodes also slipped into a farcical encounter
The officer leading the national police response to the pandemic admitted yesterday that he did not know the lockdown rules.
Owen Weatherill told MPs that the new three-tiered system was too confusing and that the public needed simpler messages.
The Assistant Village Chief proved his point by not making it clear that households are not allowed to interfere in level 2 areas indoors.
When asked about the issue, he could only answer: 'I don't have the regulations in front of me, so I can't give you a definitive answer.
There are so many different variations - I am not familiar with all the prescriptions.

Owen Weatherill, in the photo, told MPs that the new three-tiered system was too confusing and that the public needed simpler messages.
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Police officer in charge of enforcing lockdown laws makes shocking confessions to members of parliament
Cleaning is done all over the world.
The story needs to be told, perhaps something for be the resistance.
Pedo Ed Nijpels a VVD Pedo Gangster, Sander Dekker, flapdrol Grapperhaus, Hugo de Jonge, RIVM Jaap van Dissel, the whole house comes down.Vanmiddag wandelde ik naar de Haagse NOS-studio om mijn verhaal aan te bieden. Wat Er toen gebeurde 😮 pic.twitter.com/8LSY5viKrt
— Huig Plug (klokkenluider van het gevangeniswezen) (@TruthHitsEvery1) October 21, 2020
All invented measures to take the population hostage are not legal and do not need to be followed.
The Bilderberg mafia cartel has disqualified itself and lost all credibility.
We are free, but we shouldn't get in the way of the allies who are now going to dry up the swamp.

It is not a question of Q or no Q, the big cleaning has started.
This may be seen as a serious threat to the Dutch Cabal Deep State Government of children's friends and the rotten fake royal house.
The info now comes from so many sides and angles that it can no longer be ignored.
The 5G Telecom providers will pay dearly for their punishment for the radiation crime if the government is expelled.
The Nazi headquarters in Brussels is not worth much attention, as they are not a player in the future of liberated Europe.
Guy Verhofstadt and foolish Frans Timmermans are no longer like a wet fart in history.
If all mail recipients now continue to believe in the fairy tale of the Fat Water Prince Willy, Max and the Hitler Cabinet Rutte III, they really have a stitch loose.
As an antidote to the Nazi MK Ultra propaganda, https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/

***ALERT*** military on standby for lockdown and globally financial reset! Trump on!
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