Reader Post | By GK Yo sycophants... Your desire for the air to be full of lilac blossoms and promises of vast wealth, clog your brai...
Reader Post | By GK
Yo sycophants...
Your desire for the air to be full of lilac blossoms and promises of vast wealth, clog your brain like people who throw diapers in a toilet.
The entire world and all its problems would probably have been resolved a long time ago if it weren't for gullible starry eyed airheaded gullible sycophants.
Don't you ever ask questions of intel providers?
Who they may be working for?
Is there a reason they are telling you what you want to hear?
Possibly lulling you back to sleep?
Why were we the people who found ourselves in the new agey world of space aliens, Tesla, reptilians and good vibrations, the ones to be on the frontlines of a monetary war?
Could it be so the other 90% of humanity took a look and said, "yeah right?" Our families who scoff at this have very valid reasons why they scoff. They see no real proof of the things we insist are happening.
We show them David Icke. Hmmmm. Okay... Shapeshifters... Royal shapeshifters.
We show them Alex Jones... One second articulate, the next second a raving lunatic.
We follow Q and yet people end up reading Qanon followers who post naked butts and boobs.
We hear people on the news appear to be dogged about justice like Gowdy and Fitton and Dobbs and Hannity and Tucker, but are they really? Isn't it amazing these people give an ongoing narrative of futile frustrations... we share your frustrations... The indictments are almost here...any day now... gosh... slow walking it... denied by the lower court... we will appeal...
(any corollary to the reset signatory appointed ones? Gosh we almost had everyone in the same room)
Why jump on bandwagons?
Why not question the parade route and the guy saying best parade ever, "come on everyone... this way..."
Isn't it possible the evil ones realizing too many people were waking up had to find a way to make people think justice has prevailed and nothing to worry about anymore?
Of the truther hero de jouir... Is it possible they were brought up on a plea deal that said... You say what we tell you to say and you will get a lighter sentence?
Isn't it possible that you cheering for the truth hero of the moment is actually not the slightest bit helpful?
Your so called think positive being like the guy who looks for the lost item where it is sunnier, rather than where he lost it in the dark?
Let me give you some helpful hints at detecting BS.
Use your eyes,,, First of all... When you see a face do they look familiar? Do they share characteristics or physical traits of a family such as the Bushes? Someone like John Brennan, who I would bet is in their lineage.

Do they have jokey sounding names? Or names that sound as if Joseph Rabbinowitz shortened and changed their name to Joe White?
Did you know people run for Congress with phony names and no one demands an ID or birth certificate or any real screening whatsoever?
Why does a certain person remind you of say, a famous actor.

Can you really look at Michael Cohen and not see John Cusack?
I am not going to say they are the same person but with nose putty and other make up tricks they could be. Or they could share lineage.
Why are we told priests are arrested but never Rabbis who have a long documented history of child sex. Their talmud boasts that it is perfectly okay?
Can you really look at a 100 year charter that enriched the Rockefellers and not wonder if the people you are cheering on are a part of that lineage? If you researched enough you would find Saturday Night Live actors at Rockefeller center end up acting in many "documentaries" playing other people... roles as experts for propagandized lies.
Can you really accept lame excuses as to why major "arrests" aren't covered by mainstream news as it would upset too many people?
Isn't it more logical that the elite controllers know it is a numbers game and because too many people waking up is very bad for them. Ever hear the Lenin quote, the best way to stop a movement is to lead it?
Might you ask why people from the UK are delivering us our news now when they originated the need for us to demand our freedom?
Do you ever google images like Putin and wonder why his facial structure changed many times?
Do you wonder why we are told of tech that makes us younger and yet the elite look like Soros?
Do you ask how is it Obama passed a directive to allow Interpol to arrest people on our soil when in fact we are told Obama may be arrested by interpol?
Ever hear of the passage in the Bible that reads, "wars and rumors of wars?"
Given some of these things and knowing certain families are always in control isn't it possible it means their control of media, scripting and actors performing false narratives is a tiny group of con artist thespians?
Would it not be fairly easy to control every county from synagogues in every county, stealthily, almost invisibly?
Why do the majority of you wait to be told what is true or false instead of trying to help us figure it out. Sharing someone else's link is likely helping the enemy. Your computer does exactly what my computer does. Under accessories you can get the little scissor out and find google images of truly telling stuff hidden in plain sight.
Why are innocent people being murdered in the city streets and our leaders insist gee whiz we can't do anything about it until we are invited in. Isn't that a vampire thing?
Does anyone notice the fires stop at the Canadian border? Does anyone notice agenda 21 wanted everyone to move off the west and east coast to the middle of America?
Have you ever considered that your lovely neighbor is part of a small collective of people that want 90% dead?
Hello is this thing on?
Personal note: I may lose my disability check. Are there people seeing my work that would support it monthly as to replace the income I will be losing? Maybe a subscription to many articles like this? Even the funny ones? Or buy a best of book? Send Patrick a note if so.
Also can you subscribe to my blog?
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