Reader Post | By Felipe Hello there, My name is Felipe from Brazil - yes, we are having a bad time here too - our law system has been h...
Reader Post | By Felipe
Hello there,
My name is Felipe from Brazil - yes, we are having a bad time here too - our law system has been hijacked!! Therefore, we are having serious problems with the cabal`s agenda.
My question for you or the author is more of a point that I would very much appreciate and trust your opinion. The global reset, the operation storm, the gold standard, children, cabal, etc., I am following all and making sense of it and the Q notes. In the cabal`s agenda the vaccines are the driving force for their global domination to depopulate the planet to generate more profit for their corporations. Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin, etc – are showing forces against the cabal and I believe they will win – however, other countries are getting together (covax + WHO) to mandate a vaccine for the covid 19 that we know does not exist and it is a product of the flu vaccines. Trump has spoken against mandatory vaccines and here in Brazil as well. With Europe and the rest of the world demanding proof of your vaccination card to enter their countries, would it not be the case that the cabal will win this war? People from the US and Brazil will not be able to travel without being vaccinated from the same vaccine chosen by the WHO – so the cabal`s agenda is fulfilled and we patriots will become isolated from the rest of the planet. My concern is that all these distractions about QFS, elections, etc, and the cabal acting in the vaccine will bring their plan to success. Do you know any counteracting measures planned by Alliance Countries regarding my concerns (mandatory vaccine for traveling and living)?
I appreciate your comments please!
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure
Hello there,
My name is Felipe from Brazil - yes, we are having a bad time here too - our law system has been hijacked!! Therefore, we are having serious problems with the cabal`s agenda.
My question for you or the author is more of a point that I would very much appreciate and trust your opinion. The global reset, the operation storm, the gold standard, children, cabal, etc., I am following all and making sense of it and the Q notes. In the cabal`s agenda the vaccines are the driving force for their global domination to depopulate the planet to generate more profit for their corporations. Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin, etc – are showing forces against the cabal and I believe they will win – however, other countries are getting together (covax + WHO) to mandate a vaccine for the covid 19 that we know does not exist and it is a product of the flu vaccines. Trump has spoken against mandatory vaccines and here in Brazil as well. With Europe and the rest of the world demanding proof of your vaccination card to enter their countries, would it not be the case that the cabal will win this war? People from the US and Brazil will not be able to travel without being vaccinated from the same vaccine chosen by the WHO – so the cabal`s agenda is fulfilled and we patriots will become isolated from the rest of the planet. My concern is that all these distractions about QFS, elections, etc, and the cabal acting in the vaccine will bring their plan to success. Do you know any counteracting measures planned by Alliance Countries regarding my concerns (mandatory vaccine for traveling and living)?
I appreciate your comments please!
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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