
America is Dying from the British Disease || David Lifschultz

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer September 23, 2020 AMERICA IS DYING FROM THE BRITISH DISEASE The mighty Bri...

The NATO Alliance is Over || David Lifschultz
Response to "The Pandemic Myth" by David Lifschultz || Thomas Anderson
The Pandemic Myth || David Lifschultz
Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

September 23, 2020


The mighty British Empire that ruled the seas and after World War Two having over a 1,000 warships in 1945 is now reduced to about 34 significant warships under the buffoon government of Boris Johnson. How did this happen? (The US rules the waves today with 490 ships including 11 carrier task forces.)

“GIVE me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” So said Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" attributed to Voltaire, the French Enlightenment philosopher.

Whether these folks actually said these words is not as important as the fact that they are true. There is no need for us to go into the gory details of the fall of Britannia who ruled the waves as the American example is the same and can be ascribed to the same financial power. Let's just say that if James Rothschild had not bribed Grouchy at Waterloo, we might instead be talking about France. And later, if Baron Eduard de Rothschild had not bailed out Sir Winston Churchill who was about to lose his Chartwell Estate and his charge account at Turnbull and Asser where this bankrupt bought his silk underwear and silk pajamas, the history might have been different as England would not have entered World War Two on the Rothschild side. Baron Eduard de Rothschild ran World War One only to destroy the Tsar at the cost of ten million souls and it cost 90 million souls for his World War Two to destroy Hitler. The founder of the Churchill dynasty the Duke of Marlborough was also bribed by Sir Solomon de Medina so bribery is in the family veins.

What this article below leaves out is that the corrupt oligarchs on Wall Street destroyed the US by diverting the bank credit from productive investment to parasitic, rigged speculation. Half the shares on the stock exchanges in New York trade each day trade as part of the systemic trading linked to the cash settlement manipulation. This is discussed in detail in footnote one below in detail on the derivative market manipulations. These profits are then used to buy the Congress, the Supreme Court and the past Presidents not including Donald Trump which is why they hate him. I was sitting with Senator Jake Garn at dinner at the time that the Glass Steagal regulation of the banks was about to be voted into extinction. I explained that there would be a 2008 crash if he did this, and he replied that the entire Congress has been bribed by the lobbyists and he can only gather six votes in the Senate at that time to oppose it. "Give me the votes", he said, "and I will stop this madness". This is a quite accurate analysis of America today.

The Glass-Steagall Act is a 1933 law that separated investment banking from retail banking. By separating the two, retail banks were prohibited from using depositors' funds for risky investments. Only 10% of their income could come from selling securities.The law gave power to the Federal Reserve to regulate retail banks. It created the Federal Open Market Committee, allowing the Fed to better implement monetary policy. Glass-Steagall prohibited investment banks from having a controlling interest in retail banks. They had to find another source of funds separate from depositors' accounts. It prohibited bank officials from borrowing excessively from their own bank.The act introduced Regulation Q. It prevented banks from paying interest on checking accounts. It also allowed the Fed to set ceilings on interest paid on other kinds of deposits.

The Federal Reserve was from its inception an appendage of Wall Street, and is staffed by them as well as the Treasury Department, and each is totally corrupt each in its own way. They are agents of Wall Street manipulators. They oversee the cash settlement manipulations where bank credit is created to finance the manipulation of the market action. The leverage used is humongous, and could unwind at any time as in the current flu virus when the Fed was forced to turn itself over to Larry Fink so that he could bail out the exchange trade funds held by Wall Street firms in massive amounts under huge leverage such as by Black Rock. If truth be told, Jerome Powell was hardly competent to handle this problem. This was similar to the corrupt Franklin Roosevelt making Joseph Kennedy the head of the SEC. It is true if this bailout had not been engineered the US economy would have plunged into a great depression but it confirmed that here was an effective put to the extreme leverage on Wall Street. In other words, the Wall St. manipulators control the US and their leverage is protected by the highest authorities. They can't lose. If they win, the keep the winnings. And if they lose, the US bails them out.

This corruption includes the Mitt Romney form of leverage at Bain Capital to buy out US industry and then send the factories over to cheap labor markets. Now, there are very high sounding phrases thrown out to justify this by saying that we are tapping foreign cheap labor markets so that they can operate at better costs than we can at home in this international division of labor but this covers up the gigantic lie that this is not another form of corruption. In other words, for this to work the currencies must be rigged. Why is this so? Well, if it were under a gold standard, the gold would leave the US to pay for the trade deficit set up by the goods say from Thailand as they would not be buying anything from us for the most part. We would send them the gold contracting our money supply in the gold standard system that would drive down our labor costs as unemployment rose. As our labor rates crashed, we would become more competitive until we were paying in the US the Thai wage. Obviously, this would not work as it would be unpopular.

So we have the Milton Friedman world of free floating exchange rates where the dollar would fall in value as it was being produced to buy the goods in Thailand, no matter if they are cheaper, and this would wipe out the competitive advantage of the cheap labor as it would be offset by the falling dollar. This result was circumvented by forcing Thailand to buy our dollars in the open market with the baht, and driving the dollar back up. These dollars were then invested in Treasury bonds. This is what is called a dirty float or the total corruption of the foreign exchange markets. The last time I was talking the the New York Federal Reserve that conducts these open market operations, they told me that foreign exchange manipulation of Thailand or Japan buying dollars was not counted in their report on the effect of the dollar's value in the foreign exchange markets.

This manipulation is discussed in detail in my exchange of correspondence with the then Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin next below:

Robert Rubin Correspondence – David Lifschultz

This is our brief introduction to the excellent article below by Uwe Parpart and David P. Goldman. And in footnote one you will see a review of the cash settlement manipulating vehicle and its connection to the massive derivative market. I was sitting next to a beautiful derivative manager at Goldman Sachs at a dinner who told me that Warren Bufftett was Goldman Sach's largest derivative player despite the fact he calls these instrument financial weapons of mass destruction. Warren says why should he not get into the act and sources say he has huge derivative exposures for which he is holding a US dollar cash position of 146.6 billion dollars for worst case scenarios though Berkshire Hathaway is valued on Wall St. at 320 billion dollars including the cash.

Dollar doomed as China shifts to consumption

A changing US-China relationship means a forex correction is the only way to rectify the imbalance


SEPTEMBER 20, 2020

Morgan Stanley’s former Asia Chairman Stephen Roach and Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio, among others, have recently warned that the US dollar may lose a third of its value. A chronically low savings rate, a large current account deficit and a huge federal financing requirement, Roach argued, will force a sharp devaluation of the US currency.

Declining empires and declining currencies stumble along until something comes along to put them out of their misery. Post-WW2 Britain is a case in point. Once the dominant world power, it issued the world’s main reserve currency and ran a chronic current account deficit. It allowed its industrial base to deteriorate and its skills to stagnate. The market for British assets eventually cleared as the British pound fell by almost two-thirds between 1967 and 1985.

Without a fundamental change in Washington’s attitude towards US industry and technology, something like this will happen to the dollar as well.

Today’s challenger is China.

From 8.28 to the US dollar prior to 2005, the Chinese yuan rose to just above 6.0 by 2014. It’s hit some turbulence since then. But a look at the US and Chinese currencies’ fundamentals shows that the recent march from 7.15 to 6.75 will have staying power and lead 6.00 in the medium term, in the course of 2021. The longer-term target is a 30% rise to 5.00.

The symbiosis between the US and China that pundits used to call “Chimerica” is dissolving, and the result of this dissolution will be a drastic depreciation of the US dollar.

The world’s two largest economies enjoyed (or suffered from) a symbiotic relationship during the past three decades. China saved and invested, America borrowed and consumed. China (and South Korea, Japan and Taiwan) built the plant and equipment that produced the industrial products that America consumed.

China’s high savings rate created a chronically high current account surplus, while the United States had an extremely low savings rate and a correspondingly large current account deficit. China wanted to accumulate reserves and the United States wanted to buy consumer goods. The reserve-currency status of the dollar drew China’s savings into US capital markets.

China and America in key respects thus are mirror images of each other. The rise in China’s national savings rate was matched by a decline in America’s national savings rate.

Household consumption forms a larger proportion of GDP in the US than in any other big industrial country except Britain, at 70% of GDP compared to an OECD average of 60% of GDP.

China’s desire to save and America’s desire to spend created “Chimerica,” or what one might call American capitalism with Chinese characteristics.

1. China ran a chronic trade surplus with the United States and invested the proceeds in US capital markets;

2. China kept relative prices for its goods low in order to gain export market share;

3. China invested in manufacturing capacity and industrial infrastructure while the United States reduced investment, such that Chinese savers made the investments required to supply the US with industrial goods;

4. The composition of US GDP shifted towards consumption and away from investment.
America made a decision not to invest, and Asia (China, S. Korea, Taiwan and Japan) did the investing for America.

Prompted by the deterioration in US-Chinese relations as well as domestic political considerations, China is shifting towards a regime of lower savings and higher consumption. That requires a corresponding structural change in the other half of Chimerica which, however, the United States is ill-prepared to accomplish. That leaves the exchange rate as the only mechanism of adjustment.
First, let’s review the facts.

The capital intensity of China’s economy increased drastically during the past 40 years while the capital intensity of the US economy declined.

America’s GDP shifted towards consumption (70% of total vs. an OECD average of 60%):

As the US savings rate declined, the current account deficit widened.

The capital intensity of the Chinese and South Korean stock exchanges, correspondingly, increased while the capital intensity of the S&P 500 remained static.

The sudden collapse of household consumption and corresponding jump in the savings rate caused by the pandemic lockdown revealed the inherent fragility of an economy heavily skewed to consumption. Precautionary savings during the pandemic lockdowns raised the personal savings rate to a never-before-seen 18% of GDP, and the volume of savings doubled from the level prevailing during the 2010’s.

Gross private saving rose from $5 trillion to $8 trillion at an annual rate. Gross private investment meanwhile fell to a $3 trillion annual rate. The jump in the 2nd quarter savings rate, to be sure, corresponded to a 32% annualized rate of GDP decline.

The American economy collapsed at an unprecedented rate when American households stopped spending. To compensate for the jump in saving, the Treasury and Federal Reserve dis-saved by spending trillions of dollars on income subsidies and direct purchases of securities. This had the same effect as pumping air into a leaky balloon. The massive increasing in Federal spending and the expansion of the Federal Reserve balance sheet restored part of the lost consumption (still running about 6% below 2019 levels), without contributing in any way to future economic activity.
Domestic savings and the Fed balanced sheet financed the flood of Treasury debt issuance, unlike the situation after the 2008 crisis, when foreign investors increased their holdings of US Treasuries.

The US can’t sustain a high savings rate without a severe decline in economic activity. Meanwhile government dis-saving will remain extremely high. The willingness and capacity of foreigners to send savings to the US has diminished. Something has to change, and that something is the exchange rate: US assets have to cheapen sufficiently for foreigners to buy them. Rising inflation also will motivate higher savings (as wealth declines, individuals save more to compensate).

A decline in China’s propensity to save implies that the United States must save more. As noted, that is exactly what American households and corporations did at the outset of the pandemic lockdown. But household savings was counterbalanced by government dis-saving. The US is suffering from a version of the “Red Queen effect,” as in Alice in Wonderland: It has to spend faster just to remain where it is.
In principle, the United States could introduce incentives for high tech investment (tax breaks for capital-intensive industries, R&D tax credits and subsidies, and so forth) to make capital assets more attractive and encourage savings for the purpose of investment. This sort of approach doesn’t appear to be on the agenda of either political party.

The other way to correct the savings deficit is through dollar devaluation and inflation. A cheaper dollar will reduce consumption by increasing the price of imported consumer goods, including the consumer electronics that comprise the lion’s share of America’s imports from China. It will also reduce the price of American capital assets including Treasury securities, and encourage foreigners to buy them – after the dollar hits bottom. Inflation, as Prof. Robert Mundell observed in a classic 1965 article, also prompts individuals to save more, because it reduces their wealth, leading them to save more to compensate.

That’s why a devaluation of the dollar on the scale of the long, sickening slide of the British pound, currency of a Britain once Great, is the predictable fate of the US dollar.

Footnote Three:


July 1, 2018

Secretary Of State Michael Pompeo
U. S. Department of State
2200 C. Street Northwest
Washington, D. C. 20520

Dear Mike:

There is a grave national interest that is threatened by the derivative and financial structure outlined below in the report on the use of Stochastic Control Theory which I have explained in simple English. According to Warren Buffett, the 600 trillion to 1.2 quadrillion world derivative market constitutes a weapon of financial mass destruction. In the discussions outlined below, these derivatives are used to drain a trillion dollars a year out of the market in manipulated profits. Aside from this being parasitic and illegal, it is dangerous to the national security of the United States as the shutting of the Straits of Hormuz by Iran can trigger a world depression as these 1.2 trillion of derivatives implode. These profits are protected by the former Attorney General Eric Holder too big to prosecute doctrine.

The 1987 stock market crash was engineered by the manipulation of the stock market by the cash settlement derivative by a giant cartel on Wall St. as explained in the Stochastic piece. It was resolved by forcing all the major players in the cartel to use their massive profits from their manipulation to reverse the crash using the same technique that they crashed it with and this was successful. In the 2008 crash such efforts were not sufficient and we created about 400 years of credit to make sure the monetary aggregates such as M-3 did not implode. 2.7 trillion dollars of which were used as excess reserves to repair the balance sheets of the bankrupt banks by paying them interest above market so that they would not fractionalize for ten years. These excess reserves are now being unwound with a much more limited effect than if they had been fractionalized. This can be offset by lowering reserve requirements as the Chinese are doing. We had to make up for the destruction of credit and it could be handled by papering it over.

If the Straits of Hormuz are closed by the Iranians the shortage of 22% of the world oil supply could not be similarly papered over and it would detonate a collapse of the 1.2 quadrillion derivative market causing a market crash worse than 1933 Weimar Germany. The Bank for International Settlements calculates about 600 billion in total derivatives but Swiss sources say there are at least 1.2 quadrillion with some placing it at 2.5 quadrillion. This relates to an 88 trillion dollar World GDP or a derivative market 28 times the World GDP.

General Barry McCaffrey explained to me below at a lunch at the Harvard Club that the US fleet cannot keep the Straits of Hormuz open as it cannot project sufficient military power to do so and the fleet must leave immediately the entire area in the event of a war with Iran or face total annihilation.

"The Russians have delivered large quantities of Sunburn missiles to Iran designed to fly as low as nine feet at 1,500 miles an hour with dodging capacity. They can be fired from a flatbed truck which makes them mobile. It is perfect for flying into the Straits of Hormuz which is no more than forty miles wide while the actual transit space is about two miles at points. This missile fired from the Iranian shores will punch a hole the size of a room in any ship in the Straits in a fraction of a second. The SS-N-22 sunburn supersonic anti-ship missile has been described as the most lethal missile in the world today designed to defeat the Aegis radar defence system of the United States and subsequent renditions. The Russian SS-NX-26 Yakhont missile (speed Mach 2.9) line the Iranian northern shore. No declassified studies of the ability of these missile to penetrate an aircraft carrier defence have been issued, but it would appear that a large barrage of these missiles cannot be defended against by any known method but jamming equipment.

However, we have the example of the Russian missile (falsely attributed to China) designed with anti-jamming equipment hitting an Israeli frigate (INS Hanit, July 14, 2006) off the shore of Lebanon during the Israeli attack on the Hezbollah. It sailed through the most advanced US and Israeli jamming equipment. While the Israelis denied that they even had turned on their jamming equipment, this did not make any sense to have the INS Hanit jamming equipment turned off when that ship off Lebanon was in a war zone and that they were turned on was confirmed to me by the highest Israel authorities (Mossad) who said they issued this denial at the request of the Americans so that it might not be known that the system on American warships was worthless."

Many more advanced offensive missiles than this have been since that conversation been acquired by the Iranians as well as advanced anti-missile missiles to deny access to their airspace from enemy aircraft.

"The United States does not have the military power to keep the Straits of Hormuz open and its carrier task forces must flee if they are within range of Russian and Chinese anti-ship missiles lining the coast of Iran which are the most advanced in the world." General Barry McCaffrey, former Assistant to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS); and Director of Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a conversation with David Lifschultz at lunch at the Harvard Club." In addition, in a conversation with David Lifschultz the chief derivative trader in oil for Goldman Sachs said if the Straits were cut off oil would rise to $500.00 to a $1,000.00 a barrel and then crash the derivative market taking down the world economy as Warren Buffett has pointed out.

Here is a brief summary of the military analysis of General Barry McCaffrey at the Harvard Club lunch with me in which he discusses the strategic inability of the United States to keep the Straits of Hormuz open:

The aircraft carrier became the new weapon of naval war replacing the battleship as the premier weapon for the simple reason that the planes were able to destroy the battleships before the battleships came near enough to destroy the aircraft carriers. This made battleships, cruisers and destroyers obsolete.

The United States ended the World War Two essentially in control of the all the seas and their main instrument of control were these aircraft carrier task forces. The US took this control from the exhausted and bankrupt British Empire and inherited their long built Empire with the empires of Japan, Germany, France and the Netherlands. The control mechanism was the US control of the world financial system established at Bretton Woods constructed around the CHIPS and Swift clearing systems where 88% of world financial transactions has a dollar on one side. The UN and World Court were merely parts of the control mechanism where the small nations rights were really imaginary as we see in the case of Iran.

When the Korean war broke out with the surprise invasion of South Korea in June, 1950, the other key component of the United States winning World War Two of land based air power was quickly nullified as most of the friendly air bases in South Korea were overrun. (Tanks armies were the third component of World War Two military power now nullified by advanced Kornet missiles. Submarines were the third.) The United States Seventh Fleet quickly arrived at the scene to provide that air power to the US and South Korean armies stranded defending at the Pusan Perimeter which saved the day. It was from that moment to the present that air power projection against land targets, rather than the fleet battles in the deep blue water, would be the main justification for aircraft carrier task forces. Naval aircrews from the Seventh Fleet's Task Force 77 flew 275,000 sorties amounting to 53% of the close air support and 40% of the interdictions sorties in Korea.

Air power was a major factor in World War Two. Field Marshall Fritz Erich von Manstein outnumbered troops defeated the Russians at the Crimea saved by Baron Wolfram von Richthohen Fliegerkorps VIII whose air force annihilated half the Russian forces. There Fritz earned his Marshall's Baton. In a reversal at Normandy, Field Marshall Rommel in his famous message to Hitler predicting an allied breakthrough stated that allied air supremacy was smashing their best trained troops and the situation was hopeless. As we shall discuss later, the United States is banking on air power to stop the Russian Army in Europe today in the event of an attack but there will be no airports whether military or commercial within ten minutes of the commencement of war as Russian Iskander missiles carrying tactical nuclear warheads or conventional will knock them all out nullifying NATO's air power. Tank warfare is similarly obsolete based on the improved Kornet missile and advanced silent submarines and their advanced missiles will control the seas eliminating the aircraft carriers the other major component of World War Two power. The problem is that the western armies are preparing for World War Two and not World War Three. As such, a look at NATO and its dilapidated German force demonstrates that this deterrent is but a figment of the imagination and would be wiped out within two to three weeks according to German generals we have discussed this with. In other words, in a war in Europe the three components of World War Two military power power the aircraft carrier nullified by submarines, tanks nullified by the Kornet missile and air power nullified by the destruction of the air fields would not stand in the way of a Russian Army that could reach the English Channel in two weeks.

During the Vietnam War the US Navy similarly projected air power in the newly reconstituted Task Force 77 participating in the sustained air campaigns such as Rolling Thunder and Linebacker. From 1964 to 1973 Task Force 77 flew hundreds of thousands of attack sorties against targets in North and South Vietnam. In Operation Desert Storm in Iraq the United States Navy gathered six aircraft carriers with over 400 aircraft into the Red and Arabian Seas as part of the coalition air campaign. The aircraft carriers remained in the region participating in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflict.

During the period from World War Two until recently the Navy operated close to shore with little to fear. The Russians and Chinese have developed anti-ship missiles that line the coast of China creating a 2,000 kilometer fire zone where no aircraft carrier is safe according to open sources. We understand that the range is much further than this from informed sources. If we go just by the 2,000 kilometer line it includes a large part Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.. And if we go according current informed estimates 3,000 to 4,000 kilometers, it will include all of these countries as well as the waterways. It would jeopardize our bases in countries as Japan, the Philippines, etc. which would be targeted in a war.

The Chinese anti-navy missile and airpower is dispersed, mobile, and designed either to be hidden or sheltered in hardened and underground facilities. For example, China's DF-21D anti-ship missile is based on a medium-range missile that is moved about and launched from a transporter-erector-launcher (TEL). Most of China's land-based anti-ship land attack cruise missiles are also launched from a TEL. China's maritime strike airpower, which includes most of its fleet of Flanker fighter aircraft, can be based at scores of air bases, most of which are hardened against attack, some to a very high extent. These are the forces that can reach out 2,000 kilometers if not more.

It is important to note that our new F-35C strike fighter for our aircraft carriers has a maximum combat radius 1,100 kilometers which is about the same as the older F/A 18 EF. Even when armed with standoff missiles, these combat radii won't be adequate to keep the aircraft carriers out of range of land-based threats to aircraft carriers. In addition, most of our bases are vulnerable within the 2,000 kilometer range and all of them except in Australia would be within Chinese missile defensive range at 4,000 kilometers.

We recently watched the Tomahawk missiles strike Syria but their range is only 1,600 kilometers which are carried by our cruisers and destroyers which makes them worthless against a land opponent with longer distance missile capacity as China presently has lining their shore.

In other words, the nearer bases are vulnerable and the farther bases are too far out for our short range designed strike aircraft. This means our entire offensive capacity in Asia is geared to short-range conflict that we are hopelessly outmatched in that almost all our short range bases stand to be immediately wiped out by Chinese defensive missiles and our long range bases do not have sufficient long range strike aircraft. We must consider all our aircraft carriers as short range as they are limited by the range of their aircraft and therefore useless in future ground support operations, And as far as their use for patrolling the seas the aircraft carriers are vulnerable to advanced Russian and Chinese silent submarines with anti-ship missiles. In other words, the United States has lost control of the seas and all of its commerce is in jeopardy in the event of a major war. Its military industrial complex that depends on parts from Asia could be shut down within two weeks for those that rely on just in time inventory control.

The US air capacity is about 12-1 short range to long range strike aircraft. This means that our enormous air power in Europe stands to be wiped out when the Russians hit the air fields with tactical nuclear weapons, and our long range strike aircraft is totally inadequate for the defence of Europe. Our entire defence budget is, therefore, warped and irrational.

The cost of a Gerald R. Ford-call aircraft carrier is 15.1 billion dollars which breaks down to 11.8 billion for the carrier and 3.3 billion for 24 F-35C strike fighters. We could buy for that some 27 of the new long-range strike aircraft at a planned cost of 550 million each. The United States has to immediately shift its procurement budgets to try to remedy this mismatch.

Thus far General McCaffrey analysis and it continues.

The Russians have delivered large quantities of Sunburn missiles to Iran designed to fly as low as nine feet at 1,500 miles an hour with dodging capacity. They can be fired from a flatbed truck which makes them mobile. It is perfect for flying into the Straits of Hormuz which is no more than forty miles wide while the actual transit space is about two miles at points. This missile fired from the Iranian shores will punch a hole the size of a room in any ship in the Straits in a fraction of a second. The SS-N-22 sunburn supersonic anti-ship missile has been described as the most lethal missile in the world today designed to defeat the Aegis radar defence system of the United States and subsequent renditions. The Russian SS-NX-26 Yakhont missile (speed Mach 2.9) line the Iranian northern shore. No declassified studies of the ability of these missile to penetrate an aircraft carrier defence have been issued, but it would appear that a large barrage of these missiles cannot be defended against by any known method but jamming equipment. However, we have the example of the Russian missile designed with anti-jamming equipment hitting an Israeli frigate (INS Hanit, July 14, 2006) off the shore of Lebanon during the Israeli attack on the Hezbollah. It sailed through the most advanced US and Israeli jamming equipment. The Chinese have these missiles.

The United States has tested successfully in 2013 the X-47B experimental unmanned aircraft though the trouble with them is that its range is only 1,900 kilometers versus about 1,100 for manned jets, but that greater range is insufficient to operate outside even the 2,000 kilometer missile defensive wall of Russian and Chinese missiles and these anti-ship missiles are said to have a much greater distance capability. There was a phenomenal exhibition of Russian military advances when their equipment downed a Stealth Drone and effected its landing in Iran enabling the Russians to put their hands on this advanced technology. The implications of this military coup could be dire for any adversary in that a nuclear tipped missile fired at Iran could be diverted and returned to its source. Nor have we discussed here how the Russians have sealed their airspace with defensive missiles (S-500) ending MAD. Nor their tens of millions of nuclear bomb shelters for their people.

This ends the General's analysis summed by saying in a war the US fleet must flee away from the Straits of Hormuz or be annihilated, and the US cannot keep the Straits open.

If the Iranians shut down the Straits of Hormuz, 22% of the world oil supply will be cut off. The consequences will be that the oil price will rise to over $500.00 to $1000.00 a barrel and the world economy will start to implode with all the financial markets crashing as in 1929 as the 2.5 quadrillion of derivatives start a chain reaction of destruction as a financial weapon of mass destruction. In this case, the shortage of oil unlike the shortage of credit in 2008 destroyed as it was cannot be made up by a fiat instruments. The oil is not there. Therefore, this derivative market is a national security issue. The manipulations of markets is also a serious issue as it is illegal but no one seems to care about it. Until these derivatives are wound down, Iran controls the entire world whether the US Carthaginian Congress wants to recognize it or not. This is the reason the US wants to oust the present leadership in Iran and not nuclear weapons that are available on the black market from Pakistan and North Korea as the Straits closing would collapse the US economy.

I had proposed a solution to this problem to the then Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman that the company named Genoil can tap the 900 billion barrels of world heavy oil reserves creating a 25 million barrel a day reserve production capacity at a cost of 165 billion dollars as an insurance policy for the now 88 trillion dollar world GDP and Sam thought it was a great idea. However, it was blocked by the major oil companies as the Genoil technology is highly disruptive to the value of their light oil reserves whose value would collapse as Genoil can convert heavy, high sulfured oil to light unsulfured oil at a much cheaper price that WTI and Brent which make up their reserves.

We recommend that the Department of State together with the Department of Defense and Treasury Departments move to unwind the 2.5 trillion derivative market for national security reasons on an emergency basis and adopt the Genoil technology.

With best wishes.


Stochastic Control Theory, Dynamic Programming and Numerical Analysis of PDE's Stopping Theory Used in the Market Rigging By Cash Settlement In 1987 and Today


Today these cash settlement manipulations are much more coordinated by the many trillions of dollars of managed money by the remaining Wall Street firms and their private equity fund cousins in a form of a cartel than in 1987. The key to draining a trillion dollars a year out of the market is to manipulate the direction of the market. The power of these manipulations are described by Lord Bertrand Russell as follows quoted from page 144 from his "ABC of Relativity":

"Abstraction, difficult at it is, is the source of practical power. A financier, whose dealings with the world are more abstract than any other practical man, is also more powerful than any other practical man. He can deal in wheat or cotton without needing ever to have seen either: all he needs to know is whether they will go up or down."

We point out in our piece above entitled "Goethe, Faust and the Euro" how these hypothecated abstractions have been used to take over the whole world over two and fifty hundred years ago through the the financial use of currency hypothecations, or abstractions, as Goethe showed in his "Faust" in the early part of Part Two. Mephistopheles represented Mayer Amshel Rothschild. This is what Lord Russell was telling us in his otherwise rather meaningless book.

Now see this Barron's ad appearing a short time before the 1987 rigged cash settlement crash should have intrigued our regulators if they had any ability at all which they don't and see how it corresponds with Lord Russell's comments:

Securities firm employing sophisticated arbitrage strategies and proprietary valuation models for the investment of private funds in the convertible securities and options markets seeks Ph D. level mathematician to join its research staff. EXPERIENCE IN SECURITIES ANALYSIS IS NOT NECESSARY. Academic specializations of interest are stochastic control theory, dynamic programming, numerical analysis of PDE’s stopping theory.

Box S-687, BARRON’S

The key here is to know which way the market will go. The private equity funds and the Wall Street Houses manage their investment accounts with complete autonomy from their clients and will not accept funds on any other basis. What they do with these funds in association with their other members of the cartel is to directionally move the Standard And Poor Index using their trillions to do that while having earlier laid out their "abstract" cash settlement positions that will settle for cash so that when they move the market down their cash settlement short settles for cash eliminating the self-correcting mechanism of having to buy back their position and vice versa. That is the basic principle which is quite easy to understand and we show below for our Wall Street friends how they do it.


I personally was involved in supervising the rescue of the United States from this cash settlement manipulation discussed below. A significant number of participants called here a cartel coordinated among themselves the raising of the market prices through the manipulation of the Standard and Poor's Index via cash settlement earlier, and then lowering it laying out their cash settlement positions below the market. It was not their intention to destroy the whole market in a massive crash but it did happen. They were reluctant to risk their own capital much of it made through these manipulations to save the system that they had crashed and we, of course, ordered them to do so making them an offer that they could not refuse. Therefore, though this essay is written as a form of request for an investigation at the time, none was really required as the we knew what happened when it was written. When it was written we could not have written otherwise but such a distance has now ensued that now the truth can be told. The crash was a rig gone wrong. There was a whitewash later by Professor Glauber who headed the Brady Commission who subpoenaed the wrong data on purpose to cover it up.

We have been alarmed by the recent behaviour of our financial markets. Our concern is not so much with market volatility but rather with market combustibility. It is not random wildness that troubles us but the markets susceptibility to specific stimuli which are controlling the short and intermediate pricing of equities, futures and options.

We are concerned that the regulators have allowed the development of a market mechanism that they neither understand nor can control. More, we contend that the US equity markets are now sullied by an extensive on-going manipulation of unprecedented proportion.

Our securities industry takes space travel and genetic engineering for granted yet continually succumbs to the rhetoric of “random walk" and “no one is bigger than the market.”

In the wake of the 1987 market break, regulators and scholars have been asking the “right” wrong questions. Leading us astray they raise the classic moot issues, like margin requirements and market limits, which evoke fervent debate simply because those elements, though debatably irrelevant, are easy to understand. Moreover, the brute-force actions of trembling margins and imposing 50 point limits are sure to have some noticeable impact.

Many of the academics/ rhetoricians consulted following the October ‘87 crash are or have been in the paid service of interested parties. They have massaged data to show that what we see is just illusion and that our markets are not being controlled.

At the root of the current confusion is an often ignored, little-understood feature of the new derivative instruments. It is called “cash settlement," and it functions to undermine fair markets.


What is "cash settlement”? It is the feature of certain options and futures which specify that they be settled only in cash at (or sometimes before) maturity at the existing price of the underlying security.

"Cash settlement” instruments are synthetic devices. They have no other purpose than to transfer cash from one entity to another by manipulating an underlying index number from one moment to the next, one month to the next.

Nothing REAL is produced, created or even traded. On expiration, money is just transferred automatically into or out of accounts of those who have placed their bets. No more, no less.

While the mechanics of “cash settlement” index options and futures are simplicity itself (a bookkeeper’s dream), these insidious instruments impact the market with great complexity.

To begin with, disposal of these instruments exerts no buying or selling pressure on the market.

It is difficult to imagine any legitimate product on security where buying and selling in massive quantity doesn’t impact price. With “cash settlement” that is what we have. There is no balancing mechanism as there is with any normal product, commodity, stock, bond or standard option and future.

In normal markets, unwinding positions will stabilize rather than destabilize by precisely counteracting the initiating transactions and returning the market to external supply- demand equilibrium.

On a typical option expiration, those who exercise the usual 150,000 (plus or minus) in-the-money “cash settlement” index options do not dispose of the $ 5 billion worth of stocks which ostensibly underlies these options. NOTHING really underlies these options; only cash changes hands; the game is repeated the following month.

The buyer of a “cash settlement” index future is NOT buying an underlying basket of stocks for future delivery, no matter what the “efficient market” rhetoricians claim. The “cash settlement” future is mathematically different from every other future in that it is really a hybrid OPTION, not a future.

At expiration, the so-called index future affords the holder no ownership, but an OPTION to take or not to take delivery of the underlying stock basket. This fundamental aspect of “cash settlement”, and how it impacts the market, is little understood.

To illustrate, consider the holder of 10,000 standard futures contracts on silver at maturity. If this holder does not choose to own the metal, the equivalent of 50 million ounces must be sold into the open market. This order to sell, taken by itself, is likely to depress the market price for the metal. The seller has an incentive to sell as carefully as possible as the more the price is depressed, the less the proceeds will be. Such a seller is likely to begin the process of liquidation well before maturity; he has a disincentive to disrupt market price.

In contrast, the holder of 10,000 S&P futures owns contracts which settle for cash. Disposing of these contracts puts no downward pressure on the market whatever. They just turn to cash. Where the holder of these contracts chooses to take delivery of the underlying stock baskets, it may be done without market risk, as follows: At expiration, stock baskets are purchased “at the market.” Any higher cost which results from this buying pressure is exactly offset by the higher “cash settlement” proceeds from the expiring futures.

This “cash settlement” futures holder has no incentive to tread carefully on the market.
Quite the contrary; there is an incentive to cause as much disruption as possible.

Consider the operator who is long the futures and short stock baskets against them. Knowing in advance that he and his associates will cover short stocks aggressively at predetermined moments (and thus drive the market upwards), they all buy “cash settlement” call options (and/or sell puts) in advance to profit from upward movement that they THEMSELVES will generate. Note that the simple act of covering short stocks at or near expiration is all that is necessary to create the profit and close ALL positions. Various labels, including “front-running,” have been applied to this strategy.

The key to a successful “cash settlement” manipulation is power and organization. The market must be overwhelmed at distinct points in time. Profit without risk can be achieved so long as domination can be achieved. If no greater opposing force appears or, if none exists, the market can be controlled.

We must recall the Hunt Brothers’ failed attempt to corner the silver market in 1980. What doomed that organized scheme from the out-set was that the Hunts actually OWNED something that they themselves would not consume, a physical commodity, which would have to be sold to complete the transaction to create the profit.

Thus, as in all fair markets, the simple round-trip action of one non-consuming group counteracted itself. As the Hunts were unable to convince or coerce others to take them out of their positions in the physical silver, the futures or options, the price of silver wound up where it started.

Now, consider the logical outcome had the Hunts been holders of “cash settlement” calls and futures on silver (which did not exist at the time). If they would have timed their buying of the physical to achieve the desired price rise through hypothetical “cash settlement” expiration dates (or “triple witching hours” as the press calls it), they would have been cashed out of option and futures positions automatically, for cash, without selling silver and depressing its price. They may have become masters of the financial world, using the EXACT mechanism which others are currently using to dominate today’s equity markets.

In theory, “cash settlement” was created to facilitate operations and to allow participants of any size to move easily in and out of the marketplace. As October, 1987 demonstrated, precious few were able to find liquidity when it was needed most.

We believe that a PROPER analysis of the existing marketplace will demonstrate that a group, a Cartel, now exists and that it has been using the “cash settlement” mechanism to profit from its ongoing manipulation of the New York Stock Exchange. We likewise believe that there is no other group substantial enough to oppose this Cartel and unless it is dismantled, fair capital markets will cease to exist altogether in this country.


It is folly that regulators who do not fully understand or appreciate the key and subtle features of "cash settlement” futures and options are judging the viability of a marketplace driven and controlled by this instruments.

In our discussions of "cash settlement" with various regulators, we have yet to encounter a single one who begins to understand the mathematics of the mechanism which now dominates our markets.

Our regulators must first acknowledge that they require the input of impartial scholars who can explain that the owner of a “cash settlement” index option or future holds a highly complex instrument the market impact of which they have yet to determine.

Advertisements, such as the following, five years old, from BARRON'S, should also intrigue our regulators:

Securities firm employing sophisticated arbitrage strategies and proprietary valuation models for the investment of private funds in the convertible securities and options markets seeks Ph D. level mathematician to join its research staff.

Experience in securities analysis is not necessary.

Academic specializations of interest are stochastic control theory, dynamic programming, numerical analysis of PDE’s stopping theory.

Box S-687, BARRON’S

This ad says a lot. What it doesn’t say is that stochastic control theory, optimal stopping theory, superb organization and a few $ Billion may be sufficient to corner our "cash settlement” markets. It is possible that some operators have transformed the US equity markets into a well-oiled machine. Push a button for a specific, predetermined response; stop the market in its track, turn it on a dime once option positions are established, then race it the other way.

Our deregulating SEC and CFTC have allowed the complexities of "cash settlement” to be foisted on an unsuspecting public. It is remarkable that in the wake of a global market panic precipitated by the "cash settlement” mechanism, the Commissions do not appreciate what has happened, and do not know where to look.


Despite all rhetoric, there is no evidence that the existing market is any more efficient now than ever before. Much of the heavy volume does not reflect any genuine change of ownership. Baskets of stock traded back and forth without risk against futures and options add nothing to the economy or to the equity markets. Such positions are established and subsequently unwound strategically to EXCITE the market to profit of "cash settlement” options. The premise that derivative instruments add liquidity is a myth.

The formal studies of the October crash, notably that of The Brady Commission, contend that market volatility has not increased. To quote that prejudiced report: "recent volatility is not particularly high when viewed in a broad historical context."

For calendar year 1987, that analysis fails the sanity test and the flaw is obvious: only day-to-day closing prices were used. The wild INTRA-day swings, so characteristic of the pre- crash environment, were ignored. DAYS where the market traveled THREE HUNDRED Dow Jones points, in violent fifty point swings, to close up or down only ten points just don’t show up. The Brady analysis concerns itself only with NET daily price changes.

Curiously, the Brady Commission did not acknowledge what every professional trader knows: the venerable New York Stock Exchange is being dragged around daily by a new mysterious force.

While 60% of those polled by the Brady Commission agreed that the three "cash settlement” trading strategies (portfolio insurance, index arbitrage and program trading) were “principal factors” contributing to the October, 1987 world market panic, Brady doesn’t follow its own nose to explore how these strategies INTERACT as a mechanism to manage markets.

We have not seen a single published analysis of the crash which has broached even the POSSIBILITY that a market control mechanism exists. Market studies which have received attention have been directly or indirectly sponsored and we cannot ignore the singularity of interest between those who are manipulating and those who have been called on to “analyze” it.

With key data available to the regulators and with scholarly effort, the market control mechanism can be laid bare. It will be possible to demonstrate how the "cash settlement” index option is utilized as the primary profit generator in a rigged marketplace driven by highly managed tape painting. Institutional money is used to move the markets to achieve portfolio managers' specific personal short-term trading objectives in the form of "cash settlement” index option profits.


Today's investors must navigate within a marketplace which includes an odd array of players, some of whom are familiar while others are new, unusual and confusing:

A) THE NAIVE GAMBLER: Speculators who try to profit on short-term market moves. Known collectively as “the public”, then often buy "cash settlement” OEX puts and calls. These players and their brokers are substantial net losers but are drawn back to the market repeatedly by the lure of quick “unlimited profit with limited risk”.

As public players become increasingly experienced they realize, much the way casino gamblers do, that the game is not “fair”. Unlike roulette, blackjack and craps however, the OEX game odds are not yet regulated and the house is still unknown.

B) THE NAIVE HEDGER: Institutions and individuals with large portfolios which try to use futures and options to hedge volatile markets and even participate in “index arbitrage.”

If they do not rely on “pros” to manage their hedging programs, they do not succeed. The “pro” is given total control over the short-term trading of these portfolios (with which to help move markets) in exchange for a share of incremental performance.

As an example, Wells Fargo Bank handles the daily index trading for such august entities as the Rockefeller Foundation and the General Motors Pension Fund (source: Futures Magazine, WSJ).

While Wells Fargo clients were major sellers during the panic of 1987, we have seen no analysis which lays to rest the burning possibility that Wells Fargo or key personnel held short positions in "cash settlement” instruments in personal accounts and were using institutional money to drive the market down.

We have seen no attempt to analyze personal trading patterns of fiduciaries who surrender control of institutional portfolios used to create specific market combustibility.

C) MAJOR TRADING FIRMS: Experts who handle the enormous wave of stock “buy and sell programs" which rock the market. These players act both as agent and as principal and enter into quasi-legal profit sharing agreements with institutional clients (source: WSJ) to orchestrate buy and sell orders.

While there is little evidence to indicate that all of these major firms act independently, regulators have sufficient data to determine the level at which they DO act in concert.

To date, apparently, the regulators have chosen not to perform this analysis although some interesting tidbits are emerging. It seems that at least Salomon Brothers and Morgan Stanley (two key contributors to the Brady Commission, no less) were subsequently identified by the SEC as illegal short-sellers into the 1987 panic.

Initially, the trading firms used program trading to manipulate the market only in the moments immediately preceding option expirations.

The level of short-term market control has since developed extensively as the Cartel has reaped $ Billions of profits both on and offshore. Program trading is now the single dominant market mover on a day-to- day basis and is understood only as a system where "the computers make the buy and sell decisions.”

Regulators, by their inaction, are entrenching this mysterious system and are forcing the public to compete against informed traders who “run ahead” with stock, futures and option orders just prior to their own organized prearranged short-term market moves.

Buried away (Appendix 3, figure 12) in its report, without any cross- reference, the Brady Report discloses that the twenty largest trading firms’ principal accounts were net SHORT $200 million of stocks coming into the crash.

This is simply the tip of the iceberg as it does NOT include the short futures and long put positions of either the firms OR their partners’ and principals’ personal accounts, onshore and offshore.

Too, nowhere does Brady mention that the normal long “core” investment positions for these firms is many $ billions.

This is to say that during the weeks prior to the October crash, the 20 major firms were indeed very heavy sellers of stocks for their own accounts.

We believe that certain trading firms helped orchestrate the crash and profited handsomely from it. This is not the impression one gets from either the industry or these sponsored studies.

D) PORTFOLIO INSURANCE OPERATORS: These groups decided when participating institutions would buy or sell $ Billions in waves. Again we are told that the “computers” made the decisions. We are told to believe this handful of portfolio managers had no personal short positions in derivative instruments prior to pulling the plug on the market, selling stocks, as fiduciaries, mindlessly at ANY price.

E) LOCALS AND MARKETMAKERS: These participants make money by watching “body language” of brokers filling large orders for savvy institutional and upstairs accounts. They go WITH the smart money, not counter to it and are the distributors for the Cartel.

The Cartel buys options and futures, in prearranged trades, from key locals and market makers who then hedge against the public in smaller transactions. When all participants are properly positioned, and only then, the market is moved.

The Chicago Merc (CME), through its leadership and paid academicians, has done much to create public confusion and misinformation about how derivative instruments markets function.

While the CME Report claims the locals added liquidity and absorbed selling pressure during the October market panic, The Brady Commission specifically refutes that contention and shows that locals actually contributed to market instability.

It is very important to realize that as the market crash began, key locals and the Cartel members were short and got shorter as they all sold- not bought- the falling market. Savvy traders with short positions do not try to stabilize a panicky market, and this was not to be their finest patriotic moment as the nation shuddered.

F) INDEX ARBITRAGEURS: These are so-called “messengers” who everyone knows are to blame yet don’t know why; these are the darlings of the “efficient market” rhetoricians. There really is nothing wrong with index arbitrage per se. However, there is usually very little real arbitrage going on here.

“Arbitrage” STRICTLY means simultaneous equal positioning. Where a side (or “leg”) is lifted OR where there is a concurrent option position, there is no longer arbitrage.

Consider an arb who owns “cash settlement” calls and is short a stock basket which is offset by long “cash settlement” futures. If this short stock position is covered aggressively on expiration to enhance the value of the “cash settled” long call and long futures, this unwinding may be manipulation but it is certainly NOT arbitrage.

This powerful industry segment INCLUDES the major trading firms and, as such, has many friends in the press and in government. It is shrouded in mystery, lauded for financial artistry and granted significant trading and positioning exemptions.

Index arbs would have us believe that they are in business to make a few percentage points over the riskless rate. They claim marginal profitability from hedging and unwinding stock vs. futures positions.

Nothing is further from the truth. Careful analysis of trading patterns will tell another story. The major source of profit for the dominant index arbs is the tandem “cash settlement” index put and call option positions. Profits from these options are not mentioned when the arb explains market behavior or gives a raison d’etre to the press.

This group also thrives on public confusion and seems to have been a primary formulator and organizer of the Brady Commission Report presentation strategy.


How did an organization, this Cartel, gain the ability to manipulate the New York Stock Exchange? As an overview, we believe that individual Cartel members have had a long history of cooperation and information-sharing throughout their investment banking research, arbitrage and other trading activities.

More specifically, the origination of the Cartel’s present form apparently began in 1981 when the SEC and the CTFC were somehow motivated to introduce “cash settlement” in the “Accord.” This sham (which later emerged in the Futures Trading Act of 1982) included three criteria that a securities index future or option needed to satisfy to be eligible for trading.

The first criterion was that it be “cash settled”. Amazingly, the second criterion was that “it must not be READILY susceptible to manipulation.” What exactly does this mean and what is the intent?

It appears that the Commissions, aware of the susceptibility of “cash settlement” instruments to manipulation, were nonetheless motivated to let the scheme slip through. How, one wonders?

Taking control over the market did not then happen overnight. The first visible action occurred on the April, 1984 option expiration closing bell when small market-to-buy-on-close orders were entered on over 500 stocks, reportedly by a little known firm, Miller Tabak. The OEX index moved two points (equal to about 15 Dow Jones points), a very dramatic run-off move for the 1984 market. Those lucky or smart enough to own index call options profited by $75 for each $6.25 of market value existing only moments earlier. The unregulated OEX casino had made its debut.

The SEC announced an investigation of that manipulation but found nothing wrong with what had occurred thus giving its formal go-ahead to the high-jinks that have plagued the markets ever since.

Perhaps it is telling that in a subsequent 1986 “round-table” hosted by the SEC and convened to discuss the impact of program trading, Miller Tabak was one of ONLY four firms invited to participate. The other three were Goldman Sachs, Salomon Brothers and Harvard Management, all aggressive program traders. One thing is certain; the SEC had hardly selected a representative sample from the investment community for its “round-table.”

Allowed to run the market at will at each subsequent expiration, the Cartel has grown richer, more powerful, creative and confident with each successful monthly manipulation. The SEC has continued to display unusually benign behavior towards major cartel members, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of wrong-doing. One must ask, who is pulling the strings at the SEC?


In its simplest form, a meaningful upward market movement begins in Chicago where the Cartel establishes a large long “cash settlement” index call position. The S&P futures and selected visible NYSE issues are then simultaneously overwhelmed with large coordinated buy orders, much of which is self-dealing (i.e. tape painting among several cooperating entities who, by pooling, are avoiding real market risk).

Where are the real sellers during this hypothetical rally? Many are either on or urged to the sidelines by Cartel advisors. It is important to recognize that, for the most part institutional-sized orders to buy and sell must be routed through the major firms. Thus Cartel block trading desks are aware of supply and demands vacuums before the markets react to them.

The Cartel’s major profit does not come from stock vs. futures but rather from large concurrent “cash settlement” option positions. Theses positions are established at the beginning of and during major market moves and are often later settled for cash.

This mechanism, or one very much like it, fuelled the bulk of the rally of 1987. With cash constantly flowing into the institutions’ coffers, their prosperity to “index”, and a limited supply of blue chips, there were few meaningful sellers of the big capitalization stocks prior to the crash. In the frenzied takeover environment, the Cartel’s tape painting moved the markets to their outer limits.

The Cartel established a larger short position in index options and futures, hedged core investments, and the market was ready for the very rapid and effectively orchestrated descent. Led by the major trading firms and a handful of participating institutions, the market was crashed.


There has been and continues to be an attempt to mask and downplay the key role played by the “cash settlement” option in the existing complex market mechanism. The Brady Commission Report and The CME Report do not even broach the potential for abuse from option front-running.

THE OPTION MARKET ACTIVITY AND PRE-CRASH OPEN-INTEREST WERE NOT ANALYZED. It is there where information can easily be found to identify manipulating operators and provide needed insight into the art of “cash settlement” abuse.

It is no surprise that so little about the market mechanism is understood with this key piece of the puzzle intentionally shrouded. We have a better understanding when the true motive behind program trading and portfolio insurance becomes clear:



Certain aspects of market manipulation should be addressed and included in any thorough analysis:

A) Is there a consensus by regulators that front-running coupled with market manipulation is undesirable?

B) Can we assume that a fair zero-sum market does not allow for consistent material winning by the same group of major participants?

C) Is it fair to presume that entities which have held essentially identical options and futures positions repeatedly throughout a wide variety of major market condition are “acting in concert”? Why haven’t the Exchanges enforced position limits?

D) Should operators who are actively involved in buying or selling stocks and futures in massive market-moving waves have strictly enforced guidelines with respect to their transacting in the related “cash settlement” index options market?

E) Do front-running and manipulation usually occur together? Who were the major owners of puts when the market crashed? Were they coincidentally also involved as major sellers of stocks?

Brady hasn’t asked. Neither have the SEC and CFTC. The data is certainly available and the analysis is straightforward.

Why haven’t tandem analyses of index option trading patterns of major market operators been performed? Why not analyze how independently the major program trading firms (coincidentally important contributors to the Brady Report) were positioned in index puts and futures just prior to the crash and how they behaved during the debacle?

F) How much of the daily stock and index futures trading is to simply “paint the tape” and move the market in desired directions without any legitimate change of ownership? How are the program trading volume numbers determined and have strict enough guidelines been established to monitor the markets?

G) How much credibility should be given to market studies prepared by employees of interested parties? Academicians, like other professionals, are for hire. To blindly rely upon them is folly.

How much have Professors Miller, Malkiel and Scholes been paid by the CME in the past 5 years? Their report is hardly the objective study which their credentials merit. Rather, it is a stunning example of omission and obfuscation. It is no more than a marketing effort to absolve the CME and index futures.

The Brady Commission report is a description of selected details of the crash. That study was most careful not to implicate the Wall Street firms and generally avoided pointing fingers altogether. They treat the crash as a natural phenomenon rather than an intentional, profit- motivated act of organized manipulators.

The Brady Commission relies largely on input from the very firms and individuals who might otherwise be targeted for examination themselves. The director of the commission, Robert Glauber of the Harvard Business School, now an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, has special expertise in mathematical models for portfolio management. He has had some involvement with the management of Harvard’s endowment, itself identified (by the SEC) as the sixth largest seller during the crash. Glauber has apparently also had a long standing consulting affiliation with Morgan Stanley and possibly other major trading firms which may be actively involved in program trading.

H) How do “cash settlement” instruments impact the market? Just as standard listed options and conventional futures do increase liquidity and reduce volatility, their “cash settlement” counterparts do the opposite. Yet the same arguments which support the legitimate options and futures markets are used incorrectly to promote the scheme.

Our regulators must arm themselves with unbiased mathematical analysis capable of understanding the new market instruments sufficiently to debunk the rhetoric.

I) How do index options originate and how are they distributed? To what extent is pre-arranged trading involved? We believe that any serious attempt to understand the manipulative market mechanism cannot ignore that the Cartel has developed techniques to originate as well as distinct arms with which to distribute “cash settlement” options into the market and with which to take them back.

J) If nothing underlies the “cash-settlement” derivative instruments, aren’t they simply a gambling vehicle utilized to promote volatility and control market behavior? What is their real as opposed to their alleged value or purpose? Specifically, who has benefited from them?

K) Why are “cash settlement” futures treated as futures when they are mathematically options?

L) Why should institutions, especially those with tax-free status, be encouraged to transact in a zero-sum market game that probably has no redeeming value and is clearly destabilizing? Why were funds, earmarked for long-term investment, used to actively trade the markets?

M) What of the world’s other “cash settlement” markets? To date we count 26 exchanges around the world which have begun experimenting with the new instruments. There is evidence that every one beyond the initial developmental stage is experiencing unusual behavior (see, for example, reports on the Sydney Financial Exchange’s 10-year T-Bond Contract).

Our regulators should be monitoring the development of aboriginal cartels with their U.S. international investment banker/arbitrageur partners.

N) What kind of numbers are involved? Our preliminary estimates indicate that more that $20 Billion has been reaped by the Cartel in illicit trading since 1984. We believe this money is traceable and recoverable and can be used to fund needed legitimate regulation of the capital markets through the next decade.

O) But have any laws been broken? Yes, many. The markets have been manipulated continuously since 1984 (with a brief respite during 1988 while the enormous profits of the 1987 crash were digested and invested). The Cartel has exceeded position limits and relied upon pre- arranged trading on an on-going basis to defraud public investors.

P) What is the long-term impact of surrendering control of the nation’s capital markets to a Cartel which has probably become the most powerful financial entity in the world?


The capital markets are under the control of a Cartel which has upwards of $ 50 Billion of trading capital with which to move markets. The markets will be subject to this control so long as the key “cash settlement" instruments (index futures and options) exist.

The casino volatility aura will prevail until our regulators understand, then put an end to what is a rigged zero-sum game.

There are two approaches to dismantling the control mechanism. “Cash settlement" instruments can be abolished altogether or “baskets” of real securities can be used to settle all positions IN EXCESS of some preset threshold.

Those studies prepared by the Brady Commission, The Chicago Merc and the SEC to address the true issues:

The regulators and the general public do not understand “cash settlement".

“Cash settlement" instruments are being used effectively to manipulate the major equity markets on a day-to-day basis.

Major portfolio operators profited personally from index put positions when they pulled the plug on the market in 1987. This same group owned the index calls when they wildly bought stocks at dizzying levels with institutional money throughout pre-crash 1987. We are seeing a repeat performance in 1989.

The same groups which lobbied to introduce “cash settlement" options and futures are also actively protecting them from meaningful regulation by obscuring their central role in market manipulation and control.

Regulators are not mathematicians and, unlike traders in the financial industry, don’t know where to find them. The one-to-one correlation “cash settlement" and manipulation has yet to be made but it will be. The well-being of our capital markets depend on it.

Before you discount this analysis, ask yourself if you truly understand program trading, portfolio insurance and index arbitrage. Ask yourself if you know anyone who does or who has benefited from the new “cash settlement" instruments.

Do you truly believe the market has become a fairer one over the past few years since their introduction or is there a reasonable chance that they are being used for manipulative purposes? Are you comfortable with the trend toward deregulation of the securities industry?

David Lifschultz


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5G 159 9/11 46 Abortion 11 Ancient Civilizations 29 Animal Rights 1 Anna Von Reitz 297 Anonymous 4 Antarctica 12 Artificial Intelligence 24 Ascension 36 Australia 58 Aviation 7 B. Patrick Thomas 8 BAR Mafia 1 Benghazi 11 Benjamin Fulford 179 Big Pharma 69 Big Tech 50 Bilderberg 63 Bill Clinton 6 Bill Gates 68 Biowarfare 25 BlackOps 1 Brent Johnson 7 Brexit 154 Cabal 333 Canada 50 Cancer 22 Cannabis 5 Censorship 110 Central Banks 296 Chemtrails 38 Child Sacrifice 2 China 489 CIA 307 Citizen Rights 360 Climate Change 30 Cloning 17 Cobra 58 Corey Goode 22 Corruption 2450 Dave Janda 9 David Lifschultz 39 David Wilcock 43 Decode 149 Deep State 1203 Disclosure 50 Disease 1096 Disinformation 28 DOJ 202 Drake Bailey 2 Drugs 17 Earth Alliance 1182 Economics 1503 Education 4 Edward Snowden 19 Elon Musk 5 Energy 28 Environment 80 EU 343 Eugenics 15 Exopolitics 185 Extraterrestrial 190 Fake News 49 False Flag 60 FBI 268 FDA 31 Federal Reserve 294 FEMA 2 Field McConnell 2 Food 8 Fraud 373 Galactic Federation 12 General Flynn 36 Genocide 15 Geoengineering 21 Geopolitics 2904 George Soros 98 GESARA 1364 Ghislaine Maxwell 40 GITMO 89 Global Elite 29 GMO 38 Grant Ouellette 47 Great Reset 3 Guest Writer 7 Gun Control 23 Hawaii 11 Health 1002 Hillary Clinton 320 History 285 Hollywood 64 Human Rights 46 Human Trafficking 245 Humanitarian 6 Illuminati 44 Immigration 32 Inner Earth 5 Intel 2443 Intelligence Community 48 Iran 98 IRS 15 Israel 114 James Gilliland 55 James O'Brien 21 Japan 39 Jeffrey Epstein 224 Jesuit 14 JFK 76 JFK Jr 83 Joe Biden 478 John Podesta 7 Jon Rappoport 191 Jordan Sather 134 Judy Byington 1105 Julian Assange 89 Kamala Harris 8 KejRaj 1 Kent Dunn 2 Khazarian 108 Law 361 Law Enforcement 71 Lebanon 6 Libya 2 Mainstream Media 612 Mark Baughman 4 Medicine 82 Melinda Siebold 9 Military 119 Military Industrial Complex 8 Mind 96 Mind Control 21 MKUltra 19 NASA 32 Native Americans 6 NATO 54 Natural Remedies 87 Neil Keenan 1 Neocon 10 NESARA 103 New World Order 179 New Zealand 30 Nikola Tesla 18 North Korea 44 NSA 86 Obama 293 Open Letter 27 Palestine 3 Para Kas-Vetter 39 Parasites 1 Parisse Deza 11 Patrick J. McShay 29 Paul Craig Roberts 1 Pedophilia 181 Philippines 12 Politics 471 Predictions 525 Privacy 5 Propaganda 36 Protests 131 Psychological 1 Putin 53 QAnon 1270 Racism 77 Reader Posts 1053 Religion 111 Restored Republic 1092 RFK Jr. 1 Rinus Verhagen 139 Robert David Steele 21 Robert Mueller 117 Rockefeller 52 Ron Paul 2 Rothschild 104 RT 31 Russia 137 RV/GCR 1521 RXKendrick 16 Sacred Geometry 1 Satanic 156 Saudi Arabia 28 Scandal 44 Science 74 Secret Societies 84 Secret Space Program 52 SERCO 1 SES 1 Sexual Abuse 90 ShadowGate 3 ShadowSuper 54 Shootings 17 Shoshi Herscu 31 Sidney Powell 36 Sierra (NZ) 268 Social Media 92 Society 102 Sorcha Faal 81 South America 10 South Korea 9 Space 64 Speculation 2576 Spirituality 440 Spygate 48 Steve Beckow 10 Steve Pieczenik 6 Syria 27 Technology 208 Terrorism 53 The Office of POOFness 93 The Vatican 62 Thinker2 173 Thomas Anderson 26 Transhumanism 5 Treason 101 Trump 2259 Turkey 9 UFOs 100 UK 326 Ukraine 121 United Nations 47 US Democratic Party 195 US Government 2407 US Republican Party 23 USA 3959 Vaccinations 276 Venezuela 18 Whistleblower 132 White Hats 54 Wikileaks 8 William Mount 1 Wonder Woman 1 Xi Jinping 34 Yellow Vests 8 Zionist 106

5G,159,9/11,46,Abortion,11,Ancient Civilizations,29,Animal Rights,1,Anna Von Reitz,297,Anonymous,4,Antarctica,12,Artificial Intelligence,24,Ascension,36,Australia,58,Aviation,7,B. Patrick Thomas,8,BAR Mafia,1,Benghazi,11,Benjamin Fulford,179,Big Pharma,69,Big Tech,50,Bilderberg,63,Bill Clinton,6,Bill Gates,68,Biowarfare,25,BlackOps,1,Brent Johnson,7,Brexit,154,Cabal,333,Canada,50,Cancer,22,Cannabis,5,Censorship,110,Central Banks,296,Chemtrails,38,Child Sacrifice,2,China,489,CIA,307,Citizen Rights,360,Climate Change,30,Cloning,17,Cobra,58,Corey Goode,22,Corruption,2450,Dave Janda,9,David Lifschultz,39,David Wilcock,43,Decode,149,Deep State,1203,Disclosure,50,Disease,1096,Disinformation,28,DOJ,202,Drake Bailey,2,Drugs,17,Earth Alliance,1182,Economics,1503,Education,4,Edward Snowden,19,Elon Musk,5,Energy,28,Environment,80,EU,343,Eugenics,15,Exopolitics,185,Extraterrestrial,190,Fake News,49,False Flag,60,FBI,268,FDA,31,Federal Reserve,294,FEMA,2,Field McConnell,2,Food,8,Fraud,373,Galactic Federation,12,General Flynn,36,Genocide,15,Geoengineering,21,Geopolitics,2904,George Soros,98,GESARA,1364,Ghislaine Maxwell,40,GITMO,89,Global Elite,29,GMO,38,Grant Ouellette,47,Great Reset,3,Guest Writer,7,Gun Control,23,Hawaii,11,Health,1002,Hillary Clinton,320,History,285,Hollywood,64,Human Rights,46,Human Trafficking,245,Humanitarian,6,Illuminati,44,Immigration,32,Inner Earth,5,Intel,2443,Intelligence Community,48,Iran,98,IRS,15,Israel,114,James Gilliland,55,James O'Brien,21,Japan,39,Jeffrey Epstein,224,Jesuit,14,JFK,76,JFK Jr,83,Joe Biden,478,John Podesta,7,Jon Rappoport,191,Jordan Sather,134,Judy Byington,1105,Julian Assange,89,Kamala Harris,8,KejRaj,1,Kent Dunn,2,Khazarian,108,Law,361,Law Enforcement,71,Lebanon,6,Libya,2,Mainstream Media,612,Mark Baughman,4,Medicine,82,Melinda Siebold,9,Military,119,Military Industrial Complex,8,Mind,96,Mind Control,21,MKUltra,19,NASA,32,Native Americans,6,NATO,54,Natural Remedies,87,Neil Keenan,1,Neocon,10,NESARA,103,New World Order,179,New Zealand,30,Nikola Tesla,18,North Korea,44,NSA,86,Obama,293,Open Letter,27,Palestine,3,Para Kas-Vetter,39,Parasites,1,Parisse Deza,11,Patrick J. McShay,29,Paul Craig Roberts,1,Pedophilia,181,Philippines,12,Politics,471,Predictions,525,Privacy,5,Propaganda,36,Protests,131,Psychological,1,Putin,53,QAnon,1270,Racism,77,Reader Posts,1053,Religion,111,Restored Republic,1092,RFK Jr.,1,Rinus Verhagen,139,Robert David Steele,21,Robert Mueller,117,Rockefeller,52,Ron Paul,2,Rothschild,104,RT,31,Russia,137,RV/GCR,1521,RXKendrick,16,Sacred Geometry,1,Satanic,156,Saudi Arabia,28,Scandal,44,Science,74,Secret Societies,84,Secret Space Program,52,SERCO,1,SES,1,Sexual Abuse,90,ShadowGate,3,ShadowSuper,54,Shootings,17,Shoshi Herscu,31,Sidney Powell,36,Sierra (NZ),268,Social Media,92,Society,102,Sorcha Faal,81,South America,10,South Korea,9,Space,64,Speculation,2576,Spirituality,440,Spygate,48,Steve Beckow,10,Steve Pieczenik,6,Syria,27,Technology,208,Terrorism,53,The Office of POOFness,93,The Vatican,62,Thinker2,173,Thomas Anderson,26,Transhumanism,5,Treason,101,Trump,2259,Turkey,9,UFOs,100,UK,326,Ukraine,121,United Nations,47,US Democratic Party,195,US Government,2407,US Republican Party,23,USA,3959,Vaccinations,276,Venezuela,18,Whistleblower,132,White Hats,54,Wikileaks,8,William Mount,1,Wonder Woman,1,Xi Jinping,34,Yellow Vests,8,Zionist,106,
Operation Disclosure: America is Dying from the British Disease || David Lifschultz
America is Dying from the British Disease || David Lifschultz
Operation Disclosure
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