Keep our eyes on the Goal! Emohwen Setatspeed on Google Earth! August 18, 2020 YouTube Trump Cards IN MEMORY OR ROBERT TRUMP P...

Keep our eyes on the Goal! Emohwen Setatspeed on Google Earth!
August 18, 2020
Trump Cards
President Trump was blessed to visit his brother Robert Trump before he passed away. It was so heartbreaking for I felt a heavy heart of his passing. I never thought I would mourn the loss of a President's sibling, until now. President Trump is such a People's President that he makes you feel like a brother, father, uncle, or mentor that you love and care about, because he cares about you. May God be with the entire Trump family and extended family at this time and heal your hearts. President Trump, do know, there are at least 70 Million brothers and sister in America and millions all over the world that love and respect you Sir!

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In the spirit of College Football season, we need to keep our eyes on the Goal! With John Durham's investigations surfacing to begin with Kevin Clinesmith guilty plea, that is the beginning of the PUBLIC news that is about to surface!
President Trump should get a Nobel Peace Prize for all of his peace agreements with many nations! The most recent Peace Agreement is with Israel and United Arab Emirates. That was an incredibly huge peace agreement and that was also a huge signal for Q Anons that "it's a wrap" or "all the bad guys are down". But the biggest news to become public is about ObamaGate. That is a big octopus bomb that will reveal more than one can imagine.

Keeping our eye on the goal is what President Trump keeps doing. President Trump works so hard, every single day, to give the whole world a better more beautiful life ahead! But what is coming will shock those naysayers and they will refuse to believe it. Knowing President Trump, the public reveal of the crimes of bigger players will have verifiable undisputable facts that these naysayers cannot even debunk. These naysayers support Biden and ignore the fact that Biden and his clones / body doubles are completely clueless, instead, they prefer to slam President Trump every single day. No use trying to reason with any of them. They want proof and when it is given, they start yelling (in person) or the typical name calling, which is all they know how. I truly believe their vocabulary consists of only 5 words. SAD! Our job is to keep dropping truth bombs and the real people may stop and ask a question. The constant negative nellies are more than likely bots that are capable of getting us suspended. The best I can do with these "prove it" nasty bots / liberals is to tell them...Prove me wrong. Then they will go and search on their own and never come back.
What is the goal...the BIG truth bombs heading our way. Distractions, division, is what they want. They are using podcasters with a larger audience to befriend them and then once they are friendly and maybe the podcaster gives a shout out, then their sleeper button is activated. I know they listen to my shows, so in return, I am having a block party! There is so much happening now and I need to stay focused. They're just in the way!
Let's check out Guantanamo Detention Facility on Google Maps!
EMOHWEN SETATSPEED - Sounds like a foreign language....oh it's foreign all right!

EMOH WEN SETATS PEED - spell it back wards

Then, this Tweet had many roaring!

Now comes ObamaGate, PedoGate, FakeNewsGate, SCOTUSGate, GatesGate, DrsofDoomGate, VoterFraudGate, SocialMediaGate and any other Criminal enterprise Gate. Because one big Public announcement will have a domino affect. The distractions will be ongoing and I too will work on staying focused. Even TikTok is getting banned from the USA.

President Trump is so ready to roll out Greatness and needs all these evil players and their body doubles / cheapo budget clones out of the way. They play and avoid the death penalty. They don't play and get exposed for their fraud and the death penalty /life in prison! So we will soon find out who didn't play. It sure seems like Kammy and Biden are already gone/done.
President Trump has GREATNESS OVERLOAD ready for all of us good guys, not the thugs that destroyed our country and got processed. Again, QFS is still in its testing stages and will not roll out until the very end of this calendar year. If I am wrong, you all win!
Please continue to post truth in President Trump's tweets. Twitter has managed to get a lot of sicko freaky trolls in there posting vile and heartless things every single day!
We love you Mr. President!!! You are the BEST!!!
A Very Special thanks to @SeaBee722 for this incredible Video:

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