Operation Disclosure | Thinker2, Contributing Writer August 15, 2020 Know these Facts: "It's a Republic, if you can keep i...
Operation Disclosure | Thinker2, Contributing Writer
August 15, 2020
Know these Facts:
- "It's a Republic, if you can keep it." – Ben Franklin
- America was established as a Republic (Equal Justice Under Law / Rule of Law)
- The Bankers, Courts, Attorneys, and Police are Fascist (This rule is for thee and not for me.)
- Benito Mussolini (WW2 Italian Dictator) said; "Fascism is Corporatism"
- Washington DC is littered with Fasci https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Fasci
- 48 States were incorporated by 1879, today all 50 States are Incorporated
- Police are a Rothschild Banking Mercenary Army 1829
- Police serve at the pleasure of the CEO (Governor / Mayor)
- The BAR (British Accredited Registry) Mafia (Law Society) make Policy for States & Police
- Why are Fascists making Law in a Republic?
- Answer; America is Occupied by Fascists!
- What do Police "Serve and Protect" the Republic or the Banker's Fascist Police State (?)
Awareness of mental illness is impossible, because "Crazy people have no idea they are crazy." (Catch 22) If you think Cops are licensed to violate the Law, then you are crazy.
The Founding Fathers established a Republic and Laws to restrict the authority of the Republics employees, but Bankers and Attorneys usurped the laws of the Republic by Infiltration and other covert means (Extortion, Blackmail, Murder, etc).
Title 18 Section 241 & 242 Conspiracy / Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law (Color of Law is Code masquerading as Law (Treachery / Psychopathy) aka Code is not Law, it's CODE.) If Code is not Law and Corporations are fictional concepts of the mind, then everything to do with Corporate (Fascist) Government is Criminal, but Psychopaths do not care. All they want is the money.
An Eagle Symbol (Unnatural) is a symbol for Lucifer. It represents the Hyde side of Jekyll & Hyde. When police show symbols for Lucifer, it is a subtle way of informing their victims they are Psychopathic. A Sunrise is also a symbol for Lucifer. Lucifer is the dawn-bringer (Hyde).
One mans God is another mans Devil. One mans Patriot is another mans Terrorist.
Why does the Federal Reserve Eagle look like a man with wings (Fallen Angle) by night? (Rothschild Bankers worship Psychopathy / Treachery.)

The Rothschild Bankers have been telling us the truth all along; we simply did not have the eyes (knowledge) to see with.
It’s a symbol not an American Bald Eagle, because it can not fly away.
If you can not distinguish Fiction from Reality, you are insane.

One of the great mysteries of World War II is why when Hitler was so close to defeating England, did the Nazis end the Blitz. I believe the reason was the Rothschilds had what they wanted. What the Rothschilds wanted was Palestine (Israel). The rest of the war was for the purpose of creating as much death and debt as possible for the Bankers to profit from.
Don’t believe anything until it is officially denied:
- Adolf Hitler (Adolf Schicklgruber) was a Rothschild https://www.thoughtco.com/ancestry-of-adolf-hitler-1779644
- Bill Clinton was a Rothschild
- Hillary Clinton was a Rockefeller
- Chelsea Clinton had a Jewish Wedding

Peace, love, and blessings,
Thinker2 ← links to my other posts
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