Operation Disclosure | By Thomas Anderson, Contributor July 19, 2020 Dear Readers, I would like to ask you for your opinion and thoug...
Operation Disclosure | By Thomas Anderson, Contributor
July 19, 2020
Dear Readers,
I would like to ask you for your opinion and thoughts.
In the last decades we heard an awful lot about “NAZI”s.
We learned they were and are bad. We learned what we had to learn about what they had done and are doing.
Meanwhile it seems clear to me, that the bad people we are targeting, are cabal people.
People who use a shield to protect themselves and let others blame another group of people, let them be Jewish people, German people or other groups.
But in all cases, they are the ones standing behind the curtain, pulling the strings, financing all sides and groups and following their path and pulling or pushing the rest of the world to move there.
People with open eyes learned already, that blaming “Jews” for all bad things in the world never has targeted the right group in history.
Yes, there are a lot of jewish names in history and actual politics and society, who do BAD.
May be, those bad people with jewish names claim to be of jewish religion. But in fact, so I assume and so it seems to me, this jewisch religion is again a shield of protection.
Of course because fighting them would be regarded as being anti-Semitic, which in our politically correct world of course nobody wants to be.
Let me think loud a bit over the word NAZI.
First of all, making a long word short, should include the letters of that word.
In the case NAZI we use this for National-Socialist.
And we see: it doesn’t fit. NASO? Never heard…
Anyway, we “learned” in school that NAZIs were bad and NAZIs came originally from Germany. There from the National Socialist Party called NSDAP.
So, a party which claims to be the workers party and also a national and a social orientated party.
What is it about being national?
“America First” is a good example. Being a patriot does not necessarily include being nationalist, but it comes very close and is always very near.
Is it bad to be a Patriot?
Is it bad to have list of priorities like “family, village, country, God?
Or family, country, planet Earth?
I would say, no, its not bad.
Is it bad to be social orientated?
Is it bad to take care for poor people? Or underpriviledged?
To want to make sure that the gap between rich and poor does not get too big?
I don’t think its bad.
So, generally, combining those two points national and social does not seem to be of any bad.
Why did we learn that those so called NAZIs are bad?
Because of all the cruel things we heard about them. We learned they started many wars and they killed lots of people. We learned they had a secret service, which abducted people and put them in torture chambers. We learned that had this idea of wanting to rule the world and bring their way of life to the rest of the world.
You got the point…?
I don’t want to talk about the word NAZI in detail, its origin is interesting, sure, but my thought today here is a different one.
We learned to speak a certain language, which surely is infiltrated by a lot of very bad ideas.
So, the word NAZI is generally connected to Germans, even though there are lot of so called NAZIs in the US and elsewhere.
In fact we should ourselves (AND NOT FROM THE MEDIA) search for other words to target specific bad groups and try to let peoples out of this game.
Every time, I (as a german) read something of Fulford or others authors, I feel targeted in me being german, just because I learned it for YEARS AND YEARS in school.
Even when I obviously know, that those people in most cases don’t want to be aggressive against Germans in general, they use this word and don’t hink much about it and us this weapon of language, which was implemented by some highly intelligent people into our daily lives decades ago. Most probably this was done by the TAVISTOCK institute, but I am not sure about that detail.
And when European people or Iranians talk about “America” OF COURSE they target only the very few bad people who did harm to them by directing history and politics like we know it.
This hate again was implemented in their brains and also they have to free themselves from this integrated weapon of mass-destruction in their heads.
Same in ours.
Within the last years and months the word CABAL has entered our brains and discussion.
And for me it meanwhile is pretty clear, that the same circle, some times even the same people where behind World War II and the following American wars and evil on this planet.
Even the National-Socialist movement perhaps needs to be reviewed very carefully about whether it could be cleared of the bad factors and then would shine in a different light then before.
Remember: this movement brought a poor people after a long war under highest political pressure within only 12 years to a power that the rest of the world was necessary to fight against them.
If something this powerful could be converted into something peaceful for ALL peoples on the planet, …
Well, I think we should think about that…
And of course I know how bad you feel reading this.
Oh my god, a NAZI. A hidden one, those are the worst.
So we have learned.
A NAZI in suit. ARGH, kill him. He is evil.
Stop it!!
Stop thinking in old patterns which you have learned in school.
Live the luxury of having an opinion of your own after carefully reviewing every detail you can get about the targeted topic.
I myself often feel trapped by my own language, and of course I sometimes say “the US did..:”
Its wrong!
We must use our languages to target those we want to target directly.
Yes, that is not easy
But we must do that to get and give peace to all of us.
When language traps are set up alongside with religious traps (like fundamentalism) it even gets worse.
Fundamentalized people mostly really think they do good.
They kill Christians and even themselves to go to heaven and get 72 virgins.
What a trick!
This bullshit (excuse me) was implemented in their brains the same was as “they have weapons of massdestruction” on the other side.
Or “Der Jude ist an allem Schuld” (“the jews is guilty for everything”)
Same trick.
Over and over again.
I don’t know yet, if “CABAL” is a good word to use here for all the bad groups. Pretty sure we would need more words.
And I am very sure that the words, which were introduced by the media were definitely NOT the right ones.
“NAZI” is one of those words.
“Antisemitism” is another one which completely ignores the originally described thought and turns it into something stupid.
“Democracy” is another word, which meanwhile is used for something completely different.
There are a lot of words we should stop using right now because if we use them, we use a weapon of the bad guys against ourselves.
And for all who want to know more about the history of this Planet, the Secret Space programs and more…
World Conspiracy in English language (ebook / paperback)
In German language (only paperback, sold out in new condition, used still available)
Space Conspiracy in English language (ebook / paperback)
And in German (only paperback)https://www.amazon.de/Die-Weltraumverschw%C3%B6rung-Jan-van-Helsing/dp/3938656433/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1505482561&sr=1-1&keywords=weltraumverschw%C3%B6rung
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
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If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure
July 19, 2020
Dear Readers,
I would like to ask you for your opinion and thoughts.
In the last decades we heard an awful lot about “NAZI”s.
We learned they were and are bad. We learned what we had to learn about what they had done and are doing.
Meanwhile it seems clear to me, that the bad people we are targeting, are cabal people.
People who use a shield to protect themselves and let others blame another group of people, let them be Jewish people, German people or other groups.
But in all cases, they are the ones standing behind the curtain, pulling the strings, financing all sides and groups and following their path and pulling or pushing the rest of the world to move there.
People with open eyes learned already, that blaming “Jews” for all bad things in the world never has targeted the right group in history.
Yes, there are a lot of jewish names in history and actual politics and society, who do BAD.
May be, those bad people with jewish names claim to be of jewish religion. But in fact, so I assume and so it seems to me, this jewisch religion is again a shield of protection.
Of course because fighting them would be regarded as being anti-Semitic, which in our politically correct world of course nobody wants to be.
Let me think loud a bit over the word NAZI.
First of all, making a long word short, should include the letters of that word.
In the case NAZI we use this for National-Socialist.
And we see: it doesn’t fit. NASO? Never heard…
Anyway, we “learned” in school that NAZIs were bad and NAZIs came originally from Germany. There from the National Socialist Party called NSDAP.
So, a party which claims to be the workers party and also a national and a social orientated party.
What is it about being national?
“America First” is a good example. Being a patriot does not necessarily include being nationalist, but it comes very close and is always very near.
Is it bad to be a Patriot?
Is it bad to have list of priorities like “family, village, country, God?
Or family, country, planet Earth?
I would say, no, its not bad.
Is it bad to be social orientated?
Is it bad to take care for poor people? Or underpriviledged?
To want to make sure that the gap between rich and poor does not get too big?
I don’t think its bad.
So, generally, combining those two points national and social does not seem to be of any bad.
Why did we learn that those so called NAZIs are bad?
Because of all the cruel things we heard about them. We learned they started many wars and they killed lots of people. We learned they had a secret service, which abducted people and put them in torture chambers. We learned that had this idea of wanting to rule the world and bring their way of life to the rest of the world.
You got the point…?
I don’t want to talk about the word NAZI in detail, its origin is interesting, sure, but my thought today here is a different one.
We learned to speak a certain language, which surely is infiltrated by a lot of very bad ideas.
So, the word NAZI is generally connected to Germans, even though there are lot of so called NAZIs in the US and elsewhere.
In fact we should ourselves (AND NOT FROM THE MEDIA) search for other words to target specific bad groups and try to let peoples out of this game.
Every time, I (as a german) read something of Fulford or others authors, I feel targeted in me being german, just because I learned it for YEARS AND YEARS in school.
Even when I obviously know, that those people in most cases don’t want to be aggressive against Germans in general, they use this word and don’t hink much about it and us this weapon of language, which was implemented by some highly intelligent people into our daily lives decades ago. Most probably this was done by the TAVISTOCK institute, but I am not sure about that detail.
And when European people or Iranians talk about “America” OF COURSE they target only the very few bad people who did harm to them by directing history and politics like we know it.
This hate again was implemented in their brains and also they have to free themselves from this integrated weapon of mass-destruction in their heads.
Same in ours.
Within the last years and months the word CABAL has entered our brains and discussion.
And for me it meanwhile is pretty clear, that the same circle, some times even the same people where behind World War II and the following American wars and evil on this planet.
Even the National-Socialist movement perhaps needs to be reviewed very carefully about whether it could be cleared of the bad factors and then would shine in a different light then before.
Remember: this movement brought a poor people after a long war under highest political pressure within only 12 years to a power that the rest of the world was necessary to fight against them.
If something this powerful could be converted into something peaceful for ALL peoples on the planet, …
Well, I think we should think about that…
And of course I know how bad you feel reading this.
Oh my god, a NAZI. A hidden one, those are the worst.
So we have learned.
A NAZI in suit. ARGH, kill him. He is evil.
Stop it!!
Stop thinking in old patterns which you have learned in school.
Live the luxury of having an opinion of your own after carefully reviewing every detail you can get about the targeted topic.
I myself often feel trapped by my own language, and of course I sometimes say “the US did..:”
Its wrong!
We must use our languages to target those we want to target directly.
Yes, that is not easy
But we must do that to get and give peace to all of us.
When language traps are set up alongside with religious traps (like fundamentalism) it even gets worse.
Fundamentalized people mostly really think they do good.
They kill Christians and even themselves to go to heaven and get 72 virgins.
What a trick!
This bullshit (excuse me) was implemented in their brains the same was as “they have weapons of massdestruction” on the other side.
Or “Der Jude ist an allem Schuld” (“the jews is guilty for everything”)
Same trick.
Over and over again.
I don’t know yet, if “CABAL” is a good word to use here for all the bad groups. Pretty sure we would need more words.
And I am very sure that the words, which were introduced by the media were definitely NOT the right ones.
“NAZI” is one of those words.
“Antisemitism” is another one which completely ignores the originally described thought and turns it into something stupid.
“Democracy” is another word, which meanwhile is used for something completely different.
There are a lot of words we should stop using right now because if we use them, we use a weapon of the bad guys against ourselves.
And for all who want to know more about the history of this Planet, the Secret Space programs and more…
World Conspiracy in English language (ebook / paperback)
In German language (only paperback, sold out in new condition, used still available)
Space Conspiracy in English language (ebook / paperback)
And in German (only paperback)https://www.amazon.de/Die-Weltraumverschw%C3%B6rung-Jan-van-Helsing/dp/3938656433/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1505482561&sr=1-1&keywords=weltraumverschw%C3%B6rung
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure