Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat This is the video we’ve been praying for. I guarantee you’ll be feeling a whole lot better once you...
Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
This is the video we’ve been praying for.
I guarantee you’ll be feeling a whole lot better once you’ve either read my transcription below or watched the video discussion between Charles Ward and Mike Shinton.
Charlie Ward verifies what we’ve been hearing regards the RV/GCR and we have EVERY REASON to believe it is truly upon us. Thank you, God. Thank you, Alliance.
I forgot to tell you yesterday, because it was such an emotional transcription (I hear you, Stefan,) that the most important point to remember is this:
The war with the cabal / illuminati / deep state has been WON by The Alliance. You can hold onto that point forever now.
On a personal note, I was going to write this privately through Patrick, but decided to write it publicly: Your Email, Jim from Atlanta, was so spectacular I’m seriously thinking of framing it.
I deeply appreciate your appreciation. I took your description and posted it on my computer so when I start lagging in my transcribing, I look at your words and say, “Get on with it Kat, you’re wonderful :)” Bless you.
I hear from many peeps that the transcriptions are helpful. I’m a “selective” transcriber in order to make it easier to follow the essential narrative. I don’t includes side-bars of giggles or tangents of ideas… unless they’re too delightful to leave out.
Anyway — thanks and blessings from my whole heart to all who take the time to write me a thumbs up. Massively appreciated.
Like I said, THIS video is the one we’ve been waiting for. Me for 8-years. Others for 15-years+ .
I couldn’t love you all more or pray for your well-being any more than I do.
I feel your goodness through the ethers. I appreciate that we put up with each other’s grumpiness, and absolutely acknowledge that we’ve pulled each other along and kept each other going on this very challenging Currency road.
Unceasing unceasing unceasing thanks to Patrick for this forum and for ALL the work he does for all of us with forwarding Emails etc., and to our intrepid Judy, you are a Goddess as I keep saying, but you really are. Hugs, light and love to you both.
Enjoy Charlie and Mike. They’re delightful and full of great actual INTEL.
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Mike Shinton and Charlie Ward discuss the TRUTH 7-15-20
Transcribed by Kat
0:50 Mike Shinton: I was one of your original 37 subscribers (Charles Ward now has over 72k Subscribers on you-tube)… and I feel blessed, honored and privileged to be on this journey with you so far… you know, I haven’t felt too much stress…
1:20 Charlie: I haven’t either but I’ve been helping people with their stress. I think when you know what the truth is it makes it a whole lot easier…
1:30 Mike: And just to say… how long we been in lockdown? Let’s see, we’ve been in lockdown since 4 or 5 months ago, I was under the impression that I had my eyes fairly wide-open… you don’t realize how much you don’t know until you know a few things…
And I was absolutely clueless, looking back… it’s like I’ve been on a crash-course in World affairs… I had no interest in Politics whatsoever… and to use your phrase, it’s been fascinating…
2:35 Charlie: I’ve done a tremendous amount of research in the last 24-48 hours trying to find out the purpose of the masks at this current stage in many countries… they’ve picked on certain countries for a reason…
I’ve found out now, from my inside source, the Social Distancing and the masks… is an experiment for facial recognition… we’ve been treated like guinea pigs on an absolute lie… EVERYONE’S IN FEAR THINKING THEY MIGHT CATCH A NON-EXISTENT VIRUS…
[Underneath the image is written the following text: 130 Countries in the world starting at the same approximate time making masks and social distancing compulsory, to see if it still works when your face is half covered. This is NOT Covid-19. This is an exercise for Facial Recognition Systems. You need to stand 1M apart where there is a CCTV camera and they are checking Facial Recognition still works when your face is half-covered.]
3:40 Charlie cont.: I mean, I live in Spain where the temperature is 30+ degrees (Celsius… which is 86 degrees Fahrenheit)… the virus CANNOT EXIST over 24 degrees outside of the body… don’t take my word for it… go onto the Government website, or the WHO, CDC websites…
(Discussion of the pointlessness of masks. Hilarious)
5:56 Charlie: People have said to me, “Oh, you’re a conspiracy theorist…” And I’m like, “Really, are you that dumb?!?”
6:01 Mike: How anybody is still falling for this (Covid-19, wearing masks]… is absolutely beyond me…
6:17 Charlie: In Spain… 95% of the people… they’re believing everything they’re told… it’s 36 degrees and you see these old people dying… and when I saw this… in the Summer when the virus cannot exist they’re breaking down your Immune System by having you wear a mask so when I virus does come in November, when its colder, when it can exist, you’re scr*wed… because you didn’t use your brain…
7:11 Mike: I agree, it’s just unfathomable to me how anybody’s still buyin’ it… but I have to say, where I live and I think in the UK generally, more and more people are waking up… I think more than we actually realize at the moment…
7:20 Charlie: Well you have to remember that people like Mick Hancock are part of the problem, part of the deep state… he also has a business that sells masks…
7:33 Mike: And he’s got shares in a vaccine company as well…
[Mick Hancock, UK politician, former Independent Member of Parliament, had to resign in 2014 due to se.x.ual misconduct]
7:40 Charlie: So you don’t need to be a Rocket Scientist to work out that he’s a bit of a twat… it’s amazing… but it’s so lovely to see people that have woken up to the fact or are aware of the fact that things don’t just add up… I would have thought that a lot more people would have been aware after so long…
We’re now 14, 16 weeks into Quarantine and the temperature is far too high for the virus to do any damage to you… it’s almost like a test to see how many people are stupid enough to believe them… they sit in front of the telly and listen to and believe everything they’re told… it’s embarrassing…
8:56 Mike: It’s increasingly difficult to communicate with the sleepers…
9:03 Charlie: They’ve shut down, haven’t they?... they’ve mentally shut down… they’re not investigating anything… they believe the Mainstream Media… I had a man come up to me yesterday and yell in my face… “You need a mask, sir, you need a mask!!”… and I said, “Does your-one work ? Good… then you worry about you and I’ll worry about me…”
9:30 Charlie cont.: Look… in reality you and I have been on this journey together… and we all know that this is the deep state fighting back… the cabal’s fighting back… this is not what Donald Trump wants… this is not what the Alliance behind him wants… but he’s having to let them show how really evil they are… so that the people wake-up that these people (deep state / cabal / illuminati) are not doing good things to us…
10:09 It’s very easy in America because he can go (pointing) “Democrat State… Democrat State” …Anyone (state) that’s run by a Democrat deserves to have a vaccine because it’ll kill them all off so they won’t have any votes left anyway… (laughter)
Whereas in England it’s not so defined… Hancock is definitely part of the problem… but his days are numbered… but it’s important people are aware of the TRUTH so they can get rid of the fear…
11:00 Mike: Let me tell you… I’ve watched your videos from the start… it’s not always what you say that I take notice of, it’s your body language… and it’s been so obvious for a few weeks now how comfortably you’ve been sitting… and there’s a lot more that you know that you can’t share right now… (smiling, laughing)
11:30 Charlie: Yeah, it’s difficult, because I’m not the best at keeping secrets (smiling)… but I’ve had to learn the hard way… there’s a lot of things I would love to tell everybody but I’ve been told just to wait and be patient this is why I’m so peaceful…
12:20 Charlie cont.: If I can give you one piece of information I was told which I can share… that was that we’d passed the critical point 10-weeks ago… but now we’re in the tail end…
It’s a bit like when you ring a chicken’s neck it’s still running around and it’s still causing chaos but it’s DEAD… and the deep state / the cabal / the illuminati / and the Democrat party as it is in current form… is DEAD…
It’s just kicking off at the moment still… and trying to cause as much mayhem as possible…
Because we’re coming into a very important phase now… where the final dregs of the swamp are being drained… and we’re coming into the Great Awakening…
13:25 Mike: It’s such a privilege to be alive right now… this may be the most pivotal point in Human History…
13:29 Charlie: Certainly in yours and my history… our grandfather’s fought in WWII… and great-great-great grandfathers in the First World War… and that was pivotal… and you and me have been in the frontline of The Third World War…
13:50 Mike: Right.. and I’ve said to people the consequences of losing WWII would pale in comparison to losing this WWIII war… It’s an absolute privilege to be alive right now…
Charlie: Isn’t it just? And we’re living in a wonderful world…
14:11 Mike: We are… but we’re going to have to shape some shocking facts… your video yesterday was so powerful, mate… it was raw emotion, I’ve never seen you like that before… it was absolutely fantastic… and that’s the shocking reality we’ve all got to face…
[The deep state / illuminati / cabal satanic abuse of hundreds of thousands of children]
Charlie’s video yesterday that Mike is referring to: “God Save Donald Trump and Our Children”
"Charlie Ward Video: God Save Donald Trump and our Children" by Kat - 7.14.20
14:35 Mike: But we need to be aware of that to make sure it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN…
14:44 Charlie: It touched a nerve (yesterday’s video about the abuse of children] because I had a 20-minute script that I had to go through that I didn’t get through because the point was made…
14:54 Mike: You spoke straight from your heart mate, and it was beautiful…
14:59 Charlie: Someone tried to kidnap my daughter when she was very very young… a pedophile… and a very old lady in her 80’s screamed loud enough that the guy drove off… he had tried to pick her up in his car near her school… and I said to the Police, if you don’t catch him I will... and if I catch him I won’t bring him to you I’ll kill him… they said you could go to prison for life and I said I’d go to prison very happy… wouldn’t bother me at all…
15:25 Charlie cont.: And if anybody, anybody, I don’t care who you are… does any damage to a child… even if it’s a parent to their own child, I’ll be coming for you…
Charlie: We sometimes overlook something… that these children are gifts to us from God and we are custodial… the greatest gift we’ve ever been given… and it’s our duty as parents and grandparents to look after the most treasured gift…
16:10 Charlie cont.: And for people out there abusing it… and we’ve had this thing about TikTok and I’ve said look… it’s very important that my son understands what a pedophile is… very important… because if you hide your children away from these evil people… in your day and my day and old man would say, “Want a sweetie?” and we’d take the sweetie… but nowadays, that’s the start of grooming… let’s not hide them away… we need to tell them that these people are evil…
16:44 Charlie cont.: People ARE good… but this is very important… after all this, evil will not disappear… it’ll still be there… but good will have taken back control… cuz evil has had control…
18:00 We were a long way away from where we needed to be… but Thank God for Donald Trump who is bringing us back through those choppy waters to where we should be at… forget whether you like him or don’t like him… he’s the first President in 30-years who hasn’t gone to war… he’s got people working again…
19:46 (Discussion about a Spanish restaurant “the little geranium” and its chef) Charlie was born June 8, 1960… the chef called Charlie’s video “The Charlie Ward Show”… so he named it…
20:57 Mike: You will never, ever see me in a mask… end of… I just wanted to talk about Common Law… it was left up to the Police to enforce these guidelines, not the shop owner…
Charlie: You make a very important point there, it’s a guideline not a law…
21:17 Mike: Yes, guideline, but it’s not down to the shop owners… it was back to the Police… the Police have said it’s UNENFORCABLE now… but I believe we’re coming back to Common Law, aren’t we Charlie, as part of GESARA?
21:34 Charlie: That’s certainly part of it… and I was speaking yesterday to the Powers The Be in Washington… and they seem to feel that we’re going to make some steps forward this week in the Financial Reset… cuz that’s critical to the whole part of this… all of this was a smokescreen to cover up the Global Financial Reset and the Revaluation…
22:03 Mike: 4 or 5 months ago I knew nothing about Common Law… (1.) Government is a creation of man and therefore can NEVER be ABOVE man… now, is it me or are governments all around the world acting as though they control us at the moment and are therefore above us?
22:30 Charlie: That’s exactly what they’re trying to do… but this is their last desperate bid for control…
22:38 Mike: But Common Law says that we are above government…
Charlie: Correct…
22:45 Mike: But the second thing that nailed it for me, the UK government and I think every other governments around the world but I’ll talk about the UK government… the UK government is a private corporation registered with Dun & Bradstreet…
Charlie: Correct…
[All Registered businesses in the UK and Ireland are automatically issued with a D-U-N-S Number]
22:54 Mike: Just like, let’s say McDonald's… a private corporation… would we take any notice, would we give it a second thought if we got a letter from McDonald's or BT or any other private corporation… to tell us that we had to wear a mask to go into a shop?!... of course we wouldn’t… and it’s exactly the same thing…
23:20 Charlie: And because of the way the old legal system, the Maritime law is set up, you and I are actually NOT Human Beings… we’re commodities…
23:28 Mike: Yeah… and we’re ‘Dead Entities’… we’re corporations… and if you look at the word ‘corp’ it means dead… ‘oration’ means speak… so it’s “Dead Speak”…
24:00 Charlie: Yeah, look at “Mortgage”.. Death-Veg…
[Kat Note: Synonyms for ‘Mort’ are cadaver, corpse… Synonyms for ‘Gage’ are forfeit and pledge so ‘mortgage’ translates to Death-Pledge, which is what it feels like to everyone who has one, which is why a Global Debt Jubilee will be so fantastic and wonderful! Let’s hear it for NESARA and GESARA and President Trump and the Alliance who are bringing them to us!]
23:50 Mike: When you get into the meaning of words…
24:00 Charlie: Well it helps the process to wake-up… then you start to realize is what people are saying starts to make sense… what people say to me is what I’m hearing right now doesn't make sense but when I listen to you it makes sense… well, it makes sense because it’s the TRUTH… and lies don’t make sense…
24:20 Mike: Common Law states so long as I don’t cause you harm, loss or injury I can do, virtually, whatever I want… that makes perfect sense to me… it’s been… my mother, God rest her soul who passed away in 2006 and I loved her dearly… she was a teenager in the Second World War and she used to say for all the hardships it was one of the best times of her life…
25:02 Charlie: (Nodding) It brings people together…
25:10 Mike: Exactly, everyone was pulling in the same direction, and that’s what you’ve created mate, you more than most, you’ve brought thousands of people across the world together… we’ve got an amazing tribe… it’s been such a privilege to be a small part of this journey…
We’re all sovereign beings who have dominion over the Earth… and to really get that is such an empowering realization…
26:12 Charlie: It makes you peaceful inside when you know it…
27:50 Mike: More revelations are coming out every day… the pace is accelerating…
27:50 Charlie: Yeah… in the Daily Telegraph yesterday it was announced that 160 odd politicians had been arrested in the United Kingdom… a lot of politicians, a lot of high-powered people are being arrested… some have been charged… some have just been questioned… it’ll be drip-fed… well I know there’s been a lot of executions
28:21 Mike: If some of the lists making the rounds on Social Media are to be believed, there’s been a number of executions already…
Kat Note: This enclosed link was posted by Rinus Verhagen last week and is what Mike is referring to when he says ‘lists of executions.’ I personally have NO IDEA IF ANY of this is true. I DO NOT KNOW. I am only providing the link for any who wish to understand what is being said.
We’ve all read we’re living in a Matrix-type-world that includes clones, holograms and shape-shifting reptiles. However, I DO NOT KNOW any of that for fact. I cannot say unequivocally that any of this is TRUTH. Does Hilary Clinton have many clones? Is Queen Elizabeth a shape-shifting reptile? I DO NOT KNOW.
However, we’re all going to have to face facts and truths that are going to be extremely difficult to comprehend, so in the Spirit of opening our minds to whatever may be coming, I enclose what I personally feel is a highly distasteful link and apologize, in advance, for hurting anyone’s sensibilities. If you have a low tolerance for evil, skip it.
I’ll tell you this: I’m sick of people only releasing what they think I can handle. I want 100% of the TRUTH and then I’ll figure out how I feel about it.
Keep in mind: The Light, The Alliance, have WON WWIII. This is just the aftermath. We ARE moving into a wonderful post-RV, GCR, GESARA world, I believe it, which is why Charlie Ward feels so peaceful. That is the fact to hold onto in these pandemonium times.
28:26 Charlie: Well I know there’s been a lot of executions and I know that factually there’s been a lot… but I don’t know exactly who… because I can have the names of people from trusted sources… when I see the video evidence… cuz they’ve all had video confessions and video evidence retained… so it’s been fully recorded and documented…
28:50 Mike: My understanding is that those will start to be released early next year (2021)
28:56 Charlie: That is correct… the most important thing is that Donald Trump has an election in November… so that’ll be the crescendo… because if you look at the Democrats… they’ve run out of bullets… and the bullets they had from the start were only rubber bullets anyway…
I think by the end of this year people will be a lot clearer…
This week or next week we’ll probably be aware of the Revaluation of Currencies and the Financial Reset… I think there’ll be more clues out there…
It won’t be splashed across the front pages of the newspaper…
People that know what’s going on will be aware of information that’s coming out…
There’ll be certain changes that are happening and you’ll see the Currencies come to parallel in a lot of the countries…
And then I had the list yesterday of the countries they’re going to reset and revaluate so it gives them wealth… they won’t be exactly 1 to 1 but it’ll certainly make them a lot wealthier…
And that list I had straight down from the top so we know it’s real…
Kat Note: These are the Currencies listed to revalue from Judy’s Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 15, 2020
The First Basket of Currencies to revalue:
Afghanistan Afghani (AFN), Kuwait I Dinar (KWD), US Dollar (USD), Russian Ruble (RUB), Chinese Renminbi, or Yuan (CNY), UK British Pound/Pound Sterling (GBP), Qatar I Rial (QAR), UAE Emirate Dinar (AED), Indian Rupee (INR), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Mexican Peso (MXN), Venezuela Bolivar (VEB), Brazil Real (BRL), Saudi Arabia Riyal (SAR), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Iraqi Dinar (IQD), Vietnamese Dong (VND), Zimbabwe ZIM/Bond.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 15, 2020
30:30 Mike: Let me ask you a question: Doesn’t NESARA and GESARA have to be announced in some way?
30:39 Charlie: It does in some way and that hasn’t been done yet… I think what they’re doing is breaking people in gently before the announcement so that it’s not such a bombshell… because I would say that 60% or 70% of the world have never even heard of the word NESARA or GESARA… yeah, maybe more…
So when they find out they’ll start researching and they’ll think “That can’t work” ….but a tremendous amount of hard work has gone into this for the last 30, 40, 50 years…
JFK was planning to introduce GESARA [by getting rid of the Fed]
And then the second time was on September 11th [when The Alliance tried to implement GESARA and the cabal blew up the World Trade Towers and bombed the Office of Naval Intelligence in the Pentagon where documents were being kept to prove deep state / illuminati Treason and Crimes against Humanity...
Right now we're in the 3rd but SUCCESSFUL effort by the Alliance to launch NESARA/GESARA]
31:21 Mike: Well I remember your conversation from Jack Kidd weeks ago when you were talking about GESARA and he said he was involved in the Rebuild Scotland plan, that there’s a rebuild for every country… which shows how much work and planning that has already gone into this…
31:47 Charlie: There’s a team of 8,000 people that have put this together and it’s taken the best part of 10-years of planning… there’s been no mistakes they’ve made sure… but we’re in this tail end here and because the deep state / and the cabal are so dangerous… and they change their moves all the time…
But there’s always been a counter-move and all this was planned well in advance… it started off with the virus, the vaccine, then it was 5G, the riots/ANTIFA… they’ve always got The Alien Invasion up there sleeve in case they need it (laughter)…
You get these little gems of information that just make you smile because people are like, really? The last time we saw a Flying Saucer was the one you put in your mouth that had fizzy stuff in the middle (candy)… that stuck to the roof of your mouth! That was the last space craft we saw for real…(Laughing)
33:00 Mike: But just going back to GESARA.. we’re all aware of the benefits it’s going to bring for the whole world but to me, it’s more of a Spiritual shift than anything…
33:10 Charlie: Yes it is… that’s been a huge learning curve for me, the Spiritual side, cuz when you talk to any of the Spiritualists, they tell you, we’re living in the part of Revelations, it’s all being revealed… and they’re all on the same frequency…
33:40 Mike: And also the Spiritual awareness of who we really are… we’re Spiritual beings having a physical experience… I think more people are coming aware of that magnificent truth…
33:47 Charlie: It is a magnificent truth…
33:50 Mike: It’s the most magnificent truth… it’s an absolute privilege to be living in these times… shocking as it is… I want to say a public Thank you [Charlie] for what you’ve done…
35:05 Charlie: Thank you, but there’s a lot of us out there… I had a slight advantage cuz I have inside information and it does help…
My wife, right at the start, didn’t believe a word of what I was saying… and she kept saying, “Well show me proof, show me proof”… After I showed her about 10-pieces of truth… she suddenly got right behind me and became the most supportive person you could imagine… and it’s fascinating the changing…
I feel for people who haven’t had the support I’ve had… who want to challenge the truth to make sure it is the truth, people say no listen to ITV, BBC, cnn and all this BS that’s pumped out there…
36:19 Mike: My journey would not have been the same without you, Charlie, you’ve been an absolute star, mate… I love you to bits…
Charlie: You too, you too, mate.
36:40 Mike: If you would do me the honor to allow me to finish this video…
Charlie: Go ahead (smiling)
36:45 Mike: Thank you so much for your time, Charlie, this has been an absolute delight
Just remember
Jesus loves you even if everybody else thinks you’re a TWAT
(smiles and laughter)
Charlie: Thank you very much, Mike, been an absolute pleasure…
Mike Shinton “Believer in the inner genius that we all have and passionate about helping others to find their success.”
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