In Memoriam: George Floyd Our hearts go out to the family of George Floyd. What occurred in Minneapolis after his death is equally lamen...
In Memoriam: George Floyd
Our hearts go out to the family of George Floyd. What occurred in Minneapolis after his death is equally lamentable.
But, lest we become divided once again, which I don't think would be what Mr. Floyd would want, we should ask ourselves if we're being manipulated. And stop the damage before it escalates via agents provocateurs.
I believe that this was an Illuminati-contrived or false-flag operation, as was the looting afterwards.
Observe how it conforms to the Illuminati game plan of "divide and conquer." The plot runs like this:
Kill a black male (woman, child, whatever the targeted group); foment rioting and looting [divide]; bring out the national guard to quell the people and guard against more looting [and conquer].
We were warned that things would get more topsy-turvy. Blossom's Federation of Light told us:
"‘Only the strongest of the strong’ were chosen.
"And this is why we have expressed to you that it is going to get a lot more Topsy Turvy than this … a lot more." (1)
We were told to expect false flags between now and the Nov. election. I think there are going to be more.
I believe that our job in this is to hold the center by remaining calm. The deep state feeds on resistance. The more resistance, the more force they can apply without appearing to violate our constitutional rights (any more than they already are).
Lockdown used to be an inconvenience. But suddenly sheltering in place may have the distinct advantage of offering no resistance to the National Guard, no provocation, leaving only the agents provocateurs.
Before I was suggesting that staying inside helped the Alliance in their takedown of the cabal. Now I'm suggesting that staying inside will deny the fire of conflict any fuel and offer no reason for the National Guard to be here.
The white hats knew this was coming. Remember the assurances given by our sources, and, as Q would say, trust the plan. (2)
Remaining calm - as calm as we can - is the same with a social vasana (or core issue, like fear) as it is with an individual vasana.
We witness and feel the collective experience at the death of George Floyd. We feel into it as much as it's safe to do so without having it "take us over."
If it did allow it, we might act out our feelings, project them onto others, become socially violent, looting and burning. I simplify, but that's the career path of our vasanas if projected outwards.
Instead, we witness and observe what follows. We allow our experience of it to surface and be expressed.
We let it pass through us without resistance. We feel it but don't try to influence it.
It's as if we're in the afterlife and looking in on the Earth plane without interfering.
We forgive it, bless it, and send it on its way.
Every vasana departs. The length of time it takes depends on our resistance.
That's a description of the best and fastest way I know of to experience and release an individual or social vasana.
As we go forward, please use whatever means available to remain peaceful. To be drawn into a false-flag event as I believe this one to be would only benefit the Illuminati.
It won't work to run away from our feelings but, equally, it won't work to allow them to run away with us. The middle place of calmness is safe haven.
Psychologist John Enright would have called this hard-nosed permission-giving to be peaceful.
Our hearts go out to the family of Mr. Floyd and to all others who suffered in the violence that followed his death. He died a martyr to the return of justice to America.
(1) "The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, May 17, 2020," May 17, 2020, at
(2) See “Reassurance for Those Who Feel Disturbed by the Cabal’s Plan,” May 25, 2020, at
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