Source: What Does It Mean | By Sorcha Faal May 15, 2020 Assassination Of US Air Force Commander Sends US-China To Brink Of Total War...
Source: What Does It Mean | By Sorcha Faal
May 15, 2020
Assassination Of US Air Force Commander Sends US-China To Brink Of Total War
A tersely worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today strongly pointing to the likelihood of the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” soon erupting into open military hostilities between the United States and Communist China, reveals that a highly-classified “Of Special Importance” investigation conducted by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is behind the decision to keep Russian Pacific Fleet naval forces on their present long-distance deployment—an SVR investigation begun on 13 May when electronic intercepts detected an emergency mobilization of numerous Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) elite forces teams belonging to the FBI—all of whom were rushed to Peterson Air Force Base-Colorado—where upon arriving, Ministry of Defense (MoD) satellite observations detected an unusually high amount of heavily armed US military and federal police force activity—unusual activity that was followed within 2-hours by a shock Pentagon announcement that US Air Force Colonel Thomas Falzarano had been “discovered dead” at his Peterson Air Force Base home—a home both the SVR and MoD confirm Colonel Falzarano has rarely visited sine late March, as he, along with the entire top war leadership of the US military, have been stationed underground at the Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear Bunker Complex—and from where Colonel Falzarano had been commanding his 21st Space Wing forces that are responsible for ground-based missile warning and space control operations, and exercises operational control over the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, the Cavalier Air Force Station, the Clear Air Force Station, the Cape Cod Air Force Station, and the Thule Air Base in Greenland—the latter of which is critical to note, as in the hours just prior to Colonel Falzarano being “discovered dead”, Communist China attacked the US for its “predatory interests in the Arctic while seeking to buy Greenland”—with that attack then being followed by Communist China threatening that American politicians seeking to hold them accountable for the coronavirus pandemic will face “severe consequences”—a grave threat SVR intelligence analysts combined with all other available data to make their determination that the most likely case of death for Colonel Falzarano was “murder by assassination”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, all SVR determinations of a probable “murder by assassination” event occurring in a major nuclear armed nation like the United States is then further assessed by the Security Council—an assessment that adds to the original SVR findings certain other criteria to include such things the identification of the belligerents involved, the current military moves being undertaken by them—and most importantly, how close are these belligerents to breaking off all ties with each other, as this is the main prelude to open hostilities beginning.
In following this assessment protocol, this report details, the Security Council grimly noted that within 24-hours of Colonel Falzarano being “discovered dead”, President Trump threatened to “cut off the whole relationship with China” while declaring that the “US would save $500 billion”—a threat President Trump quickly followed with another one to impose new taxes on American companies that produce goods outside the United States—a move he is making to push supply chains away from Communist China and raise new trade barriers on them—and now sees President Trump “turbocharging” efforts to push companies to move production of away from Communist China, partly as a way to punish Beijing for its early handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
At the same time President Trump is threatening to cut off all ties with Communist China and crush their economy, this report notes, he has sent his powerful US Navy forces in show of force against them, too—a show of force that now has the “World On Alert” at this hour due to the major military moves being made by Communist China—major military moves that sees Communist China rapidly building up their combat forces in the South China Sea—and while using the coronavirus as cover, sees Communist China stepping up its brinkmanship as its nervous neighbors watch in fear as they try to dominate the entire South China Sea.
With no evidence existing that the American people are even aware of how close to total war their nation is, this report continues, President Trump is said to nevertheless be watching over a homeland where he’s said to be “exulting in his Mueller revenge play”, while at the same time he’s watching the coronavirus pandemic crush the life out of his nation’s socialist Democrat Party stronghold States—best exampled in the largest of them California, that’s just nosedived off the fiscal cliff after the coronavirus torched its economy so bad it had to order its over 200,000 state workers to take a 10% salary reduction—and whom no one is going to save after White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany revealed yesterday that there is no procedure in place to facilitate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ascension to the presidency should President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence become incapacitated by the coronavirus—thus leaving these socialist Democrats only hope for saving them being Joe Biden.
The same Biden, this report concludes, that CNN had to hide their latest poll about when it showed President Trump crushing him everywhere—the same Biden that on 3 May posted: “A free press is essential to a free society. That's why attacking the press and attempting to intimidate independent media is a standard part of the authoritarian playbook around the world….And it’s why Donald Trump’s efforts to demonize the media put us on such a dangerous path”—but on 11 May had his Rapid Response Director Andrew Bates viciously attack a female CBS News reporter to claim: “Catherine Herridge is a partisan, rightwing hack who is a regular conduit for conservative media manipulation ploys because she agrees to publicize things before contacting the target to ask for comment”—is the same Biden whom the Trump campaign had no choice but to put a picture of on their 404 error page with the comical words: “It appears you are as lost as me”—and is the same Biden who yesterday during a live roundtable event bizarrely ranted in panic:
We're ... in the middle of a pandemic that has cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today.
Lives of millions of people. Millions of people. Millions of jobs.
You know, and we're in a position where, you know we just got new unemployment insurance, this morning, uh, numbers — 36.5 million claims since this crisis began.
May 15, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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