Former Spy Interviews Author of Pedophilia & Empire, Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State March 20, 2020 Source: Prepare For Change...

Former Spy Interviews Author of Pedophilia & Empire, Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State
March 20, 2020
Source: Prepare For Change | By Edward Morgan
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer, began to understand the pedophilia pandemic in his second career as a child advocate, discovering that the child court and services system is actually a pipeline for stealing children from their families and selling them to pedophiles.
With encouragement from Robert Steele, former spy, who is also Chief Counsel for the non-profit educational Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, he has written the first ever comprehensive book on this topic, going back into history and forward into the US and UK elites today — a very timely contribution in support of President Donald Trump’s war on elite pedophiles and child trafficking.
All chapters are available free online and also as Amazon Kindles where most chapters are only ninety-nine cents. Every chapters has hundreds of endnotes linked to their original sources.
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