(OpDis) Social Distancing: More than a Science Fallacy

< Social Distancing > More Than A Science Fallacy - Truth About Illness and Health March 31, 2020 Operation Disclosure | By P...

< Social Distancing > More Than A Science Fallacy

- Truth About Illness and Health

March 31, 2020

Operation Disclosure | By Parisse Deza, Guest Writer

"In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."
-Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel prize 1937, Medicine

If healing is accomplished by moving energy, why are we trying to avoid "germs"?

Answer? Because we were taught to. Are they really dangerous? No.

It is our fear of germs, of getting sick, and ultimately of dying, that is the primary cause of illness because fear collapses our immune systems. Fear is the quicksand that sucks us under.

Health is a flowing river of lifeforce. When our immune "stream" moves strongly, we thrive. When the stream stalls, things grow in it.

A human life is a stream of vital energy flowing in accord with its true nature, the Creative Spirit. It is not afraid of anything, it trusts itself, which is Life; it is dynamically happy and healthy by nature. Our choice of thoughts, what we focus on, supports or sabotages that flow. It is all a matter of what we choose to trust.

There's an abundance of science that spans a century documenting the effect of the mind over the body, much of it seemingly miraculous, so we forego citing it here. It is simple to find on the net now.

Keeping the balance of all things inside us, our immune stream flows perfectly when our electro-magnetic energy field, our chi field, spins dynamically. Energy has to keep moving - life is warm and active, death is cold and still. Germs cause nothing; they are the result of the body cleansing and rebuilding itself. If we are "sick", we have not been attacked by germs - our bodies are de-toxifying and germs are part of the process. If we know this, we can assist the process, instead of trying to stop it by killing germs.

(My father, having grown up in then-Italian Eritrea, Africa, told me that the Arabs, when sick, would eat a lot of garlic and lay in the Sun to purge their illness.)

Here are two recent videos explaining aspects of this:

MD Tom Cowan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUw1Rzbde5U

Nutritionist/researcher Aajonus Vonderplanitz:


As germs cause nothing, not only does "social distancing" have no positive effect, it reveals itself to be a 'divide and conquer' tactic being used to keep people from relaxing together in unity to share information and love. The meme "germs make you sick" has been used very profitably by the medical industry to keep us afraid of everything in the world so they can sell phony medicines and control us. "Distancing" is the current favorite meme of this dark side of the human psyche to keep us from what we are actually here for: Unifying.

Why The Immune System Goes Down

Two reasons - one psychological, one physical.

#1 is FEAR (and other negative emotions) held for a sustained time. 'Fear' includes limited thinking about life - self-doubt, worry, etc. - and unresolved issues in the subconscious. Blocked, confused energy always needs an outlet. When it isn't felt and released consciously, it can be worked through the body as sickness. (See Michael Brown's excellent book "The Presence Process" for how to deal with this.) It also can manifest as outer experience. Energy has to go somewhere.

While in sustained negative emotion our systems cannot function creatively, that is, to evolve; the body cannot defend and create simultaneously. That is why we are flat out when we have the flu. In defense, the immune system tries to rid the body of toxins so it can rebalance. Fear is survival mode for the body, and sustained fear sours biochemistry and inhibits and deranges electro-magnetic flow of the human body. (So avoid it like the flu!)

#2 is TOXICITY Pollution - in the air, water, and food, from chemtrails, electricity, and the artificial electro-magnetic fields of cell and microwave tech - stresses out the immune system. There is ample research available now, as in the Cowan video above, to demonstrate that the electrification of our planet has caused a major breakdown in the human body's ability to thrive. (1)

These two things distort and lower our naturally high vibratory frequency and cause dis-ease. Germs are innocent bystanders being scapegoated. Common sense cleaning, not neurotic, obsessive washing, or wearing special protective devices, is all that's needed. Neurotic behavior is not a sign of health.

When the CDC tell us to "respect social distance", we are being told to choose to resonate with the frequency of fear and give up our freedom to choose what to do with our bodies. Should we trust what they tell us?

The CDC and WHO, as agencies of Big Pharma, are incapable of telling the truth or being trusted to tell us what to do when a new flu bug hits town. We cite and highly recommend this recent 12 minute interview with Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

"The CDC is actually a vaccine company."

"The WHO is a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry."

"The four companies that make all seventy-two of these vaccines are all convicted felons [who] in the last decade have paid over 35 billion dollars in damages and penalties and fines...for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans."

"Show me one study that favorably compares vaccinated children to unvaccinated children and shows that the vaccinated children are actually healthier, and I will post that on my website and I will get out of this business."


In 2018, RFK Jr won a case against the government and CDC when he demanded the preliminary test results from the vaccines of the last thirty-two years be presented and...there weren't any. No tests. The public has been given untested vaccines for thirty-two years.


Allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical industry were invented by the Rockefeller family 125 years ago to break humanity from its connection with Nature. They want us to believe that fear will protect us. Resonating with fear will insure we get sick.

Resonating with what's highest in ourselves is where health is at.

Six Minute Comedy Interlude

Dr. Carlin's hilariously insightful instruction on neurotic Americans, germs, and the immune system:


Proper Teaching Is Based On Trust and Unity, Not Fear And Separation

We now take issue with the numerous new age venues supporting "social distancing" in their writings. Beyond the fact that it's scientifically useless, the act of blindly obeying that social edict puts us in resonance with the denser aspects of the mass mind and causes the unified field we lighter beings are creating to crumple.

Teachers! Please stop telling this to people. You are telling them to distance when you should be telling them to gather. Tell them the facts about where health and illness come from so they are properly informed and can keep their light bodies energized. Do you think Yogananda told his students to practice staying away from each other for fear of germs! Wake the heck up.

"Social distancing" is a meme - a thought-form that spreads from person to person within a culture (like a virus!). Memes entrain our minds and capture our vibratory frequency. They are a spell. Not resisting the presence of that current meme in society is wise, but telling others it's good to follow is simply bad advice.

I have noticed here in the "highly-evolved" Sedona area, that the most uncomfortable places to shop now are the health food stores. Whole Foods and Natural Grocers are now thick with a blanket of heavy tension, while at a nearby coop, a masked employee guards the front door, not allowing more than eight people inside at once. Have these stores forgotten that they promote immune system products to keep the body healthy? That they normally tell customers to build their immune systems so germs can't touch them?Why are they succumbing to fear propaganda instead of being examples of fearless living and teaching customers to do the same? They are under the spell of the meme! Disease is nothing more than a resonance with negative energy, but these places have become generators of it, instead of being the light for others.

What Actually Determines Our Health

There are Primary and Secondary factors to health.

The primary ones are internal and causal.

The secondary ones are external and supportive.

The two primaries:

1. Thought (how we vibrationally resonate with something)

2. Breath (our direct connection to spiritual energy)

Nothing is as powerful as thought and breath. All else is subordinate - food, water, herbs, medicines, supplements... (You can go without food or water indefinitely; you cannot go without breathing for long because breath and chi are the same thing.)

Outside elements do not control our health. Influence, yes. Control, no.

Thinking directly regulates or dis-regulates our biochemistry. Energy follows attention and intention. Worry about tomorrow and you will get tired. Imagine having fun and you will feel good. This calls for ignoring reality in favor of your imagination. (It's a balance!) Science supports this magnificently, if we are willing to see it and use it.

Trust yourself to be able to control your internal energy and your immune stream by adjusting the pictures, sounds, and feelings inside you. Our minds are bio-radio sending and receiving stations, and the frequency we attune to generates through our bodies. It is our responsibility to tell our neurology what to do. (Read "Get The Life You Want" by Richard Bandler, father of Neurolinguistic Programming and see how simple it is to do.)

Breath is the movement of the Spirit. When we inhale (in-spire) we pull in energy from the invisible realms as well as air. This energy goes directly into our cells and renews them, and expresses as our light bodies. Because breath is lifeforce, Life living itself, it is intelligent, empowering, and inspiring.

The doctors in South Korea announced in February they were successfully treating flu with simple oxygen therapy:


Science says oxygen kills germs, but nothing is actually being 'killed' by medical interventions, chigung, or breathing, as this is a world of energy that is always transmuting and transforming itself. When the immune system is lowered by pollutants and negativity, the lifestream slows down and germs manifest in the body. When something looks like it's killing germs, what is actually happening is: The speed of our frequency is being raised so we lift above the vibrationary level at which that particular illness, with its attendant germs, exists. The germs and the sickness disappear because we are not where they are anymore (it's a vibrational Universe) and the body then reflects the new state of better health.

So relax and breathe completely, in a circular fashion in and out, all the time. Oxygenate and exercise your system to keep it clean and energized. Imagine what you want to experience. This will make everything better.

Your health is in your hands

Thought and breath connect us directly to the Source which created and sustains us. THAT is where the power comes from, and why chigung with meditation is the most powerful healing modality of all. Chigung is the developing of our relationship with the lifeforce. When we remember we are Consciousness using Lifeforce (not ego using muscle) we access our chi fields as the Presence that we are.

Being healthy all the time is as easy as remembering to feel our feelings, to relax and allow life, to smile. (Smiling opens the heart, stimulates the thymus which is instrumental to the immune system, and generates love energy. The Inner Smile meditation is foundational in Daoism. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=inner+smile+meditation+mantak+chia)

A relaxed system is a healthy one. It is natural for us to be healthy and in creative alignment with the Source. Life did not create us to be victims to limited thinking in order to protect ourselves from non-existent enemies. Evolution now calls us to give up victimhood and put our trust in Life rather than in fear.

Practice believing: Everything will be alright.

A New Meme

It is my hope that we create a New Age meme to replace the old paradigm, one of enlightened humanity living in unity, peace, and prosperity.

We can call this meme "Social Unifying".

Health and Blessings,
Parisse Deza

Parisse Deza has 47 years experience in self-cultivation arts, and calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is a teacher, counselor, reader, artist, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona.

(1) Cancer, diabetes, coronary disease, almost unknown a hundred years ago, became common with the expansion of the electrical grid. Unmodulated e/m fields inhibit the ability of blood to carry oxygen, which then interferes with everything else. The more we are exposed to artificial e/m, the more severely our blood and its oxygen-carrying capacity is affected. Cancer dies in the presence of oxygen, and with diabetes, coronary, and arterial diseases, you find that lack of oxygen and lack of complete oxidation results in the build up of toxic waste and is central to those diseases.

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Operation Disclosure: (OpDis) Social Distancing: More than a Science Fallacy
(OpDis) Social Distancing: More than a Science Fallacy
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