Season Finale of Trump Impeachment Show Ends -- Sorcha Faal

February 6, 2020 Season Finale Of Trump Impeachment Show Ends With Elopement Of Star-Crossed Lovers Pierre Delecto And Nancy Pelosi By: ...

February 6, 2020

Season Finale Of Trump Impeachment Show Ends With Elopement Of Star-Crossed Lovers Pierre Delecto And Nancy Pelosi

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Source: What Does It Mean

A too funny for words new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today commenting on former Obama-Clinton Regime intelligence officials launching spoiled child-like petty attacks against Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Gina Haspel because she clapped, stood and cheered during President Donald Trump’s nationwide delivered State of the Union Address, states that Director Haspel’s public reactions align perfectly with her other role as being a member of the White House Cabinet—all of whose members are political appointees fully expected to support whomever their President is and the political party they work for—and except for “Designated Survivor” Interior Secretary David Bernhardt being kept away from the US Capital in case it was destroyed and the US government had to be rebuilt, saw all other Cabinet Members cheering Trump on, too—and as one would expect, as this event kicked off the two-part season finale of the Trump Impeachment Show—part-one that aired on Tuesday evening in front of a television audience of over 37-million American people who watched what’s being described as a masterpiece show of “political door prizes, special guests, big name boycotts, hyperbole galore and the nation’s top Democrats literally shredding the ex-Celebrity Apprentice’s speech in front of Congress and the cameras”—a reference to Democrat Party House Leader Nancy Pelosi providing the “cliffhanger” ending to part-one of this season finale (an ending to an episode of a serial drama that leaves the audience in suspense) with her tearing to shreds her copy of Trump’s speech on live television—which was followed on Wednesday afternoon when part-two of this season finale aired—otherwise known as the US Senate sham impeachment trial of Trump that saw him being acquitted of the made up charges against him—and in its shock ending, saw Pelosi’s hatred of Trump being matched with that of her star-crossed lover Pierre Delecto—the secret Trump-bashing twitter name of Republican Party US Senator Mitt Romney who voted guilty on one of the two impeachment charges—after which Pelosi lavished praise on Romney-Delecto like a young bride about to elope with her secret lover—a marriage from political hell that then caused the US leftist mainstream propaganda media to proclaim Romney-Delecto as the new “President of the Republican Resistance”—a title, however, Romney-Delecto actually earned in 2016 after watching in envy while Trump won more than 8-million votes than he did during his failed 2012 presidential election—and its worth being remembered is the same Romney-Delecto who “Stabbed American Workers In The Back Long Before He Stabbed Trump”—a back stabbing of American workers that made Romney-Delecto billions-of-dollars as he closed their factories and bankrupted them—and while these hundreds-of-thousands of American workers were left penniless, they were forced to watch as Romney-Delecto made $20,000 off of each and every one of them—all of which explains why when this two-part season finale ended, “liberal tears” began to flow from the eyes of “depressed” Democrat lawmakers—all of whom know their days are surely numbered. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, competing for airtime with the two-part season finale of The Trump Impeachment Show, was the season opener for the horror series “Democrat Debacles On The Road To The White House”—both of which were panned by critics—with noted failed presidential candidate, e-mail savant and warmonger Hillary Clinton panning the first by saying about it: “As the president's impeachment trial began, Republican senators pledged an oath to defend the Constitution...Today, 52 of them voted to betray that oath—and all of us...We’re entering dangerous territory for our democracy”—and the second being panned by socialist Democrat Party US Congresswoman Sheila Jackson who screamed: “The Russians Did It!”.

Far from the Russians having anything at all to do with the Democrat debacle horror show called the Iowa Caucuses, this report notes, Congresswoman Jackson would be better served by talking to her fellow television critic Hillary Clinton—as it was a company hilariously named Shadow staffed with Hillary Clinton operatives that screwed up the Democrat Party presidential vote in Iowaall of whom now work for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg—and in this horror show’s latest plot twist, now sees it being revealed that globalist-socialist multi-billionaire George Soros funded Shadow with millions-of-dollars, too—and aside from Buttigieg being awarded the acting prize #MayorCheat for his role in this horror show, and mockingly being named “The Juan Guaido Of America” after the lunatic pretending to be the president of Venezuela—and that sees one of its first review headlines being: “WOW! After 48 Hours Iowa Democrats FINALLY ADMIT Crazy Bernie Won Most Votes — But Somehow Lost to Buttigieg… WTH Iowa?”.

First episode of “Democrat Debacles On The Road To The White House” television series depicts gruesome true horror.

With the two-part season finale of The Trump Impeachment Show having exposed the lies and treachery of the socialist Democrats, as well as its shock reveal of the star-crossed love affair between Nancy Pelosi and Pierre Delecto, this report concludes, legendary reality television show producer President Trump has gone back into production to put the finishing touches on his next masterpiece—a masterpiece whose most fitting title should be “How To Win A Landslide Election Victory By Running Over Democrat Clown Cars”—warnings about which are now being sounded by the likes of Clinton guru James Carville who said he’s “scared to death” of it because it will air at the same time “the Democratic Party is losing relevance and becoming an ideological cult”—and whose appeal to black voters now has Obama guru Van Jones further warning “Trump is helping African-Americans in real life” and reaching out to them for their vote in 2020…WAKE UP, folks…The #IowaCaucus was a debacle, followed by a strong #SOTU speech laying out Trump's strategy to win”—a winning strategy Trump will put on display in his new series, some of whose new episodes will include such news coming just this past 24-hours alone, to include “Private Payrolls Soar In January, The Best Monthly Gain In Nearly 5 Years”, “Yearly Trade Gap Falls For First Time Since 2013”, “China To Reduce Tariffs On Some Imported US Goods By 50 Percent On 14 February”, “Markets Reach New Highs: S-P 500 And Nasdaq Closed at All-Time Highs – DOW Up Nearly 2%”, and “Record Economic Optimism Under Trump, Better Than Reagan, Clinton, And Obama”—all of which were preceded by Trump promising the American people during his nationwide address “The Best Is Yet To Come”—and explains why aging and fading Democrat Party once leading clown car driver Joe Biden has just told his rapidly diminishing supporters “we took a gut punch”.

February 6, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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Operation Disclosure: Season Finale of Trump Impeachment Show Ends -- Sorcha Faal
Season Finale of Trump Impeachment Show Ends -- Sorcha Faal
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