Doomsday Clock Makes Fearful Historic Move -- Sorcha Faal

January 25, 2020 Doomsday Clock Makes Fearful Historic Move As “Trial By Stupid” Impeachment Hoax Collides With “This Time I'm Petrifi...

January 25, 2020

Doomsday Clock Makes Fearful Historic Move As “Trial By Stupid” Impeachment Hoax Collides With “This Time I'm Petrified” Pandemic Warning

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Source: What Does It Mean

A gravely concerning new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting Russia’s biggest travel companies have suspended sales of tours to China due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, in line with earlier recommendations issued by the Federal Agency for Tourism (ROSTOURISM), says coinciding with this move was the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shock announcement that the Doomsday Clock has been moved closer than ever to its end point of global annihilation, and is now just 100 seconds to midnight—a Clock established in 1947 as a metaphor for threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technical advances, most particularly nuclear war—and whose advancement towards oblivion comes at the same time the world’s two most powerful nations, the United States and China, are themselves reeling out of control—as in China its government has suddenly increased this mysterious viruses death toll by over 60% that’s led to over 70,000 screens going dark as China has just closed every single one of its movie theaters—a defensive move due to researchers warning that over 250,000 more people in China will be infected with this mysterious virus in 10-days—and whose epicenter of is the region surrounding the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory that is the only lab in China designated for studying dangerous pathogens like SARS and Ebola, that US biosafety experts warned about in 2017 over their fears that a virus could “escape” this facility—a warning well known about by the world’s top virologist Doctor-Scientist Guan Yi of the University of Hong Kong's State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases, the discoverer of SARS who a few hours ago grimly declared about this mysterious virus: “This Time I'm Petrified”—a sentiment no doubt being shared by the citizens of the United States who are, likewise, petrified—but not because of this mysterious virus rampaging across the world, as they are being forced to watch in horror as the socialist Democrats in their country try to destroy it—a destruction masquerading as the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump to throw him off the ballot of the 2020 Presidential Election before he can be reelected—an actual coup overthrow attempt best described as “Trial By Stupid” because its socialist Democrat prosecutor House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff can’t stop himself from attacking the US Senators judging this case—the latest example of which occurred when Schiff wrapped up his deluded presentation by angering Republican Senators with a fake news report claiming an anonymous Trump “confidant” had said any Republican Senator who voted against Trump would have their heads on pikes—an outright lie that “caused audible gasps to be heard throughout the US Senate chamber”—gasps most importantly coming from powerful Republican Senator Susan Collins, who shook her head angrily, mouthed the words “That’s not true!”, then crossed her arms over her chest in protest for the rest of Schiff’s speech—with Collins being joined by Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski saying about Schiff: “that’s where he lost me”—and Republican Senator James Lankford speaking for all of this colleagues and indignantly stating: “The whole room was visibly upset on our side…that's insulting and demeaning to everyone to say that we somehow live in fear and that the President has threatened all of us”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, while China continues to reel from the effects of this mysterious virus rapidly expanding around the world, the United States remains unable to fully address this global threat because of this “Trial By Stupid” hoax impeachment coup attempt against President Trump—an actual clown show travesty being aided by the leftist US mainstream propaganda media that yesterday shockingly saw top ABC News host George Stephanopoulos being caught on live television frantically giving a throat-slitting gesture to cut off one of Trump’s lawyers before his viewers could hear some actual truth—who was followed by the leftist CNN television news network erupting in insane hysteria with their call to throw all Republican Senators in prison because they weren’t taking this impeachment seriously—but with neither ABC or CNN being able to answer the simple question posed by Republican Party Senator Joni Ernst: “Why Is Donald Trump Being Impeached Over Ukraine Aid That Most of the House Impeachment Managers Voted Against?

With these socialist Democrats now being so desperate they’ve begun openly attacking Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts, who’s presiding over this impeachment trial, to demand that he somehow save them, this report continues, the Wall Street Journal in their article titled “And Congress Shall Be King” scoffs at such a thing ever occurring as these demented House Democrats have spent the past week declaring themselves above Chief Justice Roberts and his US Supreme Court—an astounding abuse of power by these House Democrats so profound, even the leftist Trump-hating New York Times was forced to claw their back to sanity with their headlined article “Trump Acts Like a Politician—That’s Not an Impeachable Offense”.

In further signs that the “Sunrise Of Sanity” might begin appearing once again on the horizon of America, this report details, the half-empty all week US Senate spectator gallery to watch this impeachment charade has left these Democrats puzzled and stunned that there aren’t more people watching them as history unfolds—but who wouldn’t have been puzzled if they’d listened to former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod—who this past week attended a focus group with Democratic voters in Chicago—a gathering Axelrod described as “chilling” because impeachment “didn't come up” until more than an hour into the session despite it taking place amid the Senate trial of President Trump—with Axelrod exactly stating: “impeachment didn’t come up, no one volunteered it, for 80 minutes into the focus group…and we’re right in the middle of the trial…they all said we're not really that interested, we're ready to move on”.

Even most Democrats know a clown show when they see one.

As Trump’s Defense Team gears up to go “Scorched-Earth” on the Bidens to counter-punch the socialist Democrats in this impeachment trial, this report concludes, these deranged Democrats thinking that they could have ever toppled TV Ratings Commander-In-Chief President Donald Trump shows how truly deluded they’ve all become—a delusion not shared, though, by the globalist-socialist forces who gathered in Davos-Switzerland and were routed and sent into full retreat by Trump—all of whom watched in open-mouth horror this week as this impeachment trial clown show saw “Trump Climbing To The Highest Job Approval Rating Of His Presidency”— a surprising event not explicable by natural or scientific laws—or as otherwise most commonly known—A Miracle—but in reality isn’t at all surprising, as this is the same Trump who just told hundreds-of-thousands of his fellow citizens crying for the lives of unborn babies in their mothers’ wombs: “We Are Fighting For Those Who Have No Voice And We Will Win”.

January 25, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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Operation Disclosure: Doomsday Clock Makes Fearful Historic Move -- Sorcha Faal
Doomsday Clock Makes Fearful Historic Move -- Sorcha Faal
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