Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Oct. 21 2019 Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Author, “Twenty Two F...

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Oct. 21 2019
Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Source: Dinar Chronicles
The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. A Special Thank You to those very dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unnamed, to Brad who does great research and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy
Judy Note: It appeared that all pertinent intel providers have been placed under Non Disclosure Agreements. It was believed that no one knew the exact date of the RV because it had not yet been decided. Intel from three unrelated, though very respected sources pointed toward a possible reset occurring after certain high profile indictments had been served, perhaps by Thurs. Oct. 24 – a date that was flexible depending on unfolding events.
Phillip Tilton: China was tired of the hype and was moving all from Reno to Hong Kong where there would likely be a quicker RV because no politics would be involved.
A. Oct. 21 2019 Chat with MarkZ @ 2pm EDT: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
B. Oct. 20 2019 11:36 pm EDT: X22 Report Episode 1999: Economic Plan within Agreement, the End is Near
1. The Central Banks didn’t see this coming: within the Brexit Agreement was the Economic Plan.
2. Attacks would intensify. Who held all the cards?
1. BJ was pushing the BREXIT deal on the EU. The deal was very similar to Theresa's May deal, but there was one difference, within the deal there was another deal that would cripple the EU in trade deals.
2. Trump wanted to have the G7 at this resort for no profit. MSM/Politicians went crazy so he was now backing off. The Central Banks were panicking and the attacks were intensifying, stories were getting crazy and more outrageous. This would continue as Barr and Durham investigated and the declas and IG report were prepared for release.
3. The fake impeachment was falling apart. Pelosi took off to Jordan to talk about Syria.
4. Patriots hold all the cards. The end was coming and the Dems now knew it was only a matter of time.
C. Oct. 21 2019 8:13 am EDT Patriot Intel Report: Patriot Intel Report -- October 21, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90VWL8b9f38
1. Last week IMF and World Bank meetings were held where a lot of agreements were made so the world could move toward major economic changes.
2. There was a high degree of probability that the IG Report on FISA Abuse including Disclosure would be out after Wed. Oct. 23 where high profile people would be arrested.
3. Julian Assange extradition hearing (to the US) was today Mon. Oct. 21 in the UK. He has the goods on Hillary’s server.
4. Major changes to take place between now and the New Year.
D. Oct. 18 4:56 pm EDT Philip Tilton Call: https://www.facebook.com/100010254484867/posts/968881710130303?sfns=mo
1. First of all, we are not giving legal or financial advice. I am not licensed. I can only give you info on what we get, at the moment we get it.
2. For those that are not familiar with my calls, we do not gloss things over: We only share what we know at that moment. It is the absolute truth at this time. It could change tomorrow or today. We usually find that what we share, holds true for a few days before it changes.
3. There is no news coming out of Reno or anywhere else. Many people are under NDAs and can’t talk.
4. What we do know, is there have been meetings in Reno. These meetings have been very heated. There are those in Reno who do not want 4B to go. They know they can’t stop it but are trying their best to slow it down.
5. Part of problem is Mnuchin, despite what he may tell the president, he does not want this to happen. There are those in security and the White Hats who are not legit and who don’t want this to happen. Then there are those who do and they are not happy because they are not getting what they want which is the 800#s.
6. Originally it was only Tiers 1-4 and then Tier 4 was divided into two groups. The original Tier 4 were groups with SKRs. The contracts they had were goofed up and had to be re-written. Tier 4B is made up of individuals and we are the largest group. We hold the most Zim. However, there were many platform traders who only bought Dinars – large amounts of it – by the pallet that are stored in warehouse.
7. The Powers That Be do not want us in control and don’t want us to move forward with humanitarian projects.
8. So now the military get together and change protocols, procedures and policies, and that has created a bottleneck that is very hard to get out of.
9. Right now, Mnuchin couldn’t find his way out of a wet paper bag with a hole in it.
10. Trump did put Judy Shelton in and she was doing a better job, but then she moved to her new position. That put Mnuchin back in.
11. There is a lot of bickering going on within the committees.
12. China is tired of the hype and all is being moved from Reno to Hong Kong.
13. There was a group of the Chinese running some work through Reno, and someone in Reno stopped them – they were stopped 4 times. This week they put something on it that led to a specific computer and person who kept stopping it. He was arrested. They tried again and a 2nd person was arrested and did it again – now we are waiting to see what happened. Interpol was brought in by the World court. Second time Interpol made the arrest.
14. Are we going in Today – NO, Monday – probably not.
15. All is going to Hong Kong and they will put codes in. That is what is going on at the moment. Some were trying to enforce the 80/20 requirement on the Zim. Friend sent me something this morning that gives true picture of what’s going on. Knit pickers were requiring people to sign written notarized document to that effect before they could get paid. Money goes into a week trade anyways, most had assets in 4B. There are definitely people trying to stop this from going in.
16. No one is going to tell you this info.
17. We are hoping that by this being transferred to Hong Kong that a lot of the bugs, politics, and quibbling is stopped. Hong Kong IS taking it over – it means the 2% fee will not be paid to treasury.
18. That is what is going on at the moment. People keep saying anytime between now and Monday. The bankers don’t work on the weekend.
19. We know many of our calls go directly to Trump and Chairman Xi – They know what we are saying. We don’t provide intel – we provide information.
20. We are not glossing anything over. We are telling you the truth.
1. If we do not have to give our names when we make an appt., how do they set it up?
a. The way it is set up you give a zip code where you want to exchange. Then you tell them if you have Zim and/or currency. If you have Zim will be transferred to a live person at Redemption/Transition Center, you will be going to and they are the only one who will get your name. When you arrive at your appointment, you will complete an information sheet about who you are. Next, you will meet with those who will do the actual transaction and they are the only one who gets your name. Then you will request to meet with a wealth manager.
2. Do you know any of the currency contract rates for the Dong and Dinar?
a. No – the rates were locked last night
3. Have you heard about an Executive Order for no taxes on this having been signed recently?
a. No, it was already agreed to in a contract years ago that this was a non-taxable event. Now that doesn’t mean it won’t change. If Hong Kong takes over – our government will try and find a way to get money lost on transaction fee.
4. Do you have any updates from your paymaster in the USA or Europe? Are they under an NDA?
a. Right now, no one is talking because of NDAs.
5. Will we be able to get our currency & Zim insured at the redemption center? I hear the Cabal will be looking to take our money once we exchange/redeem? If insured, and money is stolen, will we be able to get money back if we are insured?
a. You will set up insurance with your Wealth Managers. The Cabal isn’t going to get your money because it will be re-insured and because it will go directly into a Treasury account and encrypted.
6. If this continues to be delayed, do you have any indication of what it will take for an alternative and viable plan, to be put into action?
a. It has already continued. They could do it today. They could enter codes and it would be within a couple of hours. Because of those who are trying to prevent from happening - this is why the Chinese are fed up and are moving it to Hong Kong and they will be able to do it more quickly.
7. Wondering how Treasury is able to hold things up when Mnuchin was replaced by Judy Shelton to get this done. Do you have any insight?
a. Because when Judy took her new job, Mnuchin was put back in charge.
8. If Iraq RI's in country for a much higher rate before 800#s are released, how long (days) will it take for the IQD to appear on bank screens in the US, so we can go in & exchange our IQDs?
a. That was part of Plan B – to forget Zim and release 800#s to do currency. That could still happen. But rate for RV on IQD, Dong, Rial – won’t appear until we are done.
9. Do you think the IMF annual meeting going on till tomorrow may be involved in any signoffs that may be required to bring forward the RV?
a. No, everything done and signed.
10. All solutions to bring the RV forward involve bypassing the US Treasury, what is the status of Iraq, Zimbabwe and China's plans to move forward and implement a solution to release the RV?
a. That is what they are doing right now.
11. How do repo funds effect plan and debt change to assets? (Didn’t get this questions) –
a. I understand how it works – but there are others better at explaining it to you. They would be transferring it from one set of books to another. They need to get the RV done because it is imploding.
12. Can we just request 40% to be placed in an account for taxes if we have to pay?
a. Yes. Separate
13. I have heard that there was an Executive Order that this was a non-taxable event. Is this true?
a. It was set up under a contract – not an Executive Order
14. Have you heard what the latest rates are on Zim?
a. Chinese want 1:1 without projects requirement. The US is the only country required to have humanitarian projects. Right now, no one knows the rates on currency because the rates changed last night. We heard .11 cents to .37 cents – but that doesn’t mean that it is true. We won’t know until we go in.
15. I have a daughter who wants to open an eating disorder clinic – can she go to appt. with us?
a. Yes, as long as she signs the NDA.
16. Is there back wall date?
a. No
17. Which banks have the Go codes?
a. They all do, and each country has their own as well.
18. What are the chances of a movie relating to the facts of this event being allowed as a humanitarian project?
a. Who will it benefit from a film? A film project doesn’t benefit mankind. I don’t think it will fit – but you can ask. Won’t know if you don’t ask.
19. If Iraq reinstates, can we exchange? Are there holds on the transactions?
a. There is no hold on transactions. You get money same day.
20. In what Tier is the Admirals Group?
a. T4A and parts of Tier 3.
21. With so many millionaires, billionaires, etc. what happens to the price of goods? Who will work?
a. No one knows at all. It is a brand-new world and people will need to figure it out. Debt Jubilee that will take care of debts. Those on Social Security will get a raise. Aid will be done away with and different types of programs will be created. It will take a year or more to phase in everything as well as explanations.
22. How do you feel about Paymasters being moved to Hong Kong?
a. Who cares, as long as it speeds it up.
23. Are there any updates about Zim redemptions in the Philippines?
a. I don’t know – people are under NDA.
24. Does the GDC need to align with what Trump says?
a. No.
25. Is the GCR being held up because waiting for arrests?
a. None of the arrests have to happen for this happen. A lot of it is hype and people talking are starting to believe their own hype. We are only providing info and info changes. I was told that arrests would start Dec. 1.
b. A lot who don’t want this to happen until next year and don’t want Trump in office.
26. By moving this to Hong Kong, will that help to quell the riots there?
a. Yes.
27. Can they move Mnuchin out of office?
a. Only the President can do that.
28. Are we at risk safety wise, if this is moved to Hong Kong?
a. No, the security will be here.
29. People get tired of listening to same old excuses – it gets old. They hear the same excuses every day and if you use your common sense, you figure out you are being lied to. Many don’t want to believe that.
a. People get fed up. Chairman Xi – is fed up. Trump has promised over and over and we are still not there. And we are getting to that time of year where it will be put off till Thanksgiving, then Christmas and then New Year. It has gone on that way for years. They say a leopard can’t change his spots. It is a problem and a problem for everybody. US is the one holding things up. Certain people want this country to implode.
b. Jamie Diamond saying that Chase made a profit during this time. As far as gold and selling short – a lot of banks do this and controlling this. They don’t want us to go because they are making money on this. The money for your mortgage isn’t real. They want us in the realm of the poor, and not to be able do what you want to do. That is why we have not gone. They want to remain in control
c. Want us in the realm of the poor, and not be able to do what you want to do. That is why we have not gone. They want to remain on control.
If moved to HK, it won’t really change on this end, is that correct? Yes, and it will make it easier.
30. We are supposed to get emails from banks, treasury – is that still the same?
a. HSBC owns WF and Fifth 3rd was given part of WF emails. Now this is under China – then they will move to get the emails out. They want people going in and people need money. Emails will come from HSBC, WF, 5th 3rd and couple of other banks. Treasury won’t be sending any emails. HSBC and WF set up the Redemption Centers. If you are familiar with Capital One – that is how new banks will be set up. WF is in mostly the US and doing exchanges here. Canada, Mexico will be different banks connected to HSBC.
31. Does it matter which bank we go to in terms of how we are treated and rates? Concerned we won’t be treated well by US banks.
a. It doesn’t matter, even some Tier 2 banks will be involved. Rates will be the same and you will be treated the same. They will be nice. Yes, even if T2 banks – rates will be same and treated the same. There will be people in centers that won’t be directly associated with WF. You will be dealing with private banking side and will be opening private banking accounts and funds will transfer in 10 seconds. The people in centers will actually know something.
32. How long will actual transition be for this to get to Hong Kong from Treasury and be ready to move forward?
a. It is already ready. What was done here – is done there. All they do is transfer information. It is all done through secure computers.
33. When you talk about Reno preventing this – do you mean permanently or delay.
a. You have a certain group of people and they just don’t want it done because if we get this money – they fear not having any control over us. There are discussions to delay intentionally.
34. When will Chinese flip the switch on this?
a. I don’t know. By the end of the month. I don’t think it will get out of next week or this week. Only bad thing is that today is Friday. The banking system is still there on weekends. Generally, on Monday they go to meetings. T-Th when actual banking gets done. Worldwide. On Friday getting ready to get out of town.
b. 800#s will be the same and same procedures – just bypasses Treasury. They (banks) have been sitting there waiting for the ‘Go’ command.
c. People here are conditioned to believe what spokesperson says. Reno doesn’t care for me because I tell it like is. Only way to stop me is pay me and that hasn’t happened.
35. Does HSBC have oversight of transition centers?
a. YES
36. With more and more going onto NDA would seem it could be reversed if nothing happens.
a. I don’t know – the gist they are told is, if they sign NDA will get an advance. Some signed but didn’t get advance.
37. Given the issue of those stopping this, why hasn’t Trump removed Mnuchin, he even said in speech last night he would make us wealthy?
a. He has people working for him who are not following same plan. He is trying to run country like a business. There are career politicians who don’t want to rock the boat. Like all the banks are supposed to be closed worldwide this weekend for Nesara and Gesara but doesn’t mean that is going to happen. Committees are working against it – some committees are large and some small. Mnuchin wants it slowed down. Seems like a huge oversite on Trump’s part. He has a lot of other things to handle and in a job that is very difficult to do. Have to give him some slack. He can only work as fast as those under him. After a while it gets old. Trump is getting a copy of this recording and Trump requested it.
38. If they bypass the Treasury and Hong Kong is ready and could do at any moment – could it happen tonight? Could treasury interfere?
a. I don’t think Mnuchin can interfere – he can’t operate in the dark. As long as banks operate within the law – can’t interfere.
39. I have heard there are those who want to take our money post exchange. Is that true?
a. No, because they won’t have access on QFS. Only way they can is if you give them your information.
40. If under an NDA - you can talk if you are in the same group. If someone is under an NDA – then you know something is going on.
41. Is it possible this could be waiting for FISA to come out? Could that be a cover for the RV?
a. It could – but we hear all kinds of stuff, it still hasn’t happened. What they have said for a distraction – that still hasn’t happened.
42. If China takes over, is there nothing that could keep it from happening? Like those in the Fed or Treasury?
a. If China does – is it automatic. They have threatened Treasury before. So many promises made and not kept. China doesn’t trust Trump, Reno or process any more. Reno said the other day that someone tried to hack QFS – so what? Happens all the time. It can’t be stopped – will have to allow it through eventually. No one can tell if it is moving forward. They can talk about secret and private – it will come out no matter what. These things are said as a means to keep people quiet. I have been at this a long time and seen a lot. Right now, Chinese have threatened and are already doing it.
43. Someone had a word of encouragement for Tier 4 B – it is going to happen because God placed people in positions to get this done. Many are not aware of protection they are under. You, Fleming have from a lot of respect from unbelievable sources.
44. Can you explain the difference in Reno doing it and Hong Kong doing it? And what is process of hitting the button? What is actual difference?
a. Politics. There are not the politics there like we have here.
b. It won’t affect what we get or who we get it from.
c. Reno is the Western Treasury as far as the restored Republic. IF Hong Kong does it, there won’t be any American politics. It is easier for China to do. We don’t need to be concerned who does it.
E. International Child Exploitation and Sex Trafficking:
Oct. 21 2019 Planned Parenthood Trial, Jay Sekulow ACLJ Chief Counsel Sign Our Petition: Defeat Planned Parenthood in Court.
A former Planned Parenthood Director just took the stand in our monumental trial against the abortion giant. When asked what she expected as "compensation" for "fetal tissue" - i.e., aborted babies' body parts - she admitted under oath that she said: "I want a Lamborghini." Now she claims it was a joke.
Sign the Petition Now
This is no laughing matter. What she was forced to admit under oath is serious.
We're taking this trial very seriously. Planned Parenthood has fought to keep certain evidence out of court; but its own legal team opened the door, allowing more disturbing testimony to unfold.
Now, for the first time, one of the undercover videos was played directly for the jury of a Planned Parenthood abortionist who was talking about "crushing" babies for fetal tissue procurement - all while eating a salad. Disgusting.
This may be the biggest and longest trial we've ever undertaken against the abortion industry. We must defeat Planned Parenthood in court and defend unborn babies. But as we fight in court, we need YOU. Sign Our Petition: Defeat Planned Parenthood in Court.
Judy Note: From a very young age the subject of my book “Twenty Two Faces” Jenny Hill, was raped and tortured into multiplicity by a Satanic coven under direction of a CIA Operative Mind Control expert known as Dr. Green.
Green was one of many Nazi criminals which what was later known as the CIA, imported out of Nazi Germany through help of a Vatican Underground Railroad. These horrific Nazis infiltrated colleges, universities and hospitals across the US, Canada and Australia where they performed horrendous experiments on innocent children.
This worship of Satan for the CIA Mind Control Program, MKULTRA, involved inviting evil spirits and Satanic powers into their bodies and those of their innocent victims, through rape, torture and being made to participate in human sacrifice – some babies of whom were a result of the teen being impregnated by their perpetrators. Other children killed were in their own family, or were their friends.
Barely surviving to the tender age of six with fractured thinking patterns caused by her severe abuse, Jenny was again raped and tortured, forced to witness a Child Sacrifice and save for divine intervention, was almost killed herself – an unfortunately common occurrence for thousands of children and teens across the globe born to Satanic-worshipping political and global elite parents who were into Dr. Green’s CIA Mind Control Program.
Since the end of World War II, this horrendous exploitation of innocent children has been run by CIA - US Inc - British Crown - Vatican international Child Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking, Drug and Gun running Rings. Known as the Cabal, they had control of the US and World Monetary System that was funded out of US Taxpayer dollars by way of a CIA Black Budget and run through the Central Banking System, with their nefarious activities enforced by various mafias.
These inhuman global and political elites used billions of dollars out of their secret accounts at the Vatican Bank and addiction to Pedophilia and Satanic Child Sacrifice rites that included drinking adrenaline-infused blood of their victims, to blackmail politicians and influence political arenas in order to gain power for their own monetary and political gain – the very reason behind the over 125,000 indictments on these elites filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office that were about to be served.
It was said that 80% of Congress were named in the indictments, most of which held charges of Pedophilia and/or Treason.
We pray that God be with President Trump Q+, Q, QAnons, the White Hats, Pentagon officials, Interpol, Marines, Navy Seals, Army Paratroopers and unknown others who have worked so hard over many years in preparation for the events of the upcoming weeks of Red October, including the most important one: to Save the Children.
Oct. 19 2019 Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children: http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2019/10/marines-navy-seals-rescue-2100-caged-children-teens-3144359.html
Oct. 11 2019 Marines Activated for Civil War Against Deep State: http://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2019/10/marines-activated-for-civil-war-in-failed-coup-against-trump-2578954.html
Jenny Hill’s testimony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
WARNING: It is up to all of us to safeguard our children and teens. The month of October was especially busy for those who worshipped Satan. The successful kidnapping of children and teens for the purpose of pedophilia, rape and child sacrifice was a ticket of honor for lower echelon members of Satanic worshippers, allowing them entrance into dark activities of the upper-level Satanic Covens.
F. Predicted Global Currency Reset – Restored Republic Events:
Thurs. Oct. 24 2019: Intel from two unrelated, though very respected sources was that the RV would during the beginning of Mass Arrests, perhaps by Thurs. Oct. 24.
Fri. Oct. 25 2019: According to Q, big events would be exposed, and added pictures of pizza and popcorn – thought to mean the exposure of Pizzagate perpetrators: Clinton and the Cabal’s worship of Satan through Pedophilia, Child Sacrifice, Sex Trafficking and Exploitation that went all the way from US Inc, through the Queen of England to the Vatican, and then out to Central Bankers across the globe.
Tues. – Wed. Oct. 29-30: The first Q drop on 28 Oct. 2017 indicated that Cabal Head Witch Hillary Clinton would be arrested Oct. 29 or 30 – right before Halloween. This High Holy Satanic Holiday was considered Satan’s Birthday according to the Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays (pulled together in the late 1980s by a professional organization of therapists of Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors). This All Hallows Eve was celebrated Oct. 29 to Nov. 1 through kidnapping and the torture of children in Pedophilia Parties that lead to Child Sacrifices.
Thurs. Oct. 31 2019: The Justice Department Inspector General's report on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Abuses (FISA Abuse) would be released by the end of Red Oct., if not before. The report was said to be as thick as a phone book and contain charges against 80% of Congress. Dramatic changes and reforms within the US government were expected to take place thereafter.
Thurs. Oct. 31 2019 was also the Brexit deadline in the UK. At the end of what was referred to as Red October, the IMF was expected to make a Global Gold Treaty announcement that called on all countries including the US, to use the Gold Standard. Currencies of 209 nations of the BRICS Alliance would eventually revalue their currencies and complete the move to a gold-backed Global Monetary System.
Fri. Nov. 1 2019: Q reported big events would be happening, though didn’t reveal what – though it was suspected that Q was referring to the Global Currency Reset and Mass Arrests of prominent members of the Cabal.
Sun. Nov. 3 2019: When the reset happened (expected around Thurs. Oct. 24), we would have 10 days to make Zim appointments, or by around Sun. Nov. 3.
Tues. Nov. 12: New date for Tier 5, or the general public, to begin exchanges.
Mon. Dec. 9 2019: When the reset happened (expected around Thurs. Oct. 24), we would have 45 days to exchange, or until around Mon. Dec. 9.
Jan. 1 2020: A National Retail Sales Tax Code would become effective, replacing the bankrupt Federal Reserve and IRS tax system. A 17% tax was expected to be levied on new items only, with no tax on earnings, food or medicine. On July 3 2019 President Trump signed an Executive Order, content unknown, covering tax laws until Jan. 1 2020.
March 2020: Arrests of anti-constitution/NWO/Cabal/against President Trump would be expected to wrap up by March 2020, while also in March 2020 the Second Basket of currencies would likely revalue.
Mon. April 6 2020 – or 180 days after the reset – activation of GESARA/NESARA (Some believed April 6 was Jesus Christ’s date of birth).
End of the year 2024: Restoration of the US Republic completion was planned for the end of President Trump’s second term in 2024.
G. On the 800#s:
As of Oct. 9 2019 the 800#s were in place and operational. Each country and region has been assigned certain 800#s. The US Treasury and the banks would be emailing Zim holders an 800#. Call the 800# for your region or bank, tell them the bank you wanted to exchange with (Zim holders would need to redeem with either HSBC or Wells Fargo unless your bank had made special arrangements to redeem Zim. HSBC ran the Exchange Centers and would have representatives there). They would then transfer your call to the proper Exchange Center to talk to a live person and make your appointment.
WARNING: When you call an 800# DO NOT give out the serial numbers of your currency or bonds, nor how much you had. The only things the person or computer on the other end of the line would need to know was the bank and zip code where you wanted to exchange and what you had (Zim, Dinar, Dong, etc.) so you could be directed to a Redemption Center in the proper area to speak to a live person and make your appointment.
Important information on how to exchange and redeem for participants worldwide would be on certain websites authorized to publish the 800#s so you could have a firm grip on appointment strategy prior to going in.
If you obtained your appointment through an 800# you would automatically receive the Contract Rates (with the exception of Zim holders, whose bonds were worth so much that Contract Rates were saved for others).
The 800# appointments for Zim redemption and special Contract Rates would only be available for a short period of time – said to be to around Nov. 15. After that you would need to exchange at a regular bank at a rate appearing on the Forex at the time, plus make special arrangements to redeem your Zim.
H. Make sure any 800# you received through phone, email or otherwise was also present on these approved Twitter Accounts and Websites:
Dinar Chronicles: http://www.dinarchronicles.com/tetelestai.html
Dinar Recaps: https://www.dinarrecaps.com/our-blog
MarkZ Calls: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
MarkZ website: theoriginalmarkz.com
MarkZ Twitter: m.twitter.com/originalmarkz
Bruce: bigcalluniverse.com https://www.iqdcalls.com/The_Big_Call.html
TNT Tony: https://twitter.com/the_tnt_team
I. Research Resources:
President Trump’s Tweets: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump?langen
President Trump’s Email: whitehouse.gov@gmail.com
Q Posts: https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ - nothing since Aug.
George’s (JF Kennedy Jr.?) Tweets: https://twitter.com/thecollectiveq?lang=en
George’s (JF Kennedy Jr.?) Email: George@The CollectiveQ
George News The Collective:
https://www.youtube.com/anonymousq https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvWaed3WWfMKtau4i1PUwnQ
EyeTheSpy @TrueEyeTheSpy: https://twitter.com/TrueEyeTheSpy
Captain Field McConnell aka Abel Danger: https://www.abeldanger.org/
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 21, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 20, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Oct. 19, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 19, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 18, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Oct. 17, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 17, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Oct. 16, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 16, 2019
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Oct. 15, 2019
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 15, 2019
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