"911: The Official Narrative Is Dying" Operation Disclosure | By Patrick J. McShay "Evidence linking these Israeli...
"911: The Official Narrative Is Dying"
Operation Disclosure | By Patrick J. McShay
"Evidence linking these Israeli's to 911 is classified! I can not tell you about evidence that's been gathered, it's classified information."
*US official quoted in Carl Cameron's report on the Israeli spy ring and it's connections to 911.
The 911 attacks are one of America's historic events that are memorialized each year on the anniversary of the event and no matter how much evidence comes to light to debunk the official narrative, the media liars refuse to report it.
Take the murderers of JFK, Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy. With the evidence that's surfaced since they were thought guilty by the masses, few should still believe the patsies offered by the government were behind the killings, yet we teach these ridiculous lies to our children. Learning history in America means accepting lies, Don't ask too many questions!
*Real history shocks people.
The mainstream media still won't admit that explosives were planted throughout the buildings on 911 including the numerous basement levels, despite testimony from firemen, policemen, trade tower workers and people on the streets of New York who all reported hearing dozens of explosions. Why has the media not interviewed these people? Very telling!
New York fireman and first responder that day, Louis Cacchioli, said he told the 911 commission about the bombs going off everywhere in the buildings and said they treated him like a suspect!
He said it appeared investigators had already made up their minds about what happened and refused to entertain anything that deviated from that narrative. That included explosives! None of the witness testimony concerning explosives including Cacchioli's was included in the 911 Commission Report.
Commission investigators served as filters for the truth and blocked anything that deviated from the governments narrative of a terrorist in a cave directing pilots to hit buildings, because as George Bush "The Dumber" said, "They hate our freedoms".
There is a mountain of evidence that completely destroys every single aspect of the government's official story, not least of which is the latest scientific 4-year study into the 6.6-second free-fall collapse of the 47 story Trade Tower 7 that a NIST investigation/ cover-up ludicrously concluded was caused by scattered office fires
Anyone who followed how the Bush administration operated in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq can see a familiar pattern with the way the 911 investigation was handled. When it became obvious that there were no weapons of mass destruction and network pundits began speaking out, they started disappearing from cable news.
Sean "No Bomb Sean" Hannity began attacking anyone on his show that mentioned bombs in the buildings, Bill O'Reilly said, now that the war has started he didn't want to hear any more anti-war talk.
Phil Donahue, the anti-war TV host who had a highly rated show on the war-loving network MSNBC was unceremoniously fired before he could start taking apart the mountain of lies flowing from the Bush propaganda machine.
Like Mueller's Russia collusion Special Counsel investigation, the FBI under Robert Mueller ran the cover-up after 911 as well. Mueller was named FBI Director on 9-4-2001, just one week before the 911 attacks.
*Congressman Curt Weldon accused the 911 commission of a cover-up on the floor of Congress, and the media did such a good job of covering up the facts of the case that 18 years after the attacks many Americans have never heard of the free-fall collapse of the 47 story building 7, much less the destruction of building 6.
Building 7 didn't collapse until 5:20 the afternoon of 911, but strangely, The BBC and CNN both reported the collapse 25 minutes before it happened. Firefighters on the ground were warning people that tower 7 was about to come down, but how could anyone possibly know that? No steel-framed high rise building had ever collapsed due to fire...until 911!
Whoever told those firemen that building 7 could be coming down knew the building was loaded with explosives and should be a suspect. Who was it?
FBI translator Sibel Edmonds became the most gagged woman in US history when she testified that she found documents that revealed that the US knew that Al Qaeda would attack American cities.
Edmonds said she gave the commission specific information including investigation file numbers, names of investigators, targets, dates, and individuals involved.
Despite the fact that all of the evidence provided by Edmonds checked out, the 911 Commission decided her testimony of a deceitful FBI and government cover-up wasn't important enough for the American people to hear about. Sibel Edmonds wasn't mentioned in the final 911 report at all!
After 911, FBI agent Robert Wright tearfully apologized to families of 911 victims and accused his FBI supervisors of "thwarting and obstructing" his attempts to investigate terrorist activity. After 911 Wright filed suit against the FBI for "deliberately curtailing his investigation into terrorist activity."
Minneapolis FBI agent and 911 whistleblower, Colleen Rowley, said that agents in her office became so frustrated with interference from her superiors that they joked that FBI headquarters was becoming an "unwitting accomplice" to Osama bin Laden's attempt to attack the United States.
Susan Lindauer was a high level CIA asset that was working on negotiations with Saddam Hussein to stop the march to war with Iraq. For what it's worth she didn't believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and told the Bush administration so. It made no difference.
Lindauer said that she was briefed about the 911 attacks four months before the event and said she agonized over what to do! She said she believes the decision to invade Iraq was made much earlier than has been admitted. Sounds to me like the decision to invade was made before 911!
After 911 she met with John McCain and told him of her concerns. A week later she was SWAT Teamed, arrested,and held under the new Patriot Act for 10 months and had a gag order placed on her for years.
*The truth is the last thing that our controllers want us to hear about 911!
Just prior to the 911 attacks, an extremely organized Israeli spy ring and phone tapping operation were found to be operating in the US and hundreds of Israelis were involved. They targeted military bases among other targets. Carl Cameron did a 4 part series on Fox News in 2003 that was shown once and taken down from their site.
Most Americans are unaware that Israel receives all of the raw data that is collected, mostly illegally, from the NSA on every US citizens, and in 2001 through an Israeli company named Comverse Infosys, could tap into most phones systems in America.
According to a US Army War College report in 2000, no country spies on America more aggressively than the Israelis. All 911 roads lead to Israel.
Today a story broke in Politico that listening devices have been found at strategic locations around the White House. An FBI report has blamed the Israelis for placing the surveillance equipment. Bibi Netanyahu, of course, has denied any involvement.
In a recent Real News poll on 911, they asked: Who was the chief architect behind the 2001 destruction of World Trade Towers?
The results:
Israel - 54%
United States - 22%
Al Qaeda - 13%
Don't know - 11%
In a new twist, New York City Fire Commissioners are demanding a new investigation citing overwhelming evidence that there were pre-planted explosives in the buildings. Pre planted
explosives show that this was way more sophisticated than some dopey Saudi's with box cutters, these terrorists had access.
Bingo! George Bush's uncle, Wirt Walker, was the Chairman of the Board of Securacom, the company that had the security contract for the Twin Tower Complex. His brother Marvin was also on the board. Why do you suppose no one knows that?
Dr. Alan Sabrosky was the Director of Studies at the Army War College in 2001 and he says he is 100% certain that Israel was behind 911. He, also says that many of his peers believe the same. At this point, it is unconscionable that anyone in this country still believes that Osama bin Laden and a ragtag group of hard-partying fake jihadists were behind 911.
The poll shows that 76% of those polled believe the US and Israel were behind the attacks. Those people aren't getting their information on Fox or CNN, they are getting their news from sites that Google is trying to ban. Trump needs to stop talking and actually do something about Google's monopoly and censorship.
Our controllers do the most damage to us when we are distracted and misinformed! Weak minds following an evil agenda have been a disaster for our country and have brought us where we are today. We are at a crossroad.
If Trump doesn't declassify all of the documents in the DOJ and FBI scandal immediately and send some of these traitors to prison, he will lose a lot of support. If he doesn't do something about tech censorship and shadow banning, he will lose support. And if he doesn't do something about election integrity they will steal it from him for sure.
Follow Patrick J. McShay and get his daily takes on Twitter @PMcshay
Other Articles by Patrick J. McShay:
*America's Descent Into Israel's Moral Abyss
*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project

Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and activist whose articles have appeared on over 190 news sites around the world including, operationdisclosure.blogspot.com, themilleniumreport.com, stateofthenation2012.com, thetruthseeker.co.uk, worldtruthnews.co.uk, rense.com, beforeitsnews.com, abeldanger.org, blacklistednews.com, sgtreport.com, abundanthope.com, jamesfetzer.org, texemarrs.com, powerofprophecy,.com, truenewsxo.co.uk, newslocker.com, investmentwatchblog.com, russia-insider.com, russophile.com, jewishwars.blogspot.com, leafly.com, revolutionradio.com, stateofglobe.com, govtslaves.info, redbubble.com, eraoflight.com, and cosmicconvergence.com. Mr. McShay's articles have been translated into a number of languages including French, German, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Finnish, Russian, Korean, Somali, Polish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
Operation Disclosure | By Patrick J. McShay
"Evidence linking these Israeli's to 911 is classified! I can not tell you about evidence that's been gathered, it's classified information."
*US official quoted in Carl Cameron's report on the Israeli spy ring and it's connections to 911.
The 911 attacks are one of America's historic events that are memorialized each year on the anniversary of the event and no matter how much evidence comes to light to debunk the official narrative, the media liars refuse to report it.
Take the murderers of JFK, Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy. With the evidence that's surfaced since they were thought guilty by the masses, few should still believe the patsies offered by the government were behind the killings, yet we teach these ridiculous lies to our children. Learning history in America means accepting lies, Don't ask too many questions!
*Real history shocks people.
The mainstream media still won't admit that explosives were planted throughout the buildings on 911 including the numerous basement levels, despite testimony from firemen, policemen, trade tower workers and people on the streets of New York who all reported hearing dozens of explosions. Why has the media not interviewed these people? Very telling!
New York fireman and first responder that day, Louis Cacchioli, said he told the 911 commission about the bombs going off everywhere in the buildings and said they treated him like a suspect!
He said it appeared investigators had already made up their minds about what happened and refused to entertain anything that deviated from that narrative. That included explosives! None of the witness testimony concerning explosives including Cacchioli's was included in the 911 Commission Report.
Commission investigators served as filters for the truth and blocked anything that deviated from the governments narrative of a terrorist in a cave directing pilots to hit buildings, because as George Bush "The Dumber" said, "They hate our freedoms".
There is a mountain of evidence that completely destroys every single aspect of the government's official story, not least of which is the latest scientific 4-year study into the 6.6-second free-fall collapse of the 47 story Trade Tower 7 that a NIST investigation/ cover-up ludicrously concluded was caused by scattered office fires
Anyone who followed how the Bush administration operated in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq can see a familiar pattern with the way the 911 investigation was handled. When it became obvious that there were no weapons of mass destruction and network pundits began speaking out, they started disappearing from cable news.
Sean "No Bomb Sean" Hannity began attacking anyone on his show that mentioned bombs in the buildings, Bill O'Reilly said, now that the war has started he didn't want to hear any more anti-war talk.
Phil Donahue, the anti-war TV host who had a highly rated show on the war-loving network MSNBC was unceremoniously fired before he could start taking apart the mountain of lies flowing from the Bush propaganda machine.
Like Mueller's Russia collusion Special Counsel investigation, the FBI under Robert Mueller ran the cover-up after 911 as well. Mueller was named FBI Director on 9-4-2001, just one week before the 911 attacks.
*Congressman Curt Weldon accused the 911 commission of a cover-up on the floor of Congress, and the media did such a good job of covering up the facts of the case that 18 years after the attacks many Americans have never heard of the free-fall collapse of the 47 story building 7, much less the destruction of building 6.
Building 7 didn't collapse until 5:20 the afternoon of 911, but strangely, The BBC and CNN both reported the collapse 25 minutes before it happened. Firefighters on the ground were warning people that tower 7 was about to come down, but how could anyone possibly know that? No steel-framed high rise building had ever collapsed due to fire...until 911!
Whoever told those firemen that building 7 could be coming down knew the building was loaded with explosives and should be a suspect. Who was it?
FBI translator Sibel Edmonds became the most gagged woman in US history when she testified that she found documents that revealed that the US knew that Al Qaeda would attack American cities.
Edmonds said she gave the commission specific information including investigation file numbers, names of investigators, targets, dates, and individuals involved.
Despite the fact that all of the evidence provided by Edmonds checked out, the 911 Commission decided her testimony of a deceitful FBI and government cover-up wasn't important enough for the American people to hear about. Sibel Edmonds wasn't mentioned in the final 911 report at all!
After 911, FBI agent Robert Wright tearfully apologized to families of 911 victims and accused his FBI supervisors of "thwarting and obstructing" his attempts to investigate terrorist activity. After 911 Wright filed suit against the FBI for "deliberately curtailing his investigation into terrorist activity."
Minneapolis FBI agent and 911 whistleblower, Colleen Rowley, said that agents in her office became so frustrated with interference from her superiors that they joked that FBI headquarters was becoming an "unwitting accomplice" to Osama bin Laden's attempt to attack the United States.
Susan Lindauer was a high level CIA asset that was working on negotiations with Saddam Hussein to stop the march to war with Iraq. For what it's worth she didn't believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and told the Bush administration so. It made no difference.
Lindauer said that she was briefed about the 911 attacks four months before the event and said she agonized over what to do! She said she believes the decision to invade Iraq was made much earlier than has been admitted. Sounds to me like the decision to invade was made before 911!
After 911 she met with John McCain and told him of her concerns. A week later she was SWAT Teamed, arrested,and held under the new Patriot Act for 10 months and had a gag order placed on her for years.
*The truth is the last thing that our controllers want us to hear about 911!
Just prior to the 911 attacks, an extremely organized Israeli spy ring and phone tapping operation were found to be operating in the US and hundreds of Israelis were involved. They targeted military bases among other targets. Carl Cameron did a 4 part series on Fox News in 2003 that was shown once and taken down from their site.
Most Americans are unaware that Israel receives all of the raw data that is collected, mostly illegally, from the NSA on every US citizens, and in 2001 through an Israeli company named Comverse Infosys, could tap into most phones systems in America.
According to a US Army War College report in 2000, no country spies on America more aggressively than the Israelis. All 911 roads lead to Israel.
Today a story broke in Politico that listening devices have been found at strategic locations around the White House. An FBI report has blamed the Israelis for placing the surveillance equipment. Bibi Netanyahu, of course, has denied any involvement.
In a recent Real News poll on 911, they asked: Who was the chief architect behind the 2001 destruction of World Trade Towers?
The results:
Israel - 54%
United States - 22%
Al Qaeda - 13%
Don't know - 11%
In a new twist, New York City Fire Commissioners are demanding a new investigation citing overwhelming evidence that there were pre-planted explosives in the buildings. Pre planted
explosives show that this was way more sophisticated than some dopey Saudi's with box cutters, these terrorists had access.
Bingo! George Bush's uncle, Wirt Walker, was the Chairman of the Board of Securacom, the company that had the security contract for the Twin Tower Complex. His brother Marvin was also on the board. Why do you suppose no one knows that?
Dr. Alan Sabrosky was the Director of Studies at the Army War College in 2001 and he says he is 100% certain that Israel was behind 911. He, also says that many of his peers believe the same. At this point, it is unconscionable that anyone in this country still believes that Osama bin Laden and a ragtag group of hard-partying fake jihadists were behind 911.
The poll shows that 76% of those polled believe the US and Israel were behind the attacks. Those people aren't getting their information on Fox or CNN, they are getting their news from sites that Google is trying to ban. Trump needs to stop talking and actually do something about Google's monopoly and censorship.
Our controllers do the most damage to us when we are distracted and misinformed! Weak minds following an evil agenda have been a disaster for our country and have brought us where we are today. We are at a crossroad.
If Trump doesn't declassify all of the documents in the DOJ and FBI scandal immediately and send some of these traitors to prison, he will lose a lot of support. If he doesn't do something about tech censorship and shadow banning, he will lose support. And if he doesn't do something about election integrity they will steal it from him for sure.
Follow Patrick J. McShay and get his daily takes on Twitter @PMcshay
Other Articles by Patrick J. McShay:
*America's Descent Into Israel's Moral Abyss
*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project

Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and activist whose articles have appeared on over 190 news sites around the world including, operationdisclosure.blogspot.com, themilleniumreport.com, stateofthenation2012.com, thetruthseeker.co.uk, worldtruthnews.co.uk, rense.com, beforeitsnews.com, abeldanger.org, blacklistednews.com, sgtreport.com, abundanthope.com, jamesfetzer.org, texemarrs.com, powerofprophecy,.com, truenewsxo.co.uk, newslocker.com, investmentwatchblog.com, russia-insider.com, russophile.com, jewishwars.blogspot.com, leafly.com, revolutionradio.com, stateofglobe.com, govtslaves.info, redbubble.com, eraoflight.com, and cosmicconvergence.com. Mr. McShay's articles have been translated into a number of languages including French, German, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Finnish, Russian, Korean, Somali, Polish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure