Reader Post | Malibu Phoenix ShadowSuper Exopolitical Intel Report: Interview with Q, Part 2 -- August 24, 2019 Ok!!!! I usually read...
Reader Post | Malibu Phoenix
ShadowSuper Exopolitical Intel Report: Interview with Q, Part 2 -- August 24, 2019
I usually read the posts and just dismiss what doesn’t resonate with me, but this is beyond ridiculous!!!
I read all of Shadow Super’s posts, and although some seem out there, I’ve trusted no one would really go through the trouble to make up something as ridiculous as meeting Q in an underground base for a few lines of an “interview”- not even to give us any real intel anyways.
This one sentence right here makes me absolutely discredit Super Shadow and anything he has ever said or says from now on!
“Q: Kid don't fool yourself. the galactics will serve whoever pays them the most. they have honour but they are as flawed as us humans. they rarely enter the solar systems”
Omg!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, super shadow. The real and actual Q would never disrespect or make a derogatory statement about the galactics. They have been helping to guide us for eternity and at this moment in history, are the ones who are guiding this entire “awakening”
They work hand in hand with the earth alliance, trump and Q, and I have personal contact with a few of them who are working around the clock with Sananda and Lord Ashtar to erratic-ate all this evil and lead us into the light and our ascension process with as much ease as possible. They are in our atmosphere right above us, stopping the nukes and radiating their light and positive energy to lift our consciousness. Their entire mission is to support guide and now finally intervene and help liberate planet earth.
They ARE benevolent beings of light, and are Far more advanced spiritually emotionally and physically than anything we humans could conceive with our limited conciousness.
“They will serve whoever pays them the most”! What absolute bullshit!!!!!!!!!!
They do not need our pathetic money and only operate and serve what is of the absolute highest integrity and greatest good for all of humanity.
I get people think they have some inside info and want to share it, but I’m sorry Shadow Super, I’m calling bullshit on your supposed “secret meetings with Q” - please stop wasting our time and energy. As all of us here are simply trying to hold the highest vibration possible to help this ascension go smoothly.
If your not contributing love and light, and spreading false rediculous intel, please, for all of our sake, SAVE IT.
We are so close!!!!!!!
Where we go one, we go ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes!!!!!! That is the only truth that I find in your post.
Sincerely holding the light,
Malibu Phoenix
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ShadowSuper Exopolitical Intel Report: Interview with Q, Part 2 -- August 24, 2019
I usually read the posts and just dismiss what doesn’t resonate with me, but this is beyond ridiculous!!!
I read all of Shadow Super’s posts, and although some seem out there, I’ve trusted no one would really go through the trouble to make up something as ridiculous as meeting Q in an underground base for a few lines of an “interview”- not even to give us any real intel anyways.
This one sentence right here makes me absolutely discredit Super Shadow and anything he has ever said or says from now on!
“Q: Kid don't fool yourself. the galactics will serve whoever pays them the most. they have honour but they are as flawed as us humans. they rarely enter the solar systems”
Omg!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, super shadow. The real and actual Q would never disrespect or make a derogatory statement about the galactics. They have been helping to guide us for eternity and at this moment in history, are the ones who are guiding this entire “awakening”
They work hand in hand with the earth alliance, trump and Q, and I have personal contact with a few of them who are working around the clock with Sananda and Lord Ashtar to erratic-ate all this evil and lead us into the light and our ascension process with as much ease as possible. They are in our atmosphere right above us, stopping the nukes and radiating their light and positive energy to lift our consciousness. Their entire mission is to support guide and now finally intervene and help liberate planet earth.
They ARE benevolent beings of light, and are Far more advanced spiritually emotionally and physically than anything we humans could conceive with our limited conciousness.
“They will serve whoever pays them the most”! What absolute bullshit!!!!!!!!!!
They do not need our pathetic money and only operate and serve what is of the absolute highest integrity and greatest good for all of humanity.
I get people think they have some inside info and want to share it, but I’m sorry Shadow Super, I’m calling bullshit on your supposed “secret meetings with Q” - please stop wasting our time and energy. As all of us here are simply trying to hold the highest vibration possible to help this ascension go smoothly.
If your not contributing love and light, and spreading false rediculous intel, please, for all of our sake, SAVE IT.
We are so close!!!!!!!
Where we go one, we go ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes!!!!!! That is the only truth that I find in your post.
Sincerely holding the light,
Malibu Phoenix
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
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If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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