Sunday, June 16, 2019 Modus Operandi 1.0 Source: Paul Stramer | By A nna Von Reitz Our enemies think that we are stupid because we ...
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Modus Operandi 1.0
Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
Our enemies think that we are stupid because we are trusting and easy to mislead and easy to distract --- like sheep, like children. And they have no mercy for either.
They think that they are so very superior, because their minds dwell upon how to deceive and how to cheat, how to misrepresent and mislead. This is their stock-in-trade, and it is what they use to profit themselves every day that they live.
They worship the Father of All Lies and call him by many names --- Satan, Poseidon, the One-Eyed God, Baal, Molloch, Hades, Lucifer, El Shaddai---- even plain old Death.
It hardly matters what they call their idol. What matters is that even their idol is false and empty as a shadow; the Spirit of Evil is a Spirit of the Air.
For Satanists, every lie is a prayer, and the bigger the lie, the better. This is why they always, reliably, and monotonously accuse their enemies of precisely whatever they are doing themselves. They collude with the Russians so they accuse Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians.
I have over the course of many months discussed what these people predictably do to cause trouble. Let's review.
They pretend to be their enemies, and pull all their crappola in the name of or in the guise of their enemies, so that their enemies get blamed for their wrong-doing.
For example, they pretend to be Jews or Muslims or Christians, cheat and murder and steal "in the name of" the victims of this ruse, and then leave the innocent members of the targeted group to pay the bills and take the blame.
Sound familiar? It should. That's precisely what they have done to us--- the actual Americans. They have pretended to be us, and acted "in our names" to access our credit, charged up our credit to the limit, then sought bankruptcy protection and left us on the hook to pay off their debts. Repeatedly.
I first became aware of this Satanic Role Playing as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where, quite by accident, I discovered that one man was playing the role of a Jewish Businessman, a Catholic Priest, a Jazz Singer in a Night Club, and a Mafiosi. All four. And he was discrediting all four.
His version of a Jewish Businessman was a greedy pig with a boorish bad temper-----a greedy, loud-mouthed, bossy, self- aggrandizing cheat.
His version of a Catholic Priest was slimy as an eel, sharp-eyed, lecherous, sanctimonious, hypocritical, and a silver-tongued devil if there ever was one. He had affairs with married parishioners and quoted snatches of Ovid in his sermons.
His version of a Jazz Singer was egotistical and imperious, cruel to his band members, always grinding everyone else into the dirt and stealing whatever he could from the bars where he worked.
His version of a Mafiosi hung out at the Flamingo Grotto until four in the morning and talked Big Stuff with the local Bosses of the Unions and DOT and sloshed down more Red Table Wine than a big horse drinks on a hot day.
I called him The Big Wave.
Wherever he went and whatever he was doing, it was always Big and it was always Bad, and at the end of the day, he was a walking Disservice to everyone and everything he portrayed. He gave a bad name to Jewish Businessmen, Catholic Priests, Nightclub Singers, and Mafiosi with equal zeal.
I used to wonder what it was all about, what possible reason a man could have to pretend to be and act in all these roles? And trash them all?
Obviously, Moshe in his beaded yarmulka was not the same as Father Pietro, who was not the same as Lucian Fabriano, who was not related to the Jazz Singer, Leon Diaz.
Yet they were all the same man, with the hair-line scar on his upper lip and the small blue birthmark on the side of the middle knuckle of his little finger on the right hand. And all his characters were equally, purposefully, dreadfully obnoxious.
I had an upstairs apartment on State Street in the University district and a brutal class and work schedule that kept me up and moving around at all hours of the day and night. He was hard to miss, about 300 pounds of obnoxious and six foot four, usually wearing handmade Italian shoes.
And then one day it hit me: there didn't have to be a rhyme or reason for his role playing. It could be utterly random. Whatever characters he wanted to discredit, for whatever reasons and according to whatever characters he could convincingly play. Just go out there and make everyone despise everyone else.
That's your job as a Satanist. Spread hatred. Give credibility to stereotypes. And that is what they do. Fan the fires of prejudice and hatred --- and no doubt, for profit.
I had the eerie feeling that I was the only one in the entire city who had spotted him, knew what he was doing, and in some sense, knew who and what he was.
I also had the feeling that for some reason, I was invisible to him.
The last time I saw him he was playing Father Pietro, wearing his priest cassock with a massive gold crucifix bumping against his chest as he strode across the University Quadrangle. It was past midnight in late April. The full moon was diving in and out behind windswept clouds and gale force winds were coming in off the lake beyond the Student Union. I had run down Bascom Hill in the dark and across the Quad and was leaned up, panting for breath, against a cement wall.
We were the only two people in that entire plaza and for one terrifying moment, I feared that he would see me, would simply look up and look into my eyes and know that I knew about his secret lives--- and perhaps kill me for it. The moment passed and so did he, his immense cassock flapping and billowing like three sailing ships in a storm, the heavy hollow sound of his footsteps receding as he made his way toward the corner of State and Mifflin Street.
I shivered and thought about T.S. Eliot and the Beast shuffling away toward his unlikely destination--- and waited until he turned the corner before I hurried home. The last glimpse I had of him was the edge of his massive profile brightly illuminated for a moment by the headlights of a car.
So that is Lesson One: these people are literally role players, and by their actions they discredit whole groups of people without actually being members of that group at all. Father Pietro wasn't Catholic. Lucian Fabriano wasn't Italian. Moshe Levinson wasn't a Levite. Leon Diaz wasn't a Cuban ExPat.
All that I can guarantee you, but who this man actually was-- I never found out. And that is typical of Satanists, too.
Their Father has no actual name. Ditto his children.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Modus Operandi 2.0

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
Yesterday, we discussed the fact that Satanists are role players --- actors in the same sense that there are actors in Hollywood. They infiltrate our society, our churches, our businesses, our clubs --- and they blackball whoever and whatever they wish, based on their own actions.
They have total control of how they portray their victims, what pre-existing prejudices they pluck like strings on a guitar.
Their job is made easier because many targets have identifying uniforms or emblems, which these Players adopt as their own for the purposes at hand.
Want to target the Catholic Church? How hard is it to find a priest's cassock at a costume shop?
Want to target Jews? Wear a yarmulka, with or without sideburns, and a big, flashy gold necklace with a Star of David pendant.
Hate Democrats? Plaster your car with DNC bumper stickers and Eco slogans, sign up as a member of Planned Parenthood, contribute to Dem candidates, volunteer as a campaign worker. Be as air-headed and obnoxious as you can.
Have it out for Republicans? Same deal. Change the donkeys to elephants. Slather on the pro-gun bumper stickers and flag decals. Join the NRA. Be as crass and opinionated as possible.
Want everyone to hate Americans? Wear gaudy, ill-fitting clothes, maybe even some cowboy boots. Talk with a drawl or a New Yorker or Boston accent while flashing wads of greenbacks. Talk big. Be overbearing. Arrogant. Nasty. Pushy.
It won't be long and everyone in town will think they know who and what you are and they won't like you ---- an antipathy and prejudice they will apply to all Americans like the smell of a skunk.
See how this works?
With a little creativity it isn't hard to target any group, and as they do this, they "give substance to stereotypes and prejudice". They "model" the purported behavior of lecherous priests and dishonest judges and greedy "Jews" and Ugly Americans. They even have their stereotype of "Sovereign Citizen" ready to roll.
Some of these Creatures of the Night are actually hired as actors to go out and discredit entire religions, nationalities, political parties, competing corporations, racial groups ----you name it and they will play it and trash it.
When it comes time for a False Flag, there they are, Johnny On the Spot, crawling away from the fake firebombing, moaning pitifully.
Other times their mission is more generic: infiltrate a group, collect information, mislead, co-opt, misdirect. They "plant" wrong ideas to promote wrong assumptions, which spawn wrong actions ---- and undermine our efforts.
I sit here like a fighter pilot in the cockpit, clocking the Bogeys as they appear on my radar --- this week, it's the idea that the Articles of Confederation were "good" and the Constitutions were "bad".
How can we possibly recognize and combat such insidious, diabolical ruses?
Do what my Grandma told me to do: look sharp and hard at each and every individual and every idea that people are pushing at you.
Examine what they say and do, how they look, what does and does not ring true. Most especially, examine the results of what they do: judge their fruits.
Does a particular individual cause trouble wherever they go? Are they always the center of attention? Do they spread controversy? Are they fear-mongers encouraging paranoia and "contingency plans"?
Or are they spreading "Hope Porn" and encouraging people to do nothing? Just wait for The Rapture?
Are they obnoxious in some way? Nervous? Put your finger on it. Think about it.
What does the sum total of their "act" add up to? What does it accomplish? Who or what does their behavior discredit? Do they make honest mistakes? Or do they deliberately "misunderstand" when you tell them something?
If you find yourself explaining the same things to the same person multiple times you have to ask yourself --- is this person genuinely impaired, or pretending to be, so that they can prolong dangerous and/or destructive activities?
What or who are they aiming for? Extrapolate the target.
Use your brain like a sieve. Sort the possibilities and the probabilities. As you do this, you will get better at it and faster.
Think beyond the context of the present drama they are creating. Look at how their actions and words are "directing" you to a conclusion, and whatever that conclusion may be, and what that leads to.
The most common goal of all these Players is to create confusion, fear, or doubt, but they are also often trying to plump up a political agenda by discrediting someone or something.
Remember, if they want to discredit Jews, they pretend to be Jews. If they want to discredit Republicans, they pretend to be Republicans. If they want to discredit Americans, they pretend to be Americans. If they want to discredit Muslims, they pretend to be Muslims. And so on an on.
A priest who smokes cigars, drinks like a fish, owns brass knuckles, and keeps a locker full of well-thumbed hardcore porn magazines? A Republican Senator who votes with the Democrats ninety percent of the time? A devout Jew who eats pork BBQ?
Most of the time, their role playing only goes so far, and the truth about who they really are oozes out around the edges.
To win this "war" requires us all to be a lot quicker on the uptake, more watchful and discerning, more skeptical, more aware of the nagging-can't-quite-put-your-finger-on-it sense that you are being led to think, feel, or do something like "hate Iran" or "distrust Paula Reynolds" or whatever else today's agenda might be.
The easiest way to catch these Players out, is simply to sit back and let them run their spiel. Listen. Watch. The vast majority of them will go too far into their role and ham it up if they are the least bit encouraged---just like vaudeville. They are more patriotic than Uncle Sam. They are more righteous than Jesus. They are more Jewish than Moses.
Set your Shinola Sensors on "High Alert" and be aware that there are skilled actors out there, paid operatives, as well as plain old Satanists stirring the pot and causing trouble for everyone just because spreading violence and distrust and lies and immorality is what a Satanist does.
If they see something good, they target it and try to tear it down, for the same reason that moths are drawn to flames.
Both kinds of Players will be coming into our Assemblies with their own agendas. They will try to obtain information and assets. They will cause disruptions and "steal the show". They will charm. They will be boors. They will try every trick there is.
One of their favorites is to find someone in the local community who is in trouble with "the law" or who can be threatened through their families, and force them --- a known and trusted person --- to be the Snitch and/or Instigator, while a Controller sits in the background and watches everything. Be on the look out for these Tag Teams. Be sharp. Be aware.
Notice who comes and who goes, and who comes and goes together.
And be aware that although the pros can be flushed out or compromised with a Bevins Declaration, the "volunteers" are under no such obligation to declare themselves.
We are the only ones who have recouped our political status, proven our standing, staked our claims timely, built up the record, and correctly identified the True Parties of Interest, populated the correct jurisdiction, and now have the eyes and ears of the entire world focused on us.
We are the last star fighters.
You had better believe that the intelligence services of the entire planet are up to their nostrils in every word we say and everything we do--- but as for that, we don't care. So long as we are not foolish, as long as we are not deceived, as long as we don't give it away, and aren't tricked out of it, our birthright and our destiny is safe.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Modus Operandi 3.0

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
We have been discussing the methods and aims and practices of those who oppose Mankind and wish for our destruction.
Thus far we have discussed how THEY use role playing --- in reverse --- to sling mud and blame on their opponents. For example, if they want to discredit Catholics, they pretend to be nuns or priests, do despicable things, and then just skinny out of their clerical costumes and let the victims take the blame.
We have also described how --- with monotonous regularity --- they accuse their opponents of exactly what they are doing themselves. For example, they accuse Donald Trump of playing footsie with the Russians, when they have already sold 20% of our Uranium reserves to the Russians.
Now we come to a third gambit these creatures play. For lack of a better explanation, I will just call this one "Inducement to Hang Yourselves".
Why bother to hang you, if they can get you to do it to yourselves?
I cannot stress this point strongly enough: every time you incorporate anything, you give it away to whoever and whatever grants it a charter. Period. You place it under the law of the charter granting authority and in their ownership, too.
They, not you, get to dictate what happens to your incorporated business, your incorporated church, and if you let them incorporate your "person" without taking exception and taking action to counteract their legal presumptions, they will exercise the same arbitrary, plenary authority over you, too.
This afternoon I had a lengthy discussion with a friend who thought that they had found the answer to this, a way to incorporate and get tax benefits without incorporating and being subject to The Borg.
No such pathway exists, by definition.
Incorporation is incorporation. It's like being eaten. The substance of the peach you ate for dinner is at this very moment being "incorporated" into your body.
The charter-granting authority subjects whatever is being incorporated, and the new franchise becomes part of the parent corporation which is owned and operated by a sovereign government.
At this time, there are tragically few sovereign governments left in the world: the Holy See is gunning to own everything and everyone, and so, is trying to get its franchise --- the Municipal Government of the United States --- to destroy those few remaining national bastions.
That's what all the threats against North Korea and Iran are all about. That's what all the threats against Libya and Iraq were about. That's what the threats against Britain over Brexit are about.
They made the mistake of joining the European Union and that incorporation is being used to claim that England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales are just "dependent sovereigns" within the larger EU corporate conglomerate.
The Holy See plans to be the only unincorporated sovereign government on Earth, simply because it will claim that every other government has "voluntarily" incorporated as part of the Holy Roman Empire. It will reign supreme simply by default, as everyone else foolishly abdicates their sovereignty by incorporating their government -----hanging themselves in the process.
The Municipal Government of the United States is their local franchise.
The Territorial Governments are all "Dependent Sovereigns" by definition--- meaning that they are "subject nations". This is the same status that the American Indian Tribal Governments have been in for the past 200 years.
My friend was happily telling me about how the people in her group were all adopting Tribal Member status and Tribal IDs. She was chirping about the sovereignty of indigenous people. And I was shaking my head in disbelief.
Go visit any Reservation and see how "sovereign" they are.
The Ancient Romans called the "uncivilized" peoples living on the fringes of their Empire "tribes" because they were "subject to Rome" and forced to pay "tribute" to Rome ---- that word again: tribute, tribulation, tribe.
So when you hang yourself by claiming to be part of a "tribe", you are automatically agreeing that you owe tribute to Rome. You are using their words, and those words have a meaning.
There is a world of difference between calling yourself a Lakota Sioux and characterizing yourself as a member of any Lakota Tribe.
One is still a sovereign nation, bloodied but unbowed.
The other is a franchise operated by the Vatican for the benefit of the Holy See, and all the Tribal Members are understood --- by the Romans at least --- to be pledging themselves and all their worldly goods to be good little Tax Payers and send tribute to Rome.
Its the same kind of difference between calling yourself a Texan and calling yourself a Citizen of the United States. One is a free, independent, and sovereign national of Texas. The other is a wholly owned slave of the Holy Roman Empire.
If you don't know the difference, it is all too easy for these magicians to claim that they have done nothing wrong by enslaving you. You pledged yourself to them and subjected yourself to their law--- voluntarily. You hung yourself.
And nine-tenths of the people in this world are just like my friend-- happily hanging themselves, not realizing the consequences, and not even having the wherewithal to admit that they "made a mistake"---- confess the sin --- and escape the trap.
THEY are under sacred obligation to release you if you "confess" your mistake, but first you have to realize that you made a mistake.
Otherwise, its the same old box, different day.
If you are a Tribal Member, you are a Tax Payer. You are subject to the Municipal Government of the United States, which is a franchise of the Municipal Government of Rome which is a franchise of the Vatican which is the Property Management Corporation ---- all owned and operated by the unincorporated and sovereign government of the Holy See.
If you are an incorporated church, you are obligated to the State Religion, which can be anything at all, including Satanism.
I explained to my friend how the British Crown Corporation picked up billions of dollars of church properties for nothing:
They said, "We will give churches tax exemptions! Just sign up as non-profit religious corporations!"
But our churches were already tax exempt. Say what?
Churches in this country were always exempt from Territorial and Municipal taxes, but by taking the bait and incorporating themselves, the churches lost their natural tax exemption and their continued exemption from taxation under Territorial Law was converted into a mere privilege --- a privilege that can be revoked at the Queen's or the Pope's whim.
The British Crown Corp used this constructive fraud inducement and claimed billions upon billions of dollars of church properties as chattel property backing their debts and financing their operations worldwide.
They got the churches to hang themselves.
They enslaved the clergy the same way they have enslaved the workers and the businesses and the industries of this country---through false claims in commerce, through constructive fraud, and through our own ignorance.
They've been having a good time, getting us to hang ourselves, and raking in the proceeds.
Until people actually see what incorporation is and what it does, until people fully comprehend the danger that incorporation represents to dignity and freedom and life itself --- mankind doesn't stand a chance.
Remember this: your State of the Union is a sovereign nation, and you, a Lawful Person of that nation, one of the People of your State, are owed every jot of every protective treaty and agreement your Forefathers put in place. If you get suckered in and claim to be a Moor, a Tribal Member, a United States Citizen, or any kind of Citizen of the United States, or adopt any other status or identity at all----it all goes out the door. You lose your birthright. You lose your land and soil. You lose your rights. Everything.
Never, ever incorporate anything unless you don't want the responsibility and rights of owning it. Never pledge anything; pledging is a custom of feudalism and is totally foreign to your country. Never voluntarily register anything that you want to keep as private property, either.
All these "gifts" the vermin have been conferring on you, all these corporate franchises named after you--- and all the citizenship obligations that go with them--- have to be converted to your control.
The only way to do this is the path we've cut for you: reclaim your Lawful Person, your Trade Name, and establish its permanent home and domicile on the land and soil of your actual State of the Union. Then move all the "derivatives" to permanent domiciles on the land and soil of your State, too.
This finally gets you out of the box, back home, operating under the Public Law of this country and the Constitutions you are owed.
You can't regain your freedom by moving to another jail.
And you can't address their crimes to them, until you stop hanging yourselves.
The Pope is under the gun now. The full scope and meaning and diabolical nature of the scheme promoting the "Holy Roman Empire" using corporations and the process of incorporation --- and the plot to leave the Holy See as the only unincorporated government, and therefore the only sovereign government left standing--- is fully revealed.
The result of joining the EU and being "incorporated" into that larger regional government is being brought home to Britain right now. They lost their sovereignty, gave it away, hung themselves.
The only way they can regain it and BREXIT and go back to the Pound Sterling and British Law again without World War III, is to admit their mistake and hang a very large club over the Roman Curia's head.
As disgusted as I am with the Brits and their gross mistreatment of our States and our People, I wish them well in this endeavor, and hope that the rest of Europe wakes up, too. Commercial Feudalism is an unimaginable evil and it needs to be stopped by all and any means possible.
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Modus Operandi 1.0
Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
Our enemies think that we are stupid because we are trusting and easy to mislead and easy to distract --- like sheep, like children. And they have no mercy for either.
They think that they are so very superior, because their minds dwell upon how to deceive and how to cheat, how to misrepresent and mislead. This is their stock-in-trade, and it is what they use to profit themselves every day that they live.
They worship the Father of All Lies and call him by many names --- Satan, Poseidon, the One-Eyed God, Baal, Molloch, Hades, Lucifer, El Shaddai---- even plain old Death.
It hardly matters what they call their idol. What matters is that even their idol is false and empty as a shadow; the Spirit of Evil is a Spirit of the Air.
For Satanists, every lie is a prayer, and the bigger the lie, the better. This is why they always, reliably, and monotonously accuse their enemies of precisely whatever they are doing themselves. They collude with the Russians so they accuse Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians.
I have over the course of many months discussed what these people predictably do to cause trouble. Let's review.
They pretend to be their enemies, and pull all their crappola in the name of or in the guise of their enemies, so that their enemies get blamed for their wrong-doing.
For example, they pretend to be Jews or Muslims or Christians, cheat and murder and steal "in the name of" the victims of this ruse, and then leave the innocent members of the targeted group to pay the bills and take the blame.
Sound familiar? It should. That's precisely what they have done to us--- the actual Americans. They have pretended to be us, and acted "in our names" to access our credit, charged up our credit to the limit, then sought bankruptcy protection and left us on the hook to pay off their debts. Repeatedly.
I first became aware of this Satanic Role Playing as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where, quite by accident, I discovered that one man was playing the role of a Jewish Businessman, a Catholic Priest, a Jazz Singer in a Night Club, and a Mafiosi. All four. And he was discrediting all four.
His version of a Jewish Businessman was a greedy pig with a boorish bad temper-----a greedy, loud-mouthed, bossy, self- aggrandizing cheat.
His version of a Catholic Priest was slimy as an eel, sharp-eyed, lecherous, sanctimonious, hypocritical, and a silver-tongued devil if there ever was one. He had affairs with married parishioners and quoted snatches of Ovid in his sermons.
His version of a Jazz Singer was egotistical and imperious, cruel to his band members, always grinding everyone else into the dirt and stealing whatever he could from the bars where he worked.
His version of a Mafiosi hung out at the Flamingo Grotto until four in the morning and talked Big Stuff with the local Bosses of the Unions and DOT and sloshed down more Red Table Wine than a big horse drinks on a hot day.
I called him The Big Wave.
Wherever he went and whatever he was doing, it was always Big and it was always Bad, and at the end of the day, he was a walking Disservice to everyone and everything he portrayed. He gave a bad name to Jewish Businessmen, Catholic Priests, Nightclub Singers, and Mafiosi with equal zeal.
I used to wonder what it was all about, what possible reason a man could have to pretend to be and act in all these roles? And trash them all?
Obviously, Moshe in his beaded yarmulka was not the same as Father Pietro, who was not the same as Lucian Fabriano, who was not related to the Jazz Singer, Leon Diaz.
Yet they were all the same man, with the hair-line scar on his upper lip and the small blue birthmark on the side of the middle knuckle of his little finger on the right hand. And all his characters were equally, purposefully, dreadfully obnoxious.
I had an upstairs apartment on State Street in the University district and a brutal class and work schedule that kept me up and moving around at all hours of the day and night. He was hard to miss, about 300 pounds of obnoxious and six foot four, usually wearing handmade Italian shoes.
And then one day it hit me: there didn't have to be a rhyme or reason for his role playing. It could be utterly random. Whatever characters he wanted to discredit, for whatever reasons and according to whatever characters he could convincingly play. Just go out there and make everyone despise everyone else.
That's your job as a Satanist. Spread hatred. Give credibility to stereotypes. And that is what they do. Fan the fires of prejudice and hatred --- and no doubt, for profit.
I had the eerie feeling that I was the only one in the entire city who had spotted him, knew what he was doing, and in some sense, knew who and what he was.
I also had the feeling that for some reason, I was invisible to him.
The last time I saw him he was playing Father Pietro, wearing his priest cassock with a massive gold crucifix bumping against his chest as he strode across the University Quadrangle. It was past midnight in late April. The full moon was diving in and out behind windswept clouds and gale force winds were coming in off the lake beyond the Student Union. I had run down Bascom Hill in the dark and across the Quad and was leaned up, panting for breath, against a cement wall.
We were the only two people in that entire plaza and for one terrifying moment, I feared that he would see me, would simply look up and look into my eyes and know that I knew about his secret lives--- and perhaps kill me for it. The moment passed and so did he, his immense cassock flapping and billowing like three sailing ships in a storm, the heavy hollow sound of his footsteps receding as he made his way toward the corner of State and Mifflin Street.
I shivered and thought about T.S. Eliot and the Beast shuffling away toward his unlikely destination--- and waited until he turned the corner before I hurried home. The last glimpse I had of him was the edge of his massive profile brightly illuminated for a moment by the headlights of a car.
So that is Lesson One: these people are literally role players, and by their actions they discredit whole groups of people without actually being members of that group at all. Father Pietro wasn't Catholic. Lucian Fabriano wasn't Italian. Moshe Levinson wasn't a Levite. Leon Diaz wasn't a Cuban ExPat.
All that I can guarantee you, but who this man actually was-- I never found out. And that is typical of Satanists, too.
Their Father has no actual name. Ditto his children.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Modus Operandi 2.0
Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
Yesterday, we discussed the fact that Satanists are role players --- actors in the same sense that there are actors in Hollywood. They infiltrate our society, our churches, our businesses, our clubs --- and they blackball whoever and whatever they wish, based on their own actions.
They have total control of how they portray their victims, what pre-existing prejudices they pluck like strings on a guitar.
Their job is made easier because many targets have identifying uniforms or emblems, which these Players adopt as their own for the purposes at hand.
Want to target the Catholic Church? How hard is it to find a priest's cassock at a costume shop?
Want to target Jews? Wear a yarmulka, with or without sideburns, and a big, flashy gold necklace with a Star of David pendant.
Hate Democrats? Plaster your car with DNC bumper stickers and Eco slogans, sign up as a member of Planned Parenthood, contribute to Dem candidates, volunteer as a campaign worker. Be as air-headed and obnoxious as you can.
Have it out for Republicans? Same deal. Change the donkeys to elephants. Slather on the pro-gun bumper stickers and flag decals. Join the NRA. Be as crass and opinionated as possible.
Want everyone to hate Americans? Wear gaudy, ill-fitting clothes, maybe even some cowboy boots. Talk with a drawl or a New Yorker or Boston accent while flashing wads of greenbacks. Talk big. Be overbearing. Arrogant. Nasty. Pushy.
It won't be long and everyone in town will think they know who and what you are and they won't like you ---- an antipathy and prejudice they will apply to all Americans like the smell of a skunk.
See how this works?
With a little creativity it isn't hard to target any group, and as they do this, they "give substance to stereotypes and prejudice". They "model" the purported behavior of lecherous priests and dishonest judges and greedy "Jews" and Ugly Americans. They even have their stereotype of "Sovereign Citizen" ready to roll.
Some of these Creatures of the Night are actually hired as actors to go out and discredit entire religions, nationalities, political parties, competing corporations, racial groups ----you name it and they will play it and trash it.
When it comes time for a False Flag, there they are, Johnny On the Spot, crawling away from the fake firebombing, moaning pitifully.
Other times their mission is more generic: infiltrate a group, collect information, mislead, co-opt, misdirect. They "plant" wrong ideas to promote wrong assumptions, which spawn wrong actions ---- and undermine our efforts.
I sit here like a fighter pilot in the cockpit, clocking the Bogeys as they appear on my radar --- this week, it's the idea that the Articles of Confederation were "good" and the Constitutions were "bad".
How can we possibly recognize and combat such insidious, diabolical ruses?
Do what my Grandma told me to do: look sharp and hard at each and every individual and every idea that people are pushing at you.
Examine what they say and do, how they look, what does and does not ring true. Most especially, examine the results of what they do: judge their fruits.
Does a particular individual cause trouble wherever they go? Are they always the center of attention? Do they spread controversy? Are they fear-mongers encouraging paranoia and "contingency plans"?
Or are they spreading "Hope Porn" and encouraging people to do nothing? Just wait for The Rapture?
Are they obnoxious in some way? Nervous? Put your finger on it. Think about it.
What does the sum total of their "act" add up to? What does it accomplish? Who or what does their behavior discredit? Do they make honest mistakes? Or do they deliberately "misunderstand" when you tell them something?
If you find yourself explaining the same things to the same person multiple times you have to ask yourself --- is this person genuinely impaired, or pretending to be, so that they can prolong dangerous and/or destructive activities?
What or who are they aiming for? Extrapolate the target.
Use your brain like a sieve. Sort the possibilities and the probabilities. As you do this, you will get better at it and faster.
Think beyond the context of the present drama they are creating. Look at how their actions and words are "directing" you to a conclusion, and whatever that conclusion may be, and what that leads to.
The most common goal of all these Players is to create confusion, fear, or doubt, but they are also often trying to plump up a political agenda by discrediting someone or something.
Remember, if they want to discredit Jews, they pretend to be Jews. If they want to discredit Republicans, they pretend to be Republicans. If they want to discredit Americans, they pretend to be Americans. If they want to discredit Muslims, they pretend to be Muslims. And so on an on.
A priest who smokes cigars, drinks like a fish, owns brass knuckles, and keeps a locker full of well-thumbed hardcore porn magazines? A Republican Senator who votes with the Democrats ninety percent of the time? A devout Jew who eats pork BBQ?
Most of the time, their role playing only goes so far, and the truth about who they really are oozes out around the edges.
To win this "war" requires us all to be a lot quicker on the uptake, more watchful and discerning, more skeptical, more aware of the nagging-can't-quite-put-your-finger-on-it sense that you are being led to think, feel, or do something like "hate Iran" or "distrust Paula Reynolds" or whatever else today's agenda might be.
The easiest way to catch these Players out, is simply to sit back and let them run their spiel. Listen. Watch. The vast majority of them will go too far into their role and ham it up if they are the least bit encouraged---just like vaudeville. They are more patriotic than Uncle Sam. They are more righteous than Jesus. They are more Jewish than Moses.
Set your Shinola Sensors on "High Alert" and be aware that there are skilled actors out there, paid operatives, as well as plain old Satanists stirring the pot and causing trouble for everyone just because spreading violence and distrust and lies and immorality is what a Satanist does.
If they see something good, they target it and try to tear it down, for the same reason that moths are drawn to flames.
Both kinds of Players will be coming into our Assemblies with their own agendas. They will try to obtain information and assets. They will cause disruptions and "steal the show". They will charm. They will be boors. They will try every trick there is.
One of their favorites is to find someone in the local community who is in trouble with "the law" or who can be threatened through their families, and force them --- a known and trusted person --- to be the Snitch and/or Instigator, while a Controller sits in the background and watches everything. Be on the look out for these Tag Teams. Be sharp. Be aware.
Notice who comes and who goes, and who comes and goes together.
And be aware that although the pros can be flushed out or compromised with a Bevins Declaration, the "volunteers" are under no such obligation to declare themselves.
We are the only ones who have recouped our political status, proven our standing, staked our claims timely, built up the record, and correctly identified the True Parties of Interest, populated the correct jurisdiction, and now have the eyes and ears of the entire world focused on us.
We are the last star fighters.
You had better believe that the intelligence services of the entire planet are up to their nostrils in every word we say and everything we do--- but as for that, we don't care. So long as we are not foolish, as long as we are not deceived, as long as we don't give it away, and aren't tricked out of it, our birthright and our destiny is safe.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Modus Operandi 3.0
Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
We have been discussing the methods and aims and practices of those who oppose Mankind and wish for our destruction.
Thus far we have discussed how THEY use role playing --- in reverse --- to sling mud and blame on their opponents. For example, if they want to discredit Catholics, they pretend to be nuns or priests, do despicable things, and then just skinny out of their clerical costumes and let the victims take the blame.
We have also described how --- with monotonous regularity --- they accuse their opponents of exactly what they are doing themselves. For example, they accuse Donald Trump of playing footsie with the Russians, when they have already sold 20% of our Uranium reserves to the Russians.
Now we come to a third gambit these creatures play. For lack of a better explanation, I will just call this one "Inducement to Hang Yourselves".
Why bother to hang you, if they can get you to do it to yourselves?
I cannot stress this point strongly enough: every time you incorporate anything, you give it away to whoever and whatever grants it a charter. Period. You place it under the law of the charter granting authority and in their ownership, too.
They, not you, get to dictate what happens to your incorporated business, your incorporated church, and if you let them incorporate your "person" without taking exception and taking action to counteract their legal presumptions, they will exercise the same arbitrary, plenary authority over you, too.
This afternoon I had a lengthy discussion with a friend who thought that they had found the answer to this, a way to incorporate and get tax benefits without incorporating and being subject to The Borg.
No such pathway exists, by definition.
Incorporation is incorporation. It's like being eaten. The substance of the peach you ate for dinner is at this very moment being "incorporated" into your body.
The charter-granting authority subjects whatever is being incorporated, and the new franchise becomes part of the parent corporation which is owned and operated by a sovereign government.
At this time, there are tragically few sovereign governments left in the world: the Holy See is gunning to own everything and everyone, and so, is trying to get its franchise --- the Municipal Government of the United States --- to destroy those few remaining national bastions.
That's what all the threats against North Korea and Iran are all about. That's what all the threats against Libya and Iraq were about. That's what the threats against Britain over Brexit are about.
They made the mistake of joining the European Union and that incorporation is being used to claim that England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales are just "dependent sovereigns" within the larger EU corporate conglomerate.
The Holy See plans to be the only unincorporated sovereign government on Earth, simply because it will claim that every other government has "voluntarily" incorporated as part of the Holy Roman Empire. It will reign supreme simply by default, as everyone else foolishly abdicates their sovereignty by incorporating their government -----hanging themselves in the process.
The Municipal Government of the United States is their local franchise.
The Territorial Governments are all "Dependent Sovereigns" by definition--- meaning that they are "subject nations". This is the same status that the American Indian Tribal Governments have been in for the past 200 years.
My friend was happily telling me about how the people in her group were all adopting Tribal Member status and Tribal IDs. She was chirping about the sovereignty of indigenous people. And I was shaking my head in disbelief.
Go visit any Reservation and see how "sovereign" they are.
The Ancient Romans called the "uncivilized" peoples living on the fringes of their Empire "tribes" because they were "subject to Rome" and forced to pay "tribute" to Rome ---- that word again: tribute, tribulation, tribe.
So when you hang yourself by claiming to be part of a "tribe", you are automatically agreeing that you owe tribute to Rome. You are using their words, and those words have a meaning.
There is a world of difference between calling yourself a Lakota Sioux and characterizing yourself as a member of any Lakota Tribe.
One is still a sovereign nation, bloodied but unbowed.
The other is a franchise operated by the Vatican for the benefit of the Holy See, and all the Tribal Members are understood --- by the Romans at least --- to be pledging themselves and all their worldly goods to be good little Tax Payers and send tribute to Rome.
Its the same kind of difference between calling yourself a Texan and calling yourself a Citizen of the United States. One is a free, independent, and sovereign national of Texas. The other is a wholly owned slave of the Holy Roman Empire.
If you don't know the difference, it is all too easy for these magicians to claim that they have done nothing wrong by enslaving you. You pledged yourself to them and subjected yourself to their law--- voluntarily. You hung yourself.
And nine-tenths of the people in this world are just like my friend-- happily hanging themselves, not realizing the consequences, and not even having the wherewithal to admit that they "made a mistake"---- confess the sin --- and escape the trap.
THEY are under sacred obligation to release you if you "confess" your mistake, but first you have to realize that you made a mistake.
Otherwise, its the same old box, different day.
If you are a Tribal Member, you are a Tax Payer. You are subject to the Municipal Government of the United States, which is a franchise of the Municipal Government of Rome which is a franchise of the Vatican which is the Property Management Corporation ---- all owned and operated by the unincorporated and sovereign government of the Holy See.
If you are an incorporated church, you are obligated to the State Religion, which can be anything at all, including Satanism.
I explained to my friend how the British Crown Corporation picked up billions of dollars of church properties for nothing:
They said, "We will give churches tax exemptions! Just sign up as non-profit religious corporations!"
But our churches were already tax exempt. Say what?
Churches in this country were always exempt from Territorial and Municipal taxes, but by taking the bait and incorporating themselves, the churches lost their natural tax exemption and their continued exemption from taxation under Territorial Law was converted into a mere privilege --- a privilege that can be revoked at the Queen's or the Pope's whim.
The British Crown Corp used this constructive fraud inducement and claimed billions upon billions of dollars of church properties as chattel property backing their debts and financing their operations worldwide.
They got the churches to hang themselves.
They enslaved the clergy the same way they have enslaved the workers and the businesses and the industries of this country---through false claims in commerce, through constructive fraud, and through our own ignorance.
They've been having a good time, getting us to hang ourselves, and raking in the proceeds.
Until people actually see what incorporation is and what it does, until people fully comprehend the danger that incorporation represents to dignity and freedom and life itself --- mankind doesn't stand a chance.
Remember this: your State of the Union is a sovereign nation, and you, a Lawful Person of that nation, one of the People of your State, are owed every jot of every protective treaty and agreement your Forefathers put in place. If you get suckered in and claim to be a Moor, a Tribal Member, a United States Citizen, or any kind of Citizen of the United States, or adopt any other status or identity at all----it all goes out the door. You lose your birthright. You lose your land and soil. You lose your rights. Everything.
Never, ever incorporate anything unless you don't want the responsibility and rights of owning it. Never pledge anything; pledging is a custom of feudalism and is totally foreign to your country. Never voluntarily register anything that you want to keep as private property, either.
All these "gifts" the vermin have been conferring on you, all these corporate franchises named after you--- and all the citizenship obligations that go with them--- have to be converted to your control.
The only way to do this is the path we've cut for you: reclaim your Lawful Person, your Trade Name, and establish its permanent home and domicile on the land and soil of your actual State of the Union. Then move all the "derivatives" to permanent domiciles on the land and soil of your State, too.
This finally gets you out of the box, back home, operating under the Public Law of this country and the Constitutions you are owed.
You can't regain your freedom by moving to another jail.
And you can't address their crimes to them, until you stop hanging yourselves.
The Pope is under the gun now. The full scope and meaning and diabolical nature of the scheme promoting the "Holy Roman Empire" using corporations and the process of incorporation --- and the plot to leave the Holy See as the only unincorporated government, and therefore the only sovereign government left standing--- is fully revealed.
The result of joining the EU and being "incorporated" into that larger regional government is being brought home to Britain right now. They lost their sovereignty, gave it away, hung themselves.
The only way they can regain it and BREXIT and go back to the Pound Sterling and British Law again without World War III, is to admit their mistake and hang a very large club over the Roman Curia's head.
As disgusted as I am with the Brits and their gross mistreatment of our States and our People, I wish them well in this endeavor, and hope that the rest of Europe wakes up, too. Commercial Feudalism is an unimaginable evil and it needs to be stopped by all and any means possible.
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