Trump Pushes Back On War With Iran, But For How Long? By Patrick J. McShay This article was submitted to Operation Disclosure for public...
Trump Pushes Back On War With Iran, But For How Long?
By Patrick J. McShay
This article was submitted to Operation Disclosure for publication.

"The ignorant warmonger masquerading as an American Secretary of State should be arrested for his impersonation of an American government official.
*Paul Craig Roberts - The "Father Of Reaganomics"
"Every time the U.S. Saves a country, they turn it into an insane asylum or a cemetery."
*Ed Galeano - Latin American Author
"It's a trick we always use. In Europe, we stop criticism of Israel by bringing up the Holocaust, in the U.S. we call critics anti-Semitic"
*Shulamit Aloni - Former Israeli Minister
Spain, Germany and the Netherlands suspended military support operations in Iraq today because of the increased tension in the region that no doubt reminded them when the Neo-Cons surrounding George W. Bush lied the American people and the so-called coalition of the willing on their crusade for Israel to destroy Iraq.
Just days ago Spain pulled one of their Naval ships from the USS Abraham Lincoln strike group currently en route to the Persian Gulf. Maybe this is an early signal that fighting another war for Israel in Iran is about as popular as Trump's latest round of sanctions. The U.S. State Department has also ordered the departure of all non-emergency USG employees from Iraq.
The U.S. deployed a Naval Strike group and a bomber task force to the Persian Gulf after receiving intelligence from the Israeli Mossad about a vague threat to U.S.troops from Iran. The fact that it was Israeli intelligence that sent the U.S. on a $6 trillion mission to destroy Iraq for Israel should give some in the media pause but that doesn't look like that's going to happen.
This intelligence, according to Axios was apparently shared with White House resident, Neo-Con warmonger John Bolton by Israeli National security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat. One Senior U.S. official confirmed just how vague this intelligence is saying, "It's still unclear to us what the Iranians are trying to do or how they are planning to do it." Hmm...
Is that it? That's all it takes to put the US Military on a war footing, sending warships and bombers to Bibi Netanyahu's most hated foe, Iran. Ben Shabbat assured Bolton that "It was clear that an unspecified event would take place sometime in the future, which will have unstated consequence." Hmm...sounds like a false flag alert to me.
Bolton and "Rapture Mike" Pompeo are fresh from their attempt to topple the duly elected President of Venezuela, Maduro, and install their puppet Juan Guaido. Pompeo even lied on national TV, stating that Guaido is the duly elected president. He is not! Now both are all in on Iran.
In 2002 it was Neo-Con Dick Cheney hanging around CIA headquarters cherry picking intelligence on Iraq, Bolton is doing the same thing with Iran.
Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote," Trump destroyed his chance of being a successful president by the stupid appointments he's made. At the moment he's being set up by his National Security Advisor John Bolton and Israel for a war with Iran."
*Dick Cheney is now on the Board of Directors of Genie Oil with Bibi Netanyahu stealing Syrian oil in the Golan Heights. So too is Rupert Murdoch the owner of the Fox News Channel. Do you really believe Fox viewers will get anything but pro-Israel reporting on the middle east?
A White House insider, according to has reported that President Donald Trump and his inner circle are planning an invasion of Iran and plan to use tactical nuclear strikes. The plan calls for Iran will be "wiped off the map" and will cost American taxpayers trillions of dollars. He went on to say the mainstream media will promote the war and Trump will go right along with it.
Trump, however, pushed back late Thursday in a statement where he said he was frustrated with some of his top advisors and told Defense Secretary Shanahan that "he does not want to go to war with Iran!" Will Bibi accept that or will we see a larger scale false flag that will change his mind.
I wrote last year in "Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project",-"Don't forget that American Zionist Neo-Cons wrote the plan for the U.S. and Israel to redraw the map of the middle east that started this mess."
What is going on with Iran is a manufactured crisis and is part of the "Greater Israel Project" to obtain full spectrum dominance of the middle east.
In a recent interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Pompeo, an Evangelical Christian, was asked if he thought that Trump was "raised for such a time as this, just like Esther in the Old Testament, to save the Jews from the Iranian menace?" "As a Christian, I certainly believe it's possible," said "Rapture Mike." The fact that we have a Secretary of State who is so completely sold out to the Jewish state is frightening!
Pompeo's good friend Bibi Netanyahu and the presidents Son-in-Law Jared Kushner are Chabad Jews, a racist orthodox movement that was led until his death in 1992 by Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who preached that the Jewish people are a superior master race and non-Jews are inferior and should be slaves to the Jews.
*Another of Schneerson's uplifting messages for Christians is that " Jewish souls are holy and non-Jewish souls are of Satan.
One thing is certain, Israeli Jews hate Christians and the racist evil in the Talmud should not be accepted by Christians anywhere. The Sanhedrin sent a contingent to the White House in January when Trump signed the "Noahide Laws".
These laws are Talmudic edicts they want to force on Americans. they will use brainwashed dupes like Bolton and Pompeo to fight their battles and fund their illegal settlements and quash dissension with unconstitutional laws.
Trump's Israel centric presidency has been directed by Son-in-Law Jerod Kushner and Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson who was Trump's biggest campaign donor at around $100 million. So far Adelson, also a supporter of Chabad is getting quite a bang for his bucks. Don't think the dopey dem's will criticize Trump's moves for Israel too much, fealty to Israel is bi-partisan.
Rabbi Schneerson's teachings are not Biblical, they are Talmudic and there is a big difference. This is the book that states that Jesus is boiling in a vat of feces in Hell for eternity!
Pompeo, in a recent speech to AIPAC, repeated the ludicrous canard that "Israel has a right to defend themselves", a line that is used frequently every time Israel commits another atrocity.
*The truth is Israel has been on offense since 1948 and typically blame the Israeli created Hamas for their bad behavior, which is just how they planned it!
The Jerusalem Post reported recently that Israel was arming and funding 12 different terrorist groups in the middle east, yet all we hear in the media is that it is Iran destabilizing the region. I never believed the lies that led to the war in Iraq and I don't believe the nonsense we are hearing about an Iran threat, but the threat of war is very real.
Israel and Netanyahu have been pushing for the US to take down Iran for 20 years. Obama never would have cooperated in an Iran strike but with Bibi's dream team of Trump, Pompeo, and Bolton in the White House I'm sure Netanyahu knows the timing could not be better.
US Lt. General Richard Clark recently said that "We are ready to commit to the defense of Israel, and American soldiers should be prepared to die for the Jewish state. The US Army should change their slogan from "Be all you can be" to "Join the fight for Israel".
As I write this, unconstitutional laws are being passed in the U.S. to silence critics of Israeli policy. 27 states have made it illegal to participate in the growing worldwide Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement to protest illegal settlements and Israel's brutal and racist Apartheid policies.
The state of Florida recently unanimously passed a new anti-Semitism law aimed at public schools that defines the BDS movement as a terrorist group and any criticism of Israel anti-Semitic. This is just more brainwashing for the kids. This is insane! The truth needs no laws to support it!
The truth is, the Jewish Anti Defamation League recently admitted to conspiring with Jewish tech companies to censor Christian and Conservative content, while our government plans a new war for the Jews in Israel, all while the traitors in our Congress, Senate and the legislators at the state level work to pass unconstitutional laws to silence legitimate criticism of the Jewish state.
These laws are being passed as a new Pew poll shows fewer Americans than ever approve of Israeli policies. Even liberal Jewish writer Noam Chomsky has called them "Worse than South African Apartheid"
The time to speak out is now before it's too late!
Follow Patrick J. McShay on Twitter @PMcshay
*America's Descent Into Israel's Moral Abyss
*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project

Patrick J. McShay is a writer and researcher whose articles have appeared on over 180 news sites around the world including,,,,,,,,,,,,,, powerofprophecy,.com,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Mr. McShay's articles have been translated into a number of languages including French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Russian, Korean, Somali, Polish, Italian, and Japanese.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
By Patrick J. McShay
This article was submitted to Operation Disclosure for publication.

"The ignorant warmonger masquerading as an American Secretary of State should be arrested for his impersonation of an American government official.
*Paul Craig Roberts - The "Father Of Reaganomics"
"Every time the U.S. Saves a country, they turn it into an insane asylum or a cemetery."
*Ed Galeano - Latin American Author
"It's a trick we always use. In Europe, we stop criticism of Israel by bringing up the Holocaust, in the U.S. we call critics anti-Semitic"
*Shulamit Aloni - Former Israeli Minister
Spain, Germany and the Netherlands suspended military support operations in Iraq today because of the increased tension in the region that no doubt reminded them when the Neo-Cons surrounding George W. Bush lied the American people and the so-called coalition of the willing on their crusade for Israel to destroy Iraq.
Just days ago Spain pulled one of their Naval ships from the USS Abraham Lincoln strike group currently en route to the Persian Gulf. Maybe this is an early signal that fighting another war for Israel in Iran is about as popular as Trump's latest round of sanctions. The U.S. State Department has also ordered the departure of all non-emergency USG employees from Iraq.
The U.S. deployed a Naval Strike group and a bomber task force to the Persian Gulf after receiving intelligence from the Israeli Mossad about a vague threat to U.S.troops from Iran. The fact that it was Israeli intelligence that sent the U.S. on a $6 trillion mission to destroy Iraq for Israel should give some in the media pause but that doesn't look like that's going to happen.
This intelligence, according to Axios was apparently shared with White House resident, Neo-Con warmonger John Bolton by Israeli National security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat. One Senior U.S. official confirmed just how vague this intelligence is saying, "It's still unclear to us what the Iranians are trying to do or how they are planning to do it." Hmm...
Is that it? That's all it takes to put the US Military on a war footing, sending warships and bombers to Bibi Netanyahu's most hated foe, Iran. Ben Shabbat assured Bolton that "It was clear that an unspecified event would take place sometime in the future, which will have unstated consequence." Hmm...sounds like a false flag alert to me.
Bolton and "Rapture Mike" Pompeo are fresh from their attempt to topple the duly elected President of Venezuela, Maduro, and install their puppet Juan Guaido. Pompeo even lied on national TV, stating that Guaido is the duly elected president. He is not! Now both are all in on Iran.
In 2002 it was Neo-Con Dick Cheney hanging around CIA headquarters cherry picking intelligence on Iraq, Bolton is doing the same thing with Iran.
Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote," Trump destroyed his chance of being a successful president by the stupid appointments he's made. At the moment he's being set up by his National Security Advisor John Bolton and Israel for a war with Iran."
*Dick Cheney is now on the Board of Directors of Genie Oil with Bibi Netanyahu stealing Syrian oil in the Golan Heights. So too is Rupert Murdoch the owner of the Fox News Channel. Do you really believe Fox viewers will get anything but pro-Israel reporting on the middle east?
A White House insider, according to has reported that President Donald Trump and his inner circle are planning an invasion of Iran and plan to use tactical nuclear strikes. The plan calls for Iran will be "wiped off the map" and will cost American taxpayers trillions of dollars. He went on to say the mainstream media will promote the war and Trump will go right along with it.
Trump, however, pushed back late Thursday in a statement where he said he was frustrated with some of his top advisors and told Defense Secretary Shanahan that "he does not want to go to war with Iran!" Will Bibi accept that or will we see a larger scale false flag that will change his mind.
I wrote last year in "Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project",-"Don't forget that American Zionist Neo-Cons wrote the plan for the U.S. and Israel to redraw the map of the middle east that started this mess."
What is going on with Iran is a manufactured crisis and is part of the "Greater Israel Project" to obtain full spectrum dominance of the middle east.
In a recent interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Pompeo, an Evangelical Christian, was asked if he thought that Trump was "raised for such a time as this, just like Esther in the Old Testament, to save the Jews from the Iranian menace?" "As a Christian, I certainly believe it's possible," said "Rapture Mike." The fact that we have a Secretary of State who is so completely sold out to the Jewish state is frightening!
Pompeo's good friend Bibi Netanyahu and the presidents Son-in-Law Jared Kushner are Chabad Jews, a racist orthodox movement that was led until his death in 1992 by Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who preached that the Jewish people are a superior master race and non-Jews are inferior and should be slaves to the Jews.
*Another of Schneerson's uplifting messages for Christians is that " Jewish souls are holy and non-Jewish souls are of Satan.
One thing is certain, Israeli Jews hate Christians and the racist evil in the Talmud should not be accepted by Christians anywhere. The Sanhedrin sent a contingent to the White House in January when Trump signed the "Noahide Laws".
These laws are Talmudic edicts they want to force on Americans. they will use brainwashed dupes like Bolton and Pompeo to fight their battles and fund their illegal settlements and quash dissension with unconstitutional laws.
Trump's Israel centric presidency has been directed by Son-in-Law Jerod Kushner and Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson who was Trump's biggest campaign donor at around $100 million. So far Adelson, also a supporter of Chabad is getting quite a bang for his bucks. Don't think the dopey dem's will criticize Trump's moves for Israel too much, fealty to Israel is bi-partisan.
Rabbi Schneerson's teachings are not Biblical, they are Talmudic and there is a big difference. This is the book that states that Jesus is boiling in a vat of feces in Hell for eternity!
Pompeo, in a recent speech to AIPAC, repeated the ludicrous canard that "Israel has a right to defend themselves", a line that is used frequently every time Israel commits another atrocity.
*The truth is Israel has been on offense since 1948 and typically blame the Israeli created Hamas for their bad behavior, which is just how they planned it!
The Jerusalem Post reported recently that Israel was arming and funding 12 different terrorist groups in the middle east, yet all we hear in the media is that it is Iran destabilizing the region. I never believed the lies that led to the war in Iraq and I don't believe the nonsense we are hearing about an Iran threat, but the threat of war is very real.
Israel and Netanyahu have been pushing for the US to take down Iran for 20 years. Obama never would have cooperated in an Iran strike but with Bibi's dream team of Trump, Pompeo, and Bolton in the White House I'm sure Netanyahu knows the timing could not be better.
US Lt. General Richard Clark recently said that "We are ready to commit to the defense of Israel, and American soldiers should be prepared to die for the Jewish state. The US Army should change their slogan from "Be all you can be" to "Join the fight for Israel".
As I write this, unconstitutional laws are being passed in the U.S. to silence critics of Israeli policy. 27 states have made it illegal to participate in the growing worldwide Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement to protest illegal settlements and Israel's brutal and racist Apartheid policies.
The state of Florida recently unanimously passed a new anti-Semitism law aimed at public schools that defines the BDS movement as a terrorist group and any criticism of Israel anti-Semitic. This is just more brainwashing for the kids. This is insane! The truth needs no laws to support it!
The truth is, the Jewish Anti Defamation League recently admitted to conspiring with Jewish tech companies to censor Christian and Conservative content, while our government plans a new war for the Jews in Israel, all while the traitors in our Congress, Senate and the legislators at the state level work to pass unconstitutional laws to silence legitimate criticism of the Jewish state.
These laws are being passed as a new Pew poll shows fewer Americans than ever approve of Israeli policies. Even liberal Jewish writer Noam Chomsky has called them "Worse than South African Apartheid"
The time to speak out is now before it's too late!
Follow Patrick J. McShay on Twitter @PMcshay
*America's Descent Into Israel's Moral Abyss
*Syrian War Lies And The Greater Israel Project

Patrick J. McShay is a writer and researcher whose articles have appeared on over 180 news sites around the world including,,,,,,,,,,,,,, powerofprophecy,.com,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Mr. McShay's articles have been translated into a number of languages including French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Russian, Korean, Somali, Polish, Italian, and Japanese.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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