May 3, 2019 Putin Agrees To Emergency Meet With US After Fired British Defense Minister Revealed To Have Ordered Nuclear Strike On Russia ...
May 3, 2019
Putin Agrees To Emergency Meet With US After Fired British Defense Minister Revealed To Have Ordered Nuclear Strike On Russia
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Source: What Does It Mean
A beyond shocking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has approved an emergency request made by the United States to have Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov meet personally with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Finland next week—only the second meeting since President Trump was elected held between the world’s top two diplomats whose nations have between them nearly 14,000 nuclear weapons—and whose urgent meeting was spurred by a Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) “urgent action bulletin” stunningly revealing that in the hours before he was sacked, British Defense Minister Gavin Williamson boarded HMS Vigilant--one of Britain’s four submarines that carry Trident nuclear ballistic missiles—appearing to its officers and crew “almost a bit manic” and warning of an “unnamed and unknown security threat facing his nation” and declaring “we always go on the assumption that we are always under attack”—a stunning act the Ministry of Defense (MoD) notified the Security Council (SC) it must consider as Britain preparing a nuclear first-strike upon Russia—and in response to, then saw Prime Minister Theresa May quickly firing Williamson and barring any criminal investigation into his actions. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Obviously deranged British Defense Minister Gavin Williamson finally sacked by Prime Minister Theresa May before he could start World War III
According to this report, and as the Security Council revealed yesterday, plunging the now sacked British Defense Minister Williamson into the abyss of outright insanity was his knowing that his nation’s crimes in the coup attempt against President Trump are soon to be revealed—most particularly his direct involvement in the attempted assassination of former British-Russian double agent operative Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia—whom Williamson deemed a catastrophic threat to Britain after Skripal appealed to President Putin to be allowed to come home, where he was expected to reveal the truth about the made up Trump-Russia dossier he helped create with ex-MI6 operative Christopher Steele that was paid for by Hillary Clinton.

Heightening the fears of not only Defense Minister Williamson, but the entire British government, this report explains, was Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s total and complete failure in trying to destroy President Trump—a failure so complete, all Mueller was able to do was concoct a first in history document called “Volume II Of The Report” that turned over two-centuries of American law on its head by outrageously claiming a new legal standard now exists where no one is “innocent until proven guilty”—and that White House Attorney Emmet Flood slammed by warning Attorney General William Barr:
Prosecutors simply are not in the business of establishing innocence, any more than they are in the business of “exonerating” investigated persons.
In the American justice system, innocence is presumed; there is never any need for prosecutors to “conclusively determine” it.
Nor is there any place for such a determination.
Our country would be a very different (and very dangerous) place if prosecutors applied the Special Counsel Mueller standard and citizens were obliged to prove “conclusively...that no criminal conduct occurred.”

Not being prepared to even come close to throwing out over two centuries of established American law, this report continues, Attorney General Barr threw into the rubbish bin of history the entire “Volume II Of The Report”—that he did so by agreeing with White House Attorney Floodthat this document was like a “law school exam paper” written by anti-Trump fanatics—and his refusing to put their bizarre “summaries” into his original letter to the US Congress that the Muller investigation had ended—thus igniting the furor of these fantasists who sent a complaining letter to Barr using Mueller’s name, that Barr quickly dismissed as “snitty”.
The “Deep State” enemies of President Trump, this report notes, have exploded in unconstrained rage against Attorney General Barr for his trashing of “Volume II Of The Report”—but whose truest vitriol about The Wall Street Journal has just revealed in their article titled “For Fear of William Barr” that says “the only thing uglier than an angry Washington is a fearful Washington”—and that further states:
Fear is what’s driving this week’s blitzkrieg of Attorney General William Barr.
The liberal establishment, including journalists friendly with it, doesn’t want that to happen, and so has made it a mission to destroy Mr. Barr.
The attorney general seems to know what he’s up against, and remains undeterred.
That’s the sort of steely will necessary to right the ship at the Justice Department and the FBI.

Causing an even greater fear among the “Deep State” and British coup plotters against President Trump, this report notes, is the normally reliable Democrat Party mouthpiece The New York Times now beginning to dip its toes into the river of true things—that began with the changing of their opposition to declassifying the illegal FISA spying warrant used against the Trump campaign—to their now openly questioning its use—and, just days ago, their dropping a bombshell article revealing that the FBI sent even more spies against Trump campaign advisor George Papadopolous—a fact Papadopolous confirms is true—but his disputing this spy being sent by the FBI as she was a known CIA “honeypot” deep-cover operative working with British intelligence and the Obama Regime.

As to how bizarre and dangerous for the American people this war by President Trump and Attorney General Barr against these coup plotters has become, this report concludes, can be seen in Trump, just hours ago, dropping a bomb on disgraced former FBI Director James Comey by declaring about him “He Was Spying… He Was I Think One of the People Leading the Efforts on Spying”—a declaration Trump made in response to Comey hysterically screaming that “Trump ate the soul of Barr”—and that stunningly prompted the “Deep State” mouthpiece CNN to announce that they were holding a 2-hour town hall on 9 May to allow Comey to further hysterically scream at Trump like the lunatic he actually is—but is a town hall one wonders who will actually watch as CNN’s ratings have crashed 26% since its viewers discovered they were being lied to—and of those few watchers remaining, CNN shockingly just discovered in their new poll that nearly 70% of them now want Barr to get to the bottom of what happened—all of which is being over watched by Trump who yesterday said that he’s “still leaning on God to protect him”—a wise move as God, in turn, has rewarded Trump with an “economic miracle” that has added over $9.1 trillion in wealth to America, has given this nation the lowest unemployment it’s ever seen in its history, and whose stratospheric economic rise since Trump was elected, is now the envy of the entire world.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Book of Deuteronomy--Chapter 31, Verse 6
May 3, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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Copyright © 2019 Operation Disclosure
Putin Agrees To Emergency Meet With US After Fired British Defense Minister Revealed To Have Ordered Nuclear Strike On Russia
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Source: What Does It Mean
A beyond shocking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has approved an emergency request made by the United States to have Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov meet personally with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Finland next week—only the second meeting since President Trump was elected held between the world’s top two diplomats whose nations have between them nearly 14,000 nuclear weapons—and whose urgent meeting was spurred by a Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) “urgent action bulletin” stunningly revealing that in the hours before he was sacked, British Defense Minister Gavin Williamson boarded HMS Vigilant--one of Britain’s four submarines that carry Trident nuclear ballistic missiles—appearing to its officers and crew “almost a bit manic” and warning of an “unnamed and unknown security threat facing his nation” and declaring “we always go on the assumption that we are always under attack”—a stunning act the Ministry of Defense (MoD) notified the Security Council (SC) it must consider as Britain preparing a nuclear first-strike upon Russia—and in response to, then saw Prime Minister Theresa May quickly firing Williamson and barring any criminal investigation into his actions. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Obviously deranged British Defense Minister Gavin Williamson finally sacked by Prime Minister Theresa May before he could start World War III
According to this report, and as the Security Council revealed yesterday, plunging the now sacked British Defense Minister Williamson into the abyss of outright insanity was his knowing that his nation’s crimes in the coup attempt against President Trump are soon to be revealed—most particularly his direct involvement in the attempted assassination of former British-Russian double agent operative Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia—whom Williamson deemed a catastrophic threat to Britain after Skripal appealed to President Putin to be allowed to come home, where he was expected to reveal the truth about the made up Trump-Russia dossier he helped create with ex-MI6 operative Christopher Steele that was paid for by Hillary Clinton.
Heightening the fears of not only Defense Minister Williamson, but the entire British government, this report explains, was Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s total and complete failure in trying to destroy President Trump—a failure so complete, all Mueller was able to do was concoct a first in history document called “Volume II Of The Report” that turned over two-centuries of American law on its head by outrageously claiming a new legal standard now exists where no one is “innocent until proven guilty”—and that White House Attorney Emmet Flood slammed by warning Attorney General William Barr:
Prosecutors simply are not in the business of establishing innocence, any more than they are in the business of “exonerating” investigated persons.
In the American justice system, innocence is presumed; there is never any need for prosecutors to “conclusively determine” it.
Nor is there any place for such a determination.
Our country would be a very different (and very dangerous) place if prosecutors applied the Special Counsel Mueller standard and citizens were obliged to prove “conclusively...that no criminal conduct occurred.”
Not being prepared to even come close to throwing out over two centuries of established American law, this report continues, Attorney General Barr threw into the rubbish bin of history the entire “Volume II Of The Report”—that he did so by agreeing with White House Attorney Floodthat this document was like a “law school exam paper” written by anti-Trump fanatics—and his refusing to put their bizarre “summaries” into his original letter to the US Congress that the Muller investigation had ended—thus igniting the furor of these fantasists who sent a complaining letter to Barr using Mueller’s name, that Barr quickly dismissed as “snitty”.
The “Deep State” enemies of President Trump, this report notes, have exploded in unconstrained rage against Attorney General Barr for his trashing of “Volume II Of The Report”—but whose truest vitriol about The Wall Street Journal has just revealed in their article titled “For Fear of William Barr” that says “the only thing uglier than an angry Washington is a fearful Washington”—and that further states:
Fear is what’s driving this week’s blitzkrieg of Attorney General William Barr.
The liberal establishment, including journalists friendly with it, doesn’t want that to happen, and so has made it a mission to destroy Mr. Barr.
The attorney general seems to know what he’s up against, and remains undeterred.
That’s the sort of steely will necessary to right the ship at the Justice Department and the FBI.
Causing an even greater fear among the “Deep State” and British coup plotters against President Trump, this report notes, is the normally reliable Democrat Party mouthpiece The New York Times now beginning to dip its toes into the river of true things—that began with the changing of their opposition to declassifying the illegal FISA spying warrant used against the Trump campaign—to their now openly questioning its use—and, just days ago, their dropping a bombshell article revealing that the FBI sent even more spies against Trump campaign advisor George Papadopolous—a fact Papadopolous confirms is true—but his disputing this spy being sent by the FBI as she was a known CIA “honeypot” deep-cover operative working with British intelligence and the Obama Regime.
As to how bizarre and dangerous for the American people this war by President Trump and Attorney General Barr against these coup plotters has become, this report concludes, can be seen in Trump, just hours ago, dropping a bomb on disgraced former FBI Director James Comey by declaring about him “He Was Spying… He Was I Think One of the People Leading the Efforts on Spying”—a declaration Trump made in response to Comey hysterically screaming that “Trump ate the soul of Barr”—and that stunningly prompted the “Deep State” mouthpiece CNN to announce that they were holding a 2-hour town hall on 9 May to allow Comey to further hysterically scream at Trump like the lunatic he actually is—but is a town hall one wonders who will actually watch as CNN’s ratings have crashed 26% since its viewers discovered they were being lied to—and of those few watchers remaining, CNN shockingly just discovered in their new poll that nearly 70% of them now want Barr to get to the bottom of what happened—all of which is being over watched by Trump who yesterday said that he’s “still leaning on God to protect him”—a wise move as God, in turn, has rewarded Trump with an “economic miracle” that has added over $9.1 trillion in wealth to America, has given this nation the lowest unemployment it’s ever seen in its history, and whose stratospheric economic rise since Trump was elected, is now the envy of the entire world.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Book of Deuteronomy--Chapter 31, Verse 6
May 3, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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