Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter. The Economic Patriot Plan Activated, On Schedule, Did You Miss It? - Episode 1834a [DS] Trap...

Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter.
The Economic Patriot Plan Activated, On Schedule, Did You Miss It? - Episode 1834a
[DS] Trapped, Their Move Was Just Blocked, No Place To Hide - Episode 1834b
By X22Report
Published on Apr 4, 2019
The [CB] are using every trick in the book to stop the BREXIT from happening, they are using delays, fear disinformation, propaganda you name it they are doing everything to make the people say its not worth it. BLS reports that employment is much higher than expected. Trump meets with Chinese and says the deal is very close to being done. Trump tells the Fed that they need to lower rates, the plan is in action. Trump's nominees to the Fed are gold bugs who would like to have the dollar backed by gold.
The MSM and Biden are just brushing off the accusations. Trump says Biden is a threat to himself, China, Ukraine, Esptein's Island. [DS] tries to get financial records, Meadows and Jordan block them. Rybicki says they were blocked from looking at HRC laptop. Trump is at the border, the wall is being built. The plan in Mar-a-Lago was to block the Chinese trade agreement and to stop Trump from having meeting their. Nice try, big fail.
[OpDis Editor Note: X22 Report reviews current geopolitical and economical events as well as Q-related news, Trump, and the fall of the Deep State. X22 Report is another YouTube channel I recommend to listen if you want to be kept up-to-date on what's currently happening. In this episode, we see how the CB is involved in trying to prevent Brexit. We also get news about Trump's recent consensus with China's VP, Biden accusations, HRC laptop, Trump at the border, and the Mar-a-Lago hacking incident.]
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