Reader Post | GK (if they shut down this video try and find it elsewhere) Being called a hater or anti...
Reader Post | GK
(if they shut down this video try and find it elsewhere)
Being called a hater or antisemitic for pointing out the Talmudic Mafia is the top organized syndicate in the world is extremely tiresome and cowardly.
Let's see...
They run banking... Rothschild/Rockefeller/others... and this means Federal Reserve...
They run Hollywood, and book publishing of every variety including University textbooks...
Medicine, Monsanto, vaccine programs and cancer racketeering...
They own Congress... and much of the senate as they swear oaths presented by AIPAC...
They largely fool everyone by insisting they are 2% of the population and yet they are married into almost every family of any importance or wealth...frequently changing name and identity...
They largely run all municipalities in every county in America... Mayorships and dangling the strings over the puppet forts of freemasonry...
Certain prominent figures in their ranks admitted they are in actuality, Luciferian.
Their philosophy is exactly that of Alister Crowley, man as God... we are all Gods, all supermen, do as thou wilt... hedonism... if it feels good... do it...
(I fell for it)
All black market weapons and drugs and sex slaves are controlled and protected and laundered by their banks...
I could choose many videos to illustrate my point and the person most maligned and vilified is David Duke... I suspect he has been crafted as the focal point to throw truth out with the bathwater... Have him enter KKK and then feature him as the leader of anti-Jewish mafia racketeering and then allow him to be the purveyor of TRUTHFUL content... and the liberal mind refuses to consider anything he says... as planned... Special notation... David Duke looks like the original old John Rockefeller...
Certainly could be wrong but sometimes your eyes can see something that is meant to be hidden...

A real juror would look at the video anyway and seperate the messenger from the message...
Truly decent Jews would hold their elite mafias and Rabbi syndicates accountable and align with the rest of non-Jewish humanity and stop perpetuating a persecution complex for personal advantages...
It has to be said... OFTEN...
One of the largest secret plots against those of us who say this stuff comes in the form of targeted individual stalking and lies whispered through phone calls to employers and friends and family... What a surprise dirty tricks to maintain power and the false narrative... and monopoly racketeering on EVERYTHING as stated above...
I have suffered a perpetual erosion of my life and relationships because I actually know that the oldest and most powerful mafia is the Jewish who even took over the Catholic church and all the other religions and mafias... They craft all narratives and conflicts for power and profit and dominance and date back 7000 years... whereas the Jesuits/Catholic are 1600 and founded by crypto Marano Jew Ignatius Loyola...
Of course there are good decent Jews who understand this but we need more stepping up to reject their false narratives...even if they endure unpopularity of their own people. That is called being heroic.
Because of the torment I endured I have good reason to request financial help... and a dozen people have helped me lately... Many of them JEWISH who I have wonderful friendships with...I am always humbled and embarrassed by the need to ask...the constant rent due on every space never ends... where you put your pillow, the electric, the gas, the water, the food... the insurances, vehicles, repairs, healthcare... you name it every dollar is controlled by the world banking mafia... the trickle down economics of racketeering domination... and the effort to survive while in the crosshairs...

Look closely? See it? Sure you can nibble at the ends... but if you bite the whole thing... You will be abducted by aliens...
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(if they shut down this video try and find it elsewhere)
Being called a hater or antisemitic for pointing out the Talmudic Mafia is the top organized syndicate in the world is extremely tiresome and cowardly.
Let's see...
They run banking... Rothschild/Rockefeller/others... and this means Federal Reserve...
They run Hollywood, and book publishing of every variety including University textbooks...
Medicine, Monsanto, vaccine programs and cancer racketeering...
They own Congress... and much of the senate as they swear oaths presented by AIPAC...
They largely fool everyone by insisting they are 2% of the population and yet they are married into almost every family of any importance or wealth...frequently changing name and identity...
They largely run all municipalities in every county in America... Mayorships and dangling the strings over the puppet forts of freemasonry...
Certain prominent figures in their ranks admitted they are in actuality, Luciferian.
Their philosophy is exactly that of Alister Crowley, man as God... we are all Gods, all supermen, do as thou wilt... hedonism... if it feels good... do it...
(I fell for it)
All black market weapons and drugs and sex slaves are controlled and protected and laundered by their banks...
I could choose many videos to illustrate my point and the person most maligned and vilified is David Duke... I suspect he has been crafted as the focal point to throw truth out with the bathwater... Have him enter KKK and then feature him as the leader of anti-Jewish mafia racketeering and then allow him to be the purveyor of TRUTHFUL content... and the liberal mind refuses to consider anything he says... as planned... Special notation... David Duke looks like the original old John Rockefeller...
Certainly could be wrong but sometimes your eyes can see something that is meant to be hidden...
A real juror would look at the video anyway and seperate the messenger from the message...
Truly decent Jews would hold their elite mafias and Rabbi syndicates accountable and align with the rest of non-Jewish humanity and stop perpetuating a persecution complex for personal advantages...
It has to be said... OFTEN...
One of the largest secret plots against those of us who say this stuff comes in the form of targeted individual stalking and lies whispered through phone calls to employers and friends and family... What a surprise dirty tricks to maintain power and the false narrative... and monopoly racketeering on EVERYTHING as stated above...
I have suffered a perpetual erosion of my life and relationships because I actually know that the oldest and most powerful mafia is the Jewish who even took over the Catholic church and all the other religions and mafias... They craft all narratives and conflicts for power and profit and dominance and date back 7000 years... whereas the Jesuits/Catholic are 1600 and founded by crypto Marano Jew Ignatius Loyola...
Of course there are good decent Jews who understand this but we need more stepping up to reject their false narratives...even if they endure unpopularity of their own people. That is called being heroic.
Because of the torment I endured I have good reason to request financial help... and a dozen people have helped me lately... Many of them JEWISH who I have wonderful friendships with...I am always humbled and embarrassed by the need to ask...the constant rent due on every space never ends... where you put your pillow, the electric, the gas, the water, the food... the insurances, vehicles, repairs, healthcare... you name it every dollar is controlled by the world banking mafia... the trickle down economics of racketeering domination... and the effort to survive while in the crosshairs...

Look closely? See it? Sure you can nibble at the ends... but if you bite the whole thing... You will be abducted by aliens...
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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