Wonderful Juan O’Savin and Robert Steele Video: Election, Dark to Light, WWG1WGA || Kat

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Enclose my transcription of a 12-15-20 video chat between Juan O’Savin and Robert Steele. There were a fe...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat

Enclose my transcription of a 12-15-20 video chat between Juan O’Savin and Robert Steele.

There were a few moments of loud guffaws from Robert Steele (and myself) especially when Juan said there was a brand new Hospital at Gitmo for geriatric patients. LOL.

Robert Steele asked if there was a [B]i*den suite?

To cap it off, Juan said he had a Gitmo Prison Uniform in his duffel bag. OMG. Couldn’t stop laughing. Of course WWIII is very serious, but sometimes you just have to laugh.

Alrighty, back to my regular reporting:

Who is Juan O’Savin? Charlie Freak is convinced he’s JFK because Juan O’Savin is 1-0-7 and 1-7 in Gematria and 17 as in Q. Others think he’s George Willet.

I have no idea.

Here’s the little I do know about Juan O’Savin: He loves cars and trucks.

He is a Knight of the Alliance, brilliant, able to report about everything that is going on with the Alliance, with President Trump and his family, and with everyone else in the Alliance, and he definitely holds back on what he knows which is pretty much everything that is happening.

He is a passionate Patriot. He loves and defends America with his whole heart. He loves the American people and is determined to help awaken and then bring every one of us up to speed with what has actually been done to us in our name.

He gives no mercy, no quarter to the de*ep state de_mons. He is determined that America regains her Sovereignty and Freedom and once our country is Foreign Interference free, strong and vital again, we will help others with their Freedom. Not as a brother’s keeper, but as a brother’s brother.

Robert Steele has told many that Juan O’Savin is one of the few people who knows more than he does in many areas. I can believe that.

In the O’Savin interviews I’ve listened to Juan always delivers thoughtful and all-encompassing replies. He is dependably fascinating, informative and has a great sense of humor.

In the Twitter Universe I can report from experience that 1-0-7 is lots of fun and very kind.

O’Savin is a marvelous writer. I have his eBook and am awaiting my hard copy. His book is titled Kid On The Side Of The Road and the link on where you can buy it is at the bottom of this blog.

It is a great book for those who know absolutely nothing about what is truly going on here on Gaia, and it is a marvelous affirmation for those of us who think we have a clue. As well, it's beautifully designed.

This is Juan’s opening paragraph:

For those who know what he’s talking about—verification. For those who don’t—enlightening.

Here are some Highlights in this video chat:

— The incomprehensible ev*il of the de*ep state that Juan calls Globalists, the pe*do*philia, child sacrifice, unbelievably di*abolic.

—There is irrefutable Forensics of Election Fraud and Forensics is everything.

— Senate and House seats might be overturned as a result of the Forensics.

— The revelations of Chinese involvement with the Democrats and RINO Republicans could cause some Democrats to walk across the aisle.

— How Sidney Powell got into this fight.

— The importance of R.I.C.O. and how it applies not only to the Election but also to the collusion of the Media that have also been lying to the public.

— The date of the Inauguration may occur on January 20th 2021 or March 20th 2021.

[Juan O’Savin didn’t say, but POTUS put us in NESARA on November 2nd and 120 days after that would make NESARA Elections take place on March 2, 2021, making an Inauguration in March ‘21 a real possibility.]

— Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe’s Report to the President on Foreign Interference in this Election is very important, according to the EO of 2018. O’Savin indicated that once this Report has been given, which will be on Winter Solstice December 21, then streams of Disclosure will begin.

— The Q-Operation was based on reversing the coup from President Kennedy forward.

— There will be perp walks and Military Tribunals to bring the public along but not in the thousands that we’ve been hearing.

— Public opinion is critical to this whole operation.

— The President could go faster on all of it but he’s waiting for people to come up to speed, to wake up, and to bring America as a people along and together. WWG1WGA.

Although he didn’t say it in this interview, Juan O’Savin has always spoken about Winter Solstice as the day that shifts this whole War from dark to light with revelations.

As I was about to send this blog to Patrick, these Tweets came in on the early hours of 12-17-20:

Buckle up!!

Whatever happens, it will help to keep this in mind:

With blessings,

xo, Kat

Robert Steele with Juan O’Savin 12-15-20


Partially Transcribed by Kat

2:45 Juan O’Savin: For somebody reading (his book Kid by the Side of the Road) it gives them some context of what’s happening here in the country and around the world…

2:52 One of my basic themes is… we have a Globalist crowd… they are ultimately sa*tanically driven… and the things that they care about that they’re pursuing… are a type of evil that most people just can’t dial into their day to day consciousness… they can’t conceive of it… because they’re not intrinsically evil…

3:21 This crowd that is trying to gain control of the world is a type of e*vil that’s almost incomprehensible to most people… so they’re not prepared to engage against that… they just don’t see it coming…

3:38 That goes all the way into even the ped*ophilia… even to child sacrifice…

3:46 Things that a normal person couldn’t begin to conceive as being possible…

3:53 Over time and repetition and desensitization can seem acceptable and normal…

4:00 For example… to those that are believers out there… part of the insanity of this Holy Land area… the Mid-East… what was going on there… on the mountaintops… through the Biblical times… here’s this area that is supposed to be where God’s people are at…

4:24 And yet THE GREATEST EV*IL was also being done in the same neighborhood… because there was people going up on the hilltops sacrificing their own children to Baal in order to have favor, a good Harvest, etc…

Baal, god worshipped in many ancient Middle Eastern communities, especially among the Canaanites, who apparently considered him a fertility deity and one of the most important gods in the pantheon.

4:40 Juan cont.: So here in the Bible when you’re talking about the land of the children of God and all that… you also had THE GREATEST EV*IL IN THE WORLD HAPPENING RIGHT NEXT DOOR…

4:50 That’s even the situation here in America right now… we have this beautiful country… these beautiful people… Patriots… and yet we have a type of ev*il present here that’s trying to enslave not just us… but use us to enslave the world… simultaneously occupying the same space…

So it’s our job, guys like you and me… to help people to understand what’s going on… and then to get ‘em to think again so we can push this ev*il out of our land… and then the rest of the world…

5:29 Robert Steele: Juan, let me interrupt you. I agree with you completely… and you and I are on the same wavelength with respect to Cultural Marxism and the Mossad, FBI, CIA child trafficking and the whole Eps/tein-Ghis*laine Max/well thing… so let’s agree that there is great ev*il and that Donald Trump is the chosen one…

5:45 Now let’s go to where we were going to go originally which is the Election and I want to do Boom Boom Boom… so Forensics… Patrick Byrne is helping… but you had a great deal to do with the Forensics of proving the evidence… have we got Servers and have we got Forensic evidence that will indubitably document that the Election was stolen…

6:07 Juan O’Savin: Oh yeah… there’s no question… in fact people get over-hyped into the specifics of what those Forensics look like… even down to the pre-staging and watermarks and things like that…

The reality is the vast vast vast majority of Ballots were not processed through normal techniques, be it mail or otherwise, and so they have certain markings… for example if it goes through the mail it has to be folded a certain way, etc… so we don’t see that in the vast majority of these fake ballots…

6:55 Robert Steele: Like Immaculate conception Ballots… (smiling)

7:00 Juan O’Savin: Yes, they have none of the markers that show that this was done in a natural way… they’re actually pretty easy to discern… once you decide that you’re going to look for the frauds it jumps right out at you…

7:18 Robert Steele: So let me ask you a simple question… is Joe Blow on the street corner going to understand the proof of Forensics that the Trump Team is prepared to pull out?

7:30 Juan O’Savin: You know there’s none so blind
as those who will
not to see…

7:38 They don’t want to see it… so you can do anything and for some people they’re never ever going to want to see it cuz they have a desire not to hear… see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil…

7:55 Robert Steele: What about the statistical evidence?… there’s no way [B/i*den] won this election… never mind the courts, the legislatures and the congress… this Election has to be won in the hearts and minds of the majority of the American public… will Forensics help or is that going to be addressed some other way?

8:22 Juan O’Savin: No… Forensics is everything…

In fact I brought in some of the computer people… as General Flynn said, “Surfers are going to save the world” (smiles) there are computer people who like to surf… and understand Martial Arts at the same time, pretty fun guys…

8:42 But their computer Forensics skills are just astonishing… they started here in large measure in Nevada and have gone out and looked at stuff in other parts of the country… and they’re finding these markers that are actually well-proven as useable in court, that meet certain criteria…

9:07 Those Forensic markers that show fraud… that prove fraud in the way that the vote was counted… the way that the vote added up if you will… the entries… these huge leaps where votes suddenly surged tremendous amounts or where there’s fractionalized voting…

9:33 One of the things I was working on this morning… I have the Dominion User Manual… for the Vote System… and so Chapter 11 “Ranked Choice Voting” is a big deal… it allows you to add extra value to one candidate over another… It’s used in Parliamentary systems…

10:13 Robert Steele: Instant runoffs, 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices… what I hear you talking about in manipulation… I want to move on, I’m going to take you on Faith and believe that the Forensics are there…

10:27 Juan O’Savin: Oh they are there… Robert… the Forensics are UNDENIABLE… they’re so over the top… the problem was the vote was so far out of whack… against [B]i*den and for President Trump… that they had to go back in several times and re-cook the vote…

10:49 There was a lot of pre-vote period work that was done… in the way that the programs were going to assess and weight the vote but it was so out of whack for the President… that’s where they had to come back in not just once but multiple times in order to save themselves… and that’s the final nail in the coffin for ‘em… it’s so completely over the top…

11:55 Robert Steele: …Are we going to see Senate and House seats overturned as a result of the forensics?

12:02 Juan O’Savin: I actually think that’s where a lot of the effort really has to be… for example out here in Nevada Jim Marchant and Dan Rodimer are both running for congress… critical seats… if you actually finish analyzing votes… we are very close to turning Congress over to Republican…

Juan cont.: We could also get a couple of [Democrat] folks decide to walk across the aisle…

12:30 The revelations of Chinese involvement with the Democrats and with the Democratic party… as well as RINO Republicans BTW, it’s not one-sided [hello Mitch Mc/Con*nell]…

[RINO = Republican In Name Only]

12:44 Juan cont.: Could cause some Democrats to walk across the aisle before it’s all over…

12:50 Robert Steele: Brilliant… that’s the first time I’ve heard that and I’m so thrilled to have you bring that up…

12:57 Juan O’Savin: Yeah it’s a big deal… so these Congressional races… if we’re able to switch those over… it’s not just about President Trump… it’s also this support… it’s not just about electing the President… it’s the whole Team that comes in with them… and that includes the Congressional side in order to carry policy forward…

13:20 Robert Steele: I agree with you completely… and we’re going to get to the point where you and I have talked about people who will resign after the President is re-Inaugurated… let’s go to the courts…

13:40 I know Sidney Powell personally and there’s no way she’s going to fail at anything… what should the public perception be on how all these court cases have gone?…

13:54 Juan O’Savin: BTW, Sidney Powell, how she got into this fight… she was with General Flynn’s brother at a conference done by another friend of mine down in Texas… and at that conference they met and she started diving into this stuff and just went really into it deeply… they invited her in…

14:22 She has been so faithful to the cause all the way along… not just with General Flynn… but up to the present in transitioning over to doing work with the President to essentially save the country…

14:35 Where we had different opinions and where the legal-teams decided to double-down separately and go in different directions in what they were pursuing… Powell has been preparing in the background the R.I.C.O. against the Election fraud… so there’s no single-point failure … not all of the efforts… not all the cards are on one part of the game…

R.I.C.O. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization ~ Wikipedia

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization ~ Dept. of Justice


18 U.S. Code 1962 R.I.C.O.

15:00 Juan O’Savin: The RICO is where we’ve been staying on point out here in Nevada and that’s what getting prepared for filing out here in Nevada…

15:13 The Teams that are going after the Presidential election there’s a timing issue because you have to complete that in time for a January 20, 2021 Inauguration… IF it occurs on January 20th… not on the original Inauguration date of March 20th… which is still a possibility in play also… that delay could solve a lot of problems…

15:38 Robert Steele: That’s HUGE… that’s huge… I want to go into that… what’s your prediction of the Electoral College outcome on Monday?… [December 21, Winter Solstice]…

16:14 Juan O’Savin: I think whatever happens with it.. you end up with a legal fight… disagreement… this isn’t solved it’s not just the 14th… it’s also a week later with what has to be done with the National Acceptance of that… and BTW the 45 day period from the EO of 2018… requires that the 45 day rule… the Director of National Intelligence has to report to the President on any Foreign Interference in the Election…

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election 9-12-18

…Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.



17:00 Juan O’Savin cont.: That happens on December 21st which is the Dark to Light day… the shortest day of the year, the longest night… from that point forward then the light gets greater and greater and greater…

Members of the U.S. Intelligence Community

1. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence
2. Air Force Intelligence
3. Army Intelligence
4. Central Intelligence Agency
5. Coast Guard Intelligence
6. Defense Intelligence Agency
7. Department of Energy
8. Department of Homeland Security
9. Department of State
10. Department of the Treasury
11. Drug Enforcement Administration
12. Federal Bureau of Investigation
13. Marine Corps Intelligence
14. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
15. National Reconnaissance Office
16. National Security Agency
17. Navy Intelligence


17:17 Juan cont.: Once the Director of National Intelligence [John Ratcliffe]… there’s 17 Intelligence Agencies in American Intelligence System, FBI, CIA etc. the 17th is the Director of National Intelligence…

He will provide the report where all the energy… all the effort… data collection methods… National Reconnaissance Office… everything… is brought into play… the biggest Investigative machine on Planet Earth… brings all of its Forensic investigative tools to play to look at any Foreign Interference… and then reports to the President 45 days after a Federal Election…

18:00 That report then gives the President the legal mechanisms… the legal data material… of substance… based on that report… then takes certain legal actions to protect the American people and the vote… and begin to unwind, unravel this fraud on America and the world…

18:35 Robert Steele: Juan we have to do in 30 minutes what you normally do in 90… (laughter)… my best guess is that [B]id*en will be denied 270 votes tomorrow…

18:50 Juan O’Savin cont.: Yeah… he won’t get the vote 270… I don’t believe that…

19:00 Robert Steele: Now let me ask you about Foreign Interference… one of the things you and I agree on is that the f*cking British need to be put down [Rothschild’s/Royals City of London]… what’s the connection between the Chinese on one side and the British interfering…

19:18 Juan O’Savin: I would just say that one is not disconnected from the other… it’s a colluded effort… the reason is this… you have to remember the Intelligence Agencies including CIA, MI6 etc…. were all involved in bringing China out from behind the wall… back at the Nixon period…

19:39 It was K-129… a Russian submarine that was a false flag firing on Honolulu… and then the picking up of that submarine… the largest most expensive effort by mankind on the planet to that point in time to pick up a whole submarine off the sea floor… and that information was shared with the Chinese in such a way that they believed they were being set up with a false flag by the Russians… opened up to the West…

20:20 The first person sent to China to handle the Economic and Business development with the United States was G.H.W.Bush… before he became the Director of the CIA… he’s the guy that went over there, essentially doing the Intelligence work, deciding who was going to be the Business and Political leaders in China… and I might add… that was all a Rockefeller operation… that was Kissinger…

20:55 Robert Steele: Let’s not forget that GHWBush was a participant in the John F. Kennedy assassination… as a CIA non-official cover officer…

21:01 Juan O’Savin: Precisely… this is a much bigger thing than most people have a comprehension of… in fact, a certain thing, I won’t mention the letter cuz it’ll get us doxed on youtube here…

Robert Steele: Oh I was thrown off youtube this’ll be on BitChute…

21:24 Juan cont.: Well then…
The Q-Operation is based on
reversing the coup
from Kennedy forward…

21:27 So everything in there… in fact I’ll just mention to ya the date that General Flynn was pardoned was a key date… go look at how that relates to the Kennedy family…

Kat note: General Flynn was pardoned on November 25, 2020.

The State funeral for President John F. Kennedy was on November 25, 1963.


21:48 Robert Steele: One of the things that impressed me when we met was your analytic grasp of Astrology, Symbology, Numerology… we've had some fun with that… in fact I’m pricing some of these ped*ophil*ia books at $33.33… (laughter)

22:00 Juan O’Savin: And BTW… WOW!! what a GREAT set of books… you gave me some of those the other day… I’m astonished…

22:09 Robert Steele: I never set out to hand the President 5-Aces… but that’s how it’s turned out… I’m planning to make a movie out of these books… when the President is ready… we can educate the public on a movie and the website is free…

22:26 How do you interpret the Supreme Court decision that was 9-0… and it’s said you don’t get a 9-0 unless the President has specifically asked Alito, Thomas and one other to go along…

22:51 Juan O’Savin: Well, if it gets too convoluted… too many states involved, tagging on, decisions become convoluted… the question was… does Texas have a case against other states who by their actions tried to steal a National Election and push it over the top by their specific collusion… individuals in their states… to cook the vote and steal a National Election…

23:27 Texas entered a suit State vs State that can only be heard by the Supreme Court… other parties in other states tried to join that suit… they’ve been excluded from the suit… it’s a Texas suit… that doesn’t mean the suit’s over… and it doesn’t mean that the suit is invalid… it just restricts this to Texas being the one that gets to go do what they’re gonna do…

24:00 I think it makes it easier to come to a precise decision there… it actually has a different effect than most people realize…

24:08 Speed is everything… that’s why we had to have a decision move quickly… when we were looking at RICO, RICO doesn’t get solved in a few days or weeks… it takes years to get the discovery, to get the depositions etc… and that wasn’t going to be fast enough for the National Election of the Presidency to be resolved…

24:32 It doesn’t make RICO invalid… it’s still a much more in depth operation to get to all the criminality…

24:53 Robert Steele: Sidney Powell, and I helped her a little bit… Sidney Powell has said she’s going after the Associated Press, the New York Times, youtube… all these people that have been lying to the public… and also censoring the public… she’s going after Media…

25:08 She also probably has a tremendous defamation and torturous (?) interference lawsuit against the media… do you see this RICO as being more than just Election officials? Is it also the Media?

25:20 Juan O’Savin: There’s collusion… yeah, the Media is part of RICO… it ultimately be part of RICO most of these won’t include Media in the early phases… but as we widen out you can add information as it shows up…

26:16 Robert Steele: Let me ask you 3 quick questions… I don’t mean to be rude… you and I have broken bread together and you know of my enormous regard for you… where are we on Military Tribunals and the Insurrection Act?... I’ve speculated that 1/5 of the people that need to be dealt with are being dealt with right now… is the Military Tribunal process in progress?

26:42 Juan O’Savin: Not in the way that people have been told… it’s not thousands and thousands… there’s a tiny handful of people that are in custody… the cure for the country part of the solution here is not a secret rapture of people and take them to Gitmo… there is the public Perp walk… there is the display and explanation of what’s happened… in order to bring the public along…

27:19 Public operation and opinion are critical to this whole operation… so you have to give them the data to make reasoned decisions… and BTW… those people who may have been slow to understand what’s happening… we may have called asleep… there’s a certain questioning that’s healthy… I’m not gonna throw ‘em out just because they didn’t come awake as quickly as others…

27:55 It’s like some of the attorneys I’m dealing with… well I want to see more of the data, I want to see more of the data… that’s healthy cuz it forces us, Robert, your listeners, to stick with the facts… that we can prove and that we can display more readily and not get too far afield on assumptions and vaporous stuff… and that’s gonna help bring more of the public along…

28:28 In these Disclosures… post the Director of National Intelligence Report to the President… the President can pick and choose what he wants to release and how and when… and help to bring the public along with us on this… that’s going to be critical…

28:45 And the arrests… and the Tribunals in Gitmo are a huge huge piece of that…

28:49 You know they built a very world class Media center out at Gitmo last year… along with a Hospital geared towards geriatric patients… (huge laughter from Robert)

29:17 Robert Steele: I did not know that… is there a Bi*den suite? (laughing)

29:17 Juan O’Savin: Well, I will tell you this… the Big Guy Gitmo Uniform… I actually have in my duffel bag and it’s going out to D.C. in a couple of days… (laughing)

29:42 Robert Steele: One of the things I sent Sidney was Abraham Lincoln’s use of the Insurrection Act… to arrest Editors and Authors who were being [S]editi*onists and lying to the public… I get the impression from you and several others that everything is on track and that the President might not need to use the Insurrection Act… Is the IA still on strip alert?

30:04 Juan O’Savin: You know you always keep options… you know as well as I do in Operations you have to have a Primary but you have to have Backups… because once you get into the fight… Scheduling, Dates, Times, Locations, People… everything starts to come into play and there’s always the unknown… so you have to have options…

30:33 After the fact it may look like genius that you were always going to do it a certain way… but the reality is those options allow you to dodge and dive according to how the battle goes… so trying to overlock in that it’s gotta be this way or it’s gotta be that way…

30:51 There’s a Divine component to this… there’s literally angelic assistance on this far as I’m concerned…

31:09 Robert Steele: Let me ask this as a final question… a lot of people are looking at the Aircraft Carriers off both of our coasts… and they’re looking at all the Aircraft going out from Nellis Air Force base… all the Military missions… https://www.nellis.af.mil

31:09 I personally discount 50,000 Chinese Military in Maine, that just does not seem credible… (Juan: Nah)… is the Military flexing it’s muscles right now?

31:33 Juan O’Savin: Well you stop something from happening by making sure they realize that you’re not vulnerable… we did a lot of work… in fact the Russians amazingly enough actually helped point out a vulnerability… up there with the Cook… and we brought everything in… re-fit it… so it didn’t have a particular vulnerability…

31:51 Robert Steele: Let me just say for those who don’t understand… The U.S.S. Donald Cook was completely disabled by a single aircraft with Electro Magnetic Pulse Weapons…

USS Donald Cook is an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer in the United States Navy named for Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Donald Cook. The ship is the 25th destroyer of her class. Launched May 3, 1997.


32:10 Juan O’Savin: That aircraft was the equivalent of a school bus, BTW…

32:16 Robert Steele: Yeah, but the bottom line is the Americans have never taken Electro Magnetics seriously… and that’s always been a vulnerability…

I want to close now by encouraging people to get Kid On The Side Of The Road… Mike Flynn has said it’s a 100% certainty that President Trump will be our President for a second term… I just want to give you a chance to tell us your opinion of that…

32:37 Juan O’Savin: Here’s the deal… people have to understand that the President is waiting for everybody to come up to speed… he could go much faster but he’d lose a lot of the public with it and this isn’t about racing to get to an end…

33:03 The journey along the way of bringing the American people and the world up to speed on what’s been being done in their name… and who the characters are behind it… in this takeover of the world by these globalistas… [de*ep state, ca_bal de_mons]… is the key to everything…

33:17 So it’s not just about stopping the enemy… it’s about waking the American people… so these checkpoints that we’re looking at are more geared towards bringing America as a people along… and together… as opposed to just getting rid of the bad guys and having a war with the bad guys… otherwise they’d be right back… gotta get ‘em to the roots…

33:50 Robert Steele: I agree with you completely… in fact I’m fascinated to see that in Washington State… an entire small city has told the Governor to f*ck off!... that they’re not going to have a lockdown… they’re not going to have masks… and I think that’s exactly what you’re talking about… the President has said, one of his advisors has said… the lockdowns and masks will end when the American people want them to end…

34:10 Juan O’Savin… the next time you’re in Washington our usual place for filet mignon, mushrooms and sweet potato fries…

34:20 Juan O’Savin: And a great Scotch BTW too…

34:22 Robert Steele: Well, you know, I mean I got a PhD in drinking as a spy… (laughter) but I’m trying not to… Juan, I love seeing you, I love learning from you… you’re one of the few guys who knows vastly more than I do in various areas… so I look forward to our next encounter and I thank you for sharing with my audience your insights… God bless you, Sir, thank you…

34:48 Juan O’Savin: Always a pleasure Robert. Look forward to the next time we break bread…


End Kat partial transcription


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Operation Disclosure: Wonderful Juan O’Savin and Robert Steele Video: Election, Dark to Light, WWG1WGA || Kat
Wonderful Juan O’Savin and Robert Steele Video: Election, Dark to Light, WWG1WGA || Kat
Operation Disclosure
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