Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing December 2, 2020 The Sting Stings! McInerney says TREASON -punishable by death! YouTube Trump Ca...
Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing
December 2, 2020
The Sting Stings! McInerney says TREASON -punishable by death!
Trump Cards
President Trump Official Donation Website
Democratic Party of today plays dirty. We saw it in the 2016 Election. We saw it with the illegal fraudulent traps that were set. We're seeing it now. Fast forward to the 2018 Election, they did it again and won the House. How did they win the House and get nimwits like the Squad voted in? Or did the Dems cheat in the 2018 Election to get these loser Anti-Americans in the House and create chaos and division. The squad are idiots. They have zero business experience and only knew how to marry their own relative (to make that relative legal in the USA) or make a cocktail before they became congress people. AOC news that has been hidden.
Now that we know the CCP was behind this 2016 and 2018 Election, President Trump set the traps. How brilliant is this? He and his supporters had to get mocked and ridiculed for all these years. We were labeled Conspiracy Theorists for a reason. The democratic party and their brainwashed supporters all fell for it and called us exactly that. So what happened during this time, the liberals would not believe one word we were saying...not one. Instead, they threw their heads back, laughed, and mocked us! Some may have been our own family member, but remember, the liberals watch the crooked Fake News to get their source of information.
Why did General Flynn go out and tout us Digital Soldiers? I know for me, I stood so proud when he said that and wanted to stay in the battle for however long it would take us. We all had some kind of sacrifice during this Sting journey, but know this...ANONS AND PATRIOTS were and still are a part of the big master plan.
Going back to 2018 Election, just two months before the 2018 election, President Trump signs a powerful Executive Order.

So did the White Hats sanction the CCP and other Foreign Actors at that time and did so quietly? Did the White Hats have to wait until 2020 Election ....the General Election to truly expose all of this? Knowing there were some deep state dweebs like the leftover CCP deep state, Krebs, Kemp, Raffensperger, Whitmer, etc that have been oblivious to what is really going on and needed to trap them? Do you see how this is all playing out? How many big banks and corporations were in bed with the CCP or have meddled in the middle of all of this as well?
According to this interview with General Thomas McInerney interviewed with John Fredericks, the General is heated!
This explosive interview was tweeted by Kristin. Please follow Kristin on Twitter.

General McInerney states (in part):
Coordinate battleground states to - TREASONOUS acts! Trying to take over our government. Cyber warfare used and no DOJ/FBI prior investigation. Chris Krebs - committed treason and got fired!
President Trump should declare a National Emergency if there is foreign influence. We know there was China and Iranian interference. Start arresting for Treason. Suspend the electoral college and inauguration until we get this resolved. Enforce EO 13848 and Insurrection Act. Declare Martial Law and it will not affect the American people, but will only affect BLM and Antifa when they begin their civil unrest (they know they have been had). Set up Military Tribunals. Those that took an oath to stand up to the Constitution (of 1776). Our November 14, 2020 Article / Video was about that very topic...the 14th Amendment!
POTUS needs to demand a thorough investigation and suspend all action. Everyone should demand the President to do this!
Death by Firing Squad is the DOJ New Rule effective December 24, 2020.
Lin Wood is now urging President Trump to declare Marital Law:

This will all lead to something our Country has not ever seen before. We are getting ready for President Trump's version of NESARA coming into play. Remember when President Trump stated this on 8/17/2020:

President Trump may very well declare Martial Law. This would be the reason to get stocked up. It would be in America, but the unrest may trickle to other countries. Basic necessities are needed.
Bigs moves were made recently!!! General Flynn Pardoned!

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