The Mass Awakening of Humanity and Moving to New Earth There are many theories on how humanity’s spiritual transition to 5D New Earth as a c...

The Mass Awakening of Humanity and Moving to New Earth
There are many theories on how humanity’s spiritual transition to 5D New Earth as a collective will happen. What is new earth? What is 5D about? How are we going to transition, or already transitioning, to this new earth? Read here.

Image: Two earths existing side by side simultaneously. Alloya Huckfield
Alloya, a multidimensional guide and healer, describes this intriguing topic in a clear manner.
She first explains that we currently live in two spaces, two earth realities – the old reality and the new one – simultaneously. One that we know all too well is full of suffering to all, including humanity, animals, Gaia – earth itself and everything living on it.
“The humans which live in this world are experiencing war, hatred and pain. They are not the only ones who are suffering , the Earth itself is going through huge traumas, the animal kingdoms, plant and even the devic kingdoms are suffering along with Gaia in her old world expression.” (Alloya)
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