Operation Disclosure | By James O'Brien, Contributing Writer December 17, 2020 Playtime is over. No one on either side of the politica...

Operation Disclosure | By James O'Brien, Contributing Writer
December 17, 2020
Playtime is over. No one on either side of the political aisle should now be surprised when President Trump uses the full force of the powers afforded him as Commander-in-Chief of the US Military.
If you thought he was going to roll-over for the attack on the United States which this election fraud categorically was, you are living in an alternate reality which will not last much longer.
Calling it an attack from China is not completely accurate, as it is really Deep State operations out of China, as reflected by intelligence ops like the CIA and their central banking cohorts, whose tentacles extend worldwide.
Nevertheless, CCP money owns a large part of cultural institutions you may have heard of like Hollywood, major universities such as Harvard and many others, and of course, far too many US politicians to name at this point.
JFK called it: "Infiltration instead of invasion."
President Trump is taking away their financial power by folding the Federal Reserve in the US Treasury. That is the head of the snake. He has also been cutting off the dark money (via drug & human traffic|king) that has fueled CIA operations.
Since the CIA has been described as the secret police of the central banks, can you now see that we have already been in an undeclared war ever since President Trump took office?
Now we are reaching a crux moment of engagement. It is infinitely beyond petty politics at this point, or two dimensional thinking like Democrat and Republican. Both parties have agents that have been compromised and blackmailed, along with judges and other key figures in the system.
There comes a time in the game, regardless of the cards you have, when you must go all-in. This is that time. I have been stating that the Trump Alliance holds a royal flush, and this is true, but it is not because of anything in the political world. It is much bigger than that.
This is the battle for the Soul of a Nation. Some may consider that merely a metaphor, but if you spent time behind the scenes with those at the top of the pyramid on Team Anti-Trump Central Banker, you'd find their occult ceremonies extend well beyond the world of metaphor. They put their occult symbolism all over their money, and the mock-sacrifices they display in "art shows" by Marina Abramovic and others are not-so-mock when the curtains are closed and the cameras are off.
So, if we are (symbolically at the very least) referring to a clash between Lucifer and God for the Soul of a Nation (and by extension the world) what side have you placed your bet on and aligned yourself with?
If these religious concepts are too, well, religious for some, then it should be noted that Lucifer really represents Deception, Separation, and Control to the point of absolute tyranny. The counterpoint of God would represent Freedom and Unity, with any workings of a Government Under God to be operated transparently and beyond secrecy for the good of We the People.
This is what the Founding Fathers fought for. They built the cornerstone of this Country on the ideal of One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.
"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." - President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Whether it is officially declared or not, we are in a state of war over this election, insofar as the acts committed during it and the ramifications for the entire world determined by its outcome.
There's been a lot of hot air from the agents of deception (and those that believe them) about Trump being a dictator. While this is patently untrue, the one good thing about it may be that no one, especially his enemies, should be now be surprised when he utilizes the full scope of his powers and position as Commander-in-Chief.
Do not forget one of the key moments in US history which gave us a Country to begin with. General Washington and a band of underfed soldiers short on supplies crossed a frozen river on Christmas night and hiked 9 miles in a blizzard in order to kill their enemies at dawn.
Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump is the heir to General Washington. The pot stakes have reached their limit and the Alliance is now all-in. Oppose it at your peril. Our occult enemies may have pledged their souls to Lucifer, but the Patriots of the United States have pledged their allegiance to a higher power. And when we win this war, which we will, all glory is to God, not ourselves, because God is the architect of this Victory. Merry Christmas.
"Providence, to whom we are infinitely more indebted than we are to our own wisdom, or our own exertions, has always displayed its power and goodness, when clouds and thick darkness seemed ready to overwhelm us. The hour is now come when we stand much in need of another manifestation of its bounty however little we deserve it."
- George Washington
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