Reader Post | By Anonymous ( Responding to: SITREP: Current Intel Compilation "Real News" (Plus Hot Rumors) ) I would love to b...
Reader Post | By Anonymous
(Responding to: SITREP: Current Intel Compilation "Real News" (Plus Hot Rumors))
I would love to believe that Elvis is still here along with other celebrities but I have a hard time with that. The rest of it is totally believable to me. We only have a few more weeks until we find out about the truthfulness of all this.
We know that the [B]iden’s are crooked and there is so much proof -so even though the mainstream news media won’t publish it, when they also go down the world will know for sure. President Trump has been lied about from the very beginning because “they” knew that if they were not able to take him out, it would mean their lives. It has come to that. I like the fact that President Trump gave them time to come around so it is 100% on “them”.
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