Reader Post | By SA ( Responding to: Mother of all Bombs: Proof of [B]iden's Treason || Sierra (NZ) ) I have a question regarding a T...
Reader Post | By SA
(Responding to: Mother of all Bombs: Proof of [B]iden's Treason || Sierra (NZ))
I have a question regarding a Twitter post from Awakened Outlaw that was mentioned in Sierra's post from Dec 29...The title of Sierra's post was Mother of All Bombs: Proof of [B]iden's Treason. But my question concerns a twitter post quite a ways down in the posting from Awakened Outlaw..: "page 132 of Pfizer vaccine basically (underlining is mine) says no unprotected se*x up to 28 days after second dose due to reproductive safety risk..this is for males and females..birth defects due to genetic manipulation."
Right above that Twitter screen shot is the text "Information about the vaccine-no unprotected sex for 28 days after second dose or risk infertility. It's THAT safe."
I am quite confused about this. I attempted to follow the apparent weblink listed in the Twitter screen shot:
When I typed that in here is what came up:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
I would very much like to read the document that is being referred to here. There is no official product insert for the Pfizer vaccine since it is only approved for Emergency Use (EUA). There is a package leaflet that is only 29 pages long. This is very big deal information that should not be tossed around lightly. I certainly have no intention of receiving the vaccine despite being in several high risk categories and I do not trust big Pharma, the FDA or CDC to be forthcoming with true risk information. However, we must all be quite careful to be accurate in our statements. The line above the Twitter screen shot refers to infertility. The Twitter screen shot from Awakened Outlaw refers to birth defects. These are very different topics. Also, Awakened Outlaw uses the term "basically". Does that mean the referred to document kind of says that or is that an interpretation or does it actually say that? If anyone is aware of the web address of the actual document being referred to on page 132 I would very much appreciate that information.<Error>
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
I very much appreciate all the hard working patriots who spend much time and effort to bring truth to humanity. Let us be very careful that we do not fall into the same traps that so many have, that of edging to inaccuracy due our outrage at what is being done to our country and all of humanity. Let us be extremely careful to be absolutely as accurate as possible...we have truth on our side...they do not.
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