Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer December 30, 2020 PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO ALL MEN Compliments of th...
Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer
December 30, 2020
Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899
We never had a democratic system in the US, or a republic, but a dictatorship of the [d]eep state or finance. DARPA ran the US research and the entire iPhone came out of military research as well as the internet. We are just falling apart as evidenced by our burnt out cities. The Chinese copied us. It was our job in the [d]eep state to teach them the secrets of the industrial revolution when they became our ally in 1972 against Russia and we did it to build them up against Russia under balance of power doctrines. We taught the Chinese that bank finance was to be directed only for productive investment and not as on Wall Street to finance cash settlement manipulations that are linked to half the trades on the New York Stock Exchange called systemic trading. It is pure parasitism. China learned well and became the largest economy in the world based on purchasing power parity of their currency. The entire issue with China is that they allied with Russia in 2014 for Russia's natural resources in a recast of the Stalin-Mao alliance which was the cause of McCarthyism in the 1950s as to who lost China and not that China was communist. It was pure balance of power logic. All the charges against them are really criticism of ourselves who wanted them to become a predominate world power to offset Russia.
We see balance of power considerations now in the US by their support of national socialism in the western Ukraine whose national socialists very interestingly say we are for the Karaite Jews who only observe the Old Testament but not any others who we do not want in our country which was the policy of Germany between 1933-1945. The US supports these national socialists today out of balance of power considerations just as the US supported Hitler in 1933 with a one billion dollar gold dollar loan and Great Britain supported him with two billion gold dollars to build them up as a balance of power consideration against Russia and France. That is about six hundred billion in today's fiat dollars.
Munich was not appeasement but an effort to build Germany up against Russia. Stalin was not invited. Churchill said the truth does not matter and how I write the history of this period will constitute truth. Churchill wanted a war between Germany and Russia again as Germany was becoming too strong and Russia was again a threat to India. Hitler even offered India to Russia if they would leave eastern Europe alone and the Romanian oil securely in Germany's hands. The British had successfully manoeuvered Germany and Russia into a war against each other in World War One leading to the destruction of both which David Lloyd George was jubilant about though Russia was an ally. Germany was building up a fleet to challenge England's supremacy of the seas so they had to go. The masses were cannon fodder over lying propaganda. That is how kindly our our democratic or republican systemic dictatorships are to their subjects as the real rulers are the financial dictators behind the scenes who hate all mankind (I Thessalonians 2:15). They manipulate the idea of balance of power or geopolitics to cover their real design to destroy the Tsar or thereafter Hitler. This is the [d]eep state.
Military research in the US was paid for not on the basis of efficiency but on what was conceived as strategic necessity for national defence as the Chinese are doing. They learned their lessons well. We have to face the reality that this military research in the US became completely misguided and we are 20 years behind the Russians offensive and defensive missile systems having thrown 7 trillion dollars into worthless brushfire wars thinking our 1991 hegemonic rule of the world was for eternity. Our Roman legions were to conquer anyone who did not do as we said while proclaiming peace on earth and good will to all men. Since the Middle East provided about 70% of our oil in the 1990s and early 2000s they had to do as we said or face the destruction meted out to Iraq in two wars.
The DARPA government research was spun off into private industry. Private industry did not do it and the free market is just a myth. The great genius Henry Ford ran a dictatorship at Ford and in a sense Elon Musk copies him as Steve Jobs. Elon Musk denounces the rule of the financiers when he says that MBAs who run American industry for the looting financiers should go out to learn about their own products. Profits are used to buy the stock of the company so that the management stock option rewards to management become valuable as the stock rises and not to be used for research and development. A whole generation has largely been lost to drugs so we are not producing enough engineers.
All of this can be changed in the US with proper policies. We can, for example, wipe out the use of cash settlement by taxing short term trading less than a five year holding period at 95% and encouraging long term investment for research and development by taxing long term capital gains at 5%. We can pay the college costs for all engineers while decreasing Federal support for any other colleges by making contributions not tax deductible. The liberal arts colleges are basically drug centers and their teachings are largely lies. They can go. We can wipe out drug use by making our nation self-sufficient industrially and agriculturally as much a possible and closing the border as much as possible stopping illegal immigration which is an attack on the wages of our lower classes and decreasing imports as much as possible. The borders must be sealed by the military as Russia did under Stalin. Drug dealers as George Floyd must be incarcerated in work camps as in Russia in the 1930s or as in our old chain gangs. Prisons are a financial burden and we must make the prisoner pay for their upkeep as Stalin did. We can learn from this Tsarist Christian who posed as a communist to spy on Lenin. He was carried away in the revolution and executed in the Moscow Treason Trials all the Bolsheviks who killed the Tsar's children. The death of his boss Pyotr Rachovsky sealed the fate of the incompetent Tsar. He taught all Russian children the holy concept of marriage of St. Augustine that the procreative act must be restricted only to where children can be born from the act in marriage. Stalin now has a 90% approval rating in Russia as the Trotskyite oligarchs as we have in America are ruining Russia after having stolen most of Russia's wealth as has happened to us in the US by our Trotskyite oligarchs on Wall Street. When Nikita Khrushchev asked that great General Konstantin Rokossovsky to condemn Stalin he replied Stalin was a saint. He was ousted.
The looting financiers control the central banks and the western world that also is falling apart. All its industry is being shut down by a fraudulent PCR test. There may be a great global reset invented at Bilderberg but they may find that the reset ends as in Germany in 1933 when it went out of control. After all, it was Baron Eduard de Rothschild who stole the wealth of the entire German nation when he ran the hyperinflation from 1920 to 1923 through his flunkey Rudolf Havenstein as President of the Reichsbank as part of his great global reset only to find himself fleeing in 1940 in France before the German Panzer Divisions and Army who marched into Paris singing songs of hatred against usury.
We see these antics at the corrupt Supreme Court today ruled by international finance which sets the date of hearings after the inauguration refusing to even consider the stolen election before then but only after it becomes moot in hatred of President Trump who is the only President in history since Andrew Jackson who attacked international finance over currency rigging and the US Central Bank for acting against the economy. This is his reward aside from the fake impeachment and endless attacks by the six major media monopolies and Facebook, Google, Twitter monopolies and other forms of communication monopolies controlled by international finance or the [d]eep state. All of these should be broken up by the anti-trust laws that have not been enforced for generations.
Here are Andrew Jackson's comments on the corrupt American Central Bank:
Here we see today the bailouts of Wall Street by the new actual head of the Federal Reserve the 24.3 million dollar a year salaried Larry Fink replacing to all intents and purposes the 200k plus Jerome Powell. The stock market rises as Fink pumps in trillions of dollars while the economy crashes bailing out Wall Street while the masses face evictions. Justice American style. In other words, hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives are used to make a fortune for the financiers in manipulations are bailed out when things go wrong while when they go right they are rewarded trillions upon trillions from their manipulations. They have a guaranteed put on all their positions.“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
― Andrew Jackson
Here are the comments of the US Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin when he was Secretary of the Treasury:
Robert Rubin Correspondence – David Lifschultz
As Robert Burns said: "the best-laid plans of mice and men often come awry".
We should learn from the Chinese:A democratic system does not stand a chance against communist system when the government is the system.
“These people don’t understand China. In America everyone thinks in terms of efficiency, and efficiency means return on equity and a rising price. The Chinese don’t care about that when national security is involved. If they have to, they’ll put 10,000 engineers on a problem and work day and night until they solve it.”
Washington last week added China’s Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) to the “entity” list that requires US companies to get special permits to trade with it, rattling the Chinese chipmaker’s stock price. But China hawks in the US Senate complain that the wording of the new rules makes them easy to circumvent, and allege that the Commerce Department bowed to the “parochial commercial interest” of US companies trading with China.
The trouble is that China’s market for semiconductor technology is growing so fast that American firms fear for their long-term viability if they are not involved. The Trump Administration imposed controls on the export of key semiconductor technology six months ago, but American chip design companies’ China sales are booming. Cadence Design Systems, one of America’s top two makers of design software, reports a near-doubling of China sales during the third quarter – after the controls went into effect. Meanwhile, America’s top design firms are investing in the Chinese startups that are hiring away some of their best talent, in order to keep a foot in the door of the Chinese market if they are prevented from selling directly.
Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) complained Dec. 22 that the new controls announced on SMIC, China’s largest chip fabricator, have a big loophole: The new rules apply only to equipment that is “uniquely” required to produce the most advanced logic chips, with a transistor gate width of 10 nanometers or below. But there’s no clear definition of what “unique” means, so “the Department of Commerce seems to be allowing SMIC access to nearly all semiconductor manufacturing equipment – undercutting the effectiveness of its nominal intent.”
The two Republicans added, “In effect, SMIC will not face serious restrictions, because very few tools are “uniquely capable” of producing a certain chip size. Indeed, SMIC publicly stated that its designation has no material adverse effect on the company’s short-term operations.”
They’re right, but they miss the big picture. SMIC is a minor factor in the world semiconductor market and in China itself, while a myriad of other firms – including telecom giant Huawei – are building chip fabrication lines without restricted US equipment.
According to Dr. Handel Jones, CEO of the semiconductor consultancy International Business Strategies, “SMIC has under 5% of the foundry market and under 2% of the mid-performance foundry market, and 0% of the advanced foundry market. Targeting SMIC can have some longer-term implications for China wafer supply but the short-term impact is very low. If semiconductors are so important, the US should strengthen its capabilities rather than try and slow down China. Revenues of SMIC will be $3.9 billion in 2020, compared to revenues of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation of $46 billion. SMIC does not have any special technology and targeting SMIC will provide minimal net benefits to the US. It seems that a number of people in Washington consider that some actions are better than nothing , but reality is that the net impact is negative for the US.”
Meanwhile, Chinese firms are poaching engineers en masse. from Taiwanese foundries and American chip software firms.
Chinese fabrication plants can use a combination of Chinese, South Korean, Japanese and European fabrication equipment to produce less-efficient chips with a gateway width above the 3 to 7-nanometer chips that power high-end cell phones. Used American equipment as well as Extreme Ultraviolet lithography machines from Holland’s ASML, the world’s only provider of the highest-end etching equipment, are available on the secondary market.
Another prospective bottleneck for Chinese chip independence is the design and testing software that the whole semiconductor industry uses to create and verify chip architecture. Two American firms, Synosys and Cadence, dominate the field, and the Commerce Department last August banned Huawei from acquiring their software.
Nonetheless – or rather because of the Commerce Department ban – sales of US software design firms to China exploded during 2020. Cadence, one of the two top US firms, showed a nearly 100% gain in sales to China during the third quarter. Synosys, the other key player, does not break down its sales by country, although press statements earlier in 2020 indicate a brisk growth in China sales.

Everyone but Huawei is buying chip design software, and engineers who used to work at Huawei’s chip design subsidiary HiSilicon now work for startups, many funded by Chinese local government entities. If their designs find their way into Huawei products, that is a matter of intellectual property transfer among Chinese firms, and not subject to US restrictions.
According to some analyst projections, China’s market for electronic design automation (EDA) tools will grow at a 12% compound annual rate during the next seven years, twice as fast as the rest of the world. China’s EDA market will reach $3.9 billion by 2027, compared to a present US market of $2.8 billion. Companies like Cadence and Synopsys can’t maintain their leading position if they are excluded from the world’s fastest-growing (and soon biggest) market for their products.
That is the “parochial commercial interest” to which Rubio and McCaul referred. When China hawks in the Trump Administration first proposed a ban on Chinese purchases of US semiconductor technology a year ago, the Department of Defense objected, warning that the damage to the revenues of American equipment and software providers would stifle their research and development spending, threatening national security. President Trump initially sided with the Pentagon against the Commerce Department but switched his position after he blamed China for the Covid-19 epidemic in March.
Top executives of Synopsis and Cadence quit last year to start up EDA firms, including X-Epic, Shanghai Hejian, and Amedac. A former top manager at Synopsys China who earlier worked for cadence, Wang Libin, founded X-Epic in March 2020, at precisely the moment when the Trump Administration wheeled out restrictions on sales of US semiconductor technology to Huawei. Dr. Wang hired other top engineers from American EDA firms. Two months later another Synopsys engineer founded Shanghai Hejian with funding from the Shanghai municipal government investment fund as well as Chinese venture capitalists.
Another startup headed by a top Synopsys engineer, Amedac, opened its doors in September 2019. In this case Synopsys took a 20% stake in the firm, in partnership with China’s Academy of Sciences. As China reduces its dependence on software tools subject to control by the US government, Synopsys’ stake in Amedac is an insurance policy against its eventual loss of market share.
A number of Western commentators warn that Chinese’s ascent up the learning curve of chip design and fabrication will not be easy and that it may take years to lift Chinese capacities up to American levels. But a senior executive at a Chinese semiconductor firm commented, “These people don’t understand China. In America, everyone thinks in terms of efficiency, and efficiency means return on equity and a rising price. The Chinese don’t care about that when national security is involved. If they have to, they’ll put 10,000 engineers on a problem and work day and night until they solve it.”
The ban on US exports of high-end chips to Huawei hasn’t slowed the buildout of China’s 5G network, but it has added to the cost. As Frank Chen reported in Asia Times Dec. 2, Huawei has installed locally-made chips in its 5G ground stations, rather than the more efficient chips formerly fabricated for Huawei in Taiwan. The chips have the same functionality, but electricity usage is substantially higher.
China also has access to semiconductor fabricating equipment outside the United States, although firms like Applied Materials and LAM still dominate some segments of the complex, variegated machinery market. China sales at Tokyo Election, number three in the semiconductor equipment market by some rankings, doubled between 2018 and 2019. The US may put pressure on Tokyo Electron to limit equipment sales to China, as it did in the case of Holland’s ASML, but Japan is less likely to accept American dictates on its China trade after the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership trade pact earlier this year.

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David Lifschultz
Tel: (212) 688-8868
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