Pandemic and Rigged Election Foreign Psyop Operation || David K. Lifschultz

Operation Disclosure | By David K. Lifschultz, Contributing Writer December 6, 2020 PANDEMIC AND RIGGED ELECTION FOREIGN PSYOP OPERATION C...

Operation Disclosure | By David K. Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

December 6, 2020



Letter to X who is a former partner of George [S]oros:

I am surprised on how uncritically you accept the words of Big Pharma when they will not warranty their own vaccines. Also, the influenza vaccine has been admitted by Bill Gates to be ineffective though 200 million jabs are sold a year. A friend of mine at the Mossad said that they agree with the findings below, and that they will have a non-genetic, safe vaccine out shortly that already has passed two stages of testing. We shall evaluate it when it comes though we are skeptical. Since there really is no pandemic as we will prove later, a placebo would be best.

The moral decline of the US parallels Weimar Germany, and though the stock market has been heroically held up by Larry Fink there is serious damage to the economy as the reparations did to Germany after World War One leading to the depression between 1929 to 1933, and revolution. Ray Dalio says we are facing a potential revolution or civil war based on his historical reading of credit creation cycles. I highly recommend his studious analysis referenced below.

Post-election political estrangement has landed U.S. at ‘tipping point,’ warns world’s biggest hedge-fund manager

The key to the control of the west is in the Central Bank System. He who controls that controls the world. See our study below entitled "Goethe, Faust and the Euro" in footnote one. The Central Banks are allegedly independently run for the nations they represent, but they are controlled by private financial forces which is explained in our piece below entitled: "Who Hold The Balance of Power In The World" in footnote two. I write from personal knowledge. When I sat in these controlling councils I explained that the currency manipulations that were offshoring US industries would cause the poor to become poorer and the rich richer. For example, Mitt Romney at Bain Capital sent US industries overseas to take advantage of the lower wage structure making enormous profits but throwing Americans out of work. This could not have taken place without the currencies being rigged as I pointed out in the letter to Bob Rubin below when he was Secretary of the Treasury as the increase in dollar credits to pay for the imports would have driven the dollar down making the imports too expensive. Bob ran to number one in the deep state scared stiff as he knew me from 1987 when I ordered Goldman Sachs through my intermediary to reverse their cash settlement rig during the crash, and number one called me to say why on earth are you writing this nonentity that we had to kick upstairs as he could not run Goldman Sachs as it was beyond him other than during the Milken fixing era. Please stop which I did but answered that I wanted a written record which you can read next. It was too late to stop that as I had it in my hand. Number one said we had to yield to Wall Street pressure.

Robert Rubin Correspondence – David Lifschultz

Continued below.

If this was all, it might not have been too bad but in 1965 the immigration laws were changed as it tilted towards Europe where the wage level was high as in the US. This was not good enough for our controllers of the universe, and they wanted immigrant labor to destroy the wage level of the US working classes as in the English enclosure movement when they evicted the peasant farmers from the Dukedoms to the cities to man the dirty, unhealthy factories. This is how Adam Smith's invisible hand really works which is nothing more or less than he who controls the creation of money controls the world. So they opened up the third world to immigration in an attack on the US labouring classes the bedrock of Donald Trump's support. This was class hatred pure and simple.

Now Donald J. Trump comes along and wants to change all of this. No more immigrants to destroy the wage level and no more currency rigging. You will note that was part of his campaign for President in 2016. And he wants detente with Russia and China though in all cases as with the EU and China he wants the trade deficits to be ended and that we in the US should rebuild our industries. He made during his presidency the unprecedented announcement that he was going to reverse rig the currencies by buying the euro sending it to a dollar fifty to a dollar and all other countries who had surpluses. This would have ended all trade deficits. This caused an unprecedented uproar and he backed down under deep state pressure. Yes, the deep state controls both sides of the aisle. This is why the six media combines, Wall Street, and American business hate him. That is behind the impeachment. This constitutes economic treason as General Flynn understands. Russia was just used as the bogeyman.

We see the consequences in our burning cities, chaotic election, and the far, far right preparing for a fight to the finish letting ANTIIFA-BLM so discredit themselves burning down the cities before they pour millions of storm troopers on the streets as Ernst Rohm's three million storm troops in 1933. You are not reading their publications. The Defence Intelligence Agency General Michael Flynn warns that the consequences of the election rig will be revolution if it is not corrected as this intelligence agent knows what is happening throughout the US. The genie is out of the bottle and it may be too late already.

Larry Fink turned the stock market around using 3 trillion dollars of new Federal Reserve Credit that took a hundred years just to create between 1914-2008 900 billion dollars, and a Federal budget deficit of 3.3 trillion dollars out of a Federal budget of 4.79 trillion. This parallels my plan in 2008 though then it took a number of years to 2015 create the 3 trillion dollars in Federal Reserve Credit as the crisis was less severe. Between 1914 and 2008 we had created 900 billion dollars of credit or in about a hundred years. Today we created three trillion dollars in less than six months under Larry. And he had to based on the lockdowns which were totally unnecessary. The key is that the currency is intrinsically worthless and it does not matter how much you print as long as the aggregate money supply, that is M-3, remains constant unlike the 1929 to 1933 period when the aggregates were allowed to decline creating a depression. Fink maintained the M-3 rising from 17 trillion in April to 18.5 trillion in July. It is the question of maintaining the belief in nothing, that is the currency, and not its intrinsic value which is nothing as there is no gold behind it. When I supervised the Fed in 1987 we acted more quickly forcing the Wall St. Houses to reverse the rig in cash settlement so the implosion did not take place but they hesitated to take my advice in 2008 which became nearly impossible to get out of. Fink moved correctly this time around and with haste. Yet he was dealing with an idiotic lockdown that never should have taken place.

Federal Reserve Board - Recent balance sheet trends

What Is the Current US Federal Budget Deficit?

That does not mean that this is all over by a long shot. If you note the statistics below, the death rate has not risen this year and the allegation that corona|virus is a pandemic is a fraud. The plan seems to be that the lying about the number of cases will stop when the virus shots are forced on an unsuspecting population, and then they will say that instead of dying from the corona|virus the parties will have died from one of the comorbitities. The number of cases will plummet to what they really are which is about the same as under the influenza and we will have prosperity again as the pandemic that never was is over. In other words, influenza has nearly disappeared in the statistics, and even heart disease statistics have declined while the just created corona|virus replaced them which is unproven as it has never been isolated as indicated below. Then, the dangerous vaccination will be said to be a success and then we wait out the five years to see its aftereffects which may be horrendous.

This was a successful foreign PYSOP operation so linked to the US election and US economy, and yet the best laid plans of mice and men often come awry to paraphrase Robert Burns. This is not over until the fat lady sings in this Wagnerian opera.

With best wishes.

David K. Lifschultz

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Operation Disclosure: Pandemic and Rigged Election Foreign Psyop Operation || David K. Lifschultz
Pandemic and Rigged Election Foreign Psyop Operation || David K. Lifschultz
Operation Disclosure
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