Our "Yes" to a New World Now is What Creates it, Focusing Solstice Energy for Positive Change || Parisse Deza

Operation Disclosure | By Parisse Deza, Contributing Writer December 19, 2020 Our "Yes" To A New World Now Is What Creates It - F...

Operation Disclosure | By Parisse Deza, Contributing Writer

December 19, 2020

Our "Yes" To A New World Now Is What Creates It - Focusing Solstice Energy For Positive Change

We're in the end zone of the year 2020 now. As the last bits of its energy fade off in time, the Sun seeds a new solar year in the womb space of solstice silence and stillness. There is peace and quiet inside and out.

The 3:02 a.m. moment on Monday (MST - For your location's correct time go here: https://www.archaeoastronomy.com/2020.html ) is the bottoming-out point, but the stillness field is held for three days - Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday - as all solstices and equinoxes are alchemical empty spaces for life on Earth to reharmonize with Nature and Spirit. Then we slowly go forward, a new year unfolding. We will be in the fetal stage until Chinese New Year and the Spring Equinox, when the new year child is actually born into the world.

(For several in-depth articles of mine on solstice and equinox energies go here: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/search?q=parisse+deza )

Why This Time Is Special

The Jupiter/Saturn connection will mark the beginning of a very new time on Earth. They both, just in the last three days, entered the sign of Aquarius, so, when the solstice day happens and they reach their conjunction (their closest point in coming together as one) only a few hours later, they will be in the first degree of Aquarius, signifying that the new year starts with them vibrating the Aquarian energy of healthy global community. In the northern hemisphere you can see them in the southwest right after sunset, Jupiter very bright and Saturn to his upper left softer and farther away. They have been traveling the sky together all year, planning their meeting at a most auspicious moment.

Jupiter is the Heaven force and Saturn the Earth force; they balance and empower each other. Saturn, always very practical, says, "Let's make a form to last that does some good," and Jupiter says, "Let's expand to higher levels. Let's see bigger. Let's see what's possible." So Jupiter is the visionary architect here, and Saturn is the down-to-Earth builder. They are both thinking in Aquarian terms now, so what they (We) design and build together will be freedom-and-unity-based. 2021 promises to be a very New Age year.

A Note on Saturn and Jupiter

Saturn is still looked at as a hard planet to deal with, and there are some people spreading false information about it, connecting it with dark energy and dark beings. Sadly, David Icke, who is a great researcher and spokesperson for freedom, has been one of those misguided on this issue. Saturn, in all alchemical schools I've come across, is regarded extremely highly. It is considered to be a higher vibration of the Earth and a doorway to the Sun's stellar energy. Saturn takes the 880 volts of the stars that are focused through the Sun and transforms them down to 220 we can use as power on Earth. This is why it is known as a planet who embodies structures, things that last through time. It wants to make healthy structures, forms, and systems for us to use - "use" being the key word for Saturn and its home sign Capricorn. Capricorn is about managing energy and the virtue associated with them both is wisdom.

Jupiter, on the other hand is associated with Sagittarius and seeks to expand through visionary, spiritual thinking. In astrology, whatever Jupiter touches it expands. So when Saturn and Jupiter get together, they talk about how to create forms that last which will expand our experience down here on Earth. Jupiter blesses us with Heaven's inspiration. Saturn blesses us with healthy structures.

Something Potent You Can Do To Create The New Year

Sitting in emptiness for prolonged periods of time now is the single most powerful thing we can do to align with the new energies and let go of the old.

But, you can also do a little ceremonial work that can go a long, long way because the human psyche loves ritual. Ritual is creative play.

Make a list of something, or all the things, you wish to see swirl down the drain forever, and make a list of everything you want to become real instead. Sometime on the central day of solstice set up a sacred area that helps you concentrate your energy, get very quiet and sit or stand in that quiet for a while. Breathe. Breathe in new energy; breathe out old energy. Feel the relationship between you and the old things. As you build up the momentum with the breathing start breathing out the things on the list going down the drain. Imagine them leaving in some way that is natural for you. They could swirl down the drain, go up in fire and smoke, get blown away by the wind, or dematerialize energetically by the hand of higher forces. They are a "give-away" to the Universe, so when you give them away, let them go, don't labor it. Then you can physically torch the list, tear it up, or flush it, or even bury it to be composted. Be natural. Be direct. Know that your actions are directions to the Universe that you believe in.

Then take your list of new creations and dwell on that. See them real. See them now. Feel them and breathe into them so they glow and get colorful and full of life. Walk into them and enjoy the feeling. Amplify it. Spin it around you. Be visual and auditory, sensual. Be a Child. Get your neuronets firing on all cylinders for the experience and then let it go too. Done. It's in the mail.

The last thing on my own ongoing list of things to create is, "Bringing humanity into a new age of unity, peace, prosperity, freedom, and love." I suggest we all think globally now and realize that this is the direction the Universe is going anyway.

Teaching Our Neurology
"You have to tell your neurology what you want it to do." -Dr. Richard Bandler
Using tools like an actual candle and incense (sage is great for cleansing and releasing) and images of holy people or places and the things you want to have will amplify your actions. We have to make the magic real to the subconscious, to the personality, and everyone has different ways of being. Identify what is powerful to your own psyche and use those modalities. What turns you on? What connects you with Source energy? (For great reading on how to talk to your psychology and change your experience read Richard Bandler's book, Get The Life You Want. He is the father of NLP, Neurolinguistic programming, and an amazing guy. The book is super simple and effective.)

How We'll Remember The Year 2020

The year 2020 will probably go down in history as "The Year of Great Fraud". Between the covid fraud and the election fraud exposing the unbelievable amount of global corruption, tyranny, and generally heinous satanic behavior, we have something great to look forward to this coming year. Aquarius is being revealed now, energized by the cosmic forces that want us to live on Earth in peace and happiness, and they are not putting up with psychopathy anymore. Humanity is being forced to wake up through the pain of being sat on by very dark forces. Those of us who work to change the field of energy are responsible to hold the focus of this great change while enough people make the internal decision, whether they are aware of it or not, to have a better world. We are seeing more "Yeses" now than ever before. Saying "Yes" to life and freedom is what it is taking to enable the change to happen. It was the internal "Yes" of enough people that enabled Donald Trump to enter the presidency and steer humanity in a healthy direction and it will take more "Yes-ing" to continue the momentum through to its completion, which is a free world. The American Revolution was not won by the Colonists. We have been stuck in it, our freedom held in suspended animation all this time, because our group consciousness wasn't ready, wasn't mature enough. We didn't love ourselves and value ourselves enough yet. We are completing the revolution now, and America is going to be birthed in truth and light because that is what we choose to have.

Happy New Age New Year to All.

Parisse Deza is a new age Renaissance man, a visionary with 47 years experience in self-cultivation arts, who calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, artist, writer, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona since December, 2015. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of absolute personal freedom in relationship with all Life.

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Operation Disclosure: Our "Yes" to a New World Now is What Creates it, Focusing Solstice Energy for Positive Change || Parisse Deza
Our "Yes" to a New World Now is What Creates it, Focusing Solstice Energy for Positive Change || Parisse Deza
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