Situation Update, Dec. 28th – Orbital weapons platforms reveal Trump is in a WAR much bigger than any election Monday, December 28, 2020 by:...

Situation Update, Dec. 28th – Orbital weapons platforms reveal Trump is in a WAR much bigger than any election
Monday, December 28, 2020
by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) It is now increasingly clear that the explosion in Nashville was not caused by an RV bomb, nor a conventional missile but rather a “Directed Energy Weapon.”
The evidence for this includes:
- Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper warning in September that China possessed “killer satellites” and “directed energy weapons” that could threaten the United States.
- The apparent missile “trail” in the skyline video of Nashville, which is also consistent with a stream of ionized atmosphere and particular matter suspended in the air. (High-powered lasers can transform molecules into plasma.)
- The large blue “plasma flash” observed on a street-level video camera, an instant before the kinetic explosion. This blue plasma light is consistent with the use of an extremely high-powered, high-altitude laser system that instantly transforms solid matter into its plasma state. This same technology has been used in pilot programs to transform landfill waste into simple elements such as carbon. This process is called “plasma torch gasification” and is considered a “green” technology to eliminate landfill by transforming matter into carbon.
- Interestingly, this “plasma torch gasification” process, which can also be created by an extremely powerful laser burst, releases huge amounts of hydrogen gas, which is itself explosive in a conventional (chemical) sense. What an observer would see is first a bright blue plasma light, followed by a yellow fireball, followed by black carbon dust all over the ground, and this is what we observe in Nashville.
- The fact that no explosion crater appeared on the street under the RV, but rather a layer of charred carbon, which is consistent with the aftermath of a plasma state caused by an energy weapon (most likely a laser used for ablation of samples in the laboratory, which would typically be a laser in the 198nm range, or what is called “Deep-UV”. Some ablation lasers also use 266nm.)
- The US State Dept. has warned that Russia is already testing an anti-satellite missile, which is part of Russia’s defense against the orbital laser weapons possessed by China and the United States.
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